
Name of law: Ordonnance n. 3.413 du 29/08/2011 portant diverses mesures relatives à la relation entre l'Administration et l'administré
First adopted: 2011
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: 2019-09


Monaco’s legislation has many key deficiencies, which relegates it to one of the worst RTI laws worldwide. The law only applies to the executive, as the text makes no mention of the other branches of government. Additionally, while the exceptions are somewhat compliant and harm-tested, other laws can classify information as a secret or legitimate interest which is legally protected and there is no mandatory public interest override for testing exceptions. Another one of the Monégasque RTI law’s weaknesses is their poorly formed appeals system, as there is no provision for internal reconsideration and their external administrative body is purely recommendary with weak investigative powers. Additional issues include its complete lack of a defined sanctioning system or promotional activities requirements.

The law is also available in its French original here.