Costa Rica
Name of law: Decreto Ejecutivo N. 40200-MP-MEIC-MC
First adopted: 2017
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a
First adopted: 2017
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a
Costa Rica's law is of average strength, with decent scores in the area of scope and requesting procedures. However, other areas need a lot more work, particularly the law's | Section | Points | Max score |
1 | Right of Access | 3 | 6 |
2 | Scope | 23 | 30 |
3 | Requesting Procedures | 19 | 28 |
4 | Exceptions & Refusal | 2 | 30 |
5 | Appeals | 16 | 30 |
6 | Sanctions & Protections | 4 | 8 |
7 | Promotional Measures | 4 | 16 |
∑ = 71 | ∑ = 148 |
Section | I | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Findings | Points | Article | Comments |
1. Right of Access |
1 | The legal framework (including jurisprudence) recognises a fundamental right of access to information. | Score 0 for no constitutional right to information, 1 point for a limited constitutional right, 2 points for full constitutional recognition of a public right of access to information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Artículo 27.- Se garantiza la libertad de petición, en forma individual o colectiva, ante cualquier funcionario público o entidad oficial, y el derecho a obtener pronta resolución. 30. Se garantiza el libre acceso a los departamentos administrativos con propósitos de información sobre asuntos de interés público. Quedan a salvo los secretos de Estado. | The Constitutional guarantee has also been affirmed by a range of Court decisions. However, the carve out for State Secrets, which is potentially expansive, and the fact that only information on matters of public interest is covered, together cost 1 point. |
1. Right of Access |
2 | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | One point given because the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court supports this reading. However, this presumption only exists if the information is on matters of public interest, resulting in one point instead of two. See jurisprudence summarised and |
1. Right of Access |
3 | The legal framework contains a specific statement of principles calling for a broad interpretation of the RTI law. The legal framework emphasises the benefits of the right to information. | One point for each characteristic. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Preamble. Considerando: I.- Que el artículo 30 de la Constitución Política consagra el derecho fundamental de acceso a la información pública de la siguiente manera: "Se garantiza el libre acceso a los departamentos administrativos con propósitos de información sobre asuntos de interés público. Quedan a salvo los secretos de Estado". II.-Que la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, en su vasta jurisprudencia, ha interpretado el artículo 30 de la Constitución Política como el derecho de obtener y difundir información de naturaleza pública, siendo un elemento esencial de la organización democrática costarricense, para garantizar la transparencia y la publicidad en la función pública. III.- Que en el contexto del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, el derecho humano de acceso a la información pública está ampliamente tutelado mediante diversos instrumentos, principalmente en el artículo 13 de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos y en los Principios sobre el derecho de acceso a la información de la Organización de Estados Americanos (resolución CJI/RES.147 del 7 de agosto de 2008). ....IX.- Que el Estado está llamado a efectuar todas aquellas acciones necesarias para resguardar el derecho de acceso a la información pública, entendido como un derecho democrático esencial para afianzar la gobernanza, el principio de transparencia, la rendición de cuentas y la participación ciudadana. El Gobierno de la República está comprometido a dar los pasos necesarios para fortalecer decisivamente el derecho a la información pública en todas sus manifestaciones, como herramienta indispensable para el logro de una sociedad abierta y transparente. Por tanto; 1.- Objetivo. El presente Decreto tiene por objeto que el Estado garantice el cumplimiento efectivo del derecho humano de acceso a la información pública, de forma proactiva, oportuna, oficiosa, completa y accesible. | |
2. Scope |
4 | Everyone (including non-citizens and legal entities) has the right to file requests for information. | Score 0 point if only residents/citizens; 1 point for all natural persons; 1 point for legal persons. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | The Decree itself is not perfectly clear. However, Constitutional jurisprudence refers to all persons having this right ("toda persona o todo administrado"). Although other decisions refer to all citizens it appears this is not meant in a strict formal sense in terms of legal citizenship. See jurisprudence compiled at Article 1 of the Law on the right of petition (under Article 27 of the constitution) says "todo ciudadano, independientemente de su nacionalidad" and that the right can be exercised individually or collectively ( It appears juridical persons as well as natural ones are included; the jurisprudence suggests legal persons included (see, e.g., Res. 4435-2005, |
2. Scope |
5 | The right of access applies to all material held by or on behalf of public authorities which is recorded in any format, regardless of who produced it. | Score 1-3 points if limited definition of information information such as not "internal documents" or databases excluded, 4 points for all information with no exceptions. | 4 | YES | 4 | 2.- Definiciones. Para efectos del presente Decreto se entenderá por:...b. Información de acceso público: cualquier tipo de dato que sea generado o resguardado por quien ejerza una función o potestad pública y que no tenga su acceso restringido por ley. | There is also constitutional jurisprudence suggesting the right includes information regardless of format. Res. 136-2003 del 15 enero del 2003 as excerpted at |
2. Scope |
6 | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2.- Definiciones. Para efectos del presente Decreto se entenderá por:...b. Información de acceso público: cualquier tipo de dato que sea generado o resguardado por quien ejerza una función o potestad pública y que no tenga su acceso restringido por ley. | "cualquier tipo de dato" as part of the definition for information suggests this |
2. Scope |
7 | The right of access applies to the executive branch with no bodies or classes of information excluded.This includes executive (cabinet) and administration including all ministries, departments, local government, public schools, public health care bodies, the police, the armed forces, security services, and bodies owned or controlled by the above. | Score 4 points for central government agencies covered: 1 for the head of state, 1 for ministries, 1 for other non-statutory agencies created by the ministries, 1 for state and local government if the government is unitary. If it´s a federalist system, 2 points for the non-statutory agencies. This can be determined by examining the length and thoroughness of the list, if such a schedule exists. Score 1 point for the archives. Add three points and deduct 1 for each exempted central agency (such as the armed forces, police, etc). | 8 | YES | 8 | N/A | Seems the Court reads the Constitutional protection to apply expansively including to local government but it is not clear how much Decree 40200 itself applies to local institutions. Given benefit of the doubt, partly because jurisprudence indicates a wide range of entities are subject to the obligation to provide information. |
2. Scope |
8 | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | N/A | The legislature is not included but the legislature has its own protocol which provides for access to information for its entities. 2 points are given for this because it includes key components similarly to Decree 40200 such as a basic procedural framework for submitting requests, timelines, etc. - |
2. Scope |
9 | The right of access applies to the judicial branch, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all judicial branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Appears not to include judiciary but this is not clear; the Constitutional Court seems to see the constitutional obligation as applying broadly but it seems unlikely that Decree 40200 itself would apply to the judiciary. |
2. Scope |
10 | The right of access applies to State-owned enterprises (commercial entities that are owned or controlled by the State). | Score 1 point if some, 2 points if all | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | The decentralised public institutions are covered by Directriz Ejecutiva N 073-MP-MEIC-MC ( It appears state owned enterprises fall into this category (see list at Also, Constitutional Court decisions have said that public enterprises are subject to right to information obligations. Some question about the coverage of the decrees for all these institutions, and Executive Directive 073 isn't as detailed as Executive Decree 40200, but enough for 2 points (especially given that petition is an option even if the procedures in the decrees don't directly apply). |
2. Scope |
11 | The right of access applies to other public authorities, including constitutional, statutory and oversight bodies (such as an election commission or information commission/er). | Score 1 point if some bodies, 2 points if all | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | The decentralised public institutions are covered by Directriz Ejecutiva N 073-MP-MEIC-MC. These include some autonomous and semi-autonomous bodies but does not appear to comprehensively cover all those falling under this indicator. |
2. Scope |
12 | The right of access applies to a) private bodies that perform a public function and b) private bodies that receive significant public funding. | 1 point for public functions, 1 point for public funding | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Affirmed by Constitutional jurisprudence. See Res. 3795-2002 del 24 de abril del 2002 ("Ahora bien, si la empresa recurrida capta dinero de los administrados por los servicios públicos que presta, es de interés público también conocer cómo se administran esos dinero) and Res. 3795-2002 del 24 de abril del 2002 as excerpted at Also see the full list here of decentralised public institutions covered by Directriz Ejecutiva 073: |
3. Requesting Procedures |
13 | Requesters are not required to provide reasons for their requests. | Y/N answer 0 or 2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Requisitos. La solicitud de acceso a la información pública requerirá que la persona brinde la descripción clara de lo que se solicita y señale un medio para recibir notificaciones. En caso de no describirse con claridad lo solicitado, en el plazo de 3 días contado a partir de la recepción de la petición, el funcionario encargado deberá requerir al solicitante que subsane dicho requisito y para ello, contará con el plazo de 5 días hábiles a partir de la notificación de la prevención. En caso que, una persona presente barreras para la formulación de la solicitud de información, la Administración a la que se dirige la petición, brindará la ayuda necesaria al petente, sin discriminación alguna. | Not expressly forbidden but the Constitutional Court has also affirmed this (Resolución n.° 8121-1997 del 28 de noviembre de 1997, " En todo caso la regla es que la información que consta en las dependencias administrativas es pública, de manera que a ella tiene acceso toda persona que así lo requiera, sin que sea necesario que exprese el motivo por el cual lo pide.") As excerpted at . See also Res. 7918-1999 and several other cases cited at ("....a autoridad recurrida no debe condicionar la respuesta de la petición con el hecho de que se informe para qué fines se requiere la información) |
3. Requesting Procedures |
14 | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Requisitos. La solicitud de acceso a la información pública requerirá que la persona brinde la descripción clara de lo que se solicita y señale un medio para recibir notificaciones... | Decree itself seems to suggest only a description of the information and a means for receiving notifications is necessary. There is a decision stating that a signature is necessary in accordance with Art. 285 of the General Law on Public Administration (Res. 16758-2006,; Law available at Art. 285 also requires giving a residence, but it does not seem to require a specific residential address. Also, unclear how much the procedures in the General Law are relevant now that a specific Decree is in place (already seems there was some debate about the appropriateness of applying this law to access to information, as raised in the dissent in this case). Either way, full points given. |
3. Requesting Procedures |
15 | There are clear and relatively simple procedures for making requests. Requests may be submitted by any means of communication, with no requirement to use official forms or to state that the information is being requested under the access to information law. | Max 2 points. Considerations include that there is no requirement to state that the request is under the RTI law, nor to use an official form, nor to identify the document being sought. | 2 | YES | 2 | 11. Facilidades electrónicas. Cada institución del Estado deberá contar con un correo electrónico oficial y procura crear un formulario específico y accesible en la página electrónica institucional, con la finalidad de que sean utilizados como medios para formular y atender las solicitudes de información. . . | While institutions are required to create forms, the wording suggests that their use is not mandatory. The Constitutional Court has said that exercising the right under Article 30 of the Constitution must be allowed in verbal formal and not only in writing. Resolución n.° 14306-2012 del 12 de octubre del 2012 as excerpted at It has also found that when the authority required the requester to specifically identity the document, this was improper. Res. 11523-2006, as excerpted at It also has said that the use of a sole means of submitting requests is not allowable; any means should be permissible. Res. 6131-2010 as excerpted at |
3. Requesting Procedures |
17 | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Requisitos….En caso que, una persona presente barreras para la formulación de la solicitud de información, la Administración a la que se dirige la petición, brindará la ayuda necesaria al petente, sin discriminación alguna. | General language imposing obligation to assist persons facing barriers, without discrimination, is enough for 2 points. |
3. Requesting Procedures |
18 | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 4. Acuse de recibido. El funcionario que reciba la solicitud de información pública deberá extender inmediatamente un comprobante de acuse de recibido, con indicación de la fecha de recibo de la solicitud, nombre de quien la recibe y la unidad receptora. Este comprobante deberá extenderse de forma escrita, sea física o electrónica, a través del medio indicado por el solicitante para recibir notificaciones, según el artículo 3 de este decreto. | "immediately" must provide receipt which is enough for 2 points even without a maximum time frame |
3. Requesting Procedures |
19 | Clear and appropriate procedures are in place for situations where the authority to which a request is directed does not have the requested information. This includes an obligation to inform the requester that the information is not held and to refer the requester to another institution or to transfer the request where the public authority knows where the information is held. | Score: 1 point for information not held, 1 for referrals or 2 for transfers | 2 | YES | 1 | 6. Aplicación del principio de coordinación. Cuando el funcionario encargado determine que no posee competencia para atender la solicitud de información pública y en su lugar, le corresponde a otra autoridad pública de la misma institución, atendiendo al principio de coordinación deberá trasladar la solicitud ante el funcionario competente, en el plazo tres días hábiles a partir del momento en que tuvo conocimiento de la necesidad de traslado. Si el funcionario encargado concluye que lo requerido no es de su competencia institucional, deberá rechazar la petición por acto motivado. Si tiene conocimiento de la autoridad externa competente para brindar la información pública, deberá remitir la solicitud a la institución correspondiente en el plazo tres días hábiles a partir del momento en que se tuvo conocimiento de la incompetencia. En caso de que la solicitud de información sea trasladada a lo interno de la institución, el plazo establecido en el artículo 5° de este Decreto continúa rigiendo según la fecha de recepción de la solicitud de información pública. | Loses a point for lack of clear requirement to notify requester when transfering the request |
3. Requesting Procedures |
20 | Public authorities are required to comply with requesters’ preferences regarding how they access information, subject only to clear and limited overrides (e.g. to protect a record). | Score: 2 points for Yes, only 1 point if some limitations | 2 | NO | 0 | Artículo 2°.- Definiciones. Para efectos del presente Decreto se entenderá por: a. Accesibilidad: disponibilidad de la información pública tanto en medios manuales como electrónicos, en formatos accesibles y abiertos para todas las personas, que permite un ejercicio ágil y eficiente del derecho de acceso a la información. 11. Facilidades electrónicas....Asimismo, en caso que la información pública sea solicitada electrónicamente o en formato abierto, deberá ser brindada al solicitante de tal manera que garantice su accesibilidad…. | The focus is on the accessibility of the information rather than on the format requested by the applicant. While the Constitutional Court has indicated that the requester can choose the format of receiving information, in the context of discussing the digital divide and the need to not only provide information electronically, it has other decisions which say if the authority only has a physical document, no obligation to provide it to the requester in electronic format (i.e. scan it themselves), and that there is no obligation to mail a response where the document is available at offices. Overall, combined with no clear procedure or guidance laid out in the Decree itself, results in 0 points. See Res. 12804-2009; Res. 4723-2010; Res. 494-2012, all as excerpted at |
3. Requesting Procedures |
21 | Public authorities are required to respond to requests as soon as possible. | Score: No=0, Yes=2 points | 2 | NO | 1 | 2. Definiciones. Para efectos del presente Decreto se entenderá por: … c. Información pública preconstituida: cualquier información pública solicitada que sea de fácil entrega, debido a la simplicidad de su trámite, y que la institución pública pueda brindar de forma inmediata. 5. Plazo de respuesta. . . . En caso de tratarse de información pública preconstituida, la autoridad pública deberá brindar lo solicitado de forma inmediata. | No such provision but 1 point given because easily attainable information should be granted immediately, and because there is some constitutional jurisprudence supporting that a response should be immediate or at least in a reasonable period. See Res. 3194-2013 as excerpted in |
3. Requesting Procedures |
22 | There are clear and reasonable maximum timelines (20 working days or less) for responding to requests, regardless of the manner of satisfying the request (including through publication). | Score: 1 point for timeframes of 20 working days (or 1 month, 30 days or 4 weeks). Score 2 points for 10 working days (or 15 days, or two weeks) or less. | 2 | YES | 2 | 5. Plazo de respuesta. La solicitud de información pública debe ser resuelta en el plazo máximo de diez días hábiles, contado a partir de la fecha de recepción de la solicitud. Si debido a la complejidad de lo requerido, la autoridad pública necesita un plazo mayor para atender la gestión, deberá informar al solicitante en el plazo inicial de los diez días hábiles con la debida justificación e indicando de cuánto será la ampliación, que deberá ser razonable, proporcional y no podrá exceder de forma excepcional el plazo de un mes. Si se realiza la prevención contemplada en el artículo 3°, el plazo para atender la solicitud comenzará a regir a partir del momento en que el funcionario encargado tenga por cumplida la prevención. En caso de tratarse de información pública preconstituida, la autoridad pública deberá brindar lo solicitado de forma inmediata. | |
3. Requesting Procedures |
23 | There are clear limits on timeline extensions (20 working days or less), including a requirement that requesters be notified and provided with the reasons for the extension. | - | 2 | YES | 2 | 7. Costo de la reproducción. El costo de la reproducción de la información pública solicitada será de cuenta del solicitante, a quien deberá comunicarse dicha circunstancia. Tales gastos no podrán exceder el costo de reproducción y de envío, en caso necesario. El funcionario encargado procurará reducir el costo al mínimo. | Will not exceed 1 month and requesters must be informed (this is affirmed in jurisprudence too). |
3. Requesting Procedures |
24 | It is free to file requests. | Score: No=0, Yes=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 7. Costo de la reproducción. El costo de la reproducción de la información pública solicitada será de cuenta del solicitante, a quien deberá comunicarse dicha circunstancia. Tales gastos no podrán exceder el costo de reproducción y de envío, en caso necesario. El funcionario encargado procurará reducir el costo al mínimo. | Not specifically stated but clear enough from fact that costs are limited to reproduction and delivery costs. |
3. Requesting Procedures |
25 | There are clear rules relating to access fees, which are set centrally, rather than being determined by individual public authorities. These include a requirement that fees be limited to the cost of reproducing and sending the information (so that inspection of documents and electronic copies are free) and that a certain initial number of pages (at least 20) are provided for free. | Score 1 point for fees being limited to reproduction and delivery costs and set centrally, 1 point for at least 20 pages free of charge or for fees being optional | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7. Costo de la reproducción. El costo de la reproducción de la información pública solicitada será de cuenta del solicitante, a quien deberá comunicarse dicha circunstancia. Tales gastos no podrán exceder el costo de reproducción y de envío, en caso necesario. El funcionario encargado procurará reducir el costo al mínimo. | Limited to reproduction and delivery costs but not clear set centrally and no free pages. A large number of constitutional cases also take this approach. |
3. Requesting Procedures |
26 | There are fee waivers for impecunious requesters. | - | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Res. 17235-2008 indicates there may be exceptional circumstances where the authority should bear the cost. (see excerpt at But no points are given for this because no more specific procedure is established for this in the Decree and unlikely to be meaningfully realised without clear guidance. |
3. Requesting Procedures |
27 | There are no limitations on or charges for reuse of information received from public bodies, except where a third party (which is not a public authority) holds a legally-protected copyright over the information. | Score: No=0, Yes=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
28 | The standards in the RTI Law trump restrictions on information disclosure (secrecy provisions) in other legislation to the extent of any conflict. | Score 4 points for a resounding "yes" and 1/2/3 points if only for some classes of information or for some exceptions. If the state secrets law is not trumped by the RTI law max score is 2 points. | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | No - State secrets exempted at Constitutional level. Although there is no law on state secrets presumably if one were enacted it would trump the RTI decree. Since the exceptions are articulated in constitutional jurisprudence rather than the decree, arguably they could trump other laws based on a constitutional status, but this is not consistently clear enough to earn points. |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
29 | The exceptions to the right of access are consistent with international standards. Permissible exceptions are: national security; international relations; public health and safety; the prevention, investigation and prosecution of legal wrongs; privacy; legitimate commercial and other economic interests; management of the economy; fair administration of justice and legal advice privilege; conservation of the environment; and legitimate policy making and other operations of public authorities. | Score 10 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which either (a) falls outside of this list and/or (b) is more broadly framed | 10 | NO | 0 | N/A | The Constitution, as interpreted by the courts, excepts State secrets. In addition the Constituional Court has recognised additional exceptions, such as for public order and public morality, based on general grounds for restricting fundamental rights in the Constitution. It has also found other exceptions to be valid based on other laws or rights, such as exceptions for privacy and commercial secrets. It has also recognised a general category where information may be withheld if it is generally not in the public interest to disclose it. There is no proper exceptions regime in Decree 40600 itself. Overall, the jurisprudence is not enough to create an exceptions regime, because it does not clearly establish a closed/limited set of exceptions and authorities would have significant discretion to interpret in practice. So even though the jurisprudence sets some limits and guidance, 0 points awarded. (The Constitutional Cout has addressed exceptions including the following: privacy, national security, territorial integrity, juridical security, defense of the State, prevention of crime, judicial impartiality, public order, public health, public morality, State secrets, commercial secrets, personal data, information that is not in the public interest, environmental information, public security, external relations, confidential information, administrative investigation, criminal investigations). |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
30 | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Seems there is a general category of information where disclosure would harm the public interest rather than a harm test to be applied to each exception. Courts do not seem to apply a harm test when interpreting exceptions. See jurisprudence consolidated at |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
31 | There is a mandatory public interest override so that information must be disclosed where this is in the overall public interest, even if this may harm a protected interest. There are ‘hard’ overrides (which apply absolutely), for example for information about human rights, corruption or crimes against humanity. | Consider whether the override is subject to overarching limitations, whether it applies to only some exceptions, and whether it is mandatory. | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Instead of a public interest override there is a preliminary scope issue where the Constitution protects the right to information on matters of public interest. There is significant jurisprudence on what constitutes public interest which should provide some protection for core types of public interest information. However, these do not appear to function as an override (i.e., if a something was still a state secret it presumably would not be disclosed) so no points awarded. (See summaries of different categories here: |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
32 | Information must be released as soon as an exception ceases to apply (for example, after a contract tender process decision has been taken). The law contains a clause stating that exceptions to protect public interests do not apply to information which is over 20 years old. | Score 1 point for each | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
33 | Clear and appropriate procedures are in place for consulting with third parties who provided information which is the subject of a request on a confidential basis. Public authorities shall take into account any objections by third parties when considering requests for information, but third parties do not have veto power over the release of information. | Score: 1 point for consultation, 1 further point if original time frames must be respected and the law allows for expedited appeals. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
34 | There is a severability clause so that where only part of a record is covered by an exception the remainder must be disclosed. | Score 1 point if yes but sometimes can be refused (eg: if deletions render meaningless the document) and 2 points if partial access must always be granted | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not clearly stated in Decree 40200 but 1 point given because Constitutional Court decisions have affirmed the principle that when some information is confidential the rest should be disclosed with an explanation. See Res. 952-2006 del 31 de enero del 2006 and Res. 5747-2013 del 26 de abril del 2013, as excerpted at; Res. 6513-2006 del 12 de mayo del 2006 and Res. 3849-2013 del 22 de marzo del 2013, as excerpted at |
4. Exceptions & Refusal |
35 | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 6. Aplicación del principio de coordinación. Cuando el funcionario encargado determine que no posee competencia para atender la solicitud de información pública y en su lugar, le corresponde a otra autoridad pública de la misma institución, atendiendo al principio de coordinación deberá trasladar la solicitud ante el funcionario competente, en el plazo tres días hábiles a partir del momento en que tuvo conocimiento de la necesidad de traslado. Si el funcionario encargado concluye que lo requerido no es de su competencia institucional, deberá rechazar la petición por acto motivado. | Reasons must also be given per decisions of the Constitutional Court. See, e.g., Res. 8422-2004 30 de julio del 2004 as excerpted in No mention of informing the applicant of the appeals procedure. |
5. Appeals |
36 | The law offers an internal appeal which is simple, free of charge and completed within clear timelines (20 working days or less). | Score 2 points if the internal appeal fulfills these criteria, 1 point if an appeal is offered that does not fulfill this criteria, 0 for no internal appeals. | 2 | YES | 2 | 8. Dilación indebida. Cuando haya transcurrido el plazo contemplado en el artículo 5 de este Decreto sin obtener la información pública solicitada, la persona interesada podrá presentar ante el Oficial de Acceso a la Información establecido en este Decreto, la queja respectiva para la atención de la omisión de su interés. Lo anterior, sin perjuicio de los recursos administrativos o jurisdiccionales que confiere el ordenamiento. 10. Plazo para resolver el recurso de apelación. El solicitante podrá formular el recurso administrativo correspondiente contra el rechazo total o parcial de su solicitud de información pública ante la autoridad institucional respectiva, en el plazo de tres días hábiles, contado a partir de la notificación de la denegatoria. La autoridad administrativa competente tendrá el plazo de ocho días hábiles para resolver el recurso planteado, contado a partir de la recepción del escrito. | |
5. Appeals |
37 | Requesters have the right to lodge an (external) appeal with an independent administrative oversight body (e.g. an information commission or ombudsman). | 1 for partial, 2 for yes | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
5. Appeals |
38 | The member(s) of the oversight body are appointed in a manner that is protected against political interference and have security of tenure so that they are protected against arbitrary dismissal (procedurally/substantively) once appointed. | Score: 1 point for appointment procedure, 1 point for security of tenure | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
5. Appeals |
39 | The oversight body reports to and has its budget approved by the parliament, or other effective mechanisms are in place to protect its financial independence. | Score 1 point for reports to parliament, 1 point for budget approved by parliament | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
5. Appeals |
40 | There are prohibitions on individuals with strong political connections from being appointed to this body and requirements of professional expertise. | Score 1 point for not politically connected, 1 point for professional expertise | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
5. Appeals |
41 | The independent oversight body has the necessary mandate and power to perform its functions, including to review classified documents and inspect the premises of public bodies. | Score 1 point for reviewing classified documents, 1 point for inspection powers | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
5. Appeals |
42 | The decisions of the independent oversight body are binding. | Score N=0, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
5. Appeals |
43 | In deciding an appeal, the independent oversight body has the power to order appropriate remedies for the requester, including the declassification of information. | 1 for partial, 2 for fully | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
5. Appeals |
44 | Requesters have the right to lodge a judicial appeal. | 1 for partially, 2 for fully. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Writ of amparo is available for violations of Articles 27 and 30 of the Constitution. Relevant jurisprudence summarised here: The Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional also specifically mentions that amparo is available under Article 27 petitions if 10 working days pass without a reply unless another time period for answering has been signalled. |
5. Appeals |
45 | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional. 38. En el recurso de amparo se expresará, con la mayor claridad posible, el hecho o la omisión que lo motiva, el derecho que se considera violado o amenazado, el nombre del servidor público o del órgano autor de la amenaza o del agravio, y las pruebas de cargo. No será indispensable citar la norma constitucional infringida, siempre que se determine claramente el derecho lesionado, salvo que se invoque un instrumento internacional. El recurso no está sujeto a otras formalidades ni requerirá autenticación. Podrá plantearse por memorial, telegrama u otro medio de comunicación que se manifieste por escrito, para lo cual se gozará de franquicia telegráfica. | Amparo procedures are designed to be accessible and are not subject to strict formalities; no attorney is necessary. Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional: |
5. Appeals |
46 | The grounds for an external appeal are broad (including not only refusals to provide information but also refusals to provide information in the form requested, administrative silence and other breach of timelines, charging excessive fees, etc.). | Score 1 point for appealing refusals, additional points for appealing other violations. | 4 | YES | 4 | Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional. 29. El recurso de amparo garantiza los derechos y libertades fundamentales a que se refiere esta ley, salvo los protegidos por el de hábeas corpus. Procede el recurso contra toda disposición, acuerdo o resolución y, en general, contra toda acción, omisión o simple actuación material no fundada en un acto administrativo eficaz, de los servidores y órganos públicos, que haya violado, viole o amenace violar cualquiera de aquellos derechos. El amparo procederá no sólo contra los actos arbitrarios, sino también contra las actuaciones u omisiones fundadas en normas erróneamente interpretadas o indebidamente aplicadas. 30. No procede el amparo: a) Contra las leyes u otras disposiciones normativas salvo cuando se impugnen conjuntamente con actos de aplicación individual de aquellas, o cuando se trate de normas de acción automática, de manera que sus preceptos resulten obligatorios inmediatamente por su sola promulgación, sin necesidad de otras normas o actos que los desarrollen o los hagan aplicables al perjudicado. b) Contra las resoluciones y actuaciones jurisdiccionales del Poder Judicial. c) Contra los actos que realicen las autoridades administrativas al ejecutar resoluciones judiciales, siempre que esos actos se efectúen con sujeción a lo que fue encomendado por la respectiva autoridad judicial. ch) Cuando la acción u omisión hubiere sido legítimamente consentida por la persona agraviada. d) Contra los actos o disposiciones del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones en materia electoral. | Extensive jurisprudence shows wide range of grounds an amparo claim can be brought on. Seems there are some limits for violations of timelines in non-constitutional procedures in which case ordinary administrative proceedings would apply instead of amparo, but seems the 10 days requirement at least is sufficiently constitutionalised to avoid this restriction. See Res. 6728-2013 excerpted at |
5. Appeals |
47 | Clear procedures, including timelines, are in place for dealing with external appeals. | Score 1 point for clear procedures, 1 point for timelines. | 2 | YES | 2 | Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional | See Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional Articles 29-56, which cover the writ of amparo procedure. |
5. Appeals |
48 | In the appeal process, the government bears the burden of demonstrating that it did not operate in breach of the rules. | Score Y/N and award 2 points for yes. | 2 | YES | 2 | Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional. 43. Cuando no fuere del caso rechazar de plano o resolver interlocutoriamente el recurso, se le pedirá informe al órgano o al servidor que se indique como autor del agravio, amenaza u omisión, lo que se hará por el medio escrito más rápido posible. Al ordenarse el informe, se podrá también pedir el expediente administrativo o la documentación en que consten los antecedentes del asunto. La omisión injustificada de enviar esas piezas al tribunal acarreará responsabilidad por desobediencia. Si el recurso se dirigiere contra un órgano colegiado, el informe y las piezas se pedirán a su Presidente; si se tratare del Poder Ejecutivo o de un Ministerio, al Ministro respectivo, y si se tratare del Consejo de Gobierno, al Ministro de la Presidencia. | Procedurally the authority will need to prepare a report in amparo cases which suggests that effectively the burden lies with the government. Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional: |
5. Appeals |
49 | The external appellate body has the power to impose appropriate structural measures on the public authority (e.g. to conduct more training or to engage in better records management) | 1 for partial, 2 for fully. | 2 | YES | 2 | Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional. 49. Cuando el acto impugnado sea de carácter positivo, la sentencia que conceda el amparo tendrá por objeto restituir o garantizar al agraviado en el pleno goce de su derecho, y restablecer las cosas al estado que guardaban antes de la violación, cuando fuere posible. Si el amparo hubiere sido establecido para que una autoridad reglamente, cumpla o ejecute lo que una ley u otra disposición normativa ordena, dicha autoridad tendrá dos meses para cumplir con la prevención. Cuando lo impugnado hubiere sido la denegación de un acto o una omisión, la sentencia ordenará realizarlo, para lo cual se otorgará un plazo prudencial perentorio. Si se hubiere tratado de una mera conducta o actuación material, o de una amenaza, se ordenará su inmediata cesación, así como evitar toda nueva violación o amenaza, perturbación o restricción semejante. En todo caso, la Sala establecerá los demás efectos de la sentencia para el caso concreto. 53. Firme la sentencia que declare procedente el amparo, el órgano o servidor responsable del agravio deberá cumplirla sin demora. Si no lo hiciere dentro de las cuarenta y ocho horas siguientes a su firmeza, la Sala se dirigirá al superior del responsable y le requerirá para que lo haga cumplir y abra el correspondiente procedimiento disciplinario contra aquél. Al mismo tiempo, mandará abrir proceso contra el culpable o los culpables, y, pasadas otras cuarenta y ocho horas, contra el superior que no hubiere procedido conforme con lo expuesto, salvo cuando se trate de funcionarios que gocen de fuero privilegiado, en cuyo caso se comunicará al Ministerio Público para lo que proceda. | Appears Court's powers in amparo cases are broad enough to cover this. Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional: |
6. Sanctions & Protections |
50 | Sanctions may be imposed on those who wilfully act to undermine the right to information, including through the unauthorised destruction of information. | Score 1 point for sanctions for underming right, 1 point for destruction of documents | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 14.- El Oficial de Acceso a la Información y al Oficial de Simplificación de Trámites. Ambos oficiales tendrán, específicamente, las siguientes funciones con respecto del derecho de acceso a la información: . . . e- Recomendar a la autoridad jerárquica competente la apertura de investigación de funcionarios institucionales debido al incumplimiento de lo establecido en el presente Decreto. SECCION III REGIMEN SANCIONATORIO 16. El deber de aplicar el régimen sancionatorio interno. En caso que se incumpla con las disposiciones de este decreto, la autoridad institucional competente deberá aplicar los procedimientos administrativos sancionatorios que correspondan según la normativa vigente. | Article 13 of the Petition law also establishes sanctions: |
6. Sanctions & Protections |
51 | There is a system for redressing the problem of public authorities which systematically fail to disclose information or underperform (either through imposing sanctions on them or requiring remedial actions of them). | Score 1 point for either remedial action or sanctions, 2 points for both | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No mention of sanctions for authorities as a whole |
6. Sanctions & Protections |
52 | The independent oversight body and its staff are granted legal immunity for acts undertaken in good faith in the exercise or performance of any power, duty or function under the RTI Law. Others are granted similar immunity for the good faith release of information pursuant to the RTI Law. | Score 1 for oversight body, 1 for immunity for others | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
6. Sanctions & Protections |
53 | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 2 | N/A | No comprehensive whistleblower legislation in place and not mentioned in Decree No. 40200. |
7. Promotional Measures |
54 | Public authorities are required to appoint officials (information officers) or units with dedicated responsibilities for ensuring that they comply with their information disclosure obligations. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 12. Oficial de Acceso a la Información. Cada jerarca institucional deberá designar en su dependencia a un Oficial de Acceso a la Información, en adelante OAI. Dicha designación recaerá sobre la Contraloría de Servicios de la institución, o en su defecto, sobre otro funcionario de la institución. El Oficial de Acceso a la Información tendrá la competencia para atender las quejas relacionadas con la falta de atención de las solicitudes de información pública presentadas ante instancias internas de la institución, regulado del 3 al 11 de este Decreto. El Oficial de Acceso a la Información deberá incluir en su informe anual de labores los datos estadísticos y acciones en torno al derecho de acceso a la información pública y deberá poner en conocimiento del Oficial de Simplificación de Trámite dicha información. Además el OAI deberá coordinar los procesos de acceso a la información pública y transparencia proactiva con los departamentos y/o direcciones de Tecnologías de Información, Planificación Institucional y Comunicación. 14. El Oficial de Acceso a la Información y al Oficial de Simplificación de Trámites. Ambos oficiales tendrán, específicamente, las siguientes funciones con respecto del derecho de acceso a la información: a- Recibir las sugerencias planteadas de forma oral, física o electrónica referentes a conductas administrativas que obstaculizan o afecten el ejercicio del derecho de acceso a la información pública. b- Proponer al jerarca institucional todo tipo de recomendaciones de mejora en materia de la gestión institucional de cumplimiento efectivo del derecho de acceso a la información pública. d- Liderar el cumplimiento de la disposición contemplada en el artículo 15 de este Decreto. e- Recomendar a la autoridad jerárquica competente la apertura de investigación de funcionarios institucionales debido al incumplimiento de lo establecido en el presente Decreto. f- Coordinar capacitaciones para la correcta implementación de este decreto en su respectiva institución. | |
7. Promotional Measures |
55 | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
7. Promotional Measures |
56 | Public awareness-raising efforts (e.g. producing a guide for the public or introducing RTI awareness into schools) are required to be undertaken by law. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
7. Promotional Measures |
57 | A system is in place whereby minimum standards regarding the management of records are set and applied. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
7. Promotional Measures |
58 | Public authorities are required to create and update lists or registers of the documents in their possession, and to make these public. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
7. Promotional Measures |
59 | Training programs for officials are required to be put in place. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
7. Promotional Measures |
60 | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 18. El informe anual de labores y el derecho de acceso a la información pública. Los jerarcas institucionales deberán incluir en su memoria o informe anual de labores institucional una sección denominada Acceso a la Información y Transparencia, en la cual incluirán como mínimo lo siguiente: a- Estadísticas de las solicitudes de información pública recibidas durante el año, el número total de estas, el plazo de atención brindado, la existencia de recursos de amparo sobre el cumplimiento del derecho de acceso a la información pública y el resultado de dichos procesos. b- Indicación del número de funcionarios y usuarios capacitados durante el período. c- Indicación de cantidad y características de procedimientos administrativos, disciplinarios y sus resultados vinculados con el acceso a la información pública, cuando estos se encuentren concluidos. d- Indicación de mejoras y avances presentados durante el período para hacer más ágil y efectivo el derecho de acceso a la información. e- Indicación de las sugerencias recibidas del OAI y los resultados de estas. f- Indicación del lugar que ocupaba el período anterior en el Índice de Transparencia del Sector Público y el avance conseguido durante el período, con los comentarios u observaciones que estime pertinentes a ese respecto. g- Plan de seguimiento, actualización y monitoreo de la información pública de publicación proactiva | |
7. Promotional Measures |
61 | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, has an obligation to present a consolidated report to the legislature on implementation of the law. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
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