Global Right to Information Rating


Name of law: Freedom of Information Bill
First adopted: 2011
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Nigeria’s law combines some strengths with notable weaknesses, resulting in a middling score. The legislation’s rather broad scope is supplemented by an exception system that is both compliant and subject to a mandatory public interest override that applies to nearly all exceptions. Furthermore, the RTI legislation trumps restrictions on information disclosure in other legislation, such as secrecy acts. Other significant strengths include a strong promotional regime and a well-developed sanctioning system that provides penalties for acts in contravention of the act or its purposes. Nonetheless, its lack of an external administrative appeals body and the weakness of its judicial remedies are grave shortcomings that may interfere with the efficacy of this new law.

Local Expert: Edetaen Ojo

SectionPointsMax score
Right of Access 3 6
Scope 29 30
Requesting Procedures 12 30
Exceptions & Refusal 22 30
Appeals 4 30
Sanctions & Protections 7 8
Promotional Measures 11 16
∑ = 88 ∑ = 150