By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 6(3) ... The applicant shall only be required to provide information necessary to identify the information requested and to provide it to the applicant. | |
Albania | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(4) The information request should contain: (a) full name of the applicant; (b) postal or electronic address where the information is requested to be send; (c) description of the information required; (d) format in which the information is preferred; (e) any information that the applicant considers that might help identify the information required. | Postal address must be provided by the requester only if s/he wants the information requested to be send. If not, the request can be submited and answered via e-mail. |
Angola | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 13 Requests for access to documents must be made in writing and contain all references necessary for identifying the document, as well as the name, the address and the signature of the interested person. | |
Antigua and Barbuda | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 17(1) For the purposes of section 15, a request for information shall be made by the applicant in writing addressed to an official of a public authority or private body and in sufficient detail to facilitate the identification, with reasonable effort, whether or not the body holds a record containing that information. | Request made in writing, and requires only the information necessary to identify the document. |
Argentina | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTÍCULO 9° — Solicitud de información. La solicitud de información debe ser presentada ante el sujeto obligado que la posea o se presuma que la posee, quien la remitirá al responsable de acceso a la información pública, en los términos de lo previsto en el artículo 30 de la presente ley. Se podrá realizar por escrito o por medios electrónicos y sin ninguna formalidad a excepción de la identidad del solicitante, la identificación clara de la información que se solicita y los datos de contacto del solicitante, a los fines de enviarle la información solicitada o anunciarle que está disponible. El sujeto que recibiere la solicitud de información le entregará o remitirá al solicitante una constancia del trámite | |
Bangladesh | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 8(2): "The request made under sub-section (1) shall include the following information, namely:- (i) name, address of the person making request, in applicable cases, his fax number and email address; (ii) correct and clear description of the information sought for; (iii) other related information so that the location of the information sought for may be easily found out; (iv) description of the modes how he wants to have the information, that is making inspection, having copy, taking note or any other approved method;" | |
Belgium | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Loi n° 94-1724, Article 5: "La consultation d'un document administratif, les explications y relative ou sa communication sous forme de copie ont lieu sur demande. La demande indique clairement la matière concernée, et si possible, les documents administratifs concernés, et est adressée par écrit à l'autorité administrative fédérale compétente, même si celleci a déposé le document aux archives." | Requesters are only required to indicate clearly the topic and, if possible, the documents requested. |
Belize | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | SECTION 12(2) Subject to subsection (3), a request shall provide such information concerning the document as is reasonably necessary to enable a responsible officer of the Ministry or prescribed authority, as the case may be, to identify the document. | 12(2) - provide info necessary to identify, no mention of anything more. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art.11. 2. "Requests for access to information shall: be in writing in one of the official languages of the Federation; provide sufficient detail as to the nature and/or contents of the information sought so as to enable the public authority exercising a reasonable effort to locate the requested information; and include the requester's name and address." | |
Bulgaria | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 25(1) The application for access to public information shall contain: 1. full name, or respectively the business name and the seat of the applicant; 2. description of the information requested; 3. the preferred form of access to the requested information; 4. the address for correspondence with the applicant.<...> | |
Burkina Faso | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 14: La demande d'accès à un document ou à une information, pour être recevable, doit être précise. Article 18 : Sous peine d’irrecevabilité, toute demande d’accès ou de réutilisation d’informations publiques ou de documents administratifs doit : - fournir les détails nécessaires pour permettre au responsable du service chargé de l’accès à l’information et aux documents d’identifier l’information ou le document recherché ; - préciser la période ou le délai dans lequel le document ou l’information est utilement attendu par le demandeur | Again, not entirely clear but does not call for extraneous informaiton to be provided. |
Canada | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Regulations 4 A request for access to a record under the Act shall be made by forwarding to the appropriate officer of the government institution that has control of the record, together with the required application fee, (a) a completed Access to Information Request Form; or (b) a written request that provides sufficient detail to enable the officer to identify the record. |
Chile | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 12. La solicitud de acceso a la información será formulada por escrito o por sitios electrónicos y deberá contener: a) Nombre, apellidos y dirección del solicitante y de su apoderado, en su caso. b) Identificación clara de la información que se requiere. c) Firma del solicitante estampada por cualquier medio habilitado. d) Órgano administrativo al que se dirige. Si la solicitud no reúne los requisitos señalados en el inciso anterior, se requerirá al solicitante para que, en un plazo de cinco días contado desde la respectiva notificación, subsane la falta, con indicación de que, si así no lo hiciere, se le tendrá por desistido de su petición. El peticionario podrá expresar en la solicitud, su voluntad de ser notificado mediante comunicación electrónica para todas las actuaciones y resoluciones del procedimiento administrativo de acceso a la información, indicando para ello, bajo su responsabilidad, una dirección de correo electrónico habilitada. En los demás casos, las notificaciones a que haya lugar en el procedimiento se efectuarán conforme a las reglas de los artículos 46 y 47 de la ley N°19.880, sobre Bases de los Procedimientos Administrativos. | Art 12 - Only requirements and for full name and address |
Costa Rica | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Requisitos. La solicitud de acceso a la información pública requerirá que la persona brinde la descripción clara de lo que se solicita y señale un medio para recibir notificaciones... | Decree itself seems to suggest only a description of the information and a means for receiving notifications is necessary. There is a decision stating that a signature is necessary in accordance with Art. 285 of the General Law on Public Administration (Res. 16758-2006,; Law available at Art. 285 also requires giving a residence, but it does not seem to require a specific residential address. Also, unclear how much the procedures in the General Law are relevant now that a specific Decree is in place (already seems there was some debate about the appropriateness of applying this law to access to information, as raised in the dissent in this case). Either way, full points given. |
Croatia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 18.3.: The written request contains: name and adress of the public authority to which the request shall be submitted, data relevant for recognizing the requested information, name, surname and adress of the natural person submitting the request, company name, i.e. name of the legal entity and its adress. | |
Cyprus | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(1) Αίτηση για παροχή πληροφοριών προς δημόσια αρχή δυνάμει των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόμου, υποβάλλεται σε γραπτή μορφή και περιλαμβάνει τα ακόλουθα στοιχεία: (α) Το όνομα του αιτητή, (β) τη διεύθυνση επικοινωνίας του αιτητή, και (γ) περιγραφή των πληροφοριών που ζητούνται:... | Only need to provide a name, an address to send the reply (email included) and description of the information requested. |
Denmark | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Chapter. 2, Section 9 "A request for access to information after article 7 and 8 has 1) to include the information necessary for the file or the documents of interest can be identified, and 2) give the theme that the file or the document concerns [...]" | The requestor only needs to identify the information being sought or the documents that wants to gain access to. The authorities, in some cases could require the requester to state the name. |
Dominican Republic | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | No onerous requirements. |
Ecuador | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 19 De la Solicitud y sus Requisitos.- El interesado a acceder a la información pública que reposa, manejan o producen las personas jurídicas de derecho público y demás entes señalados en el artículo 1 de la presente Ley, deberá hacerlo mediante solicitud escrita ante el titular de la institución. En dicha solicitud deberá constar en forma clara la identificación del solicitante y la ubicación de los datos o temas motivo de la solicitud, la cual será contestada en el plazo señalado en el artículo 9 de esta Ley. | Art 19 requires only name, and description of the document. |
El Salvador | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Requirements are in line with int'l standards. |
Estonia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 14. Requirements applicable to requests for information "(1) A request for information shall set out the following information orally or in writing: 1) the given name and surname of the person making the request for information; 2) the name of the legal person or agency in the case of a request for information made on behalf of an agency or legal person; 3) the details of the person making the request for information (postal or electronic mail address, or fax or telephone number), through which the holder of information could release the information or contact the person making the request for information; 4) the content of the information or the type, name and content of the document requested, or the requisite information on the document known to the person making the request for information; 5) the manner of complying with the request for information." | |
Ethiopia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 14(1) Any person who desires to obtain information shall present his request to the concerned public relations officer in writing, or through electronics device, clearly identifying the information he seeks. Where the requester owing to illiteracy or physical incapacity is unable to present his request in witting, the public relation officer has a duty to assist the requester by reducing his request in writing in the prescribed form. | 14(1) only states that the individual need provide a description of the information. |
Fiji | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6(3) A request made under subsection (1) must— (a) be made in the form prescribed by regulations made under this Act; (b) specify the public agency with which the information is held; (c) specify the particulars of the information requested or such other particulars as are necessary for the identification of the information requested; (d) subject to section 12, specify the form preferred by the person making the request for accessing the information; (e) comply with any other requirement of the Commission. | Doesn't require any extraneous material at the moment, subject to what may be set out in the regulations. |
Finland | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | [Principles of Openness] Article 13(1) A request for access to an official document shall be sufficiently detailed, so that the authority can determine which document the request concerns. The person requesting access shall be assisted, by means of official diaries and indexes, to specify the document to which access is being requested. The person requesting access need not identify himself/herself nor provide reasons for the request, unless this is necessary for the exercise of the authority's discretion or for determining if the person requesting access has the right of access to the document. | The unique detail that is asked in order to access to an official document is that the request "shall be sufficiently detailed". |
Gambia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | (5) A request under sub-section (1) shall -- (a) provide such details concerning the information requested as are reasonably necessary to enable the Information Officer to identify the information. | |
Georgia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 37 – Request for public information 1. Everyone has the right to request public information regardless of its physical form and stored conditions, and choose the form of receiving public information if it is of different types, and to access the original information. In the case of risk of damaging the original information, the public institution shall be obliged to make the original available for reading under supervision, or present a duly certified copy. 2. A person shall submit a written application to obtain public information. Indication of the reason or purpose of requesting the public information in the application shall not be required. When submitting an application to request a commercial secret of another person, an applicant shall present that person’s consent certified by a notary or administrative body, unless otherwise provided for by law. 3. Public information may be requested electronically, through the electronic resources of a public institution. 4. The standard for requesting public information electronically shall be approved by the respective subordinate normative acts. | No mention of anything more than the necessary info to identify. Despite this, it is not necessary to fill out the official form. In practice the request can be discarded if the address is not given or there is no signature on it. |
Guatemala | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | No onerous requirements. |
Guinea | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 14. Le modèle de formulaire préétabli, à remplir par le demandeur d'accès à l'information doit obligatoirement comporter le prénom, le nom et l'adresse s'il s'agit d'une personne physique, ou le cas échéant mentionner la dénomination sociale et le siège social s'il s'agit d'une personne morale, avec les éléments descriptifs des informations demandées à l'organisme concerné. | Address but doesn't specify that it must be a residential address |
Honduras | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICULO 20. SOLICITUD. La solicitud de acceso a la información publica deberá presentarse por escrito o por medios electrónicos, indicándose con claridad los detalles específicos de la información solicitada, sin motivación ni formalidad alguna. Esta disposición no facultara al solicitante para copiar total o parcialmente las bases de datos. En caso de que el solicitante sea persona jurídica, deberá acreditar además de su existencia legal, el poder suficiente de quien actúa a nombre de esta. | Article 20 only mentions the need to provide a description of the material requested. |
Iceland | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 10. Anyone requesting access to material shall specify the particular material which they wish to study. On the other hand, they may request to study all of the material on a certain matter without specifying any particular material concerning it. A government authority may stipulate that a request for access to material be made in writing, as well as being submitted on a form provided by the authority. When access is requested to material concerning an issue in which a decision is to be taken or has been taken on individual rights or obligations, the request shall be directed to the government authority which has taken or is due to take a decision on the issue. In other instances, the request shall be directed to the authority safekeeping the material. | |
India | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6(2) An applicant making request for information shall not be required to give any reason for requesting the information or any other personal details except those that may be necessary for contacting him. | |
Indonesia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 22(2) The Public Agency shall record the name and address of the Public Information Applicant, the subject and format of the information as well as the method to deliver the information that is required by the Public Information Applicant. | Requires only name, address and description of info. |
Ireland | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 12(1) A person who wishes to exercise the right of access shall make a request, in writing or in such other form as may be determined, addressed to the head of the FOI body concerned for access to the record concerned - (a) stating that the request is made under this Act, (b) containing sufficient particulars in relation to the information concerned to enable the record to be identified by the taking of reasonable steps, and (c) if the person requires such access to be given in a particular form or manner (being a form or manner referred to in section 17), specifying the form or manner of access. | Apart from the necessary details to identify the information, the requesters are asked to specify the form or manner of access, but that it's not considered a limitation to the exercise of the right. |
Israel | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not required according to the legal framework. |
Italy | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 5(1) The obligation to publish documents, information or data, envisaged for the public administrations by the legislation currently in force, entails the right of everyone to request the publication of any document, information or datum the publication of which has been omitted. (2) For the purpose of fostering widespread forms of control on the pursuance of the institutional functions and the use of public funds and promoting the participation to the public debate, everyone has the right to access the data and documents held by the public administrations other than the ones subject to publication pursuant to this decree, without prejudice to the restrictions imposed in relation to the need to protect legally relevant interests as provided for by art. 5-bis. (3) The exercise of the right referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 is not subject to any restriction as far as the applicants\' credentials are concerned. The application for public access shall specify which data, information or documents are requested giving no reason in relation thereto. The application may be sent either electronically in accordance with the modalities set out in Legislative Decree n. 82 of 7 March 2005 as subsequently modified, or directly to one of the following offices: (a) the office holding the data, information or documents; (b) the public relation office; (c) any other office indicated by the administration in the section "Transparent Administration" of its institutional website (d) the person in charge of preventing corruption and guaranteeing transparency, if the application concerns data, information or documents the publication of which, pursuant to this decree, is mandatory. | |
Jamaica | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7(2) An application under subsection (1) - [...] (b) shall provide such information concerning the document as is reasonably necessary to enable the public authority to identify it. | 7(2)(b) - request must contain such info as is necessary to identify info - no mention of anything else. |
Japan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 4 (Procedure for Disclosure Request) (1) A request for disclosure pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as a "Disclosure Request.") shall be made by submitting a document describing the matters listed in the following items (hereinafter referred to as the "Written Disclosure Request.") to the head of an Administrative Organ. (i) Name and domicile or residence of the person making the Disclosure Request, and the name of a representative in the case of a juridical person or other entities. (ii) Name of the Administrative Documents or other matters sufficient for specifying the Administrative Documents pertaining to the Disclosure Request. (...) | Article 4(1) – requirement for only a name and an address for delivery. |
Kenya | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 4(2) Subject to this Act, every citizen's right to access information is not affected by - (a) any reason the person gives for seeking access; or (b) the public entity's belief as to what are the person's reasons for seeking access. | |
Kosovo | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 10(2) Requests for access to public documents shall be submitted in any manner which allows the public institution to identify whether it possesses the requested public document. | Full points awarded, although it could be clearer that only those details necessary for identification and delivery need to be furnished. |
Lebanon | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 14: Submitting the request: A – The request to obtain information shall be submitted in writing to the administration possessing the information. Said request shall include sufficient details to enable the appointed employee to retrieve the information with little effort. B – The person submitting the request shall adopt an elected place of residence of which he shall inform the administration upon submitting the request. D – If the request was not sufficiently precise, the appointed employee shall ask the person who submitted it for the necessary clarifications and shall assist him by all means available. | Not ideal to be required to have an elected place of residence but at least it is not an actual address. |
Liberia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3.2: "Request for Information: Every person, irrespective of their nationality or residence, may request, receive, reproduce and retain any information held by (1) a public authority or (2) private entity that receives public funds or engage in public functions or provision of public service; provided that in respect of private entities, the information shall relate to the public funds, benefit, functions or service." 3.3: "Description of information Requested: Every request shall describe the information requested with reasonable details that would enable the public authority or private entity easily identify the information. Additional specification of the information may be provided by the requester by any means and at any time, including in responses to questions from personnel of the authority or entity." 3.4: "Form of Request: Request for information may be filed in writing, by electronic mail, or orally in person, or by any alternative means." | 3.2 - 3.4 seems to imply that users don't have to provide anything more than what's necessary to identify the document. |
Luxembourg | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | A4(1): La demande de communication d’un document doit revêtir une forme écrite. Elle doit être formulée de façon suffisamment précise et contenir les éléments permettant d’identifier un document. Les demandes peuvent être formulées librement ou sur base de formulaires types qui sont mis à la disposition du demandeur par les organismes visés à l’article 1 er, paragraphe 1 er. (2): Pour les demandes formulées de manière trop générale, l’organisme sollicité invite le demandeur, au plus tard avant l’expiration du délai prévu à l’article 5, paragraphe 1 er, alinéa 1 er, à préciser sa demande d’information. | |
Mexico | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 12. All public information generated, obtained, acquired, processed or held by the regulated entities is public and will be accessible to anyone, for which reason all the means, actions and efforts available on the terms and conditions established by this Act, the Federal Act and those corresponding to the States, as well as other applicable rules should be enabled. Article 13. In the generation, publication and delivery of information, it should be ensured that it is accessible, reliable, verifiable, truthful, timely, and that it addresses the needs of the right of access to information of every person. The regulated entities shall seek, at all times, that the information generated has a simple language for everybody and shall endeavor, as far as possible, its accessibility and translation into indigenous languages. Article 15. Everyone has the right of access to information without discrimination on any grounds. Article 16. The right of access to information will not be conditional upon the applicant showing any interest or justifying its use, nor it may be conditioned on grounds of disability. Article 17. The right of access to information is free and only a charge may be required based on the reproduction and delivery mode requested. In no case the Reasonable Adjustments to be made for access to the information of applicants with disabilities, will be at a cost to them. Article 124. In order to submit a request, no other requirements may be required than: (I). Name or, if necessary, general data of his/her representative; (II). Address or means for receiving notifications; (III). The description of the requested information; (IV). Any other information that facilitates its search and eventual location, and (V). The preferred mode to be granted the access to information, which may be verbal, provided it is for guidance purposes, by direct consultation, by issuing simple or certified copies or the reproduction through any other means, including electronic. Where appropriate, the applicant shall state the accessible format or the indigenous language in which the information is required according to what is stated in this Act. The information in sections I and IV will be provided by the applicant as an option and, in no case, may be a mandatory prerequisite for the admissibility of the application. | |
Moldova | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 12. Requesting access to official information (2) The written request will include: a) sufficient and conclusive details for the identification of the requested information (or of parts thereof); b) the acceptable form in which the requested information may be received; c) identification data of the requesting party. (3) Except for cases when information about third parties or personal information is being requested, the applicant may omit his/her identification data from the request. | No personal details are asked in order to request information. |
Netherlands | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 3, Paragraph 2: \"The applicant shall specify the administrative matter or the document relevant to it about which he wishes information.\" | No mention about other requirements in order to request for information. |
New Zealand | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 12 Requests (2)The official information requested shall be specified with due particularity in the request. 23 Right of access by person to reasons for decisions affecting that person (1) Subject to section 6(a) to (d), section 7, section 9(2)(b), and section 10 and to subsections (2), (4), and (5), where a department or Minister of the Crown or organisation makes, on or after 1 July 1983, a decision or recommendation in respect of any person, being a decision or recommendation in respect of that person in his or its personal capacity, that person has the right to and shall, on request made within a reasonable time of the making of the decision or recommendation, be given a written statement of (a) the findings on material issues of fact; and (b) subject to subsection (2A), a reference to the information on which the findings were based; and (c) the reasons for the decision or recommendation. (2) The right conferred by subsection (1) may be exercised only by a person who is— (a) a New Zealand citizen; or (b) a permanent resident of New Zealand; or (c) a person who is in New Zealand; or (d) a body corporate which is incorporated in New Zealand; or (e) a body corporate which is incorporated outside New Zealand but which has a place of business in New Zealand. (2A) A reference to the information on which any findings were based need not be given under subsection (1)(b) if (a) the disclosure of the information or of information identifying the person who supplied it, being evaluative material, would breach an express or implied promise— (i) which was made to the person who supplied the information; and (ii) which was to the effect that the information or the identity of the person who supplied it or both would be held in confidence; or (b) after consultation undertaken (where practicable) by or on behalf of the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation with a natural person's medical practitioner, the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation is satisfied that— (i) the information relates to that person; and (ii) the disclosure of the information (being information that relates to the physical or mental health of the person making the request under this section) would be likely to prejudice the physical or mental health of that person; or (c) in the case of a natural person under the age of 16, the disclosure of that information would be contrary to that person's interests; or (d) the disclosure of that information (being information in respect of a person who has been convicted of an offence or is or has been detained in custody) would be likely to prejudice the safe custody or the rehabilitation of that person. (2B) For the purposes of subsection (2A), the term evaluative material means evaluative or opinion material compiled solely (a) for the purpose of determining the suitability, eligibility, or qualifications of the person to whom the material relates (i) for employment or for appointment to office; or (ii) for promotion in employment or office or for continuation in employment or office; or (iii) for removal from employment or office; or (iv) for the awarding of contracts, awards, scholarships, honours, or other benefits; or (b) for the purpose of determining whether any contract, award, scholarship, honour, or benefit should be continued, modified, or cancelled; or (c) for the purpose of deciding whether to insure any person or property or to continue or renew the insurance of any person or property. (3) Sections 12(3), 13 to 15A, and 19 shall apply, with all necessary modifications, to a request made under subsection (1). (4) Nothing in this section entitles any person to obtain a written statement of advice given to the Sovereign or her representative. (5) Nothing in this section applies in respect of any decision or recommendation by Public Trust or the Maori Trustee— (a) in their capacity as trustee within the meaning of the Trustee Act 1956; or (b) in any other fiduciary capacity. (6) In subsection (2A)(b), medical practitioner means a health practitioner who is, or is deemed to be, registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand continued by section 114(1)(a) of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 as a practitioner of the profession of medicine. 24 Right of access to personal information (1) Subject to this Part, to sections 10 and 52, and to subsections (2) and (5), every person has a right to and shall, on request, be given access to any personal information which— (a) is about that person; and (b) is held in such a way that it can readily be retrieved. (2) The right conferred by subsection (1) may be exercised only by a person who is (a) a body corporate which is incorporated in New Zealand; or (b) a body corporate which is incorporated outside New Zealand but which has a place of business in New Zealand. (3) Sections 12(3), 13 to 17, and 19 shall apply, with all necessary modifications, to a request made under subsection (1). (3A) Where any person is given access to personal information under this section, that person shall be advised of that person's right, under section 26, to request the correction of that information. (4) Nothing in this section requires, or imposes any responsibility on, any department or Minister of the Crown or organisation to compile files or data banks of personal information. (5) Nothing in this section gives any person the right to be given access to any personal information about the person that is held by Public Trust or the Maori Trustee (a) in their capacity as trustee within the meaning of the Trustee Act 1956; or (b) in any other fiduciary capacity. 25 Precautions Where a request is made under section 24(1), the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation (a) shall not give access to that information unless it or he is satisfied concerning the identity of the person making the request; and (b) shall ensure, by the adoption of appropriate procedures, that any information intended for a person is received (i) only by that person; or (ii) where the request is made by an agent of the person, only by that person or his agent; and (c) shall ensure that, where the request is made by an agent of the person, the agent has the written authority of that person to obtain the information or is otherwise properly authorised by that person to obtain the information. | Section 12(2) of the OIA states that the request only has to specify the information sought with "due particularity". Identifying information only required when seeking personal information about yourself (legal persons) under s. 24 OIA – see s. 25 OIA. It would probably be sought in practice if using right under s. 23 OIA – seeking reasons for a decision affecting you in a personal capacity. |
North Macedonia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 16: "(1) The type and format of the request to access information form shall be determined by the Commission; the information holder shall be bound to provide the requester with such a form; (2) Each request shall contain the title of the information holder, the personal name and surname of the information requester, data on the possible representative or authorized person, the firm or the legal person. (3) In its request, the requester shall be obliged to state the information it wants to become acquainted with, and the way in which it wants to become acquainted with the contents of the information requested (insight, transcript, photocopy, electronic record). (4) The requester shall not be obliged to provide justification to its request, but it shall have to state that it is submitting a request for access to information. (5) If, on the basis of the subject of a request, it is to be concluded that the procedure is about a request to access information in accordance with the present Law, the information holder shall be obliged to consider such a request in accordance with the present Law." | |
Norway | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Not mentioned | |
Pakistan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(3) Any written request which identifies the information or record sought in sufficient detail to enable the public body to locate it, and which includes a complete address and contact details for delivery of the information or record, shall be treated as a request. | |
Poland | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 14(1) Making the public information available takes place in the method and in forms which are in accordance with the petition unless the technical measures, which are at the disposal of the entity being obliged to do this, make it impossible to make the information available in the method and in form defined in the petition. 10(2) Public information, which can be immediately made available, is made available in the oral or written form without a written petition. | Article 14.1 states that making the public information available takes place in the method and in forms which are in accordance with the petition and Article 10 only states that the request can be oral or written. If the law does not describe more requirements, that is because there are no further requirements. |
Portugal | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 13.1: Access to documents shall be requested in writing in the form of an application which shall contain such elements as are essential to the identification of the documents in question, together with the applicant's name, address and signature. | |
Romania | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6 (3): "The written request of public interest information shall contain the following elements: a) the public authority to which the application is addressed; b) the requested information so as to enable the public authority or institution to identify public interest information; c) name, surname and signature of the applicant, as well as the address where the response is requested." | Requesters are asked to identify the information and to provide their contact details like complete name and an address. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(1), (6) | Only refers to need to identify information clearly but forms must not unduly delay or place a burden on requesters |
Serbia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 15 Paragraph 2: The request shall contain the name of the public authority, the full name and surname and address of the applicant and as many specifics as possible of the sought information. Paragraph 3: The request may also contain other data that will facilitate the search for the requested information. | Requesters will be asked for the full name and surname and address, and as many specifics as possible of the requested information. |
Sierra Leone | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. (1) A request for information under section 2 shall (a) be made in writing; (b) describe the information requested; and (c) provide an address, which may be an email, for purposes of correspondence. | |
Slovakia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 14 Request for disclosure of information: \"(2) The request must include the name of the obliged pe rson, first name, last name, name or business name, address or registered office of the applicant, the information concerned and the way of disclosure of information suggested by the applicant.\" | |
Slovenia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 17. "(2) In his request for access to public information, the applicant must specify:1. The information he wishes to get acquainted with, 2. The way he wishes to get acquainted with the contents of the requested information (consultation on the spot, a transcript, a copy, an electronic record)." | |
South Africa | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 18. (1) A request for access must be made in the prescribed form to the information officer of the public body concerned at his or her address or fax number or electronic mail address. (2) The form for a request of access prescribed for the purposes of subsection (1) must at least require the requester concerned— (a) to provide sufficient particulars to enable an official of the public body concerned to identify— (i) the record or records requested; and (ii) the requester; (b) to indicate which applicable form of access referred to in section 29(2) is required; (c) to state whether the record concerned is preferred in a particular language; (d) to specify a postal address or fax number of the requester in the Republic; | Bit limited in terms of requiring an address or fax in South Africa |
Sri Lanka | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 24(5) A citizen making a request for information shall: (a) provide such details concerning the information requested as is reasonably necessary to enable the information officer to identify the information; (b) identify the nature of the form and language in which the citizen prefers access; (c) where the citizen making the request believes that the information is necessary to safeguard the life or liberty of a person, include a statement to that effect, including the basis for that belief; and (d) not be required to give any reason for requesting the information or any other personal details except those that may be necessary for contacting him or her. | |
Sweden | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Chapter 2, Article 14, Paragraph 3 of the Freedom of Press Act: "No public authority is permitted to inquire into a person’s identity on account of a request to examine an official document, or inquire into the purpose of his or her request, except insofar as such inquiry is necessary to enable the authority to judge whether there is any obstacle to release of the document." | |
Switzerland | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 10 (Access Application) Section 3: "The application must be formulated in a sufficiently accurate manner;" ORDINANCE ON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION IN THE ADMINISTRATION. Section 3. Application for Access to Public Documents and Competencies. Article. 7 (Content of the application). Section 2: "It must be sufficiently detailed in order to allow the authority to identify the requested document. The applicant must indicate, to the best of his ability: a. generally available data which clearly identify the document, such as the date of issue, title and reference; b. a specific time frame; c. the authority which issued the document; or d. the subject concerned." | The unique requirement is that the application must be formulated in a sufficiently accurate manner in order to identify the document being sought. |
Tajikistan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 12(2) - requirement for name, postal address, and a phone/fax/email contact for clarification | |
Thailand | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 11. If any person making a request for any official information other than the official information already published in the Government Gazette or already made available for public inspection or already made available for public studies under section 26 and such request makes a reasonably apprehensible mention of the intended information, the responsible State agency shall provide it to such person within a reasonable period of time, unless the request is made for an excessive amount or frequently without reasonable cause. If any official information is in a condition which can be easily damaged. a State agency may request for an extension of the period for its provision or may provide copies thereof in any such condition as to avoid damage thereto. The official information provided by the State agency under paragraph one must be the information already subsisting in the condition ready for distribution without requiring new preparation, analysis, classification, compilation or creation, unless it is the case of transformation into a document from the information recorded in the visual or sound recording system, computer system or any other system as determined by the Board. If the State agency is of the opinion that the request is not for the benefit of trade and is necessary for the protection of the rights and liberties of such person or is beneficial to the public, the State agency may provide such information. The provisions of paragraph three shall not prevent the State agency from creating new official information available to the person making the request if it is consistent with the usual powers and duties of such State agency. The provisions of section 9 paragraph two, paragraph three and paragraph four shall apply mutatis mutandis to the provision of the information under this section. | Section 11 of the OIA. |
Uganda | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 11. Form of request. (1) A request for access to a record or information shall be in writing in the prescribed form to the information officer of the public body in control of the record or information required and shall provide sufficient details to enable an experienced employee of the body to identify the record or information. (2) The form for a request of access prescribed under subsection (1) shall require the person requesting access - (a) to provide sufficient particulars to enable the information officer to identify - (i) the record or records requested; and (ii) the person requesting the information; (b) to indicate which applicable form of access referred to in section 20(2) is required; (c) to specify the address of the person requesting the information; and (d) if the request is made on behalf of a person, to state the capacity in which the person requesting the information is making the request. (...) Reg. 3 Request. (8) The information officer shall not refuse to grant a request for access to record based solely on the ground that the request was not in the prescribed form. | 11(2) - requirement for only information sufficient to identify the requester. 11(1) implies requirement for official form, but 3(8) of the 2011 regulations says that's not the case. |
Ukraine | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | 19.5 Information request shall contain: 1) the name of the requester, postal address or e-mail, as well as the number of communications means if available; 2) general description of information or type, name, number or content of the requested document, if the requester knows it; 3) signature and date if the request is submitted in writing. | Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine No. 10 dated 29 September 2016: "If the request contains contact enough information for the administrator to properly perform the duty, namely to respond to the request, the identification of the requester is not necessary for the decision of the administrator to provide information." Telephone number should be provided "if it exists". Requester can just state that he does not have a telephone number. The Law allows to give e-mail instead of giving mailing address. |
United Kingdom | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 8.2: "For the purposes of subsection (1)(a), a request is to be treated as made in writing where the text of the request-- (a) is transmitted by electronic means, (b) is received in legible form, and (c) is capable of being used for subsequent reference." | Requesters are asked to describe the requested information, but they are not asked for a reference number or another specific number in order to individualize the information. |
Uruguay | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 13. (De la solicitud y sus requisitos).- Toda persona física o jurídica interesada en acceder a la información pública en poder de los sujetos obligados por la presente ley, deberá hacerlo mediante solicitud escrita ante el titular del organismo. En dicha solicitud deberá constar: A) La identificación del solicitante, su domicilio y forma de comunicación. | Art 13(a) - requirement for full name and address |
Andorra | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | "Article 13, 2. The application may be submitted by any means and must be registered in order to allow evidence of: a) The identity and contact information, preferably electronic, of the applicant. b) The information subject to the request for access without the need to indicate any document or file concrete. c) Where applicable, the preferred method of accessing the requested information." "Article 13, 2. La sol·licitud pot presentar-se a través de qualsevol mitjà i ha de ser registrada per tal que permeti tenir constància de: a) La identitat i la informació de contacte, preferentment electrònica, de la persona sol·licitant. b) La informació objecte de la sol·licitud d’accés sense necessitat d’indicar cap document ni expedient concrets. c) En el seu cas, la modalitat preferida per accedir a la informació sol·licitada." | 1= Identification of the applicant is required |
Australia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 15 Requests for access (2) The request must: (a) be in writing; and (aa) state that the request is an application for the purposes of this Act; and (b) provide such information concerning the document as is reasonably necessary to enable a responsible officer of the agency, or the Minister, to identify it; and (c) give details of how notices under this Act may be sent to the applicant (for example, by providing an electronic address to which notices may be sent by electronic communication). | 15(2)(aa) - Requirement to cite the Act. |
Austria | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7 (1) Access to information may be requested in writing, orally or by telephone, in any technically possible and intended form. (2) The information must be described as precisely as possible. The applicant may be ordered to provide a written version of a request made orally or by telephone if the content or scope of the information requested is not sufficiently clear from the request... (4) The procedure concerning an application for information is an official procedure pursuant to Article I para. 2 no. 1 of the Introductory Act to the Administrative Procedure Acts 2008 - EGVG, Federal Law Gazette I No. 87/2008. | 7(2) mentions just the need to describe the information being requested, so this is not really a proper list of information to provide in a request, as an address for delivery is not mentioned, so one point deducted. |
Azerbaijan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 15.1. The following should be indicated in the written information request: 15.1.1. name and surname of the applicant; 15.1.2. if the request is submitted by a legal entity, also the name of the legal entity; 15.1.3. contact information of the requester (postal or e-mail address, telephone or telefax number) so that the owner of the information can provide the request; 15.1.4. the content of the requested information, or the type or name of the document, the details of the document known to the applicant; 15.1.5. form of information presentation. | Need to provide name and surname (and name of legal entity where relevant) |
Bahamas | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 7. Application for access. (1) A person who wishes to obtain access to a record shall make an application to the public autority which holds the record, in the form and manner as may be prescribed. (2) An application under subsection (1)— (a) shall be made in writing addressed to the information manager and may be transmitted by way of facsimile or electronic mail; and (b) shall provide such information concerning the record as is reasonably necessary to enable the public authority to identify it. | Not entirely clear. Depends on what form is prescribed. |
Brazil | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 12. The access to information request shall include: II – valid ID number | Reg 12(2) - requires an ID number. |
China | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 29 . . . Applications for open government information shall include the following content: (1) The applicant's name [person or entity],proof of identification, and contact method; (2) The applied for government information's name, document number, or other characteristic descriptions conducive to the administrative organs inquiry. (3) Format requirements for applications to disclose government information, including the means and channels through which the information is to be received. | Must provide name and proof of identification |
Colombia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Law 1437 ARTICLE 16 . CONTENTS OF REQUESTS All requests shall contain, at least: The designation of the authority that goes. The full names of the applicant and his representative agent, if any, indicating their identity and the address where you receive mail. The petitioner may add the fax number or email address. If the petitioner is a private person required to be registered in the commercial register, you will be required to indicate your email address. The object of the request. The grounds on which bases its request. The relationship of the requirements of the law and the documents to be submitted to begin the process. The signature of the petitioner as the case may be. PARAGRAPH. Authority has an obligation to fully consider the request, and in any case deemed incomplete for lack of requirements or documents that are not within the existing legal framework and which are not necessary to resolve it. | There is no specific condition of identification of requester as per Law 1712/14 but simultaneously article 16 of Law 1437 requires full identification of petitioner, as well as a statement about the relationship of the request to the law. |
East Timor | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 10(2) The application referred to in the preceding paragraph shall mention, under penalty of refusal, the following elements: A) Identification of the document to be accessed; B) Identification of the form of access to the document, in Pursuant to paragraph 1 of the preceding article; C) Identification of name, address, contact and signature of the applicant. | Minus a point for the name and residential address requirement. |
France | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | The requester has to indicate his name and the document. |
Ghana | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 18(1) An application to access information held by a public institution shall (e) state the name of the applicant, an address to which a communication or notice can be sent, (f) provide identification of the applicant; | Need to provide name and ID |
Greece | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 3(4) The identity particulars mentioned in the application, in case of Greek citizens, are evidenced by the identity card or the relevant temporary certificate of the competent authority or the passport. The identity of aliens is proved, in case of citizens of European Union member states, by the identity card or the passport or another document based on which their entry in the country is allowed or documents issued by the competent Greek authorities. The identity of legal entities is proved in accordance with the provisions applicable in the place where their registered offices are located. When the application is not submitted in person. It should be accompanied by a certified photocopy of the identity card or the respective documents. [Administrative Procedure Code] | Requesters are required for identification in order to submit an application. |
Ivory Coast | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 11. Toute personne qui souhaite accéder aux informations et aux documents publics présente une requête écrite à l’organisme concerné dans laquelle elle décline son identité et sa qualité. La requête est rédigée en langue française et comporte des données permettant raisonnablement d’identifier l’information recherchée. Un accusé de réception est délivré au requérant. Lorsque la demande n’est pas suffisamment précise ou lorsqu’une personne requiert une assistance pour identifier le document susceptible de contenir les renseignements recherchés, le responsable est tenu de lui prêter son concours. Le requérant n’est pas tenu de motiver sa demande. | Requirement for broader identity information. |
Kuwait | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 6. The application for access to information is submitted in writing to the authority in possession of the information, using the template dedicated for this purpose, to which are attached the data and documents as indicated in the executive bylaw/regulations. Reg. 2. Every person may submit to the authority, in writing or electronically, an application containing the following: 1) The person’s contact info. 2) The date of the application. 3) The authority to which the application is submitted. 4) The information or documents requested for perusal or access related to the application, and the interest therein. 5) The documents supporting the application, attached thereto. 6) A pledge by the person not to use the information they perused or documents they obtained, unless in the cases decided upon legally. 7) The person’s email address, or any acceptable electronic contact. 8) The person’s signature in writing, or their electronically protected signature. | None of the information listed is required (problematical aspects of this are addressed under other indicators). However, it does problematically refer to documents supporting the application. |
Kyrgyzstan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 16.1 A written (electronic) request shall contain the following information: 1) the name of the body and (or) the surname, initials of the official of the information holder to whom the request is directed; 2) for individuals - surname, first name, patronymic, contact details (depending on the preferred form of receiving a response specified by the applicant); 3) for legal entities (their branches and representative offices) - the name of the legal entity (branch, representative office), contact details (depending on the preferred form of receiving a response specified by the applicant); (4) A description of the information requested, enabling the holder of the information to determine what kind of information should be provided and whether he or she is in possession of the information requested. | Name and contact details required. |
Lithuania | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Right to Obtain Information From State and Municipal Institutions and Agencies Article 12. Submitting a Request "1. In order to obtain information from an institution, an applicant shall submit a request. The request shall indicate the type of information or document requested by the applicant, the applicant's name, surname, place of residence (where the applicant is a natural person) or the name, company number, head office address (where the applicant is a legal person) and contact details. If information is requested by the representative of the applicant, the request shall indicate the name, surname and address of the representative, the document confirming representation and the applicant for whom the request is made. The request form shall be published on the website of the institution.<...>" | |
Malawi | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 18(3) The request for information shall provide sufficient details to enable the information officer to identify the person making the request. (4) For purposes of subsection (1), a request for information shall also be treated as made in writing where the text of the request is– (a) transmitted by electronic means; (b) received in legible form; and (c) capable of being used for subsequent reference. | 18(3) requires identification of the person. |
Montenegro | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 12: "A request for access to the information shall contain the following: 1) basic data concerning any required information; 2) The method in which such information is desirable to be available; 3) Data on applicant (first and family name, permanent or temporary residence place, firm and registered office) and / or its agent, representative or attorney." | Is not that only a resident would be enough but the information to be given is reasonable. |
Mozambique | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTIGO 15 (Access to information) 1. The request of information is addressed to de director or the employee in charge of the management of documents, information, archives. The applicant shall properly identify himself, and precise the type of information he is requesting. Right to Information Law Regulation ARTIGO 8 (Access to information request) 1. The access to information request is presented to the entity in charge according to the applicable legislation for making it available, and shall: a) contain the identity of the applicant; b) Identify the form in which the applicant would like to access the information; c) Indicate, accurately and in detail, the data regarding the information requested, concerned or reasonably requires in every concrete case so that the agent can, without difficulties, identified the information requested; d) base the request of the information possessed by private entity demonstrating that it is necessary for the defense of a given fundamental right or constitutional value; e) include the ID of the applicant to permit the recognition of the signature of the official or agent who receive the request; f) include the documentation who certifies that the person is acting on behalf and representation of another person. 2. the processing of the information in the previous number regarding a request is done in relation to the result of the verbal request received according to the previous article. ARTIGO 9 (Form of the Request) 1. The request of public interest information is presented in writing, orally, through gestures, signs language or other communication form. 2. The request of public interest information must be submitted in writing if: a) concerns official correspondence; b) is about information regarding official affairs, except if the purpose of the requests is to use the information in civil or criminal proceedings; c) is about information delivered by employees about other officials, except if it is authorized, in writing, by the same official they refers. 3. If the request is submitted orally, through gestures or signs language according to the previous number, the official or agent who receive the request shall reduce it in writing. 4. If the applicant is a person with handicap the agent must help him to finalize the request. 5. Requests according to the present article shall be presented in duplicate, where the original stays with the receiving entity and the copy duly signed with date, location and name of the official stays with the applicant. | Must provide identity document |
Namibia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 35(7) A requester must - (a) provide such details concerning the information requested as is reasonably necessary to enable the information officer to identify and allocate the information; (b) if the requester believes that the information is necessary to safeguard the life or liberty of a person, include a statement to that effect and the basis for such belief; (c) if the request is to a private entity, explain why the requested information may assist in the exercise or protection of any fundamental right or freedom; (d) identify the nature of the form and language in which the requester prefers access; and (e) if the request is made on behalf of someone else, include an authorisation from the person on whose behalf the request is made. | This is not clear as to what is required to make a request but some benefit of the doubt given as it does not appear to require a name, ID number and so on. |
Nepal | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7. Procedures of Acquiring Information: (1) A Nepali Citizen, who is interested to obtain any information under this Act, shall submit an application before concerned Information Officer by stating reason to receive such information. | The procedures are very unclear in the law. However, in practice, apart from proving citizenship, additional information is not required. |
Paraguay | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 12 Form and content. Anyone interested in access to public information, must submit an application to the corresponding office established in the public source, in person, by email, in writing or orally, and in the latter case, a certificate will be issued. The submission shall contain the identification of the applicant, his royal residence, clear and precise description of public information required, and finally, the preferred format or support, without this constituting an obligation for required. | Minus one point for requiring a residential address. It is unlcear to me whether "la identificación" means the requester needs to provide an ID number, or merely to identify themselves (provide a name) - but I gave them the benefit of the doubt for one point. |
Peru | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10 Presentación y formalidades de la solicitud: La solicitud de acceso a la información pública puede ser presentada a través del Portal de Transparencia de la Entidad o de forma personal ante su unidad de recepción documentaria. Será presentada mediante el formato contenido en el Anexo del presente Reglamento, sin perjuicio de la utilización de otro medio escrito que contenga la siguiente información: a. Nombres, apellidos completos, documento de identidad, domicilio. Tratándose de menores de edad no será necesaria la presentación del documento de identidad; b. De ser el caso, número de teléfono y/o correo electrónico; c. En caso la solicitud se presente en la unidad de recepción documentaria de la Entidad, firma del solicitante o huella digital, de no saber firmar o estar impedido de hacerlo; d. Expresión concreta y precisa del pedido de información; y, e. En caso el solicitante conozca la dependencia que posea la información, deberá indicarlo en la solicitud. Si el solicitante no hubiese incluido el nombre del funcionario o lo hubiera hecho de forma incorrecta, las unidades de recepción documentaria de las Entidades deberán canalizar la solicitud al funcionario responsable. | The procedure is spelled out in article 10 of the regulations (Supreme Decree 072-2003-PCM) which requires an ID number. |
Qatar | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | مادة 11: يتم الحصول على المعلومات بناءً على طلب يقدمه طالب المعلومات إلى الجهة المعنية، على النموذج المعد لهذا الغرض، ويتضمن النموذج البيانات التي تحددها الجهة المعنية، وعلى الأخص بيانات طالب المعلومات، والمعلومات التي يرغب في الحصول عليها، ومبررات تقديم الطلب 11. Information is obtained based on a request submitted by the information requester to the concerned authority, on the form prepared for this purpose. The form includes the data specified by the concerned authority, in particular the data of the information requester, the information he wishes to obtain, and the justifications for submitting the request. |
The Law does not specify what 'data of the information requester' covers but likely identification information, and the online form on the Administrative Control and Transparency Authority's website ( indeed requires one's 'personal number' to be provided. In addition, the law does not include a copy of the form as a schedule, so the exact rules are not actually set in this area. |
Russia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 18(2): (Request for Information on the Activities of Government Bodies and Bodies of Local Self-Government): The request should specify the mailing address, telephone number and (or) fax number or e-mail address for forwarding the response to the request or clarification of the contents of the request, as well as the surname, name and patronymic of the citizen (natural person) or name of the organization (legal entity), public association, government body, or body of local self-government requesting information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government. Anonymous requests are not considered. [...] | The telephone number is asked in order to access to the protected information (1 point loss). |
San Marino | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | The contact information requestors have to provide is not specified in the 2011 legislation. One point subtracted due to silence of the legislation. |
Seychelles | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(5) A request under subsection (1) shall— (a) provide such details concerning the information requested as are reasonably necessary to enable the Information Officer to identify the information; (b) if the requester believes that the information is necessary to safeguard the life or liberty of a person, include a statement to that effect, including the basis for that belief; (c) state the nature of the form in which the requester prefers access; and (d) if the request is made on behalf of another person, include an authorisation from such person. | Only a description of the information is required but it is not clear whether other details may be asked. |
Spain | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Artículo 17 (Solicitud de acceso a la información): 2. La solicitud podría presentarse por cualquier medio que permita tener constancia de: a) La identidad del solicitante. b) La información que se solicita. c) Una dirección de contacto, preferentemente electrónica, a efectos de comunicaciones. d) En su caso, la modalidad que se prefiera para acceder a la información solicitada. | No es posible obtener la maxima puntuación porque la solicitud deberá incluir la identidad del solicitante. En este sentido, nuestra mayor preocupación es que el termino identidad, se interprete de acuerdo con el artículo 70 de la Ley 30/1992 relativo a la necesidad de autentificar los procedimientos mediante firma, DNI, NIE o Certificado Digital. |
Sudan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(b) The request for information shall be submitted in writing to the information officer at the public institution, and this application shall include a description of the details to determine whether the public institution maintains a document that contains this information; if the public institution indeed maintains that information, it shall be turned over to the applicant in accordance with article 11, | Does not specifically refer to any of these details but neither does it refer even to an address. Given that authorities are to adopt a form, it seems likely that some of these details may be required. |
Tanzania | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(2)The request for information shall provide sufficient details to enable the information holder to identify the information and shall include name and address of the person requesting the information. Regulation 6. Without prejudice to the provisions of section 10 of the Act, a person requesting access to information shall not be required by an information holder to give any reason for requesting the information or any other personal details other than those that may be necessary for communication with that person. Note that the Request Form in the Regulations also calls for name, gender, address and telephone to be provided. | Need to provide name and address. Regulation 6 suggests otherwise but it cannot override the Act and also the Request Form calls for this information. |
Togo | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 8 : (1) Toute personne qui souhaite accéder aux informations et aux documents publics, présente une requête écrite accompagnée de la photocopie d'une pièce d'identité en cours de validité à l'organisme concerné. (2) La requête est rédigée en langue française et comporte des données permettant raisonnablement d'identifier l'information recherchée. | Must provide photo ID |
Trinidad and Tobago | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 1. Name of Public Authority 2. Name of Applicant 3. Address of Applicant 4. Telephone Number of Applicant | Schedule 1 - requires a telephone #. |
Tunisia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Art. 10 - La demande d’accès à l’information doit obligatoirement comporter le nom, le prénom et l’adresse s'il s'agit d'une personne physique, la dénomination sociale et le siège social s'il s'agit d'une personne morale ainsi que les précisions nécessaires relatives à l’information demandée et l'organisme concerné. | Need to provide name and address. |
Turkey | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 6: "The application for the access to information is made through a petition that includes the name, surname, residence or the work address of the applicant and the signature; where the applicant is a company, its title and the address, and the signature of the authorised person together with a certificate of authorisation, to the institution that possesses the information or the document.[...]. The information and the document that is required must be specified in the petition." | Name, surname, residence or the work address of the applicant and the signature are asked in order to fulfill a request of information (1 point loss). |
United States | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Procedure varies from agency to agency - generally agencies will ask for a name, address and phone number in order to ensure delivery and the ability to notify for clarification, but none of this information is required. | |
Uzbekistan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(1) Every individual has a right, directly or through his representatives, to submit a written or oral application for obtaining information. 9(2) A written application shall contain the name, patronymics, family name, and address of the applicant (for a juridical person – his requisites) and the identification of the information applied for and its features. Applications shall be registered in accordance with the established procedure. | Need to provide name and address, although address would seem to include an electronic address. |
Vanuatu | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13(2) An application made under subsection (1) may be made in writing, orally or through any electronic means, in any official language, and to the relevant Government agency, relevant private entity or private entity, specifying the information required. (3) A Government agency or a relevant private entity must not deny access to information based on: (a) any of the applicants reasons as to why the application is being made; or (b) any opinion of an official as to the applicant’s reason for applying. (4) An application under subsection (1) is to include the following information: (a) a postal address, fax number or email address to which the information may be sent; and (b) a telephone number at which the applicant may be reached; and (c) the form of access required in accordance with section 28; and (d) the language in which the information granted is to be supplied; and (e) an indication of whether the application is being made on behalf of a person and the submission of proof of the capacity in which the applicant is making the application, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Right to Information Officer; and (f) if the application is being made to a private entity - an explanation of why the information may assist in the exercise or protection of any right; and (g) an indication of whether the applicant believes that the information is necessary to safeguard the life or liberty of himself or herself or any other person, and the basis for that belief. | Requirement for a telephone number costs a point. |
Venezuela | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9. La solicitud de información de interés público deberá contener los siguientes datos: 1) Identidad del solicitante o, en su defecto, de la persona que actúe como su representante, con expresión de sus nombres, apellidos y cédula de identidad. 2) Información de contacto para recibir notificaciones así como la información solicitada. 3) Una descripción suficientemente precisa de la información solicitada, para permitir que sea ubicada. | Minus one for identity card |
Yemen | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 15: "A request for access to the information in writing shall be done in accordance with the form designed for this purpose to the party whom the applicant believes it possesses the information, including the applicant's name and address of residence and work location; and this request must contain sufficient details that would enable the employee in charge to extract the information while the request for the application to access to information shall be done via Instant mail or postal mail or through direct attendance to the source of access to information or the National Center for Information; and in all cases, the application will be submitted upon the form approved for that." | Art 15 - applicant required to state name and address, but also their workplace. |
Armenia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 9(1) A written inquiry must be signed to include applicant’s name, last name, citizenship, place of residence, work or study (in case of legal persons: name, physical address). | Requests must contain name, citizenship, place of residence, work or study |
Benin | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bolivia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Cape Verde | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 6(1) Access to administrative documents is requested in writing, through an application that contains the essential elements for the identification of the applicant, namely, name, personal or collective identification data, contact and signature. | Need name and ID. |
Cook Islands | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Procedure is not listed in the act, and I was unable to find standard request forms on any government websites I visited. |
Czech Republic | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Section 14 - Procedure for the submission and processing of written requests for information Section 14 1 and 2: "(1) A request shall be deemed submitted on the date of receipt by the obligated body. (2)The request must clearly indicate to which obligated body it is addressed and that the applicant requests the provision of information under this Act.". | |
Germany | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | The law does not state what must be provided in order to file a request. |
Guyana | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Requesting form requires address and telephone number. |
Hungary | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | Partially | 0 | Article 30(6) The body undertaking public duties shall compile regulations setting out the rules of procedure for fulfilling requests aimed at accessing data of public interest. | The law does not specify the requirements. Each body should decide the rules for accessing information. |
Iran | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Jordan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 9(a) The information request shall be presented in the form approved for this purpose, including the requester's name, domicile, profession and any other data, as the Board may deem necessary [...] | Also the request form requires a lot of personal information. |
Kazakhstan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 11(5) A written request should contain following information: (1) last name, name and patronymic (if it is indicated in an ID), individual identification number of an individual who is sending a request for information; (2) if applying on behalf of a legal entity - full name of a legal entity, business identification number, outgoing number and date, last name, initials and a position of a person who signed a request. A request has to contain postal and electronic addresses, telephone or telefax number and other means of communication. A written request has to be signed by an individual or a representative of a legal entity. A request in an electronic form has to be authorized by an electronic digital signature. A request made electronically on a blog platform of the heads of state bodies is considered as a written request. A request made electronically on a blog platform of the heads of state bodies does not have to be signed by an information user, if the latter has an account on the "electronic government" web portal and a registration user number, assigned by a mobile phone provider. [...] | Requirements for an identification number, and the requirement for additional verifications for electronic requests, are problematic. Also, note that oral requests seem to operate on a parallel system, with limited types of information available. |
Latvia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Section 11 "<...> (3) A written request for information shall indicate the name, surname or designation (firm name), the place of domicile, place of residence in Latvia or legal address of the applicant, and the applicant shall sign it. The request for information shall be formulated as precisely as possible. <...>" | |
Liechtenstein | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not specified in law nor regulation. |
Maldives | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 6(a) A request for information from a State Institute must be made to the Information Officer of that office in writing and must: (5) specify the name, address and phone number of the person submitting the request | Requires name, address, phone number, all unnecessary. |
Malta | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Art. 6. "(1) An applicant's request to a public authority in terms of article 3 shall - (a) be delivered in writing, including by post or electronically, subject to paragraph (e), to an office of the public authority; and (b) provide such information concerning the document as is reasonably necessary to enable a responsible officer of the public authority to identify it; and (c) include a copy of the applicant's identity card or residence permit, or make reference to the identity card or residence permit in such a way as may be specified by regulations issued under article 42(a); (d) specify a postal address at which notices under this Act may, if necessary, be sent to the applicant; and (e) be accompanied by any fee payable in accordance with article 9(3)." | |
Monaco | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | A22: Toute personne physique ou morale peut adresser à une autorité administrative mentionnée à l’article 2 une demande en vue de consulter un document administratif détenu par cette autorité et n’ayant pas donné lieu à une publication au Journal de Monaco , ni fait l’objet d’une diffusion publique par tout moyen, y compris électronique. A23: La demande est adressée par écrit à l’autorité administrative et comporte tous éléments pertinents permettant l’identification du document administratif concerné. Il en est accusé réception. | No mention of what needs to be included in a request. |
Mongolia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 11.3. The request for information by the citizen and legal entity shall meet the following requirements: 11.3.1. to provide information of his/her full name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, number of national ID or its equivalent and signature in case of a citizen,; 11.3.2. to provide name, address, e-mail address and the state registration number of the legal entity, and the signature of the competent person authorized to represent the legal entity, in case of a legal entity; 13.1. An official who received the request from citizen and legal entity for information (“Request”) shall examine the request as follows: 13.1.2. to check the accuracy of the personal information related to the citizen and legal entity using Number of national ID or its equivalent document; | Need name, address, email, telephone, national ID and signature; ID to be verified |
Morocco | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 14(1) Les informations sont obtenues sur la base d'une demande formulée par l'intéressé selon un modèle établi par la commission visée à l'article 22 ci-dessous. La demande doit mentionner le nom, prénom du demandeur, son adresse postale, le numéro de sa carte nationale d'identité ou, lorsqu'il s'agit d'un étranger, le numéro du document attestant de la régularité de son séjour sur le territoire marocain conformément à la législation en vigueur et, le cas échéant, son adresse électronique, ainsi que les informations qu'il souhaite obtenir. | Need to provide full name, postal address and national ID number |
Nicaragua | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Requirement for an ID number, requirement for address as well as a mailing address (implying that you need to provide a residential address), and requirement for answers to other "standard legal questions" | |
Niger | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Nigeria | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Palau | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 9(b) All governing bodies shall develop procedures in order to promptly comply with the ten (10) days requirement. | The procedures for requests are to be developed by each public authority and the law fails to set any conditions for this so we do not know how this will work. |
Panama | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Requirement for an ID number, plus telephone number and address (requirement for both goes beyond what's necessary) | |
Philippines | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Section 9(a): Any person who requests access to information shall submit a written request to the government office concerned. The request shall state the name and contact information of the requesting party, provide valid proof of his identification or authorization, reasonably describe the information requested, and the reason for, or purpose of, the request for information: Provided, that no request shall be denied or refused acceptance unless the reason for the request is contrary to law, existing rules and regulations or it is one of the exceptions contained in the Inventory or updated inventory of exception as hereinabove provided. Reg 3(1) The request that state the name and contact information of the requesting party, as well as provide valid proof of identification or authorization. | |
Republic of Belarus | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Article 21. Provision of publicly accessible information upon request The procedure for submitting requests for publicly accessible information, as well as the procedure for their consideration, is determined by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. Article 33. Rights and obligations of holder of information A holder of information, regarding the information held, shall be entitled to: allow or restrict access to information, [and (or)] determine the procedure and conditions for such access in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus; | As above, procedure for submitting a request can be determined by the information holder, and regulated under legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus |
Rwanda | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Saudi Arabia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 7.5 2. The request should be filled out in a dedicated form made accessible by the public entity; The National Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards ( FOI.3.4 The Entity shall prepare request forms for access to Public Information - whether paper or electronic - specifying the required information to be provided by the Requestor. The required information shall include, at minimum, the following: 1. Information about the Requestor including name, address, national ID 2. Description of Public Information being requested 3. Purpose behind the request for access to public information 4. Legal basis for the request 5. Notice delivery method to the requestor (e-mail, national address) 6. Date of the request. | FOI forms require significant amounts of information about requestor. |
South Korea | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 10(1) Any person who intends to make a request for disclosing information (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant") may submit a written request for disclosing information containing the following information or make an oral request for information disclosure to any public institution that holds or manages the relevant information: 1. The name, resident registration number, address, and contact details (referring to telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, etc.) of the applicant; 2. Details of the information, the disclosure of which is requested by the applicant and methods for disclosing the information. | A lot of unnecessary information - name, address, registration number - required. |
South Sudan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. 9(8) states that the form may not place unreasonable burdens or conditions on the requester - but this isn't enough for a point here. | |
Taiwan | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 10 Each person who requests the government agency to provide the government information shall submit a written application specifying the following matters: 1. Name, date of birth, ID number, address and telephone number of the applicant. Where the applicant is a legal person or group, the name, registered number and business location. Where the applicant is a foreigner, foreign legal person or group, the nationality, passport number and related certifications shall also be specified. | Art 10: 1. date of birth, ID number and telephone number of the applicant are all required |
Vietnam | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | Article 24(2): The Request Form shall be written in Vietnamese and include main content as follows: (a) Names, addresses, identification numbers or passport numbers of the information requesters; fax numbers, telephone numbers, emails (if any); (b) Requested information, with name of the documents, records, files being specified; Reg. 4(2): A list of information requesters must fully have the following contents: full names, serial numbers of people’s identity cards or citizens’ identity cards or passports, and reasons and purposes of requesters. | Need to provide address and ID or passport number |
Zambia | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 10(1) | |
Zimbabwe | Requesters are only required to provide the details necessary for identifying and delivering the information (i.e. some form of address for delivery). | Score Max 2 points and deduct if requesters are required to give any of the following: ID number, telephone number, residential address, etc. | 2 | NO | 0 | 7(1) Any person who wishes to request access to information from any public entity, public commercial entity or the holder of a statutory office in accordance with the rights granted under this Act may apply in writing in a prescribed manner to an information officer of the public entity, public commercial entity or holder of a statutory office concerned. | Not mentioned |
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