By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(2) Where the applicant is unable to submit a written request due to disability or illiteracy, the public information officer shall write down the oral request and communicate it to the satisfaction of the applicant before obtaining his/her signature or thumb impression as the case may be. (3) Where an institution requires further clarification in order to identify the information sought, the Public Information Officer shall work with the applicant to clarify the request. | |
Andorra | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | "Article 35: Third additional provision. Guarantee in favor of people with diversity The General Administration and the communal administrations must implement all the resources appropriate to the to ensure effective access to public information for people with functional diversity." "Article 35: Disposició addicional tercera. Garantia a favor de les persones amb diversitat funcional L’Administració general i les administracions comunals han d’implementar tots els recursos adients als efectes de garantir, a les persones amb diversitat funcional, l’accés efectiu a la informació pública." | |
Antigua and Barbuda | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 17(3) A person who is unable, because of illiteracy or disability, to make a written request for information may make an oral request, and the official who receives the oral request shall, subject to subsection (6), reduce it to writing, and include his name and position within the public authority or private body, and give a copy thereof to the person who made the request. | |
Armenia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(2) Person responsible for the Freedom of information according to the law: (b) explains thoroughly the procedures, conditions and forms of providing information to the person seeking information, Decree N1204 of 2015 | General requirement to explain the rules but elaborated on in a 2015 Decree which sets more precise rules |
Australia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 15 (3) Where a person: (a) wishes to make a request to an agency; or (b) has made to an agency a request that does not comply with this section; it is the duty of the agency to take reasonable steps to assist the person to make the request in a manner that complies with this section. | 15(3) general duty to assist seems to cover this, when read in the context of Australia's Disability Discrimination Act |
Azerbaijan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 10.4. Information owner:...10.4.5. must assist the applicant; Article 17. Obligation of the owner of information to assist the requester 17.1. The owner of the information must clearly explain to the requester the terms, rules and methods of obtaining the information. 17.2. If the owner of the information does not have the requested information, he should assist the requester in locating it. 17.3. If the request does not specify what information is obtained or in what form this information is provided, the official must contact the applicant in order to clarify this in the manner prescribed by this Law. 17.4. An oral request of those who are unable to apply due to illiteracy or physical disability shall be made in writing by the officials of the owner of the information, indicating their names and positions, and shall be registered with the date. | Broad obligations to assist, including to clarify requests and to reduce oral requests to writing for illiterate or disabled requesters |
Bangladesh | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(10): "Where access to the record or a part thereof is required to be provided to a perceptual handicapped, the officer-in-charge shall provide assistance to him to enable him to access such information and such assistance shall deem to include any assistance which is required for such inspection.;" | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 18 Duty to Assist "A public authority is obliged, within its capabilities, to take all necessary steps to assist any natural or legal person seeking to exercise any right under this Act." | |
Bulgaria | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 26(4) Persons with impaired sight, hearing or speech are entitled to request access in a form that corresponds to their ability to communicate. | |
Canada | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 12(3) Where access to a record or a part thereof is to be given under this Act and the person to whom access is to be given has a sensory disability and requests that access be given an alternative format, a copy of the record or part thereof shall be given to the person in an alternative format (a) forthwith, if the record or part thereof already exists under the control of a government institution in an alternative format that is acceptable to that person; or (b) within a reasonable period of time, if the head of the government institution that has control of the record considers the giving of access in an alternative format to be necessary to enable the person to exercise the person's right of access under this Act and considers it reasonable to cause that record or part thereof to be converted. | 12(3) - Accommodation is also required as a result of the Charter. |
China | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 29(1) Where citizens, legal persons, or other organizations apply to obtain government information, they shall be submitted to the open government information work bodies administrative organs in written forms including letters and electronic documents; where there is truly difficulty in using a written form, the applicant may make an oral submission, and the open government information work body accepting that application is to complete an application for open government information on their behalf. 43 Where citizens applying for the disclosure of government information have trouble reading or have hearing or vision impediments, administrative organs shall provide them with necessary assistance. | |
Colombia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 8. Differential accessibility criteria. In order to facilitate the specific populations to access information that particularly affected, the obligated, at the request of the authorities of the communities, disseminated public information in various languages and languages and alternative formats understandable developed for these groups. Access to such information shall be secured to the various ethnic and cultural groups in the country and especially the media will be adapted to provide access to people who are suffering from disabilities. | Article 8 of law 1712 of 2014 includes differential criteria to access information for disabled population as well as for ethnic and cultural groups. According to our reviewer, this should be interpreted systematically to apply to the law as a whole as a result of Art 3. |
Cook Islands | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 12. Assistance– It is the duty of every Ministry, Minister of the Crown, and organisation to give reasonable assistance to a person, who - (a) wishes to make a request in accordance with section 11 of this Act; or (b) in making a request under section 11 of this Act, has not made that request in accordance with that section; or (c) has not made his or her request to the appropriate Ministry or Minister of the Crown or organisation, to make a request in a manner that is in accordance with that section or to direct his or her request to the appropriate Ministry or Minister of the Crown or organisation. | Art 12 - doesn't explicitly mention disability, but seems to cover this under a general duty to assist. |
Costa Rica | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Requisitos….En caso que, una persona presente barreras para la formulación de la solicitud de información, la Administración a la que se dirige la petición, brindará la ayuda necesaria al petente, sin discriminación alguna. | General language imposing obligation to assist persons facing barriers, without discrimination, is enough for 2 points. |
Croatia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | General Administrative Procedure Act (Art 7, Art.11) | General obligation of public servants and public bodies to provide assistance. |
Cyprus | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | "Article 17 (Help and Advice for Requesters) 17.-(1) Κάθε δημόσια αρχή έχει καθήκον να παρέχει βοήθεια και συμβουλή στο πλαίσιο του ευλόγως δυνατού, σε πρόσωπο που προτίθεται να υποβάλει ή έχει ήδη υποβάλει σ’ αυτήν αίτηση για παροχή πληροφοριών. (2) Δημόσια αρχή, η οποία σε σχέση με το καθήκον παροχής βοήθειας ή συμβουλής συμμορφώνεται με τον κώδικα πρακτικής που εκδίδεται δυνάμει των διατάξεων του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 39, λογίζεται ότι τηρεί τις διατάξεις του εδαφίου (1) του παρόντος άρθρου." | |
El Salvador | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 50 "El Oficial de Información tendrá las funciones siguientes:(...) c. Auxiliar a los particulares en la elaboración de solicitudes y, en su caso, orientarlos sobre las dependencias o entidades que pudieran tener la información que solicitan.(...)" ARTICLE 68 Los interesados tendrán derecho la asistencia para el acceso a la información y al auxilio en la elaboración de las solicitudes, si así lo pide. Cuando una solicitud de información sea dirigida a un ente obligado distinto del competente, éste deberá informar al interesado la entidad a la que debe dirigirse. | Art 50(c) and 68 together fulfil this. |
Estonia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 9. Obligations of holders of information "(2) Upon granting access to information, a holder of information is required: (...) 5) to assist persons making requests for information; (...) 15. Obligation of holders of information to assist persons making requests for information "(1) Holders of information are required to clearly explain the procedure for and the conditions and manners of access to information to persons making requests for information. (2) Officials and employees of holders of information are required to assist persons making requests for information in every way during the making of requests for information and the identification of the information necessary for the persons making requests for information, the location of the information and the most suitable manners of access thereto." | |
Ethiopia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 14(1) Any person who desires to obtain information shall present his request to the concerned public relations officer in writing, or through electronics device, clearly identifying the information he seeks. Where the requester owing to illiteracy or physical incapacity is unable to present his request in witting, the public relation officer has a duty to assist the requester by reducing his request in writing in the prescribed form. | |
Finland | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | [Administrative Procedure Act of Finland] Article 8(1) An authority shall provide to its customers the necessary advice, within its competence, for taking care of administrative matters; as well as respond to the questions and queries on its service. Advice shall be provided free of charge. | |
Ghana | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 18(2) Where an applicant is unable to make the application in writing due to illiteracy or a disability, the applicant may make the request orally. (3) Where a request is made orally under subsection (2), the request shall be reduced into writing by the information officer to whom the application is made, who shall give a copy of the written request as recorded and as duly authenticated to the applicant. (4) Where the applicant is illiterate, and the request has been reduced into writing, the information officer shall (a) clearly and correctly read and explain the written request to the understanding of the applicant in accordance with the Illiterates' Protection Act, 1912 (Cap 262); (b) ask a witness to endorse on the face of the request that "the request was read to the applicant in the language the applicant understands and the applicant appeared to have understood the content of the request"; and (c) ask the applicant to make a thumbprint or a mark on the request. | Must reduce oral requests due to illiteracy or disability into writing and give a copy to the applicant |
Greece | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 3(3) If the interested party states that she cannot write, the competent public servant, following an oral account of the request of the interested party, is obliged to draw up the application himself/herself. | |
Guinea | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(2) Dans le cas où le·demandeur d'accès à l'information souffre d'un handicap, d'une incapacité de lecture ou d'écriture, ou encore lorsque ce dernier est atteint d'une incâpacitê auditive ou visuelle, le chargé d'accès à l'information est tenu de lui apporter l'assistance nécessaire, pour la formulation de la demande et l'obtention de l'information. | |
Guyana | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 17. The Commissioner of Information, in collaboration with the relevant public authority, shall take reasonable steps to assist any person who - (a) wishes to make a request under section 16; or (b) has made a request which does not comply with the requirements of section 16(2), and shall afford that person an opportunity, to make a request in a manner which complies with that section. | 17 - any reasonable assistance. |
India | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6(1) A person, who desires to obtain any information under this Act, shall make a request in writing or through electronic means in English or Hindi or in the official language of the area in which the application is being made, accompanying such fee as may be prescribed, to - (a) the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, of the concerned public authority; (b) the Central Assistant Public Information Officer or State Assistant Public Information Officer, as the case may be, specifying the particulars of the information sought by him or her: Provided that where such request cannot be made in writing, the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, shall render all reasonable assistance to the person making the request orally to reduce the same in writing. 7(4) Where access to the record or a part thereof is required to be provided under this Act and the person to whom access is to be provided is sensorily disabled, the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, shall provide assistance to enable access to the information, including providing such assistance as may be appropriate for the inspection. | 6(1) for the illiterates, 7(4) for the disabled. |
Ireland | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 11(2)(b) if the person has a disability, so as to facilitate the exercise by the person of his or her rights under this Act. | Specific mention of persons with a disability. |
Italy | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Law 4/2004 establishes the right of people in special needs to access to information and public services. | Law available here. |
Kenya | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 8(2) Where an applicant is unable to make a written request for access to information in accordance with subsection (1) because of illiteracy or disability, the information officer shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the applicant makes a request in manner that meets their needs. (3) The information officer shall reduce to writing, in a prescribed form the request made under subsection (2) and the information officer shall then furnish the applicant with a copy of the written request. | |
Kyrgyzstan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 14.1. Requests for information shall be sent to information holders in the form of: (1) verbal direct request, by phone or via the Internet (hereinafter referred to as an oral request); 14.2 The response to the request shall be satisfied in the form in which the request was sent, unless another preferred form of response is expressly provided for in the request itself, except in cases where it may damage the integrity and safety of the data carrier. 15.1. Information is provided orally at the request of the applicant. 15.2. In the event that the oral response to the oral inquiry does not satisfy the applicant, the procedure for sending written or electronic requests, as well as other means of obtaining information in accordance with the provisions of this Law shall be explained to him/her. | There is a provision for making oral requests, which is positive. However, the format of a response to such a response is unclear. 14.2 suggests that the format will be as stipulated in the request but 15.1 casts some doubt on this. |
Liberia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3.6: "Designation of at least one personnel / staff: Every public authority and private entity to which this Act applies shall appoint, maintain and duly support at least one designated personnel/staff whose overall responsibility shall be to receive requests for information held by the authority or entity and coordinate the response(s) of the authority or entity to all such requests. The designated personnel / staff shall serve as the primary contact of the authority or agency with the public relative to request for and provision of information, and his responsibilities shall include promoting best practices in record maintenance, storage, and management, and assisting members of the public, especially illiterate and other physically challenged persons, to file requests for information." | |
Maldives | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 6(b) Where the person requesting for information, is incapable of submitting a request in writing, as prescribed in subsection (a) of this section, due to a physical incapability or illiteracy, such persons may orally submit their request, with the information specified in subsection (a) of this section, to the Information Officer of the State Institute. In such circumstances, the Information Officer, must write down the request, sign it, and have a third person witness the process, have the witness sign the request, have the person orally submitting the request fingerprint the request, and give a copy of the written request to that person. | |
Malta | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 7. "Where an eligible person - (a) wishes to make a request to a public authority; or (b) has made to a public authority a request that does not comply with article 6, it is the duty of the public authority to take reasonable steps to assist the person to make the request in a manner that complies with article 6, and it shall do so at no charge." | |
Mexico | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 124. In order to submit a request, no other requirements may be required than: I. Name or, if necessary, general data of his/her representative; II. Address or means for receiving notications; III. The description of the requested information; IV. Any other information that facilitates its search and eventual location, and V. The preferred mode to be granted the access to information, which may be verbal, provided it is for guidance purposes, by direct consultation, by issuing simple or certi ed copies or the reproduction through any other means, including electronic. Where appropriate, the applicant shall state the accessible format or the indigenous language in which the information is required according to what is stated in this Act. The information in sections I and IV will be provided by the applicant as an option and, in no case, may be a mandatory prerequisite for the admissibility of the application. | |
Montenegro | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7: "Disabled persons shall be provided access to the information through the method and form corresponding to their needs." Article 8: "Any government agency shall be in obligation to make possible to any applicant to access the information or a part thereof, except in cases provided for by this Law." | |
Mozambique | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTIGO 15 (Access to information) 4. If the applicant is a person with handicap, the employee who receive the request shall provide to the proper arrangements to help the applicant. Right to Information Law Regulation ARTIGO 9 (Form of the Request) 4. If the applicant is a person with handicap the agent must help him to finalize the request. | Only refers to disabled, aged but benefit of doubt given |
Namibia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 35(2) If a person makes a request orally the information officer must reduce the oral request to writing and provide a copy of that written request to the requester. 36(1) If a person - (a) wishes to make a request for access to information to an information holder; or (b) has made a request for access to information to an information holder that does not comply with the requirements of this Act, the information officer must take all necessary steps to assist the person, free of charge, to make the request in a manner that complies with this Act. (2) If a person with a disability wishes to make a request for access to information, an information officer must - (a) take all necessary steps to assist the person to make the request in a manner that complies with this Act and meets his or her needs; and (b) provide information in accessible communication format and technologies as chosen by the requester and appropriate to his or her kind of disability in a timely manner and without additional cost. 44(5) If a requester with a disability - (a) requests access to information and the information holder grants access; and (b) is prevented by the disability from reading, viewing or listening to, the information, in the form in which it is held, the information officer must take reasonable steps to make the information available in a form in which the requester can read, view or listen, if the requester so requests. | Language on disability strong and can make oral requests |
Nepal | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | National Information Commission has issued a Guidelines for the Implementation of RTI has, which contains provision requiring Information Officer to provide assistance and also reduce oral requests to writing. | |
New Zealand | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 13 Assistance It is the duty of every department, Minister of the Crown, and organisation to give reasonable assistance to a person, who— (a) wishes to make a request in accordance with section 12; or (b) in making a request under section 12, has not made that request in accordance with that section; or (c) has not made his request to the appropriate department or Minister of the Crown or organisation or local authority,— to make a request in a manner that is in accordance with that section or to direct his request to the appropriate department or Minister of the Crown or organisation or local authority. | No specific mention of disabilities - but general duty under Section 13 should cover this. |
Nicaragua | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 6.- Cada entidad de las comprendidas en la presente Ley, deberá crear una Oficina de Acceso a la Información Pública para lo cual se reorganizarán y adecuarán los recursos existentes. Esta oficina dependerá de forma directa de la máxima autoridad de cada entidad y tendrá como misión facilitar, a las personas que así lo demanden, el acceso a la información, creando un sistema de organización de la información y los archivos, con su respectivo índice de la información a su resguardo. Estas oficinas llevarán registro de las solicitudes de información recepcionadas y de las respuestas brindadas en cada caso. Dicho registro se considerará información pública. En los casos en que el solicitante sea una persona con capacidades diferentes o tenga necesidades idiomáticas especiales que le impidan conocer y comprender el contenido de la información por entregarse, la entidad correspondiente será responsable de establecer los mecanismos conducentes a fin de que el derecho de acceso a la información sea satisfecho en estos casos. | Art 6 explicitly mentions this. |
Nigeria | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3(3) Illiterate or disabled applicants who by virtue of their illiteracy or disability are unable to make an application for access to information or record in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) above, may make that application through a third party. (4) An authorized official of a government or public institution to whom an applicant makes an oral application for information or record, shall reduce the application into writing in the form prescribed under subsection (1) above and shall provide a copy of the written application to the applicant. | |
Pakistan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 10(2) A designated official shall, as may be prescribed, assist applicant who is having problems due to any disability in describing the information sought in sufficient detail to enable the public body to locate that information. | |
Qatar | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | مادة 7: تقوم الإدارة المختصة بتيسير الحصول على المعلومات وتقديم المساعدة الكافية في الأحوال الــتي يحتــاج فيها طالـب المعلومات لمساعدة خاصة، كذوي الإعاقة أو كبار السن أو الأُمـيّين أو غيرهم 7. The competent administration facilitates obtaining information and provides adequate assistance in cases where the information seeker needs special assistance, such as people with disabilities, the elderly, the illiterate, or others. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(3) | |
Serbia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 38: "1) informs the applicant about the possession of information and provides access to the document containing the requested information, ie submits information in appropriate ways, rejects requests for decisions, provides applicants with the necessary assistance to exercise their rights established by Law "Article 38: " | |
Sierra Leone | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3.(4) A public information officer who receives an oral request shall reduce the request to writing, including the public information officers name and designation and shall give a copy thereof to the applicant. (6) Where a request for information does not comply with subsection (3), the public information officer who receives the request shall render such reasonable assistance, free of charge, as may be necessary to enable the request to comply with that subsection. | |
South Africa | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 18(3)(a) An individual who because of illiteracy or a disability is unable to make a request for access to a record of a public body in accordance with subsection (1), may make that request orally. (b) The information officer of that body must reduce that oral request to writing in the prescribed form and provide a copy thereof to the requester. | |
Sri Lanka | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 23(2) Every information officer shall deal with requests for information made to the public authority of which he or she has been appointed its information officer, and render all necessary assistance to any citizen making such request to obtain the information. Article 24(1) ... Provided that where any citizen making a request under this subsection is unable due to any reason to make such request in writing, such citizen shall be entitled to make the request orally and it shall be the duty of the appropriate information officer to reduce such request to writing on behalf of the citizen. | Covers inability to make the request for any reason. |
Sudan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 10(c) A person who is not able to submit a written application to obtain information—if he cannot read or write or is disabled—can then submit an application orally to be noted down by the information officer at the public institution, with the names of the applicant and the information officer at the public institution and his title, and he shall give a copy of the application to the applicant, | |
Sweden | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Swedish Administrative Procedure Act, Article 4. | Article provides:\"...The assistance shall be given to the extent that is deemed appropriate with regard to the nature of the matter, the persons need of assistance and the activity of the authority.\" |
Switzerland | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | ORDINANCE ON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION IN THE ADMINISTRATION. Section 2 Right of Access to Official Documents. Art. 3 Assistance to the applicant: "1 The authority shall provide information to the applicant about the official documents available and shall assist him through the procedure, particularly if the applicant is disabled. 2 Where official documents are accessible via the Internet or have been published in an official publication of the Federal Government, the authority may confine itself to providing references as to the sources where they may be found. 3 The authority is not required to translate official documents to which access has been granted in application of the Freedom of Information Act." | |
Taiwan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Yes - People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act |
Tanzania | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 10(4) A person requesting who, because of illiteracy or disability is unable to make a written application for access to information, may make a request orally, and the officer to whom the request is made shall reduce the request into writing in the prescribed form and provide a copy of the written request to the person requesting. | |
Trinidad and Tobago | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 14. "(1) A public authority shall take reasonable steps to assist any person who - (a) wishes to make a request under section 13; or (b) has made a request which does not comply with the requirements of section 13 (2), to make a request in a manner which complies with that section.(...) (3) Without prejudice to section 21, a public authority shall take reasonable steps to assist any person in the exercise of any other right under this Act." | 14(1) and 14(3) - while not mentioning this explicitly, seem to cover this. |
Tunisia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 9 - ...Le chargé d’accès à l’information est tenu de fournir l’assistance nécessaire au demandeur d’accès à l’information, dans le cas d’handicape ou d’incapacité de lecture ou d’écriture ou encore lorsque le demandeur serait atteint d’une incapacité auditive ou visuelle. | |
Ukraine | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 19.7 If because of sound reasons (disability, limited physical ability, etc.) a person cannot submit a written request, it shall be prepared by the responsible person for the issues of access to public information indicating his/her name, contact phone, and a copy must be provided to the requester. | |
United Kingdom | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 45 (Statutory code of practice issued under Section 45 of the Act). | The point is specifically addressed in a statutory code of practice issued under section 45 of the Act. |
United States | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Not spelled out in the law, but the Americans with Disabilities Act should cover the need to accommodate. | |
Vanuatu | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 28(7) If an applicant is prevented by a disability from reading, viewing or listening to the information concerned in the form or manner in which it is held, the Right to Information Officer must, if the applicant so requests, take reasonable steps to make the information available in a form in which it is capable of being read, viewed or heard by the applicant. | - |
Vietnam | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 3(6): The Government shall create favorable conditions for persons with disability, people living in mountainous areas, islands, areas with exceptional socio-economic difficulties to exercise the right to access to information; Article 24(1): The information requester shall make request in the following forms: (a) Come in person or authorize other person to go to the offices of the state agencies to make request. If the requester is illiterate or disabled and cannot write, the person in charge of receiving request shall fill out the Request Form. Reg. 3(4): Information-providing agencies shall assign their cadres and civil servants to provide guidance, explanations and assistance to persons with disabilities who find it difficult to fill in and sign written requests for provision of information or have difficulties accessing information. Reg. 8(6): To assign their cadres and civil servants to provide guidance, explanations and assistance to illiterate persons, persons with disabilities and persons who have other problems filling in and signing written requests for information; to assist information requesters who cannot write filling in written requests for information. | |
Yemen | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | YES | 2 | 16: "The procedures and forms organized to access the information shall take into account providing additional facilities appropriate for the illiterate and those with special needs." | Art 16 - procedures for the illiterate or those with special needs. |
Austria | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7 (1) Access to information may be requested in writing, orally or by telephone, in any technically possible and intended form. (2) The information must be described as precisely as possible. The applicant may be ordered to provide a written version of a request made orally or by telephone if the content or scope of the information requested is not sufficiently clear from the request. Federal Act on Equality for People with Disabilities (Federal Disability Equality Act – BGStG), 8(2) The federal government undertakes to take the appropriate and specifically necessary measures to enable people with disabilities access to its services and offers. In particular, by December 31, 2006, after consulting the Austrian Working Group for Rehabilitation, he must draw up a plan for the removal of structural barriers for the buildings he uses and provide for the phased implementation (stage plan for federal buildings) | Some general obligations for the Federal government to enable access to services provided for under the Federal Disability Equality Act but no broader application and no special provisions for persons with illiteracy. The Freedom of Information Act allows for oral requests, which is positive, but where oral requests are unclear, the public authority can simply order them to make the request in writing, which is not very accommodating. |
Brazil | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 8. In compliance with the directives established by the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, the public bodies and entities shall make sure that their respective websites meet, inter alia, the following requirements: VIII – to ensure content accessibility to persons with disabilities. | Article 8, VIII, of the Decree (and not 7(8)) establishes that the websites shall adopt the necessary measures to guarantee accessibility. But it refers to websites only. |
Burkina Faso | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 12 : Lorsque le demandeur est une personne vivant avec un handicap, des mesures spécifiques sont prises pour lui permettre d'accéder à l’information ou au document. Article 15 : Le responsable du service chargé de l’accès à l’information publique et aux documents administratifs à la réception d'une demande, doit : donner accès au document par des mesures idoines lorsque le demandeur est une personne vivant avec un handicap | Seems to be more about form of access than assistance in making request. |
Fiji | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 13(7) In giving access to information, a public agency must take such measures as reasonably practicable to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access such information in accordance with the rights of persons with disabilities as prescribed under section 42 of the Constitution. | Covers the disabled but not those who are illiterate. |
Gambia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13(2) Where a person with a disability wishes to make a request, the Information Officer shall take all necessary steps to assist the person to make the request in a manner that meets the needs of the person with disability and which complies with the Act. | Assistance for disabled people is provided for, but assistance for the illiterate is not. |
Israel | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7(5) The information shall be made available to the applicant in the form it is kept by the public authority. The public authority is not obliged to process the information according to the needs of the applicant; if the information is computerized, it shall be produced for the applicant through the means customarily used by the authority. | |
Kazakhstan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(2) Information holder is obliged to: [...] (7) create necessary conditions for disabled people who receive information; [...] | |
Kosovo | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(4) If the request is made orally, the official responsible for access to public documents shall compile the written request for further proceeding. If the request is made electronically, it shall be considered as a written request. | One point awarded because oral requests must be reduced to writing, which addresses some of the needs of illiterate and disabled persons. However, the statute does not specifically address special needs. |
Malawi | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 18. (1) A request for information may be made orally or in writing, and shall be addressed to an information officer: Provided that an illiterate and indigent person, or a minor may request a third party to obtain the information on his behalf from an information holder. 22. An information holder, shall, having regard to any specific request by an applicant of the format in which the applicant wants requested information to be given, as well as the circumstances and the costs to provide the information in the manner requested, provide the information requested - (d) in the case of an applicant with sensory disability, in a format that allows the applicant to view, read or listen to the record, document or information. | No clear that special attention needs to be given to the disabled, over and above the general obligation of assisstance for everyone. |
Panama | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Law 15 of 2016, Reforming Law 42 of 1999, Chapter IV, | Not mentioned in the RTI Law, but some credit given due to the general provisions on access to information in Panama's disability rights legislation. |
Paraguay | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 6. competent organ. Public sources should enable an Office of Access to Public Information, in which applications will be accepted, as well as guide and assist the applicant in simple and understandable way. | This is sort of included in Article 6, though the phrasing is a little to soft for full points. |
Seychelles | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(2) Where a person with a disability wishes to make a request, an Information Officer shall take all necessary steps to assist the person to make the request in a manner that meets their needs. | Refers to disabilities but not illiteracy. |
Slovenia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 62/7 of the General Administrative Procedure Act (which is directly used in FOI proceedings) states that those who cannot use a language due to a disability have the right to follow the process using an interpreter (it is understood also a sign language interpreter and others). The body is obliged to inform the party of this right. There is also a special act, Act on the Use of Slovene Sign Language, that governs the right to be informed in the sign language, and a Supreme Court decision that recognised a right of the blind and partially sighted to get court documents in Braille text. Article 15 of the Decree on communication and re-use of information of public character (2007) establishes that the body has to ensure that the information, communicated on the internet is available also to people with special needs. | Provisions only for language disabilities. |
South Sudan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(4) illiteracy - no mention of disability. | |
Uganda | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 11. Form of request. (3) A person who, because of illiteracy or disability is unable to make a request for access in accordance with subsection (1) may make that request orally. Access to Information Regulations, 2011, 3(7) Where the requester shows sufficient reason for failing to submit the request in the prescribed form and provides an oral request, the oral request shall be reduced into writing by the information officer or an authorised officer at the expense of the requester...(9) For purposes of sub-regulation (7), sufficient reason includes illiteracy or disability. | Reg. 3(7) indicates that illiterate or requesters with disabilities must pay for transcription costs of oral requests, so one point has been deducted. |
Zambia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(2), (3) | |
Albania | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | The Law does not mention that public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs. |
Angola | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Argentina | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Bahamas | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not specially mentioned beyond the general requirement to assist. No requirement to reduce oral requests to writing. |
Belgium | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | There are no references in the law to those with special needs. |
Belize | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | SECTION 12(4) It is the duty of a Ministry or prescribed authority, where practicable, to assist a person who wishes to make a request, or has made a request that does not comply with this section or has not been directed to the appropriate Ministry or prescribed authority, to make a request in a manner that complies with this section or to direct a request to the appropriate Ministry or specified authority. | Not specifically listed |
Benin | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bolivia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Cape Verde | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Chile | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Nothing in the law, or in practice according to our expert. |
Czech Republic | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Denmark | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Dominican Republic | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
East Timor | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ecuador | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned.
France | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Georgia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Germany | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No specific provision. |
Guatemala | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Honduras | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No clear requirement to assist and no provision for oral requests. |
Hungary | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iceland | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Indonesia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iran | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ivory Coast | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Jamaica | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Japan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not specifically mentioned. |
Jordan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kuwait | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | 3. The authorities shall facilitate the access to information for people and guarantee their disclosure according to the timing and modalities stipulated in this law. | No special obligation to help these groups. |
Latvia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Lebanon | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No special provision for providing assistance to disabled requesters. |
Liechtenstein | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not specified in law. |
Lithuania | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Luxembourg | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Moldova | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not specifically mentioned. |
Monaco | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Mongolia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Morocco | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No specific reference to this |
Netherlands | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Niger | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | 24: Chaque administration assure, en son sein, l’accueil et l’information des usagers au niveau d’un service d’accueil et d’orientation du public. Elle est tenue de communiquer à l’usager les informations exactes sur les procédures et formalités nécessaires à l’obtention des prestations qu’elle fournit. | Article 24 is neither specific enough nor broad enough to get points here. |
North Macedonia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Norway | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Palau | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Peru | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Nothing listed. |
Philippines | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Poland | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Portugal | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Republic of Belarus | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Romania | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Russia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not specifically mentioned. | |
Rwanda | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
San Marino | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | 28(2). Consultation of the documents is carried out by the applicant or by a person appointed by the applicant, even with the possible assistance of another person, whose details must be indicated in the request. The person carrying out the consultation may take notes and transcribe all or part of the documents examined, unless this is forbidden by special provisions. | No specific accommodations are outlined other than allowing for an applicant to appoint someone to assist |
Saudi Arabia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Slovakia | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not specifically mentioned. |
South Korea | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not specifically mentioned. | |
Spain | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Tajikistan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Thailand | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Togo | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Turkey | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Uruguay | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Uzbekistan | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Venezuela | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Zimbabwe | Public officials are required to provide assistance to requesters who require it because of special needs, for example because they are illiterate or disabled. | Score Yes=2 point, No=0 | 2 | NO | 0 | 3 The objects of this Act are— … (c) to promote transparency, accountability and effective governance by taking any steps necessary to— … (ii) ensure that appropriate assistance is afforded to members of the public seeking to exercise their right of access to information in order to facilitate the exercise of the right. | No specific mention of this |
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