
Name of law: Gesetz VGesetzvom 19. Mai 1999 über die Information der Bevölkerung (Informationsgesetz)
First adopted: 1999
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: 2011-08


Liechtenstein has one of the weakest RTI laws in the world. It lacks any clear statement of the right of access, and is limited in terms of scope regarding who may make requests, and the information and public authorities covered. There are major gaps in terms of procedures for making and processing requests. It does override secrecy laws but there are fully nine exceptions which are not legitimate, along with three more that are not harm-tested and only a very weak public interest override. Perhaps its greatest weakness is the system of appeals which is not defined within the law or its regulations, leading to a score of just one point for this category. There are also no sanctions or protections at all, and only very limited promotional measures.

The law is also available in its German original here.