By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 5(1) An applicant is entitled to right of access to information from institutions according the provisions of this law. (2) Institutions are responsible to provide information to applicants and the public according to provisions of this law. | |
Albania | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(2) Public information is any data recorded in any form or format, during discharge of the public function, whether or not prepared by a public authority. | |
Andorra | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7. Public information For the purposes of this chapter, public information means the contents or documents available to them the entities provided for in Article 3.1, prepared or received, in the exercise of their public functions, of the physical medium or format in which they are recorded or archived Article 7. Informació pública Als efectes d’aquest capítol, s’entén per informació pública els continguts o els documents de què disposen les entitats previstes a l’article 3.1, elaborats o rebuts, en l’exercici de les seves funcions públiques, independentment del suport físic o format en què estiguin registrats o arxivats | |
Argentina | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTÍCULO 1° — Objeto. La presente ley tiene por objeto garantizar el efectivo ejercicio del derecho de acceso a la información pública, promover la participación ciudadana y la transparencia de la gestión pública, y se funda en los siguientes principios: Presunción de publicidad: toda la información en poder del Estado se presume pública, salvo las excepciones previstas por esta ley. Transparencia y máxima divulgación: toda la información en poder, custodia o bajo control del sujeto obligado debe ser accesible para todas las personas. El acceso a la información pública sólo puede ser limitado cuando concurra alguna de las excepciones previstas en esta ley, de acuerdo con las necesidades de la sociedad democrática y republicana, proporcionales al interés que las justifican. Informalismo: las reglas de procedimiento para acceder a la información deben facilitar el ejercicio del derecho y su inobservancia no podrá constituir un obstáculo para ello. Los sujetos obligados no pueden fundar el rechazo de la solicitud de información en el incumplimiento de requisitos formales o de reglas de procedimiento. Máximo acceso: la información debe publicarse de forma completa, con el mayor nivel de desagregación posible y por la mayor cantidad de medios disponibles. Apertura: la información debe ser accesible en formatos electrónicos abiertos, que faciliten su procesamiento por medios automáticos que permitan su reutilización o su redistribución por parte de terceros. Disociación: en aquel caso en el que parte de la información se encuadre dentro de las excepciones taxativamente establecidas por esta ley, la información no exceptuada debe ser publicada en una versión del documento que tache, oculte o disocie aquellas partes sujetas a la excepción. No discriminación: se debe entregar información a todas las personas que lo soliciten, en condiciones de igualdad, excluyendo cualquier forma de discriminación y sin exigir expresión de causa o motivo para la solicitud. Máxima premura: la información debe ser publicada con la máxima celeridad y en tiempos compatibles con la preservación de su valor. Gratuidad: el acceso a la información debe ser gratuito, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en esta ley. Control: el cumplimiento de las normas que regulan el derecho de acceso a la información será objeto de fiscalización permanente. Las resoluciones que denieguen solicitudes de acceso a la información, como el silencio del sujeto obligado requerido, la ambigüedad o la inexactitud de su repuesta, podrán ser recurridas ante el órgano competente. Responsabilidad: el incumplimiento de las obligaciones que esta ley impone originará responsabilidades y dará lugar a las sanciones que correspondan. Alcance limitado de las excepciones: los límites al derecho de acceso a la información pública deben ser excepcionales, establecidos previamente conforme a lo estipulado en esta ley, y formulados en términos claros y precisos, quedando la responsabilidad de demostrar la validez de cualquier restricción al acceso a la información a cargo del sujeto al que se le requiere la información. In dubio pro petitor: la interpretación de las disposiciones de esta ley o de cualquier reglamentación del derecho de acceso a la información debe ser efectuada, en caso de duda, siempre en favor de la mayor vigencia y alcance del derecho a la información. Facilitación: ninguna autoridad pública puede negarse a indicar si un documento obra, o no, en su poder o negar la divulgación de un documento de conformidad con las excepciones contenidas en la presente ley, salvo que el daño causado al interés protegido sea mayor al interés público de obtener la información. Buena fe: para garantizar el efectivo ejercicio del acceso a la información, resulta esencial que los sujetos obligados actúen de buena fe, es decir, que interpreten la ley de manera tal que sirva para cumplir los fines perseguidos por el derecho de acceso, que aseguren la estricta aplicación del derecho, brinden los medios de asistencia necesarios a los solicitantes, promuevan la cultura de transparencia y actúen con diligencia, profesionalidad y lealtad institucional. | |
Armenia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 6(1) Each person has the right to address an inquiry to information holder to get acquainted with and/or get the information sought by him as defined by the law. | |
Bahamas | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 6. General right of access. (1) Subject to the provision of this Act, every— (a) Bahamian citizen (b) permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration Act (Ch. 191); (c) body incorporated or registered under the laws of The Bahamas; (d) partnership or other unincorporated association formed under the laws of The Bahamas; or (e) person who does not fall within paragraph (b), (c) or (d) but maintains in the Bahamas an office, branch or agency through which he carries on any business activity, shall have a right to obtain access to a record other than an exempt record. | |
Bolivia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3 The fundamental principles that guide access to public information are the following: PUBLICITY: All information generated and owned by the Executive Branch belongs to the community and is public. People have the right of unrestricted access to it, except for exceptions expressly provided for by applicable laws. ... OBLIGATORY: Every entity of the Executive Power has the obligation to deliver the information in a complete, adequate, timely and truthful manner, requested by any person, without inconvenience. 4. The right of access to information is recognized to all people as a fundamental presupposition for the full exercise of citizenship and the strengthening of democracy. 5 In the exercise of the rights of information and petition, all natural or legal persons, individually or collectively, are entitled to request and receive complete, adequate, timely and truthful information from the Executive Power. | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1 "The purposes of this Act are: b. to establish that every person has a right to access this information to the greatest extent possible consistent with the public interest, and that public authorities have a corresponding obligation to disclose information;". | |
Brazil | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 3. The procedures established by this Law are intended to ensure the fundamental right of the access to information and should be performed according to the basic principles of the Public Administration and the following guidelines: I – observance of publicity as a general rule and of secrecy as the exception;(...) | BRAZILIAN ACCESS TO INFORMATION BILL APPROVED BY THE SENATE ON 25 OCTOBER 2011 |
Bulgaria | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 2. Within the meaning of this act, public information shall be any information relating to the social life in the Republic of Bulgaria, and giving opportunity to the citizens to form their own opinion on the activities of the persons having obligations under this act. | |
Burkina Faso | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6: L’accès à l’information publique et aux documents administratifs est libre sous réserve des exceptions prévues aux articles 47 à 51 de la présente loi. L’information publique est communicable de plein droit aux personnes qui en font la requête dans les conditions prévues par la présente loi. Article 7 : L’accès à l’information publique et aux documents administratifs est garanti et égal pour tous les usagers du service public et de tout organisme investi d’une mission de service public. Toute discrimination fondée notamment sur le sexe, la race, l’origine sociale, l’ethnie, la religion, la profession ou l’opinion politique ou philosophique est interdite. | |
Canada | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(1) The purpose of this Act is to extend the present laws of Canada to provide a right of access to information in records under the control of a government institution in accordance with the principles that government information should be available to the public, that necessary exceptions to the right of access should be limited and specific and that decisions on the disclosure of government information should be reviewed independently of government. (2) This Act is intended to complement and not replace existing procedures for access to government information and is not intended to limit in any way access to the type of government information that is normally available to the general public Article 4(1) Subject to this Act, but notwithstanding any other Act of Parliament, every person who is (a) a Canadian citizen, or (b) a permanent resident within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, has a right to and shall, on request, be given access to any record under the control of a government institution. | S. 4(1) provides for the right to any records, and s. 2 mentions that exceptions should be narrow and limited. |
Chile | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 11. El derecho de acceso a la información de los órganos de la Administración del Estado reconoce, entre otros, los siguientes principios: (...) (C) Principio de apertura o transparencia, conforme al cual toda la información en poder de los órganos de la Administración del Estado se presume pública, a menos que esté sujeta a las excepciones señaladas.(...) | |
Colombia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 2. Principle of maximum publicity for universal holder. Any information in the possession, custody or under control of a regulated person is public and can not be reserved or limited except by constitutional or statutory provision, in accordance with this Act. Article 3. Other principles of transparency and access to public information. In the interpretation of the right of access to information shall adopt a standard of reasonableness and proportionality, as well as apply the following principles: (...) | Art. 2 and 3 of Law 1712 include the principles of maximum publicity and of transparency. |
Cook Islands | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 5. Principle of availability - The question whether any official information is to be made available, where that question arises under this Act, shall be determined in accordance with the purposes of this Act and the principle that the information shall be made available unless there is good reason for withholding it, except where this Act otherwise expressly requires. | |
Croatia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Art.6.: Information are available to any local or foreign natural person or legal entity under terms and restrictions of this Law. | This is listed as one of the main principles, but this arises also from the entirety of the legal framework set by the RTI act. |
Dominican Republic | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | CONSIDERANDO: Que la Constitución de la República Dominicana en su Artículo 2 establece que: "La soberanía nacional corresponde al pueblo, de quien emanan todos los Poderes del Estado, los cuales se ejercen por representación". CONSIDERANDO: Que la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (Naciones Unidas 1948) en su Artículo 19 establece que: "Todo individuo tiene derecho a la libertad de opinión y de expresión; este derecho incluye el de no ser molestado a causa de sus opiniones, el de investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones y el de difundirlas, sin limitación de fronteras, por cualquier medio de expresión". CONSIDERANDO: Que el Artículo 8, Inciso 10 de la Constitución de la República establece que: "Todos los medios de información tienen libre acceso a las fuentes noticiosas oficiales y privadas, siempre que no vayan en contra del orden público o pongan en peligro la seguridad nacional". CONSIDERANDO: Que el Artículo 13 de la Convención Interamericana sobre Derechos Humanos (Pacto de San José de Costa Rica), ratificada por la República Dominicana, mediante Resolución No.739, de fecha 25 de diciembre de 1977, establece que: "Toda persona tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento y expresión. Este derecho comprende la libertad de buscar, recibir y difundir informaciones e ideas de toda índole, sin consideración de fronteras, ya sea oralmente, por escrito o en forma impresa o artística, o por cualquier otro procedimiento de su elección". CONSIDERANDO: Que el Pacto Internacional de los Derechos Civiles y Políticos, ratificado mediante la Resolución 684, de fecha 27 de octubre de 1977, establece que: El ejercicio del derecho de investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones y el de difundirlas, entraña deberes y responsabilidades especiales; y que por consiguiente, puede estar sujeto a ciertas restricciones, que deberán, sin embargo, estar expresamente fijadas por la ley y ser necesarias para asegurar el respeto a los derechos o a la reputación de los demás y la protección de la seguridad nacional, el orden público o la salud o la moral públicas. CONSIDERANDO: Que el precitado Pacto Internacional de los Derechos Civiles y Políticos en su parte II, numeral 2, establece que: cada Estado Parte se compromete a adoptar, con arreglo a sus procedimientos constitucionales y a las disposiciones del mismo Pacto, las medidas oportunas para dictar las disposiciones legislativas o de otro carácter que fueren necesarias para hacer efectivos los derechos reconocidos en él y que no estuviesen ya garantizados por disposiciones legislativas o de otro carácter. CONSIDERANDO: Que el derecho de los individuos a investigar y recibir informaciones y opiniones y a difundirlas está consagrado como un principio universal en varias convenciones internacionales, ratificadas por la República Dominicana, razón por la cual el Estado está en el deber de garantizar el libre acceso a la información en poder de sus instituciones. CONSIDERANDO: Que conforme a lo que establece el párrafo del Artículo 3 de nuestra Constitución: "La República Dominicana reconoce y aplica las normas del Derecho Internacional general y americano en la medida en que sus poderes las hayan adoptado....". CONSIDERANDO: Que, según establece el Artículo 8 de la Constitución de la República, la finalidad principal del Estado es la protección efectiva de los derechos de la persona humana y el mantenimiento de los medios que le permitan perfeccionarse progresivamente dentro de un orden de libertad individual y de justicia social, compatible con el orden público, el bienestar general y los derechos de todos. CONSIDERANDO: Que el derecho de acceso a la información gubernamental es una de las fuentes de desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la democracia representativa en tanto permite a los ciudadanos analizar, juzgar y evaluar en forma completa los actos de sus representantes, y estimula la transparencia en los actos del Gobierno y de la Administración. CONSIDERANDO: Que para garantizar el libre acceso a la información pública se requiere de una ley que reglamente su ejercicio y que, entre otras cosas, establezca las excepciones admitidas a este derecho universal para el caso que exista un peligro real e inminente que amenace la seguridad nacional o el orden público. VISTA la Constitución de la República Dominicana en sus Artículos 2, 3, y 8. VISTA la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos (Naciones Unidas 1948). VISTO el Pacto Internacional de los Derechos Civiles y Políticos. VISTO el Artículo 13 de la Convención Interamericana sobre Derechos Humanos (Pacto de San José de Costa Rica). | Preamble |
Ecuador | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | PREAMBLE. Que el artículo 81 de la Constitución Política de la República, garantiza el derecho a acceder a las fuentes de información, como mecanismo para ejercer la participación democrática respecto del manejo de la cosa pública y la rendición de cuentas a la que están sujetos todos los funcionarios del Estado y demás entidades obligadas por esta Ley; Que es necesario hacer efectivo el principio de publicidad de los actos, contratos y gestiones de las instituciones del Estado y de aquellas financiadas con recursos públicos o que por su naturaleza sean de interés público; Que la misma norma constitucional establece que no existirá reserva respecto de informaciones que reposen en archivos públicos, excepto de aquellas que por seguridad nacional no deben ser dadas a conocer; Que la libertad de información está reconocida tanto en el artículo 19 del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, como en el artículo 13 de la Convención Interamericana de Derechos Humanos; y, En ejercicio de sus facultades constitucionales y legales, expide la siguiente: ARTICLE 1 - Principio de Publicidad de la Información Pública.- El acceso a la información pública es un derecho de las personas que garantiza el Estado. Toda la información que emane o que esté en poder de las instituciones, organismos y entidades, personas jurídicas de derecho público o privado que, para el tema materia de la información tengan participación del Estado o sean concesionarios de éste, en cualquiera de sus modalidades, conforme lo dispone la Ley Orgánica de la Contraloría General del Estado; las organizaciones de trabajadores y servidores de las instituciones del Estado, instituciones de educación superior que perciban rentas del Estado, las denominadas organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG's), están sometidas al principio de publicidad; por lo tanto, toda información que posean es pública, salvo las excepciones establecidas en esta Ley. | |
El Salvador | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | PREAMBLE 3 Que el poder publico emana del pueblo y los funcionarios son sus delegados, en razon de lo cual los habitantes tienen derecho a conocer la informacion que se derive de la gestion gubernamental y del manejo de los recursos publicos, por lo que es una obligacion de los funcionarios publicos actuar con transparencia y rendir cuentas. | Preamble 3 does this - mentioning that because power emanates from the people, the people are entitled to access any government documents. |
Fiji | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 5. Subject to this Act, a person may access any information held by a public agency. 6. (1) Subject to subsection (2), any person who is a natural person and is a citizen or a permanent resident of the State may request the Commission to make available to the person any information held by a public agency. | |
Finland | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | [Constitution of Finland] Section 12, para. 2: Documents and recordings in the possession of the authorities are public, unless their publication has for compelling reasons been specifically restricted by an Act. Everyone has the right of access to public documents and recordings. [Principle of Openness] Article 1(1) Official documents shall be in the public domain, unless specifically otherwise provided in this Act or another Act. | Unless the FOI law recognizes only the access to official documents. |
Gambia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 11 Subject to this Act, every person has a right to access information from a public body. | |
Georgia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 28 (Accessibility of public information): \"Public information shall be open except as provided in applicable legislation, or when openness expressly and inevitably undermines: (a) national security, but only if there is a reasonable presumption that the disclosure of such information will undermine the completion of a military, intelligence or diplomatic action that is planned or being implemented, or the physical safety of persons involved, or (b) the investigation of a criminal offense, if there is a reasonable presumption that the disclosure of such information will undermine the identification of confidential sources of law-enforcement or intelligence agencies, interfere with the prevention, detection and elimination of an offense and prosecution of an offender, or endanger life and physical safety of any person or violate a suspect’s or defendant’s right to the secrecy of investigation, except when the decree regarding their search was issued.\" | |
Ghana | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 1(1) A person has the right to information, subject to the provisions of this Act. | Procedural guarantee but at least only subject to the RTI law |
Greece | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | [The Constitution of Greece] Article 5(A)(1) All persons have the right to information, as specified by law. Restrictions to this right may be imposed by the law only insofar as they are absolutely necessary and justified for reasons of national security, of combating crime or of protecting rights and interests of third parties. | |
Guatemala | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | PREAMBLE: [...] CONSIDERANDO: Que la Carta Magna establece con absoluta determinación la publicidad de los actos y la información en poder de la administración pública, así como el libre acceso a todas las instituciones, dependencias y archivos de la misma, sin más excepciones que las previstas en el citado texto constitucional. CONSIDERANDO: Que para armonizar el derecho de las personas a acceder a la información en poder de la administración pública y a todos los actos, entes e instituciones que manejan recursos del Estado bajo cualquier concepto, se hace necesario emitir las normas que desarrollen esos principios constitucionales a efecto de contar con un marco jurídico regulatorio que garantice el ejercicio de esos derechos y, que establezca las excepciones de la información confidencial y reservada, para que ésta no quede al arbitrio y discrecionalidad de persona alguna. CONSIDERANDO: Que en armonía y consonancia con lo anteriormente considerado, con base en el texto constitucional de Guatemala y los instrumentos internacionales sobre derechos humanos suscritos y vigentes en el país, se hace necesario emitir una ley que desarrollando esos derechos defina los principios, objetivos, procedimientos y en general aquellos aspectos necesarios para darle seguridad y certeza a todas las personas, consiguiendo hacer efectivo su derecho al acceso a la información pública y a su participación dentro de la auditoria social y fiscalización ciudadana hacia todos los funcionarios, empleados públicos, organismos, instituciones y en general hacia todo aquel que maneje, use, administre o disponga de recursos del Estado de Guatemala. [...] Artículo 1. La presente ley tiene por objeto: (1) Garantizar a toda persona interesada, sin discriminación alguna, el derecho a solicitar y a tener acceso a la información pública en posesión de las autoridades y sujetos obligados por la presente ley; (2) Garantizar a toda persona individual el derecho a conocer y proteger los datos personales de lo que de ella conste en archivos estatales, así como de las actualizaciones de los mismos; (3) Garantizar la transparencia de la administración pública y de los sujetos obligados y el derecho de toda persona a tener acceso libre a la información pública; (4) Establecer como obligatorio el principio de máxima publicidad y transparencia en la administración pública y para los sujetos obligados en la presente ley; (5) Establecer, a manera de excepción y de manera limitativa, los supuestos en que se restrinja el acceso a la información pública; (6) Favorecer por el Estado la rendición de cuentas a los gobernados, de manera que puedan auditar el desempeño de la administración pública; (7) Garantizar que toda persona tenga acceso a los actos de la administración pública. | Stated in law's introduction, the preamble, and Article 1. |
Guinea | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(2) L'accès à l'information est un droit fondamental de chacun qui recouvre l'information sur la liberté d'expression et le droit à l'information. (3) Tout citoyen peut demander et obtenir un accès à l'information et aux documents administratifs, sans avoir à justifier le motif de la demande. 3. La présente loi a pour objet de garantir le droit de tout citoyen d'accéder à l'information d'intérêt public et aux documents .... | |
Guyana | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Access limited only by exceptions and necessary exemptions. |
Indonesia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(1) Every Public Information is open and accessible by every User of Public Information. (2) An exception to the Public Information is restrictive and limited. | |
Ireland | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 11(8) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting or restricting an FOI body from publishing or giving access to a record (including an exempt record) otherwise than under this Act where such publication or giving of access is not prohibited by law. | |
Israel | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 2 | 1. Every Israeli citizen and resident has the right to obtain information from a public authority, according to the stipulations of this law. | |
Italy | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 3(1) All documents, information and data made available to citizens, including those the disclosure of which, pursuant to the current legislation, is mandatory, are public and, as such, can be freely accessed, used and re-used by whomever pursuant to article 7. | |
Ivory Coast | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Toute personne physique ou morale a le droit d’accéder, sans discrimination, à des informations d’intérêt public et documents publics détenus par les organismes publics. | |
Kenya | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 4(4) This Act shall be interpreted and applied on the basis of a duty to disclose and non-disclosure shall be permitted only in circumstances exempted under section 6. | |
Kosovo | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 1 This Law shall guarantee the right of every person, without discrimination on any grounds, to access public documents produced, received, maintained or controlled by public institutions, as well as the right to re-use the public sector documents. 10(1) Everyone has the right to access public documents upon request. | Not mentioned. |
Kuwait | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 2 | 2. Every person has the right of perusal to the information that the authorities have, and of access thereto in such a way that does not contravene this law and the legislations in force. | Weaker guarantee being subject to other laws but still a presumption. |
Kyrgyzstan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 2.2. Everyone shall have the right of access to the information held by the information holders in the manner prescribed by this Law. 4.1. The State shall guarantee the right of everyone to seek, receive, store, use and disseminate information in the possession of the information holder, in accordance with the provisions of this Law. 6.1 Ways to ensure the right of access to information shall be: (1) provision of information upon request | |
Latvia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 2.3 "<...> Information shall be accessible to the public in all cases, when this Law does not specify otherwise." | |
Lebanon | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1: The beneficiaries of this law: Every person, natural or legal, shall have the right to access and view the information and documents in the administration in accordance with the provisions of this law, bearing in mind that the right should not be abused. | |
Liberia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 1.4(b): "Everyone has a right of access to information generated, received and or held by public bodies, subject only to such limitations as are necessary and narrowly established for reason of an equally or more compelling public interest." | |
Lithuania | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 3. Basic Principles of Provision of Information to the Public "1. Freedom of information embedded in the Constitution, this Law and other laws and treaties of the Republic of Lithuania shall be guaranteed in the Republic of Lithuania. <...>" Article 4. Freedom of Information "1. Every person shall have the right to freely express his ideas and convictions and to collect, obtain and disseminate information and ideas. The right to collect, obtain and disseminate information may not be restricted otherwise than under the law where it is necessary to protect the constitutional system, a person's health, honour, dignity, private life and morality." | |
Maldives | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 4(a) Access to information from a State Institute in accordance with this Act shall be a legally enforceable right available to every person who requests for such information; (b) Enforceable legal right under sub-section (a) of this section shall mean that access to information may be requested in accordance with the procedures of this Act, or through a judicial authority and a judicial order granting such access may be obtained. | |
Mexico | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 4. The human right of access to information includes requesting, researching, disseminating, seeking and receiving information. All the information generated, obtained, acquired, processed or held by the regulated entities is public and accessible to anyone under the terms and conditions set forth in this Act, in international treaties to which the Mexican State is a party, the Federal Act, the laws of the States and the regulations applicable in their respective jurisdictions; only exceptionally it may be classified as temporarily restricted for reasons of public interest and national security, in the terms provided by this Act. Article 5. It may not be classified as confidential any information that is related to serious human rights violations or crimes against humanity, in accordance with national law or international treaties to which the Mexican State is a party. No person shall be subject to judicial or administrative investigation for the purpose of exercising the right of access to information, and this right may not be restricted by direct and indirect methods or means. Article 6. The State shall ensure effective access of any person to information held by any authority, entity, body or agency of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches, autonomous bodies, political parties, trusts and public funds, as General Act of Transparency and Access to Public Information. | |
Moldova | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 4 Principles of state policy on access to official information (1) Under the present law, any person has the right to seek, obtain and disseminate official information. | |
Mongolia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 5.1.3: All information other than those classified as "confidential" according to the laws shall be open to the public; 11.1. Citizens and legal entities shall be entitled to receive the following information except the information prohibited by law to publicly disclose for the purpose of ensuring human rights, freedom, national security, and organization’s lawful interest from the organization specified in article 3.1 of this law: 11.1.1. all types of information, documents, agreements and contracts in possession of the organization; | Not as clear as it could be. |
Montenegro | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 2 "Access to the information filed with government age ncies shall be grounded in the following principles: 1) freedom of informing; 2) equal preconditions for exercising the right; 3) straightforwardness and accessibility to public scr utiny; 4) promptness of the procedure." | |
Morocco | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Les citoyennes et les citoyens ont le droit d'accéder à l'information visée à l'article 2 ci-dessus, sous réserve des exceptions prévues par la présente loi. | |
Mozambique | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Right to Information Law ARTIGO 6 (Principle of widest disclosure) 1. Public and private entities addressed by the present law shall make available all public information in their possession, publishing them through the different means permitted by the law, to make them more accessible for the citizens, without any prejudices for the exceptions expressly provided by the present law and every other applicable law. ARTIGO 8 (Principle of democratic participation) The (democratic and permanent) citizens participation in public life assume the access to public interest information, so that the citizen may express judgment and opinion concerning the management of public affairs, and influence the decision-making process of the entities exercising public authority. ARTIGO 10 (Principle of open Public Administration) 1. Public authorities shall maintain the availability of the archives, except for the exceptions provided by the law. ARTIGO 13 (RTI) The exercise of the RTI is to request, search, consult, receive and divulgate public interest information possessed by the entities defined in the art. 3 of the present law. | |
Namibia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 4. The right of access to information conferred by section 30 is guaranteed based on the following principles that - (a) a person has the right to access information held by public entities without delay and free of charge, except where payment of reproduction, translation and transcription is allowed under this Act or any other law; ... 30. (1) A person has an enforceable right of access to information held by - (a) a public entity; or (b) a private entity if the information may assist in the exercise or protection of any fundamental human right or freedom. (2) For the purposes of this Act, unless otherwise proven, any information provided to a requester in accordance with this Act by any information holder is presumed to be true and accurate in content and in form and the requester may rely on and use the information on that basis. (3) Nothing in this Act prevents a public entity from - (a) publishing information; or (b) giving access to information, including information exempt from disclosure under Part 9, if it can do so without infringing any rights or is required by law to do so under this Act or any other law. | |
Nepal | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Right to Information: (1) Every citizen shall, subject to this Act have the right to information. (2) Every citizen shall have access to the information held in the public Bodies. | But 2(e) defines Right to information as the right to obtain information of public importance, which could be seen as a limitation on this. |
Netherlands | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 2. Paragraph 1: \"An administrative authority shall, in the exercise of its functions, disclose information in accordance with the present Act, without prejudice to provisions laid down in other statutes.\" | This is only partial presumption of openness because other laws can override it. |
New Zealand | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 5. Principle of availability. The question whether any official information is to be made available, where that question arises under this Act, shall be determined, except where this Act otherwise expressly requires, in accordance with the purposes of this Act and the principle that the information shall be made available unless there is good reason for withholding it. | |
Nicaragua | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 3.- Para los fines de la presente Ley, se establecen los siguientes principios: 1. Principio de Acceso a la Información Pública: Toda persona sin discriminación alguna, tiene derecho a solicitar y recibir datos, registros y todo tipo de información pública en forma completa, adecuada y oportuna de parte de todas las entidades sometidas al imperio de la presente Ley, salvo las excepciones previstas como información reservada. 2. Principio de Publicidad: El ejercicio y actividad de las atribuciones y competencia de las entidades sometidas al imperio de esta Ley, así como la administración de su patrimonio público están sometidas al principio de publicidad. En consecuencia toda la información existente en posesión de las entidades señaladas tendrá carácter público y será de libre acceso a la población, salvo las excepciones previstas en la presente Ley. 3. Principio de la Multi-etnicidad: El pueblo de Nicaragua es de naturaleza multi-étnica y por lo tanto la información pública deberá proveérsele también en las distintas lenguas existentes en la Costa Atlántica de nuestro país. 4. Principio de Participación Ciudadana: las entidades sometidas al imperio de esta Ley promoverán la participación ciudadana. A tales fines, los ciudadanos podrán directamente o a través de cualquier medio, solicitar la información que requieran para presentar propuestas y formular opiniones sobre la gestión pública del país. 5. Principio de Transparencia: Las entidades sometidas al imperio de esta Ley, a través de sus oficiales gubernamentales, funcionarios y servidores públicos, están en el deber de exponer y someter al escrutinio de los ciudadanos la información relativa a la gestión pública y al manejo de los recursos públicos que se les confían. 6. Principio de Responsabilidad: Promueve el uso responsable de la información pública que implica su manejo completo, integral y veraz. 7. Principio de Prueba de Daño: Garantiza que, la autoridad al catalogar determinada información como de acceso restringido, fundamente y motivo los siguientes elementos: a. La información se encuentra prevista en alguno de los supuestos de excepción previstos en la propia Ley. b. La liberación de la información puede amenazar efectivamente el interés público protegido por la Ley. c. El daño que puede producirse con la liberación de la información es mayor que el interés público de conocer la información de relevancia. | |
Nigeria | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 1(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act, Law or Regulation, the right of any person to access or request information, whether or not contained in any written form, which is in the custody or possession of any public official, agency or institution howsoever described, is hereby established. | |
North Macedonia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 2 "(1) The present Law shall provide for publicity and openness in the operation of information holders, and shall enable natural and legal persons to exercise their right to free access to information of public character. (2) Information holders shall be bound to provide for public information throughout their operation." | |
Pakistan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, no applicant shall be denied access to information or record held by a public body. | |
Panama | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 1: Para efectos de la aplicación e interpretación de esta Ley, los siguientes términos se definen así: (...) 11. Principio de publicidad: Toda la información que emana de la administración pública es de carácter público, por lo cual el Estado deberá garantizar una organización interna que sistematice la información, para brindar acceso a los ciudadanos y también para su divulgación a través de los distintos medios de comunicación social y/o de Internet.(...) 13. Transparencia: Deber de la administración pública de exponer y someter al escrutinio de la ciudadanía la información relativa a la gestión pública, al manejo de los recursos que la sociedad le confía, a los criterios que sustentan sus decisiones y a la conducta de los servidores públicos. | Article 1(11) and 1(13) of Law 6 of 2002. |
Peru | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 18 Preservation of Information: The state is responsible for creating and maintaining professional, public records to ensure that the right to information can be exercised properly. The Public Administration cannot destroy the information it possesses under any circumstance. The Public Administrative entity must transfer all information under its control to the National Archive following the deadlines stipulated by the Law. The National Archive may destroy information that does not have public relevance as long as the act is according to the internal regulations of the National Archive, and it comes after a reasonable time period during which the information is not requested. | Art. 18 of the TUO (unique organized text) of the 27806 law. |
Philippines | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Annex A,Section 6: Application and Interpretation: There shall be a legal presumption in favor of access to information, public records and official records. No request for information shall be denied unless it clearly falls under any of the exceptions listed in the inventory or updated inventory of exceptions circularized by the Office of the President as provided in the preceding section. | |
Poland | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 1(1) Each information on public matters constitutes public information in the understanding of the Act and is subject to being made available on the basis of principles and under the provisions defined in this Act. | |
Portugal | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 1 Access to and the re-use of administrative documents shall be ensured in accordance with the principles of publicity, transparency, equality, justice, and impartiality. | |
Romania | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1: "The free and unrestricted access of the person to any information of public interest, defined by this law, is one of the fundamental principles of the relations between persons and public authorities, in accordance with the Romanian Constitution and international documents ratified by the Romanian Parliament." | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 4, 5 | |
San Marino | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 25(1). Citizens of San Marino, foreign citizens residing or staying in the Republic and legal persons, associations, foundations and bodies having their registered office in the Republic may have access to the administrative documents in the possession of the Administration also independently from the purpose of protecting qualified and differentiated legal positions and without the need to justify the request for access. The exercise of access is guaranteed and regulated by the following provisions and by the implementing regulations of this law. They are, however, subject to the special rules. | |
Saudi Arabia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 7.2 Principle 1: Transparency Individuals have the right to access information related to public entities' activities to enhance integrity, transparency, and accountability. Principle 3: Public Information Disclosure Every individual has the right to access or obtain public information – unprotected – and the applicant does not necessarily have a certain status or interest in this information to be able to obtain it and is not subject to any legal accountability related to this right. 7.3(1) The right to access and obtain any public information – unprotected – by any public entity. | |
Serbia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 2 Information of public importance, within the meaning of this Law, is information held by a public authority body, created during work or related to the work of the public authority body, contained in a document, and related to everything that the public has a justified interest to know. [...] | |
Seychelles | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 8. Subject to this Act, every person has a right to access to information from a public body. | |
South Africa | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(1) A requester must be given access to a record of a public body if— (a) that requester complies with all the procedural requirements in this Act relating to a request for access to that record; and (b) access to that record is not refused in terms of any ground for refusal contemplated in Chapter 4 of this Part. | |
South Sudan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 3, 4(3), 4(4) | "maximum disclosure" |
Sri Lanka | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 3. (1) Subject to the provisions of section 5 of this Act, every citizen shall have a right of access to information which is in the possession, custody or control of a public authority. | |
Sweden | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | CONSTITUTION OF SWEDEN. The Freedom of the Press Act. Chapter 2. (On the public nature of official documents). Article 1: \"Every Swedish citizen shall be entitled to have free access to official documents, in order to encourage the free exchange of opinion and the availability of comprehensive information.\" | |
Switzerland | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6 (Principle of Freedom of Information): "Any person has the right to inspect offici al documents and to obtain information about the content of official documents. 2 The documents may be inspected in situ or a copy thereof may be requested. The legislation governing copyright is reserved. 3 Where an official document has already been published by the Federal Government in paper or electronic format, the rights under paragraphs 1 and 2 above are deemed to have been fulfilled." | |
Tajikistan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 6(1)(f) | |
Tanzania | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 5(1) Every person shall have the right of access to information which is under the control of information holders. | |
Thailand | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 56. A person shall have the right to get access to public information in possession of a State agency, State enterprise or local government organization, unless the disclosure of such information shall affect the security of the State, public safety, interests of other persons which shall be protected or private information as provided by law. Article 57. A person shall have the right to receive information, explanation, and reason from a State agency, State enterprise or local government organization before permission is given for operation of any project or activity which may affect the quality of environment, health, and sanitary conditions, the quality of life or any other material interest concerning him or her or a local community and shall have the right to express his or her opinion on such matters to agencies concerned for consideration in that matters. In undertaking any social, economic, political, and cultural development planning, appropriation of immovable property, city planning, land use zoning, and issuance of regulations which may affect the interests of the people, the State shall thoroughly hold public hearings procedure prior to implementation. | Constitution S 56 and 57 |
Togo | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 4: L'accès aux informations et aux documents des organismes publics est libre sous réserve des exceptions et délais prévus par la loi. | |
Trinidad and Tobago | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. (1) The object of this Act is to extend the right of members of the public to access to information in the possession of public authorities by - (...) (b) creating a general right of access to information in documentary form in the possession of public authorities limited only by exceptions and exemptions necessary for the protection of essential public interests and the private and business affairs of persons in respect of whom information is collected and held by public authorities. | |
Tunisia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article premier - La présent loi a pour objet de garantir le droit de toute personne physique ou morale à l’accès à l’information afin de permettre : - l’obtention de l’information Art. 9: Toute personne physique ou morale peut présenter une demande écrite d’accès à l’information conformément à un modèle préétabli, mis à la disposition du public par l’organisme concerné ou sur papier libre contenant les mentions obligatoires prévues aux articles 10 et 12 de la présente loi. | |
Turkey | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 5.(The Obligation to Provide Information): "The institutions are required to apply administrative and technical measures to provide every kind of information and document, with the exceptions set out in this law, to provide the information for applicants; and to review and decide on the applications for access information promptly, effectively and correctly. The other legal regulations which are incompatible with the provisions contained herein shall cease to be applicable as of the date this Act comes into force" | |
Uganda | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995
41 Right of access to information. (1) Every citizen has a right of access to information in the possession of the State or any other organ or agency of the State except where the release of the information is likely to prejudice the security or sovereignty of the State or interfere with the right to the privacy of any other person. (2) Parliament shall make laws prescribing the classes of information referred to in clause (1) of this article and the procedure for obtaining access to that information. |
Yes - article 41 of the Constitution. |
Ukraine | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1. Public Information 2. Public information shall be open except for instances established by the law. | |
United Kingdom | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | (1) Any person making a request for information to a public authority is entitled (a) to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds information of the description specified in the request, and (b) if that is the case, to have that information communicated to him. | |
United States | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Yes - our expert tells us that the overwhelming body of jurisprudence supports this interpretation. | |
Uruguay | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 2º. (Alcance).- Se considera información póblica toda la que emane o esté en posesión de cualquier organismo público, sea o no estatal, salvo las excepciones o secretos establecidos por ley, así como las informaciones reservadas o confidenciales | |
Uzbekistan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 4(1) In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, everyone shall have the right to search, receive, investigate, disseminate, use, and store information. 9(1) Every individual has a right, directly or through his representatives, to submit a written or oral application for obtaining information. | |
Vanuatu | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 8. Right to access to information Subject to this Act, a person may access any information from a Government agency, relevant private entity or private entity. | - |
Vietnam | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1: This Law provides for the right to access to information of citizens; principles, orders, procedures of the enforcement of the right to access to information; obligations and responsibilities of state agencies in ensuring the right to access to information of citizens.; Article 3(1): All citizens are equal and are not discriminated during the exercise of the right to access to information.; Article 3(3): Information must be provided for citizens in timely, transparent and convenient methods, in compliance with orders and procedures regulated by the laws. Article 5: Citizens shall have the right to access to information held by state agencies, except for inaccessible information as regulated in Article 6 of this Law; or information accessible for citizens upon condition as regulated in Article 7 of this Law. | |
Zambia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | YES | 2 | 3(a), 6(1) | |
Antigua and Barbuda | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | An Act to promote maximun disclosure of information in the public interest, to guarantee and facilitate the right of access to information and to provide for effective mechanisms to secure that right. | The use of the words "maximum disclosure" warrants a point. |
Azerbaijan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2.3.2. The owner of the information has the right to receive the requested information freely, without obstacles and on equal terms for all. 2.4-1. Access to information is allowed on the condition that it protects the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the political, economic, military, financial-credit and monetary policy, protection of public order, health and morality, protection of rights and freedoms of others, commercial and other economic interests. not to contradict the purposes of ensuring the reputation and impartiality of the court, the normal course of the criminal investigation. | Article 2.3.2 provides a positive guarantee of the right but this appears to be undermined by Article 2.4-1, which limits access to cases where this supports the protection of certain listed interests. |
Belize | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | SECTION 34 In considering whether or not to claim exemption under this Part, the principal officer of a Ministry or prescribed authority shall act in good faith and use his best endeavours to achieve the object of this Act to afford to members of the public maximum access to official documents consistent with public interest. | |
Benin | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7: Toute personne a droit à l’information. L’Etat s’oblige, à travers ses différentes structures et institutions, à garantir à toute personne, l’accès aux sources d’informations notamment publiques. | Again, very weak but something. |
Cape Verde | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 5(1) Everyone, without the need to state any interest, has the right of access to documents and administrative information, which includes the rights of consultation, reproduction and information about their existence and content. | One point deducted because scope of right in terms of information is so limited. |
China | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 1 These Regulations are formulated so as to ensure that citizens, legal persons, and other organizations obtain government information in accordance with law, to increase the level of transparency in government work, to a rule of law government, to give full play to the role of government information in serving the public's production and livelihood and their economic and social activities. 5 Disclosure of government information by administrative organs shall adhere to disclosure being the norm and non-disclosure the exception, and observe the principles of justice, fairness, legality, and convenience for the people. 13 Except as provided in articles 14, 15, and 16 of this Regulation, government information shall be disclosed. . . 27 In addition to the government information proactively disclosed by administrative organs; citizens, legal persons, or other organizations may apply to obtain relevant government information to local people's governments at all levels, or the departments of people's governments at the county level or above that perform administrative management functions in their own name (including remote and internal bodies provided for in paragraph 2 of article 10 of this regulation). | There is some sort of presumption created although it is weak. |
Costa Rica | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | One point given because the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court supports this reading. However, this presumption only exists if the information is on matters of public interest, resulting in one point instead of two. See jurisprudence summarised and |
Denmark | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Art. 4.1 "Subject to the Eexceptions in Sections 7-14 of this Act, any person may ask to see documents received or issued by an administrative authority in the course of its activity. An administrative authority may allow wider access to documents unless this is prohibited under the rules on secrecy, etc." | Section 4.1 establishes a right of access to information, but only administrative information. |
East Timor | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 3(1) Access to official documents shall be ensured in accordance with the present law in accordance with the following principles: Article 4(1) Official documents may be accessed by the public, under the terms and conditions defined in this statute. Article 5 Can be accessed by the public with the express authorization of the member of the competent Government who directs the organs and services integrated in the Direct Administration of the State or, in the other organs and services, by the maximum leader of the service or entity, or whom these delegate. | |
Estonia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 4. Principles of granting access to public information: (1) In order to ensure democracy, to enable public interest to be met and to enable all persons to exercise their rights and freedoms and perform their obligations, holders of information are required to ensure access to the information in their possession under the conditions and pursuant to the procedure provided by law. | Is not a principle of publicity but establishes the obligation of public authorities to ensure access. |
Ethiopia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 12(1) All persons have the right to seek, obtain and communicate any information held by public bodies, except as expressly provided for by this Proclamation. | Article 12(1) provides for a broad interpretation. |
India | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | "Paramountcy of the democratic ideal" implies this. However, a recent Supreme Court decision states that equal weightage must be given to secrecy, which muddies the issue. |
Iran | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 2. Every Iranian citizen has the right to have access to public information, unless otherwise prohibited by law. The use of public information shall be consistent with related laws and regulations. Article 5. The public shall promptly present to public the information [requested under this law] without any discrimination. | Weak guarantee but one point awarded. |
Jamaica | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 2. The objects of this Act are to reinforce and give further effect to certain fundamental principles underlying the system of constitutional democracy, namely - (a) governmental accountability; (b) transparency; and (c) public participation in national decision-making, by granting to the public a general right of access to official documents held by public authorities, subject to exemptions which balance that right against the public interest in exempting from disclosure governmental, commercial or personal information of a sensitive nature. | To some extent, article 2 does this. |
Luxembourg | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | A3: Sans préjudice d’autres dispositions légales qui règlent l’accès à des documents détenus par les organismes visés à l’article 1er, paragraphe 1er, ces derniers sont tenus de communiquer les documents qu’ils détiennent et qui sont accessibles en vertu de la présente loi, quel que soit leur support, à toute personne physique ou morale qui en fait la demande sans que celle-ci ne soit obligée de faire valoir un intérêt. | Presumption but subject to rules in other laws |
Malawi | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 5(1) A person shall have the right to access information, in so far as that information is required for the exercise of his rights, which is in the custody or under the control of a public body or relevant private body to which this Act applies, in an expeditious and inexpensive manner. | Only guaranteed where needed to exercise a right. |
Monaco | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | A22: Toute personne physique ou morale peut adresser à une autorité administrative mentionnée à l’article 2 une demande en vue de consulter un document administratif détenu par cette autorité et n’ayant pas donné lieu à une publication au Journal de Monaco , ni fait l’objet d’une diffusion publique par tout moyen, y compris électronique. | Very weak procedural guarantee which really only protects the right to make a request. |
Norway | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 3. Main rule "Case documents, journals and similar registers of an administrative agency are public except as otherwise provided by statute or by regulations pursuant thereto.<...>" | Only applies a "right" of access to the information that is not exempted by an statute or regulations The law is limited by case documents, journals and similar registers of an administrative agency. (1 point loss). |
Palau | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9. Records and government documents open to public. (a) Within ten (10) days of any request, all public records produced by a governing body shall be available by any person during regular business hours, unless the disclosure will take more time to produce due to exceptional circumstances or the volume of information requested, is in violation of the Constitution of the Republic, other law of the Republic, or is exempted under this Act. | Weak statement so only one point given. |
Slovakia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 3. \"(1) Everybody shall have the right of access to information that the obliged persons have available.\" | I´ve deducted 1 point because of using the phrase\" have available\" that may imply that not all the information held by the public body will be made public. |
South Korea | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3 Any information kept and managed by public institutions shall be disclosed to the public in an active manner, as prescribed by this Act, to ensure people’s right to know. 10(1): Any person who intends to make a request for disclosing information (hereinafter referred to as the "applicant") may submit a written request for disclosing information ... | Not very clear and does not make it clear that the issue is entirely defined by this Act. |
Venezuela | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3. Las personas naturales, en condiciones de igualdad y sin discriminación alguna, tienen derecho a acceder a la información de interés público, de acuerdo con los valores y principios consagrados en la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y los tratados, pactos y convenciones relativos a esta materia, debidamente suscritos y ratificados por la República. | Limited to information of public interest and also subject to values and principles of the Constitution and international treaties. |
Zimbabwe | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7(1) Any person who wishes to request access to information from any public entity, public commercial entity or the holder of a statutory office in accordance with the rights granted under this Act may apply in writing in a prescribed manner to an information officer of the public entity, public commercial entity or holder of a statutory office concerned. | No proper statement of the right, just a procedure for making requests. |
Angola | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Australia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Austria | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | Explanatory Note, General Part...A paradigm shift is to be initiated by finally abolishing official secrecy, making government transparency the rule and secrecy the exception. Government action should be made as transparent as possible for everyone, individual access to government information should be facilitated and access to government-related business information should be opened up. | Only found in an explanatory note. |
Bangladesh | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not found. |
Belgium | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cyprus | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Czech Republic | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
France | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Germany | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Honduras | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Hungary | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iceland | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Japan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Jordan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kazakhstan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Liechtenstein | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | The law refers to the intention to make the activities of public bodies transparent. |
Malta | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Niger | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Paraguay | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Qatar | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | Not mentioned properly although the idea of a right to request is implicit in the nature of the law. |
Republic of Belarus | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | Article 15. Types of information Depending on the access category, information is divided into: • publicly accessible information; • information dissemination and / or provision of which is restricted Article 16. Publicly accessible information Publicly accessible information shall include information the dissemination and (or) provision of which is not restricted. May not be restricted access to information, dissemination and (or) provision of information: • on the rights, freedoms, legitimate interests and obligations of individuals, rights, legitimate interests and obligations of legal entities and on the procedure for the implementation of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, and performance of duties; • on the activities of state bodies and non-governmental associations; • on the legal status of state bodies, with the exception of information that is restricted by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus; • on the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and its administrative territorial units; • on emergency situations, environmental, sanitary and epidemiological conditions, hydrometeorological and other information reflecting the state of public safety; • on the state of health care, demography, education, culture, [and (or)] agriculture; • on the state of crime, as well as on the facts of violation of the law; • on benefits and compensation provided by the state to individuals and legal entities; • on the size of the gold reserve; • on overall external debt indicators; • on the state of health of officials holding positions included in the list of senior public positions of the Republic of Belarus; • accumulated in open collections of libraries and archives, information systems of state bodies, individuals and legal entities created (intended) for information service of individuals. Article 17. Information dissemination and (or) provision of which is restricted Information dissemination and / or provision of which is restricted shall include: • information on the private life of an individual and personal data; • information constituting state secrets; • official information of restricted distribution; • information constituting a commercial, professional, banking, or other legally protected secret; • information contained in administrative offence cases, materials and criminal cases investigated by criminal prosecution bodies and courts until completion of proceedings; • other information that is restricted by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. The legal regime of information, the distribution and (or) provision of which is restricted, shall be determined by this Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. | No; all state-held information is explicitly divided into 'publicly-accessible' and 'restricted' information, rather thana presumption in favour if access to all public information subject to exceptions. |
Russia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | ||
Rwanda | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | Reg Article 10: When the level of classified information is doubtful, it shall be handled as restricted unless determined by a competent authority. MINISTERIAL ORDER No. 005/07.01/13 establishes that information is restricted by default | |
Sierra Leone | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | ||
Slovenia | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | Reviewer: There is no written presumption, but public information is all information held by public authorities (originating from the field of work of the bodies and occurring in the form of a document, drawn up by the body, by the body in cooperation with other body, or acquired from other persons; Art. 4/1) and access to public information can only be restricted on the grounds of an existing exemption (Art. 6/1). |
Spain | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No existe mención expresa sobre una presunción de acceso. La nica referencia relevante estas en el Artículo 12 (Derecho de acceso a la information pública): Todas las personas tienen derecho a acceder a la información pública, en los términos previstos en el artículo 105 b) de la Constitución Española y en esta Ley, que implica una limitación a archivos y registros en lugar de toda información. |
Sudan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Taiwan | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Yemen | The legal framework creates a specific presumption in favour of access to all information held by public authorities, subject only to limited exceptions. | No=0, Partially=1, Yes=2 | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
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