By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(1) Public information Officer shall perform the following duties: 3-Provide applicants with a receipt upon receiving a request for information. 4-Inform the applicant within 5 working days about availability or lack of availability of the requested information. | Fails to impose a direct obligation on bodies to provide the receipt within 5 days but this is strongly implied by the deadline about availability. |
Antigua and Barbuda | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 17(8) An official of a public authority or private body which receives a request for information shall provide the person making the request with a receipt documenting the request. | |
Argentina | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTÍCULO 9° — Solicitud de información. La solicitud de información debe ser presentada ante el sujeto obligado que la posea o se presuma que la posee, quien la remitirá al responsable de acceso a la información pública, en los términos de lo previsto en el artículo 30 de la presente ley. Se podrá realizar por escrito o por medios electrónicos y sin ninguna formalidad a excepción de la identidad del solicitante, la identificación clara de la información que se solicita y los datos de contacto del solicitante, a los fines de enviarle la información solicitada o anunciarle que está disponible. El sujeto que recibiere la solicitud de información le entregará o remitirá al solicitante una constancia del trámite. | |
Armenia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(7) The answer to written inquiry is given in the following deadlines: (a) If the information required by the written inquiry is not publicized, than the copy of that information is given tot the applicant within 5 days after the application is filed. (b) If the information required by the written inquiry is publicized, than information on the means, place and time framework of that publication is given within 5 days after the application is filed. (c) If additional work is needed to provide the information required, than the information is given to the applicant within 30 days after the application is filed, about which a written notice is being provided within 5 days after the application submission, highlighting the reasons for delay and the final deadline when the information will be provided. (10) If the information holder does not possess the information sought or if the disclosure of that information is beyond its powers, than within 5 days after the written inquiry is filed, it must inform the applicant about that in a written form, and if it possible, also point out the information on the place and body, including archive, that holds that information. | Not exactly a receipt but some sort of response must be provided within 5 days in any case |
Benin | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 79: L’agent ou le responsable public donne à la personne qui lui a fait une demande écrite, un avis de la date de réception de sa demande, sous peine d’être déchu du droit d’invoquer un délai insuffisant devant la Haute Autorité de l’Audiovisuel et de la Communication et les juridictions. L’avis peut consister à écrire sur une copie de la demande, les date et heure de dépôt avec les nom, prénoms, qualité et signature de l’agent qui a reçu la demande. Le requérant peut déposer copie de sa demande auprès de la Haute Autorité de l’Audiovisuel et de la Communication. | |
Brazil | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 9. Sole Paragraph. The SIC is responsible for: II – filing the access to information request in a specific electronic system and providing the applicant with a file number, which should include the filing date of the said request; | Article 9, Sole Paragraph, II of the Decree. SIC [Citizen Information Service] must register the request for information in a specific electronic system and deliver a protocol number which shall contain the date the request was made. |
Canada | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | This is standard administrative practice in Canada. Many application forms have a space for your reference number. |
Colombia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | This is done immediately in accordance with Law 1712 of 2014 and Law 1437 of 2011. |
Costa Rica | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 4. Acuse de recibido. El funcionario que reciba la solicitud de información pública deberá extender inmediatamente un comprobante de acuse de recibido, con indicación de la fecha de recibo de la solicitud, nombre de quien la recibe y la unidad receptora. Este comprobante deberá extenderse de forma escrita, sea física o electrónica, a través del medio indicado por el solicitante para recibir notificaciones, según el artículo 3 de este decreto. | "immediately" must provide receipt which is enough for 2 points even without a maximum time frame |
El Salvador | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Authorities are required to provide solicitors with a "constancia" |
France | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 19, law 2000/321. | |
Gambia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 12(3) On receipt of a request, the Information Officer shall immediately provide a written acknowledgement of the request to the requester. | |
Greece | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 4(4) The administrative authorities should, at the request of the interested party, to issue certificates and attestations immediately. If the immediate issuance thereof is not possible, they are sent by mail within ten (10) days at the given address. | |
India | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Receipts are provided immediately as there is a prescribed fee. |
Indonesia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 22(4) The relevant Public Agency shall provide a receipt in the form of registration number for the request for Public Information as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) upon the receipt of the request. | |
Israel | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Expert says this is part of Israel's administrative system. |
Italy | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | The reform of Public Administration (Law 126/2016) 1. Dell\'avvenuta presentazione di istanze, segnalazioni o comunicazioni è rilasciata immediatamente, anche in via telematica, una ricevuta, che attesta l\'avvenuta presentazione dell\'istanza, della segnalazione e della comunicazione e indica i termini entro i quali l\'amministrazione è tenuta, ove previsto, a rispondere, ovvero entro i quali il silenzio dell\'amministrazione equivale ad accoglimento dell\'istanza. Se la ricevuta contiene le informazioni di cui all\'articolo 8, essa costituisce comunicazione di avvio del procedimento ai sensi dell\'articolo 7. La data di protocollazione dell\'istanza, segnalazione o comunicazione non può comunque essere diversa da quella di effettiva presentazione. Le istanze, segnalazioni o comunicazioni producono effetti anche in caso di mancato rilascio della ricevuta, ferma restando la responsabilità del soggetto competente.\" | From 28 July 2016 every public body must send a receipt for every request they receive. |
Ivory Coast | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 11. Toute personne qui souhaite accéder aux informations et aux documents publics présente une requête écrite à l’organisme concerné dans laquelle elle décline son identité et sa qualité. La requête est rédigée en langue française et comporte des données permettant raisonnablement d’identifier l’information recherchée. Un accusé de réception est délivré au requérant. Lorsque la demande n’est pas suffisamment précise ou lorsqu’une personne requiert une assistance pour identifier le document susceptible de contenir les renseignements recherchés, le responsable est tenu de lui prêter son concours. Le requérant n’est pas tenu de motiver sa demande. | |
Kazakhstan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(6) An information user who applied to an information holder directly and made his/her request in a written form, receives a receipt which indicates the date and time, last name and initials of a person, who accepted the request. | |
Kuwait | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 7. The competent employee shall, upon receipt of the application, give the applicant a notice in which the number and date of the application, the type of information requested and the period required for the reply are indicated. | |
Liberia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 3.8: "Documentary acknowledgement of Request: Upon the receipt of every request, a public authority or private entity shall acknowledge the request in writing and advise the requester of the maximum number of days it shall take to respond to the request." | |
Lithuania | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 13. Forwarding Requests "1. If information requested is available to another institution, the request shall be forwarded to another competent institution not later than within 5 working days of the receipt of the request, and the applicant shall be informed thereof within 3 working days of the forwarding of the request. The institution that receives the forwarded request shall provide the applicant with information within the period defined in Article 14 of this Law. If the applicant refers to an institution orally, the institution shall immediately notify the applicant and inform the applicant of the institution, including its contact details, which should be addressed in relation to the requested information. <...>" | Government Decree No. 875 (22-08-2007) paragraph 27 provides that such receipts are only provided upon a request to provide it. If the requester asks for such a receipt, it must be provided initially or in no more than 2 days in cases where the request was filed via mail. |
Malta | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Point 3.3 of the Code of Practice mentions the issue of acknowledgements that may be delivered in electronic format if the applicant supplies an electronic address. In practice this goes together with the IT system workflow (mentioned in point 2.6) which is currently in place. All requests sent, whether by hand or in electronic format (through the FOI web portal will be logged onto a system which sends instant acknowledgements. | |
Mexico | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Access to Information Regulation 66: In all cases, the authority will provide a receipt which includes a clear indication of the date of presentation [translated by CLD] | |
Monaco | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 23(1) La demande est adressée par écrit à l’autorité administrative et comporte tous éléments pertinents permettant l’identification du document administratif concerné. Il en est accusé réception. | |
Mozambique | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Right to Information Law Regulation ARTIGO 9 (Form of the Request) 5. Requests according to the present article shall be presented in duplicate, where the original stays with the receiving entity and the copy duly signed with date, location and name of the official stays with the applicant. | Requests in duplicate with one copy to requester |
Namibia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 35(3) On receipt of a request, an information officer must immediately provide an acknowledgement of the request to the requester in the prescribed form if the information requested is not readily available to be accessed. | "immediately" presumably means less than 5 days |
Nepal | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 7(3) If information cannot be provided immediately pursuant to Sub-Section (2), Information Officer should instantly give a notice with reason to the applicant. | Form of receipt (unless information provided immediately). |
Nicaragua | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 26.- Los interesados ejercerán su derecho de solicitud de acceso a la información pública, ante la entidad que la posea de forma verbal, escrita o por medio electrónico, cuando las entidades correspondientes dispongan de la misma electrónicamente; la entidad registrará en un formulario las características de la solicitud y entregará una copia del mismo al interesado, con los datos que exige la presente Ley | Art 26 - reciept right away. |
Niger | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 19: Toute demande d’accès aux documents administratifs doit revêtir la forme écrite. Un accusé de réception doit être remis au demandeur. L’administration est tenue de donner une suite motivée à cette demande, par écrit, dans un délai de quinze (15) jours pour compter du jour de sa saisine. Toutefois, les demandes émanant des chercheurs et des journalistes doivent être traitées dans un délai de cinq (05) jours. | |
Panama | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 8: El oficial de información tendrá las siguientes obligaciones: (...) 5. Proporcionar al solicitante de la información un acuse de recibo para su debido seguimiento. | Article 8(5) of Law 33 of 2013 includes this among the duties of the information official. |
Peru | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 114 Copias de escritos: 114.1 El escrito es presentado en papel simple acompañado de una copia conforme y legible, salvo que fuere necesario un número mayor para notificar a terceros. La copia es devuelta al administrado con la firma de la autoridad y el sello de recepción que indique fecha, hora y lugar de presentación. 114.2 El cargo así expedido tiene el mismo valor legal que el original.
The requesters have to provide a copy of the request to be used like a receipt where the entity will put that date and hour that received the request. This procedure is regulated by the General Law of Administrative Procedures (Law 27444 article 114). |
Philippines | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 9(c): The request shall be stamped by the government office, indicating the date and time of receipt and the name, rank, title and position of the receiving public officer or employee with the corresponding signature, and a copy thereof furnished to the requesting party. Each government office shall establish a system to trace the status of all requests for information received by it. | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(7) | |
Seychelles | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(3) On receipt of a request, an Information Officer shall immediately provide a written acknowledgement of the request to the requester. | |
Slovenia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Comment of the IC: According to Decree on administrative operations, which is used by all administrative bodies, each application, received by e-mail, is automatically confirmed by information system. | |
South Korea | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | PD6(2): Upon receipt of a written application for information disclosure, a public institution shall record it in the processing ledger of information disclosure, and issue the receipt thereof to the applicant: | |
South Sudan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(9) | |
Sri Lanka | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 24(3) On receipt of a request, an information officer shall immediately provide a written acknowledgement of the request to the citizen. | |
Sudan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 10(e) e) The public institution that receives a request for information must provide the applicant with a statement of receipt, | |
Tajikistan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(7) seems to imply this | |
Togo | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 8 : (3) Un accusé de réception est délivré au requérant. | |
Tunisia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Art.9-... Le dépôt de la demande se fait, soit directement auprès de l'organisme concerné contre la délivrance obligatoire d'un récépissé, soit par lettre recommandée ou par fax ou par courrier électronique avec accusé de réception. | |
Uganda | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | Reg. 8 Acknowledgement of receipt. (1) The information officer, to whom a request is made, shall acknowledge receipt of the request by signing a copy of the request. (2) The information officer shall deal with the request for access to a record without undue delay. | Reg. 8 |
Vanuatu | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 14. A Right to Information Officer who receives an application under subsection 13(1) must, within 5 days of receiving the application, acknowledge the receipt and state the following in the acknowledgement: (a) the nature of the application; and (b) the date on which the application was received; and (c) the officer responsible for the application. | - |
Yemen | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 17: "After receiving the request, the employee in charge shall immediately give notice of receipt to those who have made the request indicating the date of submission of the application and the type of information and the time required to respond to the request specified in this law." | |
Zimbabwe | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | YES | 2 | 7(2) On receipt of a request, an information officer must immediately provide a written acknowledgement of the request to the applicant. | |
Albania | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 11(2) In every case, the information request is recorded and assigned a serial number. The serial number, along with the contact details of the Right to Information Coordinator are given to the applicant who sent the information request. | The Law does not make any reference to the timeframe in which requesters shall be provided with a receipt or acknowledgement |
Bahamas | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 7. Application for access. (3) A public authority shall— (a) acknowledge receipt of every application made in the prescribed manner as set out in the regulations | No requirement to provide acknowledgement within 5 working days |
Georgia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 40 – Issuing public information 1. A public institution shall be obliged to issue public information, including the public information requested electronically, immediately or not later than 10 days if the request for public information requires: a) retrieving of information from its structural subdivisions in another locality or from another public institution, and its processing; b) retrieving and processing of single and uncorrelated documents of considerable size; c) consulting with its own sub-division in another locality or with another public institution. 2. If a 10-day period is required for issuing public information, a public institution shall be obliged to notify the applicant of it upon request. 3. Proactive publication of public information shall not release a public institution from the obligation to duly issue the same or other public information requested. | No specific mention about the receipt, but it can be inferred that some kind of receipt should be given in order to communicate the decision adopted. A timeframe of ten days is listed in the law. |
Guinea | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13(3) La transmission d'une demande d'accès à l'information se fait à travers un dépôt de la requête auprès de l'organisme concerné contre délivrance d'un récépissé, ou à defaut, par lettre recommandée ou par courrier électronique adressé à l'organisme, avec accusé de réception. | Receipt but no time frame given |
Guyana | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 18(1) On receipt of a request, the Commissioner of Information shall acknowledge receipt of the request within thirty days from the date of its receipt and advise the applicant if the request is approved or denied within sixty days from the date the request is received. | 18 - acknowledgement within 30 days. |
Iran | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Article 1 of executive regulation for article 8 of FOI mentions that the receipt will be provided immediately upon the lodging of request in the portal. |
Ireland | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 12(2) The head shall cause the receipt by him or her of a request under subsection (1) to be notified, in writing or in such other form as may be determined, to the requester concerned as soon as may be but not later than 2 weeks after such receipt, and the notification shall include a summary of the provisions of section 19 and particulars of the rights of review under this Act, the procedure governing the exercise of those rights, and the time limits governing such exercise, in a case to which that section applies. | In this case, the timeframe should not exceed 2 weeks after the receipt. |
Jamaica | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 7(3) A public authority to which an application is made shall - (a) upon request, assist the applicant in identifying the documents to which the application relates; (b) acknowledge receipt of every application in the prescribed manner; (c) grant to the applicant, access to the document specified in the application if it is not an exempt document. | 7(3)(b) - no mention of timeframe. |
Kyrgyzstan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 17.1. The owner of the information shall provide the applicant with the number and date of registration of the received request at the request of the applicant. | Yes, but no deadline provided. In addition, "at the request of the applicant" suggests that the applicant must request a receipt. |
Lebanon | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 14: Submitting the request: C – The appointed employee shall develop a registry of the requests submitted and shall, upon receiving the request, give the person who submitted the request a notification stating the date that the request was submitted, the type of information requested, and the timeframe needed to respond to the request. | No time limit. |
Maldives | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 6(f) The State Institute must provide a receipt acknowledging that a request has been submitted. | No mention of timelines. |
Morocco | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 14(2) La demande est adressée au président de l'institution ou de l'organisme concerné par dépôt direct contre récépissé, par courrier normal ou par courrier électronique contre accusé de réception. | Receipt but no timelimit provided for this. |
Pakistan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13(1) The designated official shall provide a written acknowledgement in response to a request. | Requirement to notify but no time limit. |
Paraguay | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 12 Form and content. Anyone interested in access to public information, must submit an application to the corresponding office established in the public source, in person, by email, in writing or orally, and in the latter case, a certificate will be issued. The submission shall contain the identification of the applicant, his royal residence, clear and precise description of public information required, and finally, the preferred format or support, without this constituting an obligation for required. | |
Russia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 18(5): (Request for Information on the Activities of Government Bodies and Bodies of Local Self-Government): A written request is subject to registration within three days from the date of its receipt by the government body or body of local self-government. An oral request is subject to registration on the day of its receipt, stating the date and time of receipt. | The time extension listed is 3 days. No mention about the receipt (1 point loss). |
Rwanda | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Not mentioned, but this is inherent in the legal system and in practice. | |
San Marino | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(1). Any request addressed to the Public Administration must be presented or sent in writing, unless special provisions establish a different form, to the relevant body to issue the measure. (2) Unless the law requires the preparation of a specific report, the petitions shall be noted and a receipt issued directly to the petitioner or by registered mail with return receipt, if the petition is sent by regular mail. (3) No receipt shall be issued: (a) when the action requested is issued immediately; (b) when the application is served by a judicial officer. | It is unclear whether the provision on the need to provide receipts applies to requests for information, as the provision appears within the part of the legislation regarding the initiation of administrative proceedings. Moreover, there are exceptions to the provision of receipts. 1 point awarded out of an abundance of caution. |
Sierra Leone | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3. (4) A public information officer who receives an oral request shall reduce the request to writing, including the public information officers name and designation and shall give a copy thereof to the applicant... (9) A public authority which receives a request for information shall provide the applicant with a receipt documenting the request. | No mention of timelines. |
Slovakia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 14: \"(5)The obliged person shall confirm the filing of the request in writing and notify the applicant of the estimated charge for disclosure of information, if required.\" | Receipt shall be given upon request. Timeframe of 10 days. |
Spain | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, del Estatuto Jurídico del Administraciones Públicas y Procedimiento Administrativo Artículo 70 común (solicitudes de iniciación): de las solicitudes, comunicaciones y resúmenes presentados por los interesados en Oficinas de administración, pueden requerir el correspondiente recibo que confirma la fecha de presentación, admitiéndose como tal una copia que contenga la fecha de presentación indicada por el oficina. | La Ley de Transparencia no lo menciona. La legislación básica administrativa reconoce el derecho de todo interesado a solicitar acuse de recibo en los procesos a instancia de parte pero no se impone a las administraciones el deber de entregar el mencionado acuse de recibo. |
United States | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Art 7(a) - but only for requests that will take more than 10 days to process | |
Vietnam | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 27: Upon receiving valid request for information, the state agency responsible for providing information shall notify the requester about duration, location and forms of information provision, the actual cost for printing, copying, capturing, and sending information through postal services, faxes (if any) and methods of payment; execute information provision in the orders and procedures prescribed in this Chapter. Reg. 5(1): Forms of written requests for use in the provision of information at request as provided in the Appendix to this Decree include: ... b/ Form of slip of receipt of information request: Form No. 02; | Not quite an obligation to provide a receipt but have a form for this. |
Andorra | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | No legal provision, although it states that the application must be registered. | |
Angola | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Australia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | 15 Requests for access (5) On receiving a request, the agency or Minister must: (a) as soon as practicable but in any case not later than 14 days after the day on which the request is received by or on behalf of the agency or Minister, take all reasonable steps to enable the applicant to be notified that the request has been received | No - only requirement is mere "notification" within 14 days. |
Austria | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | N/A |
Azerbaijan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bangladesh | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Belgium | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | The law does not require acknowledgements to be provided. |
Belize | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Bolivia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Bulgaria | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Burkina Faso | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cape Verde | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Chile | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | ARTICLE 13. En caso que el Órgano de la Administración requerido no sea competente para ocuparse de la solicitud de información o no posea los documentos solicitados, enviará de inmediato la solicitud a la autoridad que deba conocerla según el ordenamiento jurídico, en la medida que ésta sea posible de individualizar, informando de ello al peticionario. Cuando no sea posible individualizar al órgano competente o si la información solicitada pertenece a múltiples organismos, el órgano requerido comunicará dichas circunstancias al solicitante. | No - not mentioned directly. Law 19.880 either makes some mention of reciepts regarding the official process, but the specifics of how that applies in the present case is vague. Local expert says there is no uniform practice on this. |
China | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | 31 The time of administrative organs' receipt of an open government information application is determined in accordance with the provisions listed below: (1) Where the applicant submits the open government information application in person, the date of receipt is the date of submission; (2) Where the applicant submits the open government information application by mail, the date of receipt is the date on which the administrative organ signs for receipt; where open government information applications are sent by ordinary letter or other forms of mail that do need require signatures for receipt, the open government information work bodies shall confirm with the applicant on the date it receives the application, and the date of confirmation is the date of receipt; (3) Where the applicant submits an open government information application through the internet or open government information work body's fax, the date of receipt is the date confirmed by both sides; | Some reference to confirming receipt but not a proper obligation and no time limit |
Cook Islands | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Croatia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cyprus | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Czech Republic | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Denmark | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Dominican Republic | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
East Timor | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ecuador | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned.
Estonia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ethiopia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Fiji | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Finland | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Germany | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No specific provision. |
Ghana | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Guatemala | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Honduras | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Hungary | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iceland | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Japan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Jordan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kenya | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kosovo | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Latvia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Liechtenstein | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Luxembourg | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Malawi | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Moldova | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not specifically mentioned. |
Mongolia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Montenegro | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Netherlands | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
New Zealand | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Nigeria | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
North Macedonia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Norway | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Palau | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Poland | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Portugal | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Qatar | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Republic of Belarus | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Romania | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Saudi Arabia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Serbia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned about the receipt. |
South Africa | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Sweden | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | ||
Switzerland | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Taiwan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Tanzania | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned apart from the notice for the decision on the request. |
Thailand | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Trinidad and Tobago | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Turkey | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No mention about receipt. 15 days to response a request. |
Ukraine | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
United Kingdom | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Uruguay | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Uzbekistan | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | 9(2) A written application shall contain the name, patronymics, family name, and address of the applicant (for a juridical person – his requisites) and the identification of the information applied for and its features. Applications shall be registered in accordance with the established procedure. | Requests are registered but no mention of a receipt being provided. |
Venezuela | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Zambia | Requesters are provided with a receipt or acknowledgement upon lodging a request within a reasonable timeframe, which should not exceed 5 working days. | Score 1 point for receipt, 1 point for max 5 working days | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned |
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