
Name of law: Ley 5.282 De Libre Acceso Ciudadano a la Informacion Public y Transparencia Gubernamental
First adopted: 2014
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Paraguay’s RTI law performs poorly in several key categories, which relegates its rating to below the global average. Its greatest flaw is its completely undefined appeals system, as the only route for reconsideration is the judiciary. As a result, there is neither an option for internal appeal nor is there an independent administrative oversight body, which creates problems for access to justice. Additionally, while the law has a comprehensive scope that applies to all three branches of government, the fact that there is no exceptions regime provided for within the legislation, nullifies this would be a strength. Presumably, this means that exceptions would be found in a patchwork of other legislation, which creates ambiguity in whether or not certain categories of information would be subject to the law.