
Name of law: Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información de Interés Público
First adopted: 2021
Last modified: 2023-09
RTI Rating last updated: 2023-09


Overall this is a rather weak law. It scores fairly well in the scope category as it applies to a fairly large range of public bodies. It also does moderately well in the appeals category because external appeals go to the Ombudsman, which on paper is reasonably well empowered. However, since the Ombudsman has numerous other functions, unless a dedicated access to information unit is created in practice this is unlikely to be very meaningful. Scores in most other categories, namely Requesting Procedures, Exceptions and Refusals, Sanctions and Protections, and Promotional Measures categories are weak. The Law is not very detailed on requesting procedures and does not set up a proper regime of exceptions. Since other secrecy laws can override the Law, in practice these will determine the scope of access. Ley Orgánica de la Defensoría del Pueblo: