
Name of law: Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública
First adopted: 2003
Last modified: 2019-12
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Peru’s RTI law ranks above the global average, though its performance is variable. Among the legislation’s strengths are its exceptionally broad scope, which confirms the Peruvian Constitutional grant of the right to petition authorities with such information requests. The law also provides much of the standard procedural requirements, though improvement could be made to this section by adding accessibility aides and provisions confirming the ability for requesters to re-use the information requested. However, the law is also plagued by a key weakness, as the legislation does not provide for an independent appeals body for external reconsideration. Additionally, while the exceptions listed in the legislation perfectly mirror international standards, the public interest override is weak and there is no trump provision within the law.

Local Experts: Javier Casa, Ricardo Corcuera Molina