Czech Republic

Name of law: The Freedom of Information Act
First adopted: 1999
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Czech Republic’s RTI law is weak, falling into the bottom one-third of all laws. It has an expansive scope, including by covering all branches of government, as well as private entities performing public functions. However, it is practically limited by a broad regime of exceptions which fails to trump secrecy provisions in other legislation, includes illegitimate exceptions, many of which lack a harm test, and fails to provide for a public interest override. The procedures are largely undefined which, along with the indeterminate access fees, creates an ambiguous and hard-to-navigate system for requesters. There is no administrative level of appeal at all. There are no sanctions and protections at all in the law. The lack of promotional measures in the law (i.e. no requirement to appoint an information officer and an absence of public awareness campaigns or any centralised coordinating body) is yet another problem. These limitations restrict the practical efficacy of the RTI law.

Local Expert: Oldich Kuílek