
Name of law: Dahir No. 1-18-15 du 5 joumada II 1439 (22 février 2018) portant promulgation de la loi no 31-13 relative au droit d'áccès à l'information
First adopted: 2018
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: 2018-09


Morocco’s law is average when compared with the global RTI rating. Morocco has a strong constitutional foundation that is built upon by a broad legal framework that applies to all three branches of government. This is supplemented by a generally legitimate series of exceptions. However, these exemptions are not harm-tested and are not subject to a mandatory public interest override. Many other flaws feature in the legislation. Despite the existence of an external administrative commission, the body lacks both binding powers and independence-based safeguards. In addition to this lack of effective oversight, there is no sanctioning system for redressing the problem of public authorities which systematically fail to disclose information or underperform.

Local Expert: Said Essoulami