By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 16(1) In the following instances, public access to information is prohibited: 1-If the disclosure would harm independence, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and public security. 2-If the disclosure would harm Afghanistan’s political, economic and social relations with other countries. 3-In case it would endanger the life and properties of an individual. 4-In case it becomes a barrier in the process of detection or prevention of a crime. 5-In case it adversely affects detection, investigation or prosecution of a suspect or a precautionary measure in such cases. 6-In case it adversely affects fair trial or enforcement of verdict. 7-in case it violates the privacy of an individual. 8-In case information is harmful to legitimate commercial interests, private properties and bank accounts, unless disclosure is allowed under any other law in force. (2) The following cases are exempted from clause 7 and 8 of Article 16 (1): 1- In case a competent court approves disclosure of personal information. 2- In case the copyright law and competition support law and all other legislative documents are not violated. | See also Article 3(2), defining "personal information". |
Albania | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 17(2) The right to information may be restricted, if giving the information causes a clear and serious harm to the following interests: (a) national security, as defined by the legislation for classified information; (b) prevention, investigation and prosecution of offences; (c) conduct of an administrative investigation within a disciplinary proceeding; (d) conduct of inspection and auditing procedures of public authorities; (e) formulation of state monetary and fiscal policies; (f) equality of parties in court proceedings and the conduct of litigation; (g) preliminary consultations and discussions within or between public authorities on public policy development; (h) progress of international or intergovernmental relations. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of point 2 of this Article, the information requested is not rejected if there is a higher public interest to grant it. Restrictions on the right to information, due to the interests foreseen in point 2, letter "c" and "d" of this Article, shall not apply when the administrative investigation, in the context of a disciplinary proceeding, and audit inspection procedures of the public authority have been completed. Restriction on the right to information, due to the interests foreseen in point 2, letter and of this Article, shall not apply where the relevant data are facts, analyses of facts, technical data or statistics. Restriction on the right to information, due to the interests foreseen in point 2, letter of this Article, shall not apply once the policies are published | |
Andorra | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | "Article 11.2 The application of the limitations provided for in paragraph 1 must be justified and proportionate to the object and purpose protection and must take into account the circumstances of the specific case and, in particular, the concurrence of a higher public or private interest justifying access to information." "Article 11.2 L’aplicació de les limitacions previstes a l’apartat 1 ha de ser justificada i proporcional a l’objecte i finalitat de protecció i ha d’atendre a les circumstàncies del cas concret i, particularment, a la concurrència d’un interès públic o privat superior que justifiqui l’accés a la informació." | |
Angola | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | N/A | |
Belize | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | SECTION 34 In considering whether or not to claim exemption under this Part, the principal officer of a Ministry or prescribed authority shall act in good faith and use his best endeavours to achieve the object of this Act to afford to members of the public maximum access to official documents consistent with public interest. | |
Bolivia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 7(I) Access to information may only be denied in an exceptional and reasoned manner, only with respect to information that prior to the request and in accordance with current laws is classified as secret, confidential or confidential. This qualification will not be, in any case, discretionary of the public authority. 8(I)Secret, confidential or confidential information of the Executive Power regarding the internal or external security of the State shall be subject to the following regime: 1. Indefinite maintenance of the supporting documentation. 2. Lifting of secrecy, confidentiality or confidentiality by order of competent authority. 3. Automatic lifting of secrecy, confidentiality or confidentiality of information, after twenty (20) years from the moment of the event generating the information. | Again, a bit of a free pass here but no actual exceptions that lack harm tests. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Art 5. "Determination of an Exemption. Requested information shall be determined to be exempt from disclosure on a case-by- case basis and only if a competent authority: a. claims an exemption under Articles 6, 7 or 8 for all or part of the information; and b. determines, upon applying the public interest test provided for in Article 9, that disclosure is not justified in the public interest." Article 9 "Public Interest Test. 1. A competent authority shall disclose the requested information, notwithstanding that it has claimed an exemption under Articles 6, 7 or 8, where to do so is justified in the public interest having regard to both any benefit and harm that may accrue from doing so. 2.In determining whether disclosure is justified in the public interest, a competent authority shall have regard to considerations such as but not limited to, any failure to comply with a legal obligation, the existence of any offence, miscarriage of justice, abuse of authority or neglect in the performance of an official duty, unauthorized use of public funds, or danger to the health or safety of an individual, the public or the environment." | |
Colombia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 28 Burden of proof. It is for the obligor to provide reasons and evidence in support of and evidencing that the requested information must remain proprietary or confidential. In particular, the obligated party must show that the information must relate to a legitimate objective established legal or constitutional. In addition, you must determine whether it is an exception contained in Articles 19 and 20 of this Act and the disclosure of this information would cause harm, and likely exceeding the specific public interest represents access to information. | There is a harm test in article 28 of Law 1712 (burden of the proof) as well as in relevant jurisprudence, that applies to all the exceptions |
Croatia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Art.16.1.: Public body authorized to deal with the request to access information lsted in article 15 paragraph 2 point 2, 3, 5, 5, 6 and 7, is obliged, prior to deciding on the request, to conduct proportionality and public interest test. Owner of information from article 15 paragraph 2 point 1, upon acquiring an opinion of the Office of the National Security Council, is obliged, before making a decision on the request to conduct proportionalty and public interest test. Art.16.2.: When conducting proportionality and public interest test the public body is obliged to determine whether access to information can be limited due to safeguarding protected interests listed in article 15 paragraph 2, 3 and 4 of this Act, whether granting access to information in any individual case would seriously hurt these interests and whether the need to protect these interests or public interest prevails. If public interest prevails in relation to harm to protected interests, information will be made available. | Harm test applies to all exceptions (29.a.). However, there are situations where it RTI act is not applied at all (29.b.). |
Estonia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 38. Access to information classified as internal only "(1) A holder of information shall disclose information concerning facts which arouse public interest and which are related to an offence or accident before the final clarification of the circumstances of the offence or accident to an extent which does not hinder the investigation or supervision or clarification of the reasons for the accident. The competent official who organizes the investigation or supervision or who clarifies the circumstances of the accident shall decide on the extent of disclosure of such information." | |
Gambia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 24 - 33. | |
Georgia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 28. Public information shall be open except as provided in applicable legislation, or when openness expressly and inevitably undermines: (a) national security, but only if there is a reasonable presumption that the disclosure of such information will undermine the completion of a military, intelligence or diplomatic action that is planned or being implemented, or the physical safety of persons involved, or (b) the investigation of a criminal offence, if there is a reasonable presumption that the disclosure of such information will undermine the identification of confidential sources of law-enforcement or intelligence agencies, interfere with the prevention, detection and elimination of an offence and prosecution of an offender, or endanger life and physical safety of any person or violate a suspect's or defendant's right to the secrecy of investigation, except when the decree regarding their search was issued. | A harm test applies to both exceptions mentioned, as follows: "only if there is a reasonable presumption that the disclosure of such information will undermine". |
Guatemala | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Artículo 23. Para los efectos de esta ley se considera información reservada la siguiente: (1) La información relacionada con asuntos militares clasificados como de seguridad nacional; (2) La información relacionada a asuntos diplomáticos, clasificados como de seguridad nacional; (3) La información relacionada con la propiedad intelectual, propiedad industrial, patentes o marcas en poder de las autoridades; se estará a lo dispuesto por los convenios o tratados internacionales ratificados por la República de Guatemala y demás leyes de la materia; (4) Cuando la información que se difunda pueda causar un serio perjuicio o daño a las actividades de investigación, prevención o persecución de los delitos, la relacionada a los procesos de inteligencia del Estado o a la impartición de justicia; (5) los expedientes judiciales en tanto no hayan causado ejecutoria, de conformidad con las leyes especiales; (6) la información cuya difusión antes de adoptarse la medida, decisión o resolución de que se trate pueda dañar la estabilidad económica, financiera o monetaria del país, así como aquella que guarde relación con aspectos de vigilancia e inspección por parte de la Superintendencia de Bancos; (7) La información definida como reservada en la Ley de Protección Integral de la Niñez y la Adolescencia; (8) Los análisis proporcionados al Presidente de la República orientados a proveer la defensa y la seguridad de la nación así como la conservación del orden público. El derecho a acceder a la información pública en que se hubiese basado el análisis podrá ejercerse ante los órganos o entidades que la tengan en su poder; (9) La que sea determinada como reservada por efecto de otra ley. | Article 23 harm tests - all exemptions. |
Guinea | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 6. Ne sont pas communicables les documents administratifs dont la consultation ou la communication porterait atteinte :- au secret des délibérations du Gouvernement et des autorités responsables relevant du pouvoir exécutif; - au secret de la défense nationale ;- à la conduite de la politique extérieure de la Guinée ;- à la politique économique, monétaire ou financière de l'Etat;- à la sûreté de l'Etat, à la sécurité publique ou à la sécurité des personnes ;- à la monnaie et au crédit public ;- au déroulement des procédures engagées devant les juridictions ou d'opérations préliminaires à de telles procédures;- à la recherche, par les services compétents, des infractions fiscales et douanières ;- ou, de façon générale, aux secrets protégés par la loi. En somme, tous les docments classifiés par l'Etat conformément aux dispositions de la Loi L/95/014/CTRN en date du 15 Mai 1995 sur la gestion des archives en Guinée. 7. La communication par tout organisme, de documents ou d'informations présentant un caractère sensible ou d'ordre stratégique pour l'État, requiert l'autorisation préalable du premier responsable hiérarchique de l'organisme considéré, ou de la structure de validation instituée à cet effet au sein de l'administration. Un texte règlementaire du Ministre en Charge de la Fonction publique, détermine les catégories d'informations présentant un caractère sensible ou stratégique pour l'Etat, et soumises à une autorisation préalable pour communication, ainsi que la procédure d'examen et de validation instituée à cette fin au sein de l'administration. 8. Ne sont communicables qu'aux personnes concernées ou à leurs proches, les documents administratifs: - dont la communication porterait atteinte à la protection de la vie privée; au- secrèt médical et au secret en matière commerciale et industrielle; - portant une appréciation ou un jugement de valeur sur une personne physique, nommément désignée ou facilement identifiable ;- faisant apparaître le comportement d'une personne, dès lors que la divulgation de ce comportement pourrait lui porter préjudice. Les informations à caractère médical sont communiquées à l'intéressé, selon son choix, directement ou par l'intermédiaire d'un médecin qu'il désigne à cet effet, dans le respect des dispositions de la loi. Lorsque la demande porte sur un document comportant des mentions qui ne sont pas communicables en application du présent article mais qu'il est possible d'occulter ou de disjoindre, le document est communiqué au demandeur après occultation ou disjonction de ces mentions. 34. Le droit d'accès à l'information ne comprend pas es données relatives à l'identité des personnes ayant présenté des informations pour dénoncer des abus ou des cas de corruption. | |
Honduras | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iran | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ivory Coast | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 9. Ne peuvent être communiqués ou consultés les informations ou documents publics dont la divulgation porterait atteinte: au secret des délibérations du Gouvernement et des autorités relevant du pouvoir exécutif; au secret de la défense nationale; à la conduite de la politique extérieure de l’Etat; à la sûreté de l’Etat, à la sécurité publique ou à la sécurité des personnes; à la politique monétaire et de change de l’Etat; au déroulement des procédures engagées devant les juridictions ou enquêtes préliminaires à de telles procédures, sauf autorisation donnée par l’autorité compétente; à la vie privée ou à des intérêts privés, notamment le secret en matière industrielle et commerciale, les documents mis en vente au public. | |
Japan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 5 (Obligation to disclose Administrative Documents) When there is a Disclosure Request, unless any of the information listed in each of the following items (hereinafter referred to as "Non-Disclosure Information.") is recorded in the Administrative Documents pertaining to the Disclosure Request, the head of an Administrative Organ shall disclose said Administrative Documents to the Disclosure Requester. (i) Information concerning an individual (excluding information concerning the business of an individual who operates the said business.), where it is possible to identify a specific individual from a name, date of birth or other description, etc., contained in the information concerned (including cases where it is possible to identify a specific individual through comparing the said information with other information.), or when it is not possible to identify a specific individual, but disclosure of the said information is likely to cause harm to the rights and interests of an individual; provided however, that the following information shall be excluded: (a) Information that is made public, or information that is scheduled to be made public, pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations or by custom. (b) Information which is found necessary to be disclosed in order to protect a person's life, health, livelihood, or property. (c) In the case that the said individual is a Public Officer, etc. (national public officers prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the National Public Officer Act [Act No. 120 of 1947] [excluding officers and employees of the specified incorporated administrative agencies prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Act on General Rules for Incorporated Administrative Agency (Act No. 103 of 1999) and of the Japan Post]; officers and employees of the Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc. (meaning the incorporated administrative agencies, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Act on Access to Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies (Act No. 140 of 2001. Hereinafter referred to as "Incorporated Administrative Agency, etc. Information Disclosure Act"); local public officers prescribed in Article 2 of the Local Public Officer Act (Act No. 261 of 1950).); and officers and employees of the Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies [which means local incorporated administrative agencies prescribed in Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Act on Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies(Act No. 118 of 2003).The same shall apply hereinafter.]), and when the said information is one pertaining to the performance of his or her duties, the portion of the said information pertaining to the job of the said Public Officer, etc. and the substance of the said performance of duties. (ii) Information concerning a juridical person or other entities (excluding the State, Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc., local public entities and Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies. hereinafter referred to as a "Juridical Person, etc."), or information concerning the business of an individual who operates the said business, which corresponds to the following, provided; however, that information which is found necessary to be disclosed in order to protect a person's life, health, livelihood, or property shall be excluded. (a) Information which when disclosed is likely to cause harm to the rights, competitive position, or other legitimate interests of the said Juridical Persons, etc. or of the said individual. (b) Information customarily not disclosed by the Judicial Person, etc. or the individual, which has been voluntarily provided in response to a request by an Administrative Organ on the condition of non-disclosure, or information for which it is found reasonable to set such a condition in light of the nature of the information or the circumstances at the time. (iii) Information for which there are reasonable grounds for the head of an Administrative Organ to find that disclosure is likely to cause harm to national security, cause damage to the relationship of mutual trust with another country or an international organization, or cause a disadvantage in negotiations with another country or an international organization. (iv) Information for which there are reasonable grounds for the head of an Administrative Organ to find that disclosure is likely to cause impediments to prevention, suppression or investigation of crimes, the maintenance of prosecutions, the execution of punishment, and other matters concerning maintenance of public safety and public order. (v) Information concerning deliberations, examinations or consultations internally conducted by or mutually conducted between state organs, Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc., local public entities and Local Incorporated Administrative Agencies, where disclosure is likely to cause unjust harm to the open exchange of opinions or the neutrality of decision making, cause unjust confusion among citizens, or bring unjust advantages or disadvantages to specific individuals. (vi) Information concerning the affairs or business conducted by a state organ, an Incorporated Administrative Agency, etc., a local public entity or a Local Incorporated Administrative Agency, where disclosure is likely to have the following risks or is likely to hinder the proper execution of the said affairs or business due to the nature of the said affairs or business. (a) Risk of making it difficult to understand accurately facts concerning affairs pertaining to audits, inspections, supervision, examinations, or imposition or collection of tax, or facilitating wrongful acts regarding such affairs, or making it difficult to discover such acts. (b) Risk of causing unjust damage to the property benefit of the State, an Incorporated Administrative Agency, etc., a local public entities or a Local Incorporated Administrative Agency concerning affairs pertaining to contracts, negotiations or administrative objections and litigations. (c) Risk of causing unjust hindrance to the fair and efficient execution of affairs pertaining to research and study. (d) Risk of causing hindrance to the maintenance of impartial and smooth personnel practices in the affairs pertaining to personal management. (e) Risk of causing damage to the legitimate interests arising from corporate management with regard to the business of an enterprise managed by the State or a local public entity, an Incorporated Administrative Agency, etc., or a Local Incorporated Administrative Agency. | Article 5. |
Kenya | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 6(1) Pursuant to Article 24 of the Constitution, the right of access to information under Article 35 of the Constitution shall be limited in respect of information whose disclosure is likely to: (a) undermine the national security of Kenya; (b) impede the due process of law; (c) endanger the safety, health or life of any person; (d) involve the unwarranted invasion of the privacy of an individual, other than the applicant or the person on whose behalf an application has, with proper authority, been made; (e) substantially prejudice the commercial interests, including intellectual property rights, of that entity or third party from whom information was obtained; (f) cause substantial harm to the ability of the Government to manage the economy of Kenya; (g) significantly undermine a public or private entity's ability to give adequate and judicious consideration to a matter concerning which no final decision has been taken and which remains the subject of active consideration; (h) damage a public entity's position in any actual or contemplated legal proceedings; or (i) infringe professional confidentiality as recognized in law or by the rules of a registered association of a profession. | |
Kyrgyzstan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 8.2. Restriction of the right of access to information shall be established in accordance with the law, subject to the following conditions:...(2) disclosure of information may cause significant harm to these purposes. 8.5 (2) secret information - information, access to which is restricted in accordance with Part 2 of this Article, the disclosure of which may cause harm to a person, society and the state, containing state secrets, professional, bank secrecy, investigation secrecy or other secret provided for by law; | There is a general harm test. There is also the concept of harm incorporated into the definition of "secret information", but the way that is defined, the harm has to be in relation to "a person, society and the state" which is a bit vague instead of referring to the specific harms relevant to the exceptions. |
Liberia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 4.4: "Trade Secrets: A document or record is exempted from disclosure or public access if its disclosure under this Act would reveal trade secrets belonging to a public authority or a private entity, or destroy the commercial value or affect the competitiveness of a public authority or private entity in relation to the business or work of the authority or entity; provided that this provisions shall not be construed to apply to: (a) Information on the general business or professional affairs of the authority or private entity; or (b) Information on the business, commercial or financial affairs of an undertaking of which that person, or a person on whose behalf that person made the request, is a proprietor." 4.8: "(b) That the disclosure of the information will cause or likely to cause injury or substantial harm to the interest protected by one or more of the exemptions established in this Act; and (c) The harm to be caused by the disclosure is greater than the public interest in having the information disclosed." | 4.4 - trade secrets aren't harm tested but 4(8)(b) and (c) imply an internal harm test, so I didn't dock a point. |
Mexico | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 103. In cases where access to information is denied for any of the cases regarding classification, the Transparency Committee shall confirm, modify or revoke the decision. In order to motivate the classification of the information and extension of the confidentiality period, the reasons, grounds or special circumstances leading the regulated entity to conclude that the particular case fits the assumption provided by the statute invoked as grounds must be stated. In addition, the regulated entity shall, at all times, apply a harm test. In the case of the information that updates the classification assumptions, the term it is subject to confidentiality must be stated. Article 104. In applying the harm test, the regulated entity must justify that: I. The disclosure of the information represents a real, demonstrable and identifiable risk of significant harm to the public interest or national security; II. The harm risk that the disclosure would mean exceeds the public interest of being disseminated, and III. The limitation is consistent with the principle of proportionality and is the least restrictive means available to avoid harm. Article 114. The reasons for secrecy provided for in the preceding article shall be grounded, through the application of the harm test referred to in this Title. | |
Moldova | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 7. Official information with limited access (2) According to para. 1 of the present article, free access to any kind of official information may not be restricted except for the following cases: a) information falling under the category of state secrets, regulated by organic law and qualified as information protected by the state and related to its military, economic, technical-scientific, foreign policy, intelligence, counterintelligence and investigation activities, whose dissemination, disclosure, loss, theft may endanger the security of the state; b) confidential business information submitted to public institutions under conditions of confidentiality, and which is regulated by the legislation on trade secrets and is related to production, technology, administration, funding, other business activities, whose disclosure (transmission, leak) may affect the interests of businesses; c) personal data, the disclosure of which may be considered interference in one's private life, which is protected by the current legislation, access to which can be allowed only with the observation of the provisions of article 8 of the present law; d) information related to the investigative activity of the corresponding bodies, but only in cases when the disclosure of such information might affect the investigation, interfere with a lawsuit, deprive a citizen of his/her right to a fair and impartial trial, endanger the life or physical safety of any person; cases which are regulated by the current legislation; e) information that represents the final or preliminary results of scientific and technical research, whose disclosure may deprive the researchers of their priority right of publication or have a negative impact on other rights protected by law. | All exceptions are subject to a harm test. In one case the language is a bit weak but this seems to be a translation issue give the rest of the language. |
Monaco | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 24(2) Sont également rejetées les demandes portant sur des documents administratifs dont la consultation porterait atteinte : (a) au secret des délibérations du Gouvernement et des autorités mentionnées à l’article 2 ; (b) à la conduite de la politique extérieure de la Principauté ; (c) à la sûreté de l’État ou à la sécurité des personnes ou des biens ; (d) à la monnaie et au crédit public ; (e) au déroulement de procédures introduites devant des juridictions ou d’opérations préliminaires à de telles procédures ; (f) à la recherche ou à la poursuite de faits susceptibles de donner lieu à des sanctions administratives ou pénales ; (g) au secret de la vie privée, de la correspondance, au secret médical, ou au secret en matière commerciale, industrielle ou professionnelle, lorsque les informations concernent une personne autre que le pétitionnaire ; (h) à tout autre secret ou intérêt légitime légalement protégé. | All exceptions are harm tested in the opening part of A24(2). |
Montenegro | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 9: " <...> The interests referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be considered significantly endangered if disclosing such information would cause them damages considerably bigger than the public interest in publishing such information is." | |
Namibia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | ss. 65-75; s. 1. | |
Nicaragua | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Artículo 3.- Para los fines de la presente Ley, se establecen los siguientes principios: 7. Principio de Prueba de Daño: Garantiza que, la autoridad al catalogar determinada información como de acceso restringido, fundamente y motivo los siguientes elementos: a. La información se encuentra prevista en alguno de los supuestos de excepción previstos en la propia Ley. b. La liberación de la información puede amenazar efectivamente el interés público protegido por la Ley. c. El daño que puede producirse con la liberación de la información es mayor que el interés público de conocer la información de relevancia. | Art 3(7) incorporates a harm test into all exceptions. |
North Macedonia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Art. 6 "(3) Under exception to paragraph (1) hereunder, information holders shall allow access to information, after the obligatory harm test is conducted with which it will be determined that, in case such information is published, consequences to the interest being protected will be smaller than the public interest to be maintained with the publishing of such information." | |
San Marino | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 30. 1. Access is excluded for all acts and documents expressly declared confidential by law. 2. Access shall be limited, deferred, or denied if it would cause prejudice: a) to the exercise of sovereignty and the national defense of the Republic; b) to the foreign policy or international relations of the Republic; c) to State security, public order and public safety, or the safety of persons; e) to the prevention of crimes and investigation activities for the detection and suppression of criminal, administrative, fiscal, customs or currency offences, or in any case deriving from the violation of laws or regulations; f) to the economic and financial policy of the Republic; g) to the performance of all inspection, control and supervisory activities. 3. Access is also limited, deferred, or denied: a) if it may cause the disclosure of information freely provided by a third party to an authority that is bound to secrecy; b) if it may result in the disclosure of professional secrets, or secrets relating to trade or industry; c) if it may affect the privacy of others. 4. Only those directly involved can gain access: a) to documents relating to persons containing data and information of a confidential nature, such as personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical or political nature; b) to documents containing personal data that can reveal one’s state of health or, in any case, data or information of a healthcare nature; c) to documents containing personal data revealing sex life or confidential family relationships; d) to administrative documents relating to personnel-selection procedures containing information of a psycho-aptitude nature. 5. The right of access to health records shall be enjoyed by both the individuals concerned and, at their option, the physician(s) designated for that purpose. 6. When the request for access concerns a document that contains mentions or information that are not accessible pursuant to this article, but that it is possible to redact or delete, consultation shall be permitted once the mentioning or information has been redacted or deleted. 7. In any case, the specific provisions of the law in force that limit access to administrative documents remain valid . 8. The limitations referred to in the present article cease once the documents have become consultable in accordance with the norms on the consultability of documents stored in the State Archives. | 30(3)(a) and 30(1) are not harm-tested, but they are already covered under Indicator 29, so no further points are deducted. |
Serbia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 4: "It shall be deemed that there is always a justified public interest to know information held by the public authority, in terms of Article 2 of this Law, regarding a threat to, i.e. protection of public health and the environment, while with regard to other information the public authority holds, it shall be deemed that there is a justified interest of the public to know, in terms of article 2 of this Law, unless proven otherwise by the public authority. Article 8: "The rights in this Law may be xceptionally subjected to limitations prescribed by this Law if that is necessary in a democratic society in order to prevent a serious violation of an overriding interest based on the Constitution or law. No provision of this Law may be interpreted in a manner that could lead to the revocation of a right conferred by this Law or its limitation to a greater degree than the one prescribed in Para 1 of this Article." Article 9: "A public authority shall not allow the applicant to exercise the right to access information of public importance, if it would thereby: 5) Make available information or a document qualified by regulations or an official document based on the law, to be kept as a state, official, business or other secret, i.e. if such a document is accessible only to a specific group of persons and its disclosure could seriously legally or otherwise prejudice the interests that are protected by the law and outweigh the access to information interest." | |
Sierra Leone | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | ||
Slovenia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 6 (Exceptions): "(1) The body shall deny the applicant access to requested information if the request relates to: 1. Information which, pursuant to the Act governing classified data, is defined as classified; ... 10. Information on natural or cultural value which, in accordance with the Act governing the conservation of nature or cultural heritage, is not accessible to public for the purpose of protection of (that) natural or cultural value; ..." | Reviewer : It needs to be added that harm test is actually applied to the exemption on classified data (Art. 6/1/1), because it refers to the Classified Information Act. This Act prescribes formal and substantive criteria to mark information as classified. The substantive criterion is given only if it is obvious that harm could be caused to certain protected state interest by releasing information. Harm test is therefore prescribed in the Classified Information Act. Also, exemption on natural or cultural value (Art. 6/1/10) according to the Nature Conservation Act and Ministerial Decree is only applied if it is reasonably expected that the release of the information would cause illegitimate use of natural values or increased observations. |
South Korea | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 9(1) All information kept and managed by public institutions shall be subject to disclosure to the public: Provided, That any of the following information may not be disclosed: … 2. Information pertaining to the national security, national defense, unification, diplomatic relations, etc., which is deemed likely to seriously undermine national interests, if it is disclosed; 3. Information which is likely to seriously obstruct the protection of people's lives, physical safety and properties, if it is disclosed; 4. Information pertaining to a trial in progress, the prevention and investigation of crimes, indictment and maintenance of a public prosecution, the execution and correction of a sentence, and security disposition, which, if disclosed, has considerable grounds for significantly obstructing the performance of duties or infringing upon the right of a criminal defendant to face fair trial; 5. Information pertaining to audit, supervision, inspection, tests, regulations, tendering contracts, technology development, or personnel management, or information at the stage of decision-making processes or internal-review processes, etc., which, if disclosed, has considerable grounds for remarkably obstructing the fair performance of duties or research and development: Provided, That where information is not disclosed due to decision-making processes or internal-review processes, if such decision-making processes or internal-review processes are completed, applicants under Article 10 shall be informed thereof; 6. Personal information, such as names, resident registration numbers, etc. included in the relevant information, which, if disclosed, is deemed likely to undermine the privacy or freedom of individuals: Provided, That the following personal information shall be excluded therefrom: (a) Information that is made available for public perusal pursuant to statutes; (b) Information prepared or acquired by public institutions for the purpose of public announcement, which does not unjustly disturb the privacy or freedom of individuals; (c) Information prepared or acquired by public institutions, the disclosure of which is deemed necessary to remedy the public interest or individuals's rights; (d) Names and positions of public officials who have performed their duties; (e) Names and occupations of individuals, to whom part of duties have been entrusted or commissioned by the State or local governments under statutes, the disclosure of which is necessary for the public interest; 7. Information pertaining to management and trade secrets of corporations, organizations, or individuals (hereinafter referred to as "corporations, etc."), which, if disclosed, is likely to seriously undermine the legitimate interests of the corporations, etc: Provided, That the following information shall be excluded therefrom: (a) Information that is needed to be disclosed in order to protect the lives, physical safety, and health of persons from dangers arising from business activities; (b) Information that is needed to be disclosed in order to protect people’s property or lives from illegal and unjust business activities; 8. Information, the disclosure of which is deemed likely to bring advantages or disadvantages to specific persons, due to speculation in real estates, cornering the market, etc. | |
South Sudan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | ||
Spain | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | Artículo 14 (Lémites al derecho de acceso): 1. El derecho de acceso podrá ser restringido cuando acceder a la información suponga un perjuicio para: | La ley permite la aplicación de las excepciones únicamente en caso de un aperjuicio a uno de los intereses protegidas. |
Taiwan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ukraine | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | 6.2 Limitation of access to information shall be carried out in accordance with the law with observance of combination of the following requirements: ... 2) disclosure of information can cause significant harm to these interests; | The harm test applies to all the exceptions listed. |
Uruguay | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Vanuatu | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 4 | See ss. 42-50 | - |
Armenia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 8(1) Information holder, with the exception of cases defined in the 3rd clause of the proceeding Article, refuses to provide information if: (d) discloses data that require accessibility limitation, conditioned by professional activity (medical, notary, attorney secrets). | Based on professional status rather than a specific harm |
Brazil | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 23. Paragraph 1. The Office of the Comptroller General may require the related body or entity to provide clarification on the matter in controversy; | Art 23 - I'm deducting a point because the harm test uses the word may, as opposed to only restricting access to info that would be likely to cause harm. |
Cook Islands | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 8. Other reasons for withholding official information – (2) Subject to sections 6, 7, 9 and 18 of this Act, this section applies if, and only if, the withholding of the information is necessary to – (...)(b) protect information where the making available of the information – (i) would disclose a trade secret (...) | Art 8(2)(b)(I) - trade secrets. |
Indonesia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 17. Every Public Agency shall open the access to obtain Public Information for every Public Information Applicant, except: [...] (d) Public Information that if disclosed and supplied to the Public Information Applicant could reveal the natural wealth of Indonesia. | |
Israel | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 9(1) A public authority shall not provide information in any of the following cases: [...] (2) Information on matters regarding which the Minister of Defence, for reasons of preserving state security, has specified in an order, with the approval of the joint committee; [...] | 9(1)(2) - information where the Minister of Defence issues as order against disclosure. |
Italy | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 5-bis.1. The public access under art. 5, paragraph 2, is rejected if the denial is necessary to avoid a material damage to the protection of one of the public interests concerning: (a) public order and safety; (b) national safety; (c) defence and military issues; (d) international relationships; (e) the politics and the economic and financial stability of the State; (f) the carrying out of investigations on offences and their prosecution; (g) the smooth conduct of inspection activities. [...] (3) The right under art. 5, paragraph 2, is excluded in case of State secrets and in any other case in which the access and disclosure is prohibited by the law, including the cases in which the access is subject to the legislation currently applicable to compliance with specific conditions, modalities or restrictions, including those provided for by art. 24, paragraph 1, of Law n. 241 of 1990. | |
Jamaica | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 20(1) Subject to subsection (2), an official document is exempt from disclosure if - (a) its disclosure would reveal - (i) trade secrets; (ii) any other information of a commercial value, which value would be, or could reasonably be expected to be, destroyed or diminished if the information were disclosed; [...] | 20(1)(a) - trade secrets. |
Malawi | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 30. An information holder may not disclose information which has been requested where disclosure of the information would reasonably be expected to - (a) cause damage to the security or defence of Malawi or would divulge information which relates to the defence or security of a foreign government which is communicated in confidence by, or on behalf of such foreign government. | "Relates to" rather than would "harm". Also, no reason why this interest is not already protected under the international relations exception. |
Nepal | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 3(3) Notwithstanding anything provided in Sections (1) and (2), the information held by a Public Body on the following subject matters shall not be disseminated: (a) which seriously jeopardizes the sovereignty, integrity, national security, public peace, stability and international relations of Nepal. (b) which directly affects the investigation, inquiry and prosecution of a crime. (c) Which seriously affects on the protection of economic, trade or monetary interest or intellectual property or banking or trade privacy. (d) Which directly jeopardizes the harmonious relationship subsisted among various cast or communities. (e) Which interferes on individual privacy and security of body, life, property or health of a person. Provided that, a public Body shall not refrain from the responsibility of dissemination of information without appropriate and adequate reason not to flow the information. | 3(3)(b) and (c) both use the term "affect" which does not necessarily imply harm. |
Niger | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 12: Sont considérés comme informations ou documents administratifs communicables au sens de la présente ordonnance, tous dossiers, rapports, études, documents d’orientation ou de politiques publiques, compte-rendus, procès-verbaux, statistiques, directives, instructions, circulaires, notes de service et réponses ministérielles qui comportent une interprétation du droit ou une description des procédures administratives, les avis, les prévisions et les décisions. Sont aussi communicables, les documents administratifs ou informations nominatifs à la demande des concernés, sans que des motifs de refus tirés du secret de la vie privée, du secret médical ou du secret en matière commerciale et industrielle, portant exclusivement sur des faits qui leur sont personnels, puissent leur être opposés. Sont considérés comme nominatifs, les documents qui portent une appréciation ou un jugement de valeurs sur une personne physique nommément désignée ou facilement identifiable, ou incluant la description du comportement d’une personne, dès lors qu’il s’avère que d’une manière ou d’une autre, la divulgation de cette information pourrait lui porter préjudice. | Article 12 - commercial secrets. |
Qatar | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | مادة 20: مع عدم الإخلال بالأحكام المنصوص عليها في أي قـانون آخر، لا يجوز الإفصاح عن المعلومات المتعلقة بما يلي ... (3) المعلومات التي لا يجوز الإفصاح عنها بموجب اتفاق بـين الجهة المعنية وبين الغير، أو التي تحتوي على أسرار تجارية أو مهنية لطرف آخر. 20. Without prejudice to the provisions stipulated in any other law, information related to the following may not be disclosed: (3) Information that may not be disclosed under an agreement between the concerned party and a third party, or that contains commercial or professional secrets of another party. |
20(3) is not harm-tested. 20(4) is also not harm-tested but is already accounted for under Indicator 29. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | ss. 26-33 | s. 32(4), geological or geophysical information |
Seychelles | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 21. (1) Subject to subsection (2), an Information Officer may refuse a request for information if its release would involve the unreasonable disclosure of personal information about a natural third party, including a deceased individual. (2) A request shall not be refused in terms of subsection (l) where- (a) the third party does not make a representation under section 33(3) stating why access to the information should not be granted; (b) the third party consents to the discloure; (c) the third party has been deceased for more than 10 years; (d) the information is in the public domain; (e) the information relates to the physical or mental well-being of an individual who is under the care of the requester and who is (i) under the age of l8 years; or (ii) incapable of understanding the nature of the request, and giving access would be in the individual’s interests; (f) the information is about a deceased individual and the requester is - (i) the individual’s next of kin or legal representative; (ii) making the request with the written consent of the individuals next of kin or legal representative; (iii) the executor of the deceased’s estate; or (iv) the trustee of a trust which can benefit from the deceased individual’s estate; (g) the information relates to the position or functions of an individual who is or was an official of the information holder or any other public body; (h) the information was given to the information holder by the individual to whom it relates and the individual was informed by or on behalf of the information holder, before it was given, that the information belongs to a class of information that would or might be made available to the public. 22.(1) Subject to subsection (2), an Information Officer may refuse a request for information if it contains - (a) trade secrets of the information holder or a third party; or (b) information about the information holder or a third party that would substantially prejudice a legitimate commercial or financial interest of the information holder or third party (2) A request may not be refused in terms of subsection (1) where— (a) the disclosure of the information would facilitate accountability and transparency of decisions taken by the information holder; (b) the information relates to the expenditure of public funds; (c) the disclosure of the information would reveal misconduct or deception; (d) the third party consents to the disclosure: or (e) the information is in the public domain. 23. An Information Officer may refuse a request for information where the release of the information is likely to endanger the life, health or safety of an individual. 24.(l) An Information Officer may refuse to grant access to information if such access would cause substantial prejudice to the security or defence of the state. (2) For the purpose of this section, security or defence of the state means— (a) military tactics or strategy or military exercises or operations undertaken in preparation for hostilities or in connection with the detection, prevention, suppression, or curtailment of subversive or hostile activities; (b) intelligence relating to - (i) the defence of the state; or (ii) the detection, prevention, suppression or curtailment of subversive or hostile activities; (c) methods of, and scientific or technical equipment for, collecting, assessing or handling information referred to in paragraph (b); (d) the identity of a confidential source; or (e) the quantity, characteristics, capabilities, vulnerabilities or deployment of anything being designed, developed, produced or considered for use as weapons or such other equipment, excluding nuclear weapons. (3) For the purpose of this section, subversive or hostile activities means (a) an attack against the state by a foreign element; (b) acts of sabotage or terrorism aimed at the people of the state or a strategic asset of the state, whether inside or outside the state; or (c) a foreign or hostile intelligence operation. 25. An Information Officer may refuse to grant access to information (a) supplied by or on behalf of the state to another state or an international organisation in terms of an international agreement with that state or organisation which requires the information to be held in confidence; (b) required to be held in confidence by international law; (c) on the positions adopted or to be adopted by the state, another state or an international organisation for the purpose of present or future international negotiations; or (d) that constitutes diplomatic correspondence exchanges with another state or with an international organisation or official correspondence exchanges with diplomatic missions or consular posts of the country if the release of the information would cause substantial prejudice to the international relations of the state. 26. An Information Officer may refuse to grant access to information if the disclosure of such information would cause serious prejudice to the economy of the state by disclosing prematurely decisions to change or continue economic or financial policy relating to - (a) exchange rates; (b) the regulation of banking or credit; (c) taxation; (d) the stability, control and adjustment of prices of goods and services, rents and other costs and rates of wages, salaries and other income; or (e) the entering into of overseas trade agreements. - 27. An Information Officer may refuse to grant access to information, if such access would cause prejudice to (a) the prevention or detection of crime, (b) the apprehension or prosecution of offenders; (c) the administration of justice; (d) the assessment or collection of any tax or duty; (e) endanger the security and life of an informant relating to a crime or investigation 28. An Information Officer may refuse to grant access to information if it— (a) consists of confidential communication between a medical practitioner and his or her patient; (b) consists of confidential communication between a lawyer and his or her client, (c) consists of confidential communication between a journalist and his or her source; or - (d) would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings, unless the patient, client, source or person, as the case may be, entitled to the privilege consents to the release or has waived the privilege. 29(1) An Information Officer may refuse a request for information relating to an academic or professional examination or recruitment or selection process prior to the completion of that examination or recruitment or selection process if the release of the information is likely to jeopardise the integrity of that examination or recruitment or selection process. (2) Information referred to under subsection (1) shall be released on request after the academic or professional examination or recruitment or selection process has been completed. 30. An Information Officer may refuse a request for information relating to a proposal submitted to the Cabinet for consideration and minutes and decisions of the Cabinet unless authorised by the Cabinet Secretary for such release. | s. 30, proposal submitted to Cabinet. |
Tanzania | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | Section 3 as above. "exempt information" means any information, or document containing information, withheld by the information holder in accordance with section 6; Section 5(2) The information holder shall, subject to the provisions of section 6 and any other written laws, make available to the public or, on request, to any person, information which is under his control. Section 6: (1) Notwithstanding the provision of section 5, the information holder may withhold the information where he- (a) is satisfied that all the information or part of the information is exempted under subsection (2); and (b) determines, in accordance with this Act, that the disclosure is not justified in the public interest. (2) Exempt information may be withheld if the disclosure of such information is likely to- (a) undermine the defence, national security and international relations of the United Republic; (b) impede due process of law or endanger safety of life of any person; (c) undermine lawful investigations being conducted by a law enforcement agent; (d) facilitate or encourage the Commission of an offence; (e) involve unwarranted invasion of the privacy of an individual, other than an applicant or a person on whose behalf an application has been made; (f) infringe lawful commercial interests, including intellectual property rights of that information holder or a third party from whom information was obtained; (g) hinder or cause substantial harm to the Government to manage the economy; (h) significantly undermine the information holder’s ability to give adequate and judicious consideration to a matter of which no final decision has been taken and which remains the subject of active consideration; or (i) damage the information holder’s position in any actual or contemplated legal proceedings, or infringe professional privilege; (j) undermine Cabinet records and those of its committee; or (k) distort or dramatize record or data of court proceedings before the conclusion of the case. (3) For purposes of paragraph (a) of subsection (2), information relating to national security includes- (a) military strategy, doctrine, capability, capacity or deployment; (b) foreign government information with implications on national security; (c) intelligence operations or activities, sources or information capabilities, methods or cryptology; (d) foreign relations or foreign activities; (e) scientific, technology or economic matters relating to national security; or (f) vulnerabilities or capabilities | Dramatise court proceedings - not a proper harm. |
Thailand | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | Section 15. "A State agency or State official may issue an order prohibiting the disclosure of official information falling under any of the following descriptions, having regard to the performance of duties of the State agency under the law, public interests and the interests of the private individuals concerned: (1) the disclosure thereof will jeopardise the national security, international relations, or national economic or financial security;(...) (3) an opinion or advice given within the State agency with regard to the performance of any act, not including a technical report, fact report or information relied on for giving opinion or recommendation internally;(...)" | |
Turkey | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 15 (The Transactions that are not subject to the Judicial Review); Article 16 (The Information and Documents Pertaining the State Secrets); Article 17 (The Information and Documents Pertaining the Economical Interests of the State); Article 18 (The Information and Documents Pertaining the State intelligence); Article 19 (The Information and Documents Pertaining he Administrative Investigation); Article 20 (The Information or Documents Pertaining the Judicial Investigation and Prosecution); Article 21 (Privacy of the Individuals); Article 22 (The Privacy of Communication); Article 23 (Trade Secrets); Article 24 (Intellectual Property (Works of Art and Science)); Article 25 (Institutions' Internal Regulations); Article 26 (Institutions' Internal Opinions, Information Notes and Recommendations); Article 27 (Requests for Recommendation and Opinions); Article 28 (Formerly Classified Information and Documents); | Only 2 out of 11 exceptions does not contain a harm test (Article 18 and 27). 1 point loss. |
Uzbekistan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 4(2) Access to information shall be limited only in accordance with the legislation and with the purpose of protection of human rights and freedoms; foundations of the constitutional order; moral values of the society; intellectual, cultural, and scientific potentials; and security of the State. 10(1) Providing of information applied for may be denied, in the instance if it is confidential or if, due to its disclosure, rights and legitimate interests of an individual, or interests of society and the State may be infringed. 13(2) Information on personal data of physical persons shall be confidential. | " protection of ... security of the State" not properly harm tested |
Vietnam | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 6(2): Information which, if published, can cause harm to state interests, cause bad effect to national defense, national security, international relationship, social order and safety, social ethics, social health; likely to cause serious damage to lives, life and property of individuals; information classified as work secrecy, information about internal meetings of state agencies, documents created by state agencies for internal works. Article 7(1): Information related to business confidentiality shall only be accessible upon consent of the business owner; (2) Information related to privacy, individuals' secret shall only be accessible upon consent of such person, information with regard to family's secret shall only be accessible upon consent of each member of the family. | Business confidentiality not subject to harm. |
Yemen | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 3 | 24(a) |
24(a) and (b) - military information is not harm tested. International confidences isn't explicitly harm tested - but I think that by stating that the disclosure will violate a promise of confidendiality by the state the harm is implied. |
Antigua and Barbuda | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 26(1) A public authority or private body may refuse to indicate whether or not it holds a record, or refuse to communicate information, where to do so would involve the unreasonable disclosure of personal information about a third party who is a natural person. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if (a) the third party has effectively consented to the disclosure of the information; (b) the person making he request is the guardian of the third party, or the next of kin or the executor of the will of a deceased third party; (c) the third party has been deceased for more than 20 years; or (d) the third party is or was an official of a public body and the information relates to his function in that capacity. (2) A public authority or private body may refuse to indicate whether or not it holds a record, or refuse to communicate information, which is: (a) the official record of any deliberation or decision of Cabinet; (b) a document that has been prepared by a Minister of Government or on his behalf or by a public authority for the purpose of submission for consideration by Cabinet or a document which has been considered by the Cabinet and which is related to issues that are or have been before Cabinet; (c) a document prepared for the purpose of briefing a Minister of Government in relation to issues to be considered by Cabinet; (d) a document that is a copy or draft of, or contains extracts from, a document referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or (e) a document the disclosure of which would involve the disclosure of any deliberation or decision of Cabinet, other than a document by which a decision of Cabinet was officially published. 28 A public authority or private body may refuse to communicate information if (b) the information was obtained in confidence from a third party and - (i) it contains a trade secret | Art 26 - personal information isn't specifically harm tested - but the fact that they mention that the disclosure must be "unreasonable" makes it ok. 33(2) - cabinet deliberations. 28(b)(I) - trade secrets. |
Austria | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | Explanatory Note: Re § 6...The body obliged to provide information must assess, weigh up and justify in the specific case whether, to what extent and why confidentiality is required or necessary (see the explanations on Article 1 no. 2 [Art. 22a para. 2 B-VG]). The proportionality test (of secrecy) plays an essential role here, as is regularly the case with reservations of fundamental rights. The proportionality test already results from the term "necessary" in the reservation of fundamental rights (cf. Art. 22a para. 2 B-VG proposed in Article 1) and should be repeated in the text of the simple law for clarification purposes. The procedure for the necessary balancing of interests results in principle from the requirement of the constitutional handling of the right of access to information in accordance with the provisions of Art. 10 of the Human Rights Convention and the relevant case law of the ECtHR, the Administrative Court (cf. VwGH 24.5.2018, Ro 2017/07/0026, and VwGH 29.5.2018, Ra 2017/03/0083, and the ECtHR judgments cited therein) and the Constitutional Court (see VfSlg. 20.446/2021 on the right to information on the basis of Art. 10 MRK and its balancing criteria). Which interests are to be weighed up depends on the protected interests affected in the individual case; these should potentially all be included in the weighing-up decision. A balancing of interests in conformity with fundamental rights must be based on the so-called "harm test", i.e. an examination of the actual damage to a legitimate protected interest threatened by the disclosure or publication of information. | A harm test is mentioned in the reasons for the law, but points deducted because it is not set out in the actual legal provisions. |
Bahamas | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | Section 18. Records relating to law enforcement... (2) This section does not apply to any record that is— (a) a record revealing that the scope of a law enforcement investigation has exceeded the limits imposed by the law; (b) a record revealing the use of illegal methods or procedures for preventing, detecting, investigating or dealing with matters arising out of breaches or evasions of the law; (c) a record containing any general outline of the structure of any programme adopted by a public authority for investigating breaches of, or enforcing or administering the law; (d) a report on the degree of success achieved in any programme adopted by a public authority for investigating breaches of, or administering the law; (e) a report prepared in the course of routine law enforcement inspections or investigations by a public authority which has the function of enforcing and regulating compliance with a particular law other than the criminal law; (f) a report on a law enforcement investigation, where the substance of the report has been disclosed to the person who, or body which, was the subject of the investigation, if it is in the public interest that access to the record should be granted under this Act.; Section 20. Records affecting national economy, commercial affairs and certain documents concerning the operations of public authorities... (2) Subsections (1) (c) and (d) do not apply to the disclosure of information which— (a) relates to the quality, suitability or safety of the goods or services supplied by the public authority if the prejudice referred to in subsection (1)(c) or (d), as the case may be, would be likely to result from the exercise of more informed choice by persons seeking to acquire those goods or services; or (b) consists of the results of any investigation carried out by, or any information supplied to the public authority concerning a public safety hazard; Section 21. Records revealing Government's deliberative proceses...(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply to documents that are appended to records under this section which contain— (a) material of a purely factual nature; (b) analysis of factual information; (c) technical data; (d) statistical information. Section 23. Records relating to commercial interests ...(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply where the record belongs to the applicant applying for access or a person acting on behalf of that applicant. (3) In deciding whether disclosure of a record would expose an undertaking to a disadvantage, for the purposes of subsection (1) (b), a public authority may take account of any of the following considerations— (a) whether the record is generally available to the competitors of such undertaking; (b) whether the record would be an exempt record if it were generated by a public authority; (c) whether the record could be disclosed without causing substantial harm to the competitive position of the undertaking; (d) whether there are any considerations in the public interest in favour of disclosure which outweigh considerations of competitive disadvantage to the undertaking, and any other considerations which the public authority deems relevant.; | No harm test in s 17(b), communicated in confidence from another state; s. 21, Cabinet and Prime Minister |
Bangladesh | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 7(p) Publication of or providing with certain types of information not mandatory.- "Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Act, no authority shall be bound to provide with the following information, namely- any such information pertaining to a purchase process before it is complete or a decision has been taken about it;" 7(t) Publication of or providing with certain types of information not mandatory.- Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Act, no authority shall be bound to provide with the following information, namely-any document including summaries to be placed before the Cabinet or, as the case may be, before the Council of Advisers and information relating to discussions and decisions of such meetings: Provided that after taking any decision by the Cabinet or, as the case may be, by the Council of Advisors, the reasons of taking such decisions and the basis upon which the decisions are taken may be disclosed: Provided further that the concern authority shall take prior approval from Information Commission for withholding information under this section" | 7(p) - any information pertaining to a purchase process before it is complete or a decision has been taken about it; 7(t) any document including summaries to be placed before the Cabinet, or as the case may be, Council of Advisers and information relating to discussions and decisions of such meetings: |
China | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 14 Government information that is lawfully designated as state secrets, government information that laws and regulations prohibit disclosure of, as well as government information that might endanger national security, public safety, economic security, or social stability after release, is not to be disclosed. 15 Administrative organs must not disclose government information involving commercial secrets or personal privacy, for which disclosure would cause harm to the lawful rights and interests of third parties. However, it is to be disclosed where the third parties consent or where the administrative organ finds that nondisclosure will create a major impact on the public interest. 16 Information on matters internal to administrative organs, including personnel management, logistics management, internal work processes, and information in other such areas, may be not disclosed. Deliberation records, process drafts, consultation letters, requests for instruction, and other such process type information, as well as administrative law enforcement case files, may be not disclosed. Where laws, regulations, and or rules provide that the information above shall be disclosed, follow those provisions. 17 Administrative organs shall establish and complete mechanisms for review of open government information, clarifying the procedures and responsibility for review. Administrative organs disclosing government information shall conduct a review of the government information to be disclosed in accordance with the "People's Republic of China State Secrets Law", as well other laws, regulations, and relevant State provisions, Where administrative organs cannot determine whether government information may be disclosed, they shall follow laws, regulations, and relevant State provisions to report to the relevant competent department, or the administrative department for secrecy management, for a confirmation. | Points lost for the weak harm test in Article 14 ('might endanger') and law enforcement which is not harm tested. |
Ecuador | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | ARTICLE 17 De la Información Reservada.- No procede el derecho a acceder a la información pública, exclusivamente en los siguientes casos: a) Los documentos calificados de manera motivada como reservados por el Consejo de Seguridad Nacional, por razones de defensa nacional, de conformidad con el artículo 81, inciso tercero, de la Constitución Política de la República y que son: 1) Los planes y órdenes de defensa nacional, militar, movilización, de operaciones especiales y de bases e instalaciones militares ante posibles amenazas contra el Estado; 2) Información en el ámbito de la inteligencia, específicamente los planes, operaciones e informes de inteligencia y contrainteligencia militar, siempre que existiera conmoción nacional; 3) La información sobre la ubicación del material bélico cuando ésta no entrañe peligro para la población; y, 4) Los fondos de uso reservado exclusivamente destinados para fines de la defensa nacional;(...) | Art 17(1), (3) and (4) - military secrets. 17(2) - intelligence plans. |
Ethiopia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 17(1)(a) The public relation officer shall refuse a request for information if the requested information contains; a) trade secrets of a third party; b) financial, commercial, scientific or technical information, other than trade secrets, of a third party, the disclosure of which would likely to cause harm to the commercial or financial interests of that third party; or c) information supplied in confidence by a third party the disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to put that third party at disadvantage in contractual or other negotiations; or to prejudice that third party in commercial competition. 26(1)(a) the record contains an opinion, advice, report or recommendation obtained or prepared or an account of a consultation, discussion or deliberation that has occurred, including, but not limited to, minutes of a meeting, for the purpose of assisting to formulate a policy or take a decision in the exercise of a power or performance of a duty conferred or imposed by law; | 17(1)(a) - trade secrets. 26(1)(a) - opinions related to the functioning of public bodies. |
Finland | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | [Principles of Openness] Article 24(1) Unless specifically otherwise provided, the following official documents shall be secret [...] (2) The provisions in section 17 shall be taken into account in the application of the provisions on document secrecy in paragraph (1) or in another Act. Article 28(1) Unless otherwise provided in an Act, an authority may, on a case-to-case basis, grant permission to gain access to a secret document for purposes of scientific research, statistical compilations or the preparation of official plans or studies, if it is obvious that access will not violate the interests protected by the secrecy provision. When a decision on access is made, due consideration shall be given to the safety of the freedom of scientific research. If the information in the document has been handed over to the authority on the consent of the person whose interests are protected by the secrecy provision, the permission may be granted only subject to the conditions for use and access laid down in the consent. If permissions are required for documents in the possession of a number of authorities within the purview of the same ministry, the ministry shall decide on the permission, where necessary, after having heard the authorities. (2) A permission referred to in paragraph (1) above may be granted for a fixed period; the conditions necessary for the protection of the public and private interests involved shall be attached to the permission. The permission may be withdrawn, if this is deemed to be necessary. | A slight harm test applies, but not to all the exceptions listed. Almost all the exceptions to which the harm test does not apply are related with privacy and other legitimate interests. |
Kosovo | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 3(1.9) Damage and Public Interest Test – shall mean the legal test weighing the damage it would cause to a protected interest against the public interest for publication, to be carried out by public institutions before making a decision for rejecting to publish public documents on their own initiative and before making a decision to reject the requests for access to public documents, which shall be included in the justification of the decision on rejection. 17(1) Any applicant shall have the right to access public documents. Notwithstanding any paragraph of this Article, a public institution may not refuse to inform on whether it has a document in its possession or refuse access to a public document, unless it performs a damage and public interest test to determine whether the damage caused to the protected interest overrides the public interest in accessing that public document. (6) Prior to making a decision to completely or partially refuse access to public documents, in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article, the public institution shall conduct a damage and public interest test in accordance with Article 18 of this Law. 18(1) Prior to making a decision to refuse a request for access to public documents in accordance with Article 17 of this Law, the public institution shall conduct a damage and public interest test. (2) Public institutions shall determine, on the basis of the damage and public interest test, if the interests protected by paragraph 2 of Article 17 override the public interest for publication of public documents. (3) The Agency shall, no later than six (6) months from the entry into force of this Law, adopt clear instructions for public institutions on the content and manner of conducting the damage and public interest test within the procedure of decision making and justifying decisions to refuse access to public documents pursuant to Article 17 of this Law. (4) If the request relates to any of the issues enumerated in Article 17 paragraph 3 of this Law, the public documents shall be made accessible without any test, unless otherwise provided by any other applicable law. | Only two points awarded because the statute only establishes a singular test - weighing damage with the public interest - instead of two separate tests, including a test for damage that should determine whether the exception is triggered at all. Only a few exceptions are explicitly harm-tested. |
Maldives | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 24(a) Where the information to be disclosed is that of an investigation conducted under law or trial proceedings at court enjoying legal privilege, the State Institute has the discretion not to disclose such information.; 32(a) The State Institute has the discretion to not disclose the following information: (1) A document prepared for submission to the Cabinet; (2) A document submitted to the Cabinet; (3) A draft of a document prepared for submission to the Cabinet; or a copy or a replicated document submitted to the Cabinet; (4) Information, the disclosure of which would reveal details of deliberations and decisions in the cabinet and the identity of the speaker. | 24(a) is very unclear as to whether this is limited to privileged information; no harm associated with cabinet exception. |
New Zealand | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 9 Other reasons for withholding official information (...) (2) Subject to sections 6, 7, 10, and 18, this section applies if, and only if, the withholding of the information is necessary to (...) (b) protect information where the making available of the information (i) would disclose a trade secret; (...) (f) maintain the constitutional conventions for the time being which protect (i) the confidentiality of communications by or with the Sovereign or her representative: (ii) collective and individual ministerial responsibility: (iii) the political neutrality of officials: (iv) the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials; (...) | Trade secrets - 9(2)(b)(I). 9(2)(f) - constitutional conventions of confidence. |
Nigeria | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 15(1) A public institution shall deny an application for information that contains- (a) trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person or business where such trade secrets or information are proprietary, privileged or confidential, or where disclosure of such trade secrets or information may cause harm to the interests of the third party provided that nothing contained in this subsection shall be construed as preventing a person or business from consenting to disclosure (...) 17 A public institution may deny an application for information which contains course materials or research materials prepared by faculty members. | 15(1)(a) - commercial property/trade secrets. S. 17 - course materials or research materials prepared by faculty members. |
South Africa | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | See ss. 34-44 (too long to paste in). | s. 35: South African Revenue Service; 41 supplied in confidence by a State or IGO |
Sweden | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 2 | No specific harm test in the law. | |
Tajikistan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 14(1)(c) the implementation in accordance with the law of search operations and investigative activities. 14(2) memoranda, correspondence, assignments of officials and other information in-house nature. | |
Tunisia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | Art 24 - Ces domaines ne sont pas considérés comme des exceptions absolues au droit d’accès à l’information. Ils sont soumis au test de préjudice à condition que ce dernier soit grave quel qu’il soit concomitant ou postérieur. Ils sont aussi soumis au test de l’intérêt public de l’accessibilité ou l’inaccessibilité à l’information quant à chaque demande. La proportionnalité entre les intérêts voulant les protégés et la raison de la demande d’accès, sera prise en compte. Art. 25- Le droit d’accès à l’information ne comprend pas les données relatives à l’identité des personnes ayant présenté des informations pour dénoncer des abus ou des cas de corruption. Art. 20 - Lorsque l’information demandée a été fournie, à titre confidentiel, par un tiers à l’organisme, ce dernier est tenu, après information du demandeur, de consulter le tiers en vue d’obtenir son avis motivé, quant à la diffusion partielle ou totale de l’information, et ce, dans un délai maximum de trente (30) jours à compter de la date de réception de la demande d’accès par lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception. L’avis du tiers est contraignant pour l’organisme concerné. | The Article 25 exception is not harm tested and third parties have a veto over the release of information provided by them. |
Zimbabwe | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 2 | 20-34 | Supplied in confidence by a State; list of security and international relations information not harm tested; |
Australia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 1 | 34 Cabinet documents (1) A document is an exempt document if: (a) both of the following are satisfied: (i) it has been submitted to the Cabinet for its consideration, or is or was proposed by a Minister to be so submitted; (ii) it was brought into existence for the dominant purpose of submission for consideration by the Cabinet; or (b) it is an official record of the Cabinet; or (c) it was brought into existence for the dominant purpose of briefing a Minister on a document to which paragraph (a) applies; or (d) it is a draft of a document to which paragraph (a), (b) or (c) applies. (2) A document is an exempt document to the extent that it is a copy or part of, or contains an extract from, a document to which subsection (1) applies. (3) A document is an exempt document to the extent that it contains information the disclosure of which would reveal a Cabinet deliberation or decision, unless the existence of the deliberation or decision has been officially disclosed. (4) A document is not an exempt document only because it is attached to a document to which subsection (1), (2) or (3) applies. (5) A document by which a decision of the Cabinet is officially published is not an exempt document. (6) Information in a document to which subsection (1), (2) or (3) applies is not exempt matter because of this section if the information consists of purely factual material, unless: (a) the disclosure of the information would reveal a Cabinet deliberation or decision; and (b) the existence of the deliberation or decision has not been officially disclosed. 47 Documents disclosing trade secrets or commercially valuable information (1) A document is an exempt document if its disclosure under this Act would disclose: (a) trade secrets; or (b) any other information having a commercial value that would be, or could reasonably be expected to be, destroyed or diminished if the information were disclosed. 47G Public interest conditional exemptions—business (1) A document is conditionally exempt if its disclosure under this Act would disclose information concerning a person in respect of his or her business or professional affairs or concerning the business, commercial or financial affairs of an organisation or undertaking, in a case in which the disclosure of the information: (a) would, or could reasonably be expected to, unreasonably affect that person adversely in respect of his or her lawful business or professional affairs or that organisation or undertaking in respect of its lawful business, commercial or financial affairs; or (b) could reasonably be expected to prejudice the future supply of information to the Commonwealth or an agency for the purpose of the administration of a law of the Commonwealth or of a Territory or the administration of matters administered by an agency. (...) | 34 - Cabinet docs. 47(1)(a) - trade secrets. 47G - would, or could reasonably be expected to, unreasonably affect that person adversely in respect of his or her lawful business or professional affairs or that organisation or undertaking in respect of its lawful business. |
Azerbaijan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 2.4-1. Access to information is allowed on the condition that it protects the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the political, economic, military, financial-credit and monetary policy, protection of public order, health and morality, protection of rights and freedoms of others, commercial and other economic interests. not to contradict the purposes of ensuring the reputation and impartiality of the court, the normal course of the criminal investigation. 34.4. State secrets, professional (doctor, lawyer, notary), commercial, investigative and judicial secrets, which are restricted in order to protect the legitimate interests of citizens, departments, enterprises and organizations and other legal entities, regardless of the type of property, are confidential. Personal information is divided into confidential and public categories according to the type of access.Article 35. Grounds for considering information intended for official use 35.1. The owner of the information may consider the information intended for service use by restricting access to the information. 35.2. The owner of the information must consider the following information intended for service use within the period specified in this Law: 35.2.1. until the information collected on the criminal case or administrative offense case is submitted to the court or a decision is made to terminate the proceedings; 35.2.2. information collected in the course of state control until a decision is made on that issue; 35.2.3. until an agreement is reached on the completion of the information process, the early disclosure of which prevents or may impede the formation, development and successful completion of public policy; 35.2.4. information whose premature disclosure by a public authority will pose a serious threat or potential threat to the effectiveness of testing or financial audit - until the end of the test or financial audit; 35.2.5. information, the early disclosure of which will or may disrupt the exchange of views, the consultation process in the state body - until a final decision is made; 35.2.6. until the completion of a specific operation related to economic, monetary or financial activities, the disclosure of which may adversely affect the implementation of economic, monetary or financial policy of the state body; 35.2.7. information that will impede or may impede the administration of justice - until a court decision is made; 35.2.8. documents received from foreign countries or international organizations until mutual consent is obtained for the disclosure of the document; 35.2.9. information that may or may not pose a threat to the environment, damage or potentially damage components of the environment - until the causes of this threat are eliminated; 35.2.10. if disclosure harms the legitimate interests of the owner of the information, or if the contract concluded with private legal entities performing public functions stipulates that the information is intended for official use - information on technical solutions. 35.3. The owners of the information may, if they justify it, consider the following information intended for use of the service: 35.3.1. draft orders, decrees and decisions of the owners of information provided for in Article 9.1 of this Law - until the orders, decrees and decisions are submitted for adoption; 35.3.2. acts of legal entities specified in Article 9.3 of this Law on performance of duties provided for in Articles 9.3.1 and 9.3.2 of this Law and documents related to them - until these acts are adopted or signed. 35.4. The information provided for in Article 35.2 of this Law may be intended for official use only if the damage caused by the dissemination of information exceeds the public interest in that information. | Non-harm based exceptions in Article 35: 35.2.1 - information on criminal cases; 35.2.8 - received from foreigners until consent obtained (instead of harm); both 35.2.7 (administration of justice) and 35.2.9 (threat to environment) only refer to "may" impede or pose a threat, so one point deducted for them both. |
Bulgaria | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | N/A | There is only harm test for these exceptions. |
India | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | Article 8(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, there shall be no obligation to give any citizen [...] (c) information, the disclosure of which would cause a breach of privilege of Parliament or the State Legislature [...] (f) information received in confidence from foreign Government; [...] (i) cabinet papers including records of deliberations of the Council of Ministers, Secretaries and other officers: Provided that the decisions of Council of Ministers, the reasons thereof, and the material on the basis of which the decisions were taken shall be made public after the decision has been taken, and the matter is complete, or over: Provided further that those matters which come under the exemptions specified in this section shall not be disclosed; [...] | 8(1)(f) - information received in confidence from a foreign government. 8(1)(i) Cabinet papers. 8(1)(c) - parliamentary privilege. |
Kuwait | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | The authority shall not disclose information in the following cases: 1. In case the disclosure affects national security or public security or defense capabilities, which include: − Weapons, tactics, strategies, forces and military operations. − Intelligence related to defeating aggressive acts and crimes perpetrated on the internal and external state security. − International communications and correspondence related to the defense affairs, military coalitions and strategic interests of the country. 2. If the privacy was decided by virtue of the Constitution or a law or a decision by the Council of Ministers – upon suggestion of the Minister concerned – by considering the papers it comprises as confidential for the duration determined by the Council. 3. If that leads to affecting the course of justice or incurs damage to third parties. 4. If the information pertains to private or medical life or personal status or accounts and banking transfers unless the authorized person agrees to disclose it. 5. If the information comprises a trade secret, the publication of which shall be detrimental to a commercial and financial interest of the stakeholders. 6. If the information reached the state via another state or an international organization and its publication shall be detrimental to the relations with the state or the organization. 7. If the disclosure of the information shall cause a serious and major hazard that affects the state economy or affects the public trust in the currency or the public health or environment. 8. If the disclosure of the information shall cause a danger to the life of an individual or his health or safety. 9. If the confidentiality was decided by virtue of a decision from the competent court or the public prosecution or the General Directorate of Investigations. 10. The information related to family conflicts, juvenile cases and ongoing investigations in criminal cases. | Exceptions which lack a harm test include: "affect" national security or defence (plus list of items there is overbroad); "affecting" the course of justice; and "related to" family conflicts, juvenile cases (as opposed to harm privacy). |
Mongolia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 11.1. Citizens and legal entities shall be entitled to receive the following information except the information prohibited by law to publicly disclose for the purpose of ensuring human rights, freedom, national security, and organization’s lawful interest from the organization specified in the article 3.1 of this Law; 11.1.1.All types of information, documents, agreements and contracts in possession of the organization; 11.1.2. Information related to the property in possession of the organization; and 11.1.3. Any other information related to the activities of the organization. 18.1. In the following circumstances, it is prohibited to disclose the information to others: 18.1.2. if the concerned information is related to matters under review by the Mongol Bank, the Financial Regulatory Commission, state administrative organizations in charge of competition or specialized inspection; 18.1.4. if the concerned information is related to the process of concluding international treaty or agreement; and | 11.1 - national security; 18.1.2 - matters under review by the Mongol Bank, the Financial Regulatory Commission, state administrative organizations in charge of competition or specialized inspection; 18.1.4. related to the process of concluding international treaty or agreement |
Morocco | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 7. 7(1) En vue de préserver les intérêts supérieurs de la Patrie et conformément aux dispositions du deuxième paragraphe de l'article 27 de la Constitution et sous réserve des délais prévus aux articles 16 et 17 de la loi n° 69-99 relative aux archives, font objet d'exception au droit d'accès à l'information toutes les informations relatives à la défense nationale, à la sécurité intérieure et extérieure de l'Etat, à la vie privée des personnes ou celles ayant le caractère de données personnelles ainsi que les informations dont la divulgation est susceptible de porter atteinte aux libertés et droits fondamentaux prévus par la Constitution et à la protection des sources des informations. (2) Les dispositions de l'alinéa précédent sont applicables aux informations dont la divulgation est préjudiciable : 1. aux relations avec un autre pays ou organisation internationale gouvernementale ; 2. à la politique monétaire, économique ou financière de l'Etat ; 3. aux droits de propriété industrielle, droits d'auteur ou droits connexes ; 4. aux droits et intérêts des victimes, témoins, experts et dénonciateurs, concernant les infractions de corruption, de détournement, de trafic d'influence et autres, régies par la loi n°37-10 modifiant et complétant la loi n° 22-01 relative à la procédure pénale. (3) Font également objet d'exception du droit d'accès à l'information, les informations revêtant un caractère confidentiel en vertu des textes législatifs particuliers en vigueur et celles dont la divulgation porte atteinte à : a) la confidentialité des délibérations du Conseil des ministres et du Conseil du gouvernement ; b) la confidentialité des investigations et enquêtes administratives, sauf autorisation par les autorités administratives compétentes ; c) au déroulement des procédures juridiques et des procédures introductives y afférentes, sauf autorisation par les autorités judiciaires compétentes ; d) aux principes de la concurrence libre, légale et loyale et de l'initiative privée. | Blanket protection for national security, public order (sécurité intérieure) and investigations |
Mozambique | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | ARTIGO 4 (Principles) 1.The exercise of the RTI shall respect the constitutional rules, preserving national unity and social harmony. ARTIGO 5 (Respect of Human Dignity) The exercise of the RTI shall preserve other rights and interests protected by the Constitution, namely the right to honor, of publicity, to reputation, to private life. ARTIGO 20 (Restrictions and limits) 1. The RTI can be restricted, put under condition, limited when the requested information is classified as a State secrecy, secret, restricted and confidential. 2. Without any prejudice to other restrictions provided by specific law, the restrictions as in the previous number the apply to the following cases: a) state secrecy; b) judicial secrecy; c) information held by the public administration, received on the condition of confidentiality, regarding relations with other states or international relations; d) professional secrecy; e) banking secrecy, except if permitted by specific law; f) personal data from electronic files held by public or private authorities; g) special measures for the protection of victims, complainants and witnesses; h) information regarding the private life and intimacy of citizens; i) commercial or industrial secrecy; j) artistic, literary and scientific property secrecy; k) information regarding criminal, disciplinary or any other proceeding, if the divulgation may prejudice the investigations or other principles recognized by the Constitution; l) research projects and scientific and technologic developments or reports finalized to research projects, whom secrecy is indispensable for the security of the State and the society. ARTIGO 21 (State secrecy) 1. For the purpose of the present law, the State secrecy concerns data, information, materials and documents, which are classified with a grade of security and need protection against the unauthorized divulgation, and whose knowledge by unauthorized people is a risk or may cause damages to the national independence, unity and integrity of the State, internal or external security, regardless of their form, nature, means of transmission. 2. May be submitted to State secrecy, as in the previous number, all data, information, document, materials concerning the matters which: a) are secretly transmitted by other states or international organizations; b) safeguard rights, freedoms, guaranties of the citizens; c) aim to prevent and ensure the functioning and the security of the personal, the equipment, the material, the installation of the Security and Defense Forces; d) may ease the practice of the crimes against the security of the State; e) guarantee the safeguard of the national sovereignty or the prosecution of its plans for their economic, commercial, industrial, environmental, scientific, technical, monetary, financial nature. 3. The qualification of information as State secrecy is defined by the law, and its classification is made by the official who produced it, according to the existing rules for the classification of information. 4. The documents classified as State secrecy are exposed to protection against espionage, sabotage, leak. ARTIGO 22 (Judicial secrecy) The judicial secrecy is regulated by own law and aim at preserving the objectives of the good administration of justice and at safeguarding the private life. ARTIGO 23 (Professional secrecy) 1. Information covered by professional secrecy are confidential. 2. Public employees and every person who has access to classified information because of their professional activity, shall maintain the professional secrecy. ARTIGO 24 (Banking secrecy) 1. The disclosure, revelation, use of information acquired on duty and through the provision of services about facts or elements regarding the life of credit institutions and financial societies, or their relations with their clients, is forbidden. 2. Names of clients, accounts, movements, and other financial transactions are subject to banking secrecy above all. 3. Facts and elements regarding the relations between the client and credit institutions and financial societies can be disclosed with explicit permission of the client. ARTIGO 25 (Data held by authorities) Information concerning the privacy in the private life of an identified or identifiable natural person cannot be disclosed without the explicit permission of the client. ARTIGO 26 (Special measures for the protection of victims, complainants and witnesses) 1. Information about victims, complainants and witnesses is neither supplied nor published. 2. The measures for the protection of victims, complainants and witnesses respect: a) the confidentiality of the identity of the beneficiary: they refer to him during the proceeding with a codified designation (code name); b) the concealing of his image, the distortion of his voice or both if the beneficiary has to give statements or testify in a public proceeding or in a confrontation; c) use of teleconference, providing measures to avoid the identification of the beneficiary; d) the early production of evidences, if it is justified by the age of the person who has to give the statement or to testify, his health status, his imminent departure abroad or any other relevant reason. 3. The measures of the previous number cease if the situation is not risky or dangerous any more if the authority in charge decides that they are not necessary because of the lack of a reasons thereof. ARTIGO 27 (Information regarding the private life and intimacy of citizens) 1. Information about personality rights, who could namely damage the honor, the reputation or the publicity is neither supplied nor published. 2. Information about images regarding the private life may be disclosed with explicit permission of the person concerned. ARTIGO 28 (Commercial or industrial secrecy) 1. The access to information can be refused if it jeopardize secrets: commercial, industrial, regarding the internal life of the company. 2. By commercial or industrial secrecy is meant any information about the technique of manufacture, patents, commercial or marketing information and strategies, whose knowledge by the competitor may affect the productivity of the company. ARTIGO 29 (Copyright protection) Any use of information which violated the copyright, the artistic, literary and scientific property, is not permitted, as well as the reproduction, disclosure or use of the property and the information who may cause unfair competition. ARTIGO 30 (Access to classified documents) The access to classified documents is permitted within the deadline of the duration of the act of classification. ARTIGO 31 (Decision) The refusal to the disclosure, consultation, excerpt of documents shall be motivated according to the present law. ARTIGO 32 (Language) Every information is supplied in the official language, the divulgation can be in every national language. CAPITULO III Guarantees of legality ARTIGO 33 (Guarantees of access to information) 1. The dismissal of the request of access to information can be appealed through judicial procedure or through the exercise of the petition right according to the law. 2. The judicial appeal shall take place before the administrative tribunal. ARTIGO 34 (Administrative appeal) 1. The dismissal decision may be: a) complained by the same official who made it within the deadline of five days from its the notification; b) appealed, through hierarchical appeal, within the deadline of 90 days from the dismissal notification. 2. The hierarchical procedures has to be decided within the deadline of 15 days. ARTIGO 35 (Opinion of the Commission for the Evaluation) 1. The decision of the hierarchical procedure should be previously submitted to the Commission for the Evaluation of the Documents of the region. 2. The Commission has 5 days to give its opinion. ARTIGO 36 (Judicial Appeal) The judicial appeal of the decision about the request of information, access to files, excerpt of documents is regulated by the rules of the administrative proceeding and shall be done through: a) action for annulent b) claim for information, access to files, excerpt of documents c) claim of the administrative authority in possession and in charge of the disclosure of information. CAPITULO IV Sanctions ARTIGO 37 (Violation of the Secrecy) 1. The violation of the professional secrecy is sanctioned according to the dispositions ruling the activities or the applicable labor law legislation. 2. The sanctions for the violation of the judicial secrecy are regulated by its own legislation. 3. The dispositions of the banking law applies to the violation of the banking secrecy. ARTIGO 38 (Violation of Human Dignity) Without prejudice to the civil liability, the sanctions for the crimes against the honor provided by the criminal law applies to the violation of personality rights . ARTIGO 39 (Violation of the State secrecy) 1. Without prejudice to the application of the disciplinary regulations, the violation of the State secrecy is punished according to the proper dispositions. 2. Without prejudice to the application of the sanctions as in the previous number, the entities who shall observe the State secrecy may use administrative measures to impede the access or the disclosure of confidential information. The citizen may appeal towards this measures. ARTIGO 40 (Violation of the industrial and intellectual property) Specific legislation applies to the disclosure and divulgation of information protected by industrial or intellectual property . ARTIGO 41 (Misuse of information) 1. The misuse of information is punished in terms of defamation injury and libel by the Criminal Law. 2. Without prejudice to the previous number, the misuse of information can be punished by other criminal dispositions. Right to Information Law Regulation ARTIGO 3 (Right to information) 2. For the purpose of the concretization of the principle of widest disclosure, whenever the private or public entity has not made the information spontaneously available yet or whenever the applicant considers it appropriate, the right to information include: g) access, visualization, hearing of magnetic or movie files, as well as the possibility to obtain copy, except when they are protected by copyright or in case of restrictions provided by the law. | Judicial secrecy (22), in confidence from other States (22(2)(a)), banking secrecy (24), |
Netherlands | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | YES | 1 | Section 10. Paragraph 1: \"Disclosure of information pursuant to this Act shall not take place insofar as: a. this might endanger the unity of the Crown; b. this might damage the security of the State; c. the data concerned relate to companies and manufacturing processes and were furnished to the government in confidence by natural or legal persons; d. it concerns personal data within the meaning of division 2 of chapter 2 of the Personal Data Protection Act, unless the disclosure manifestly does not constitute a breach of privacy. 2. Nor shall disclosure of information take place insofar as its importance does not outweigh one of the following: a. relations between the Netherlands and other states or international organisations; b. the economic and financial interests of the Stat e, other bodies constituted under public law or the administrative authorities referred to in section 1a, (c) and (d); c. the investigation of criminal offences and the prosecution of offenders; d. inspection, control and oversight by administrative authorities; e. respect for personal privacy; f. the importance to the addressee of being the first to note the information; g. the prevention of disproportionate advantage or disadvantage to the natural or legal persons concerned or to third parties. 3. Subsection 2, opening words and (e) does not apply in so far as the person involved has consented to the disclosure. 4. Subsection 1, opening words, (c) and (d), subsection 2, opening words and (e), and subsection 7, opening words and (a) do not apply in so far as the disclosure concerns environmental information related to environmental emissions. Notwithstanding subsection 1, opening words and (c) disclosure of environmental information shall not take place if the interests of disclosure do not outweigh the interests stated there. 5. Subsection 2, opening words and (b) applies to the disclosure of environmental information concerning confidential procedures 6. Subsection 2, opening words and (g) does not apply to the disclosure of environmental information. 7. Disclosure of environmental information pursuant to this Act shall not take place if the interests of disclosure do not outweigh the following interests: a. the protection of the environment to which this information relates; b. the security of companies and the prevention of sabotage. 8. If subsection 4, first sentence does not apply, the application of subsections 1, 2 and 7 to environmental information shall take account of whether or not the information concerns environmental emissions. | A slight harm test applies to Unity of the Crown and Security of State, but not to the other exceptions (3 points loss). |
Pakistan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 7 Nothing contained in section 6 shall apply to the following record of all public bodies, namely:- (a)noting on the files, subject to a final decision by the public body; (b) minutes of meetings, subject to a final decision by the public body; (c) any intermediary opinion or recommendation, subject to a final decision by the public body; (d) record of the banking companies and financial institutions relating to the accounts of their customers; (e) record relating to defence forces, defence installations or connected therewith and ancillary to defence and national security excluding all commercial and welfare activities; (f) record declared as classified by the Minister-in-charge of the Federal Government: Provided that the Minister in-charge of the Federal Government shall have to record reasons as to why the harm from disclosure of information outweighs public interest and further that information pertaining to allegation of corruption and violation of human rights shall not be excluded; (g) record relating to the personal privacy of any individual; and (h) record of private documents furnished to a public body either on an express or implied condition that information contained in any such documents shall not be disclosed to a third party. 16 (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act,- (a) a public body shall not be required to disclose exempt information,- (i) provided that where only part of a record or the information falls within the scope of the exceptions provided for in this Act, that part shall be severed and the residual record or information shall be provided to the applicant; and (ii) if its disclosure is likely to cause damage to the interests of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in the conduct of international relations. Explanation.- In this section, "international relations" means relations between Islamic Republic of Pakistan and- (A) the government of any other foreign State; and (B) organisation of which only States are members. (b) information may be exempt if its disclosure is likely to- (i) result in the commission of an offence; (ii) harm the detection, prevention, investigation or inquiry in a particular case; (iii) reveal the identity of a confidential source of information; (iv) facilitate an escape from legal custody; or (v) harm the security of any property or system, including a building, a vehicle, a computer system or a communication system; (c) information is exempt if its disclosure under this Act would involve invasion of privacy of an identifiable individual, including a deceased individual, other than the applicant. This exception shall not apply where- (i) the third party has consented to the disclosure of the information; (ii) the person making the request is the guardian of the third party or the next of kin or the executor of the will of a deceased third party; or (iii) the third party is or was an official of a public body and the information relates to his functions as a public official; (d) information is exempt if and so long as its disclosure is likely to cause- (i) damage to the economy as a result of premature disclosure of a proposed introduction, abolition or variation of any tax, duty, interest rate, exchange rate or any other instrument of economic management; (ii) damage to the financial interests of the public body by giving an unreasonable advantage to any person in relation to a contract which that person is seeking to enter into with the public body for acquisition or disposal of property or supply of goods or services; or (iii) damage to lawful commercial activities of the public body; (e) information may be exempt if its disclosure is likely to cause serious prejudice to the- (i) defence or security of Pakistan; or (ii) the capability, effectiveness of armed forces of Pakistan or other law enforcement agencies; (f) information may be exempt if its disclosure is likely to endanger life, liberty, health or safety of any individual; (g) information may be exempt if- (i) the information was obtained from a third party and on its communication it would constitute an actionable breach of confidence; or (ii) the information was obtained in confidence from a third party and it contains a trade secret or if communicated it may prejudice the commercial or financial interests of that third party; (h) information may be exempt if it is privileged from production in legal proceedings, unless the person entitled to the privilege has waived it; (i) information may be exempt lf its disclosure is likely to- (i) cause prejudice to the effective formulation or development of government policy; (ii) frustrate the success of a policy, by premature disclosure of that policy; (iii) undermine the deliberative process in a public body by inhibiting the free and frank provision of advice or exchange of views; (iv) undermines the effectiveness of a testing or auditing procedure used by a public body; (v) prejudice the proceedings in a court or a tribunal; and (vi) disclose privileged information shared between counsel and the client; (j) information in respect of a crime may not be exempt, except the information relating; to- (i) the prevention or detection of crime; (ii) the apprehension or prosecution of offenders; (iii) the administration of justice; (iv) the operation of the immigration controls excluding exit control list (ECL); (v) the maintenance of security and good order in prisons or in other institutions where persons are lawfully detained; and (vi) any civil proceedings which are brought by or on behalf of a public body or arise out of an investigation conducted; (k) the exemptions set out in section 16 shall cease to apply after every twenty years and that record of public bodies shall be made public. | records of banks relating to customers (does not specify private), relating to defence forces, relating to crime |
Palau | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | Section 8. The following information shall not be made available to the public: (a) information properly classified as secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy as follows: (1) information may be classified as secret in the interest of national defense where the disclosure of the information would compromise the current ability of the Republic of Palau or the United States to provide for the defense of the Republic of Palau; (2) information related to negotiations with another country or another foreign entity that has its principal place of business in another country; (b) information related solely to internal operation procedures and practices of the governing body the release of which would potentially risk circumvention of law or regulations; (c) information specifically exempted by other statutes; (d) a trade secret or privileged or confidential commercial or financial information obtained from a person or legally established corporation or entity in the Republic of Palau; (e) a privileged inter-agency or intra-agency memorandum or letter; (f) a personnel, medical, or similar file the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy; provided that disclosure of a government employment contract or contract of an independent contractor working for a government, including any contracts that are performed as part of the execution of a foreign aid grant, are deemed to not be an invasion of personal privacy; (g) information compiled for law enforcement purposes, the release of which: (1) could reasonably be expected to interfere with law enforcement proceedings, (2) would deprive a person of a right to a fair trial or an impartial adjudication, (3) could reasonably be expected to constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, (4) could reasonably be expected to disclose the identity of a confidential source, (5) would disclose techniques, procedures, or guidelines for investigations or prosecutions, or (6) could reasonably be expected to endanger an individual's life or physical safety; (h) information contained in or related to examination, operating, or condition reports about financial institutions that the Financial Institutions Commission regulates or supervises; (i) attorney client privileged communications or attorney work product; (j) judicial deliberations; or (k) information related to informal negotiations or discussions that take place as a part of the decision making process of a governing body prior to a meeting where a final action is made; however, any negotiations or discussions that take place during a meeting in which a final action is taken shall be conducted in accordance with Section 5; and (l) information related to a declared and confirmed State of Emergency in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic. | negotiations with other countries; confidential commercial information; techniques regarding investigations |
Peru | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 15 Excepciones al ejercicio del derecho: El derecho de acceso a la información pública no podrá ser ejercido respecto de la siguiente: a) La información expresamente clasificada como secreta y estrictamente secreta a través de un acuerdo adoptado por la mayoría del número legal de los miembros del Consejo de Ministros. El acuerdo deberá sustentarse en razones de seguridad nacional en concordancia con el Artículo 163° de la Constitución Política del Perú y tener como base fundamental garantizar la seguridad de las personas. Asimismo, por razones de seguridad nacional se considera información clasificada en el ámbito militar, tanto en el frente externo como interno, aquella cuya revelación originaría riesgo para la integridad territorial y/o subsistencia del sistema democrático. Mediante Decreto Supremo aprobado por la mayoría del número legal de miembros del Consejo de Ministros, el Poder Ejecutivo reglamentará las excepciones que expresamente se enmarcan en el presente artículo. El acuerdo debe constar por escrito y en él deben explicarse las razones por las cuales se produce la clasificación mencionada. Este acuerdo debe ser revisado cada cinco (5) años a efectos de evaluar su desclasificación. El acuerdo que disponga la continuación del carácter secreto y estrictamente secreto deberá ser debidamente motivado y sujetarse a las mismas reglas que rigen para el acuerdo inicial. No se considerará como información clasificada, la relacionada a la violación de derechos humanos o de las Convenciones de Ginebra de 1949 realizada en cualquier circunstancia, por cualquier persona. El Presidente del Consejo de Ministros deberá dar cuenta a la Comisión de Defensa Nacional, Orden Interno e Inteligencia del Congreso de los criterios que el Consejo ha utilizado en la clasificación de la información como secreta o estrictamente secreta. Una vez que la información clasificada se haga pública, una comisión especial del Congreso de la República evaluará si las razones esgrimidas en el acuerdo del Consejo de Ministros que declaró como clasificada una información se adecuaban a la realidad de los hechos. Esto no impide que una comisión competente del Congreso de la República efectúe dicha evaluación en cualquier momento. b) Materias cuyo conocimiento público pueden afectar los intereses del país en negociaciones o tratos internacionales. c) La información protegida por el secreto bancario, tributario, comercial, industrial, tecnológico y bursátil. d) La información interna de las entidades de la Administración Pública o de comunicaciones entre éstas que contengan consejos, recomendaciones u opiniones producidas como parte del proceso deliberativo y consultivo previo a la toma de una decisión de gobierno. Una vez tomada la decisión, esta excepción cesa si la entidad de la Administración Pública opta por hacer referencia en forma expresa a esos consejos, recomendaciones u opiniones. e) La información preparada u obtenida por asesores jurídicos o abogados de las entidades de la Administración Pública cuya publicidad pudiera revelar la estrategia a adoptarse en la tramitación o defensa en un proceso administrativo o judicial, o de cualquier tipo de información protegida por el secreto profesional que debe guardar el abogado respecto de su asesorado. f) La información vinculada a investigaciones en trámite referidas al ejercicio de la potestad sancionadora de la Administración Pública, en cuyo caso la exclusión del acceso termina cuando la resolución que pone fin al procedimiento queda consentida o cuando transcurren más de 6 (seis) meses desde que se inició el procedimiento administrativo sancionador, sin que se haya dictado resolución final. g) La información que tiene por finalidad prevenir y reprimir la criminalidad en el país y cuya revelación puede entorpecerla. h) La información referida a los datos personales cuya publicidad constituya una invasión de la intimidad personal y familiar. La información referida a la salud personal, se considera comprendida dentro de la intimidad personal. i) Aquellas materias cuyo acceso esté expresamente exceptuado por la Constitución, o por una Ley aprobada por el Congreso de la República. Los casos establecidos en el presente artículo son los únicos en los que se puede limitar el derecho al acceso a la información pública, por lo que deben ser interpretados de manera restrictiva por tratarse de una limitación a un derecho fundamental. No se puede establecer por una norma de menor jerarquía ninguna excepción a la presente Ley. La información contenida en las excepciones señaladas en este artículo son accesibles para el Congreso de la República, el Poder Judicial y el Ministerio Público, con las limitaciones que señala la Constitución Política del Perú en ambos casos. Para estos efectos, el Congreso de la República se sujeta igualmente a las limitaciones que señala su Reglamento. Tratándose del Poder Judicial de acuerdo a las normas que regulan su funcionamiento, solamente el juez en ejercicio de sus atribuciones jurisdiccionales en un determinado caso y cuya información sea imprescindible para llegar a la verdad, puede solicitar la información a que se refiere cualquiera de las excepciones contenidas en este artículo.
Article 15: No harm test for militarily classified docs, intelligence and national security issues, banking and commercial matters. |
Republic of Belarus | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | Article 17. Information dissemination and (or) provision of which is restricted Information dissemination and / or provision of which is restricted shall include: information on the private life of an individual and personal data; information constituting state secrets; official information of restricted distribution; information constituting a commercial, professional, banking, or other legally protected secret; information contained in administrative offence cases, materials and criminal cases investigated by criminal prosecution bodies and courts until completion of proceedings; other information that is restricted by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. The legal regime of information, the distribution and (or) provision of which is restricted, shall be determined by this Law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. Article 18[1]. Official information of restricted distribution Official information of restricted distribution shall include information related to the activities of a state body or legal entity, dissemination and (or) provision of which may cause harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus, public order, morals, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals, including their honor and dignity, personal and family life, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities, and which is not classified as a state secret. Information shall be classified as official information of restricted distribution in accordance with the list of information classified as official information of restricted distribution, determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in cases stipulated by the laws of the Republic of Belarus and decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus. The decision to classify information as official information of restricted distribution shall be made by the head of a state body, legal entity or by a person authorized by them. | Within restricted information in Article 17 is "official information of restricted distribution" Article 18[1] seems to create a harm test for this particular category of restricted information Official information of restricted distribution shall include information related to the activities of a state body or legal entity, dissemination and (or) provision of which may cause harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus, public order, morals, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals, including their honor and dignity, personal and family life, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities, and which is not classified as a state secret. However in terms of the other categories of information of restricted dissemination, and the exceptions under "publically accessible" information, there is no harm test |
Rwanda | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | MINISTERIAL ORDER No. 005/07.01/13: Article 2(5): National Security: protection, against internal and external threats, of national defence, national foreign relations and protection of national vital interests pertaining inter alia to national economy and national institutions of governance. Article 6(4): Restricted including such material that would cause undesirable and limited effects to national security. Article 7(3): it is contained in highly important documents on policies relating to international relations, agreements, conventions and all discussions and studies therewith; Article 9(1): any documents relating to an administrative or criminal investigation, classified tenders, unless the disclosure of the content thereof is permissible by competent authority. | Art 4., but the definition of "national security" in the accompanying regulations is not fully harm tested, and in fact crosses over into international relations and law enforcement, resulting in the loss of three points. |
Saudi Arabia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 7.1 The following information should be considered as protected, and should not be disclosed: 1. Information that, if disclosed, may harm the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's national security, policies, interests or rights; 2. Military and security information; 3. Documents and information obtained in agreement with another state and classified as protected; 4. Inquiries, investigations, checks, inspections and monitoring in respect of a crime or violation; 5. Information that include recommendations, suggestions or consultations for issuing governmental legislation or decision not issued yet; 6. Commercial, industrial, financial or economic information that, if disclosed, may result in gaining profits or avoiding losses in an illegitimate manner; 7. Scientific or technological searches or rights included intellectual property right that, if disclosed, may result in infringement of incorporeal right; 8. Tender and bidding Information that, if disclosed, may give rise to violation of fair competition; 9. Information and the like, which are protected, confidential or personal under another law, or require certain legal action to be accessed or obtained. | Military and security information; inquiries, investigations, checks, inspections and monitoring in respect of a crime or violation; and protected information obtained in agreement with another state not harm-tested. Information about yet-issued governmental legislation and decisions not issued is borderline, since it may be self-evidently harmful to release such information in many cases (1 point nonetheless given as many exceptions are harm-tested). |
Sri Lanka | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | See generally, section 5. The exceptions without a harm test are section 5. (1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) a request under this Act for access to information shall be refused, where ... (i) subject to the provisions of section 29(2)(c), the information has been supplied in confidence to the public authority concerned by a third party and the third party does not consent to its disclosure; (j) the disclosure of such information would be in contempt of court or prejudicial to the maintenance of the authority and impartiality of the judiciary; ... (m) the information is of a cabinet memorandum in relation to which a decision has not been taken; | Exceptions in favour of third party information, contempt of court and cabinet memos are not harm tested. |
Uganda | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 25. Cabinet Minutes and those of its Committees (1) Subject to subsection (2), cabinet minutes shall not be accessible to any person other than an authorized public officer. (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Minister may, from time to time by regulations made under section 47, prescribe the categories of records which shall or may be released after the expiration of seven years, fourteen years, and twenty one years respectively after the record came into existence. 30. Protection of law enforcement and legal proceedings. (1) An information officer (b) may refuse a request for access if - (i) the record contains methods, techniques, procedures or guidelines for – (aa) the prevention, detection, curtailment or investigation of a contravention or possible contravention of the law 33. Operations of public bodies. (1) An information officer may refuse a request for access - (a) if the record contains - (i) an opinion, advice, report or recommendation obtained or prepared; or (ii) an account of a consultation, discussion or deliberation that has occurred, including, but limited to, minutes of a meeting, for the purpose of assisting to take a decision in the exercise of a power or performance of a duty conferred or imposed by law | 30(1)(b)(I)(aa), Internal deliberations, cabinet documents. |
United Kingdom | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 1 | N/A | A number of the exceptions have a harm test whereby information should not be disclosed if it would prejudice the protected interest: National Security, Defence, International Relations, UK Relations, Economy, Law Enforcement, Audit, Conduct of public affairs, Health and Safety, and Commercial Interests. There are, however, a number of other absolute exceptions: Security, Investigations, Parliamentary Privilege, Formulation of government policy, Personal data, information received in confidence, legal privilege, and trade secrets. Hence 3 points have been deducted. |
United States | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 7(b)(1)(a) - under executive order for national security reasons. 7(b)(8) - reports by agencies responsible for the regulation or supervision of financial institutions; 7(b)(5) inter-agency or intra-agency memorandums or letters which would not be available by law to a party other than an agency in litigation with the agency; | |
Zambia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 1 | 28(2)(h), 28(2)(i), 30(2)(c) | |
Argentina | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Información en poder de la Unidad de Información Financiera encargada del análisis, tratamiento y transmisión de información tendiente a la prevención e investigación de la legitimación de activos provenientes de ilácitos; Información elaborada por los sujetos obligados dedicados a regular o supervisar instituciones financieras o preparada por terceros para ser utilizada por aquellos y que se refieran a exámenes de situación, evaluación de su sistema de operación o condición de su funcionamiento Información que contenga datos personales y no pueda brindarse aplicando procedimientos de disociación, salvo que se cumpla con las condiciones de licitud previstas en la ley 25.326 de protección de datos personales y sus modificatorias Información correspondiente a una sociedad anónima sujeta al régimen de oferta pública. | |
Belgium | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Loi n° 94-1724. Article 6: "The federal or non federal administrative authority will deny the request for information if the public interest of the publication of the information is not bigger that the protection of the following interests" | |
Benin | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 85: Un organisme public peut refuser de communiquer un secret industriel qui lui appartient. Il peut également refuser de communiquer un autre renseignement industriel ou un renseignement financier, commercial, scientifique ou technique lui appartenant et dont la divulgation risque d’entraver une négociation en vue de la conclusion d’un contrat, de causer une perte à l’organisme ou de procurer un avantage appréciable à une autre personne. Un organisme public constitué à des fins industrielles, commerciales ou de gestion financière, peut refuser de communiquer un tel renseignement lorsque sa divulgation risque de nuire de façon substantielle à sa compétitivité. 86 : Un organisme public ne peut communiquer le secret industriel ou commercial d’un tiers ou un renseignement industriel, financier, commercial, scientifique, technique ou syndical frappé de secret fourni par un tiers et habituellement traité de façon confidentielle, sans le consentement de celui-ci. 87: Un organisme public ne peut ni confirmer, ni donner communication d’un renseignement obtenu d’une personne qui, en vertu de la loi, est chargée de prévenir, détecter ou réprimer le crime ou les infractions aux lois lorsque sa divulgation est susceptible de: - entraver le déroulement d’une enquête ou d’une procédure judiciaire; - révéler une méthode d’enquête, une source confidentielle d’information, un programme ou un plan d’action destiné à prévenir, détecter ou réprimer le crime ou les infractions aux lois; - mettre en péril la sécurité d’une personne; - causer un préjudice à une personne qui est l’auteur du renseignement ou qui en est l’objet; - révéler les composantes d’un système de communication destiné à l’usage d’une personne chargée d’assurer l’observance de la loi ou un renseignement transmis à titre confidentiel par un corps de police ayant compétence hors du territoire national; - favoriser l’évasion d’un détenu; - porter atteinte au droit d’une personne prévenue ou offensée à une audition impartiale. 88: Un organisme public ne peut communiquer un renseignement portant sur une méthode ou sur une arme susceptible d’être utilisée pour commettre un crime ou une infraction à la loi. Il ne peut non plus communiquer un renseignement dont la divulgation aura pour effet de réduire l’efficacité d’un dispositif de sécurité destiné à la protection d’un bien ou d’une personne. 89: La décision rendue par un organe judiciaire est publique. Toutefois, un organisme public ne peut communiquer un renseignement contenu dans un dossier de justice alors que la juridiction de jugement en interdit la communication, au motif qu’il a été obtenu alors que l’organisme a siégé à huis clos, ou que celui-ci a rendu à son sujet une ordonnance de non publication, de non divulgation ou de non diffusion ou que sa communication aurait révélé un renseignement dont la confirmation de l’existence ou la communication est refusée en vertu de la présente loi. 90: Ne peuvent pas être communiquées avant l’expiration d’un délai de six (06) mois à compter de la date d’émission: - les communications du Gouvernement à l’un de ses membres ou à un comité ministériel; - les communications d’un membre du Gouvernement à un autre membre du Gouvernement; - les recommandations d’un comité ministériel ou interministériel au Gouvernement; - les recommandations d’un membre du Gouvernement au Gouvernement; - les analyses au sein du Gouvernement, portant sur une recommandation ou une demande faite par un ministre, un comité ministériel ou un organisme public ou sur un projet de texte législatif ou réglementaire. De même, ne peuvent pas être communiqués avant l’expiration d’un délai de deux (02) ans à compter de la date d’émission: - l’ordre du jour d’une réunion du Conseil des ministres; - les mémoires des délibérations du Conseil des ministres; Sous réserve de leurs statuts et de leurs règlements intérieurs, les mêmes dispositions sont applicables, avec les adaptations nécessaires, aux mémoires des délibérations des Institutions constitutionnelles. 91: Un organisme public peut refuser de laisser consulter ou de communiquer un document administratif dont la consultation ou la communication est susceptible de porter atteinte au secret-défense ou à la politique extérieure de la République du Bénin. 92: Un organisme public peut refuser de laisser consulter ou de communiquer un document administratif dont la consultation ou la communication est susceptible de porter atteinte à la monnaie et au crédit public, à la sûreté de l’Etat et à la sécurité publique. 93 : Un organisme public peut refuser de communiquer: - un avis ou une recommandation que lui a fait un autre organisme qui relève de son autorité ou qu’il a lui-même fait à un autre organisme public; - une analyse produite à l’occasion d’une recommandation faite dans le cadre d’un processus décisionnel en cours, jusqu’à ce que l’avis ou la recommandation ait fait l’objet d’une décision par l’autorité compétente ou en cas d’absence de décision, qu’une période de deux (02) ans se soit écoulée depuis la date où l’avis ou la recommandation ou l’analyse a été fait. Il en est de même pour un ministre en ce qui concerne un avis ou une recommandation que lui fait un organisme qui relève de son autorité. 94: Un organisme public peut refuser de communiquer une épreuve destinée à l’évaluation comparative des connaissances, des aptitudes ou de l’expérience d’une personne, jusqu’au terme de l’utilisation de cette épreuve. 95 : Toute personne exerçant une fonction de vérification dans un organisme public ou pour le compte de cet organisme peut refuser de confirmer l’existence ou de donner communication d’un renseignement dont la divulgation serait susceptible de: - entraver le déroulement d’une opération de vérification; - révéler un programme ou un plan d’activités de vérification; - révéler une source confidentielle d’information relative à une vérification; - porter atteinte au pouvoir d’appréciation du supérieur hiérarchique du vérificateur. 96 : Un organisme public peut refuser de laisser consulter ou de communiquer un document administratif dont la consultation ou la communication est de nature à porter atteinte au secret de la vie privée, des dossiers personnels et médicaux de ses membres. | Deductions for the lack of a harm test in Articles 86, commercial secrets of third parties, 87, investigations, 88, weapons that may be used to commit crimes, and 95, audit functions. |
Burkina Faso | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Exceptions which are not harm tested: Article 10 : Le droit d'accès à un document s'exerce sous réserve des droits relatifs à la propriété intellectuelle, notamment scientifique, littéraire et artistique. Article 36 : Les informations, objets, documents, données informatiques ou fichiers, relevant de la défense nationale, la sûreté de l’Etat, la politique extérieure, qui ont fait l’objet de mesure de classification destinée à restreindre leur diffusion ou leur accession sont des secrets de la défense nationale et de la sûreté de l’Etat. Ils comprennent trois niveaux de protection que sont : - le très secret défense ; - le secret défense ; - le confidentiel défense. Article 49 : Un organisme de service public doit refuser de confirmer l'existence ou de donner communication d'un renseignement ou d’une information qu'il détient dans l'exercice d'une fonction de prévention, de détection ou de répression, lorsque sa divulgation serait susceptible : -de révéler les composantes d'un système de communication destiné à l'usage d'une personne chargée d'assurer le respect de la loi ; - de révéler un renseignement transmis à titre confidentiel par un corps de police ayant compétence hors du Burkina Faso ; Article 50 : Le Contrôleur général d’Etat ou une personne exerçant une fonction de vérificateur au niveau de l’Autorité supérieure de contrôle d’Etat peut refuser de confirmer l'existence ou de donner communication d'un renseignement dont la divulgation serait susceptible : - de révéler un programme ou un plan d'activité de vérification | For intellectual property, there is no recognition of the exceptions. |
Canada | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | See comments. | s. 13: Information obtained in confidence from other governments. s. 16(1)(a), s. 16(1)(b), s. 16.1-16.6: law enforcement and investigations information, s. 18.1: info treated as confidential by crown corps, 20(1)(b), 20(1)(b.1), 20.1, 20.2, 20.4: various types of info treated as confidential by third parties, s. 21(1): operations of government, 22.1: internal audits. |
Cape Verde | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 2(3)(b)-(e), 3(2)(b)-(c), 10, 11(3)(a), (c) | Security, criminal and other investigations (2(3)(b) and 10(6)(b)), diplomatic relations(3(2)(c)), preparatory documents (10(3)), audits (10(4)), commercial information (10(5)) |
Chile | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | ARTICLE 21. Las únicas causales de secreto o reserva en cuya virtud se podrá denegar total o parcialmente el acceso a la información, son las siguientes: 1. Cuando su publicidad, comunicación o conocimiento afecte el debido cumplimiento de las funciones del órgano requerido, particularmente: a) Si es en desmedro de la prevención, investigación y persecución de un crimen o simple delito o se trate de antecedentes necesarios a defensas jurídicas y judiciales. b) Tratándose de antecedentes o deliberaciones previas a la adopción de una resolución, medida o política, sin perjuicio que los fundamentos de aquéllas sean públicos una vez que sean adoptadas. c) Tratándose de requerimientos de carácter genérico, referidos a un elevado número de actos administrativos o sus antecedentes o cuya atención requiera distraer indebidamente a los funcionarios del cumplimiento regular de sus labores habituales. 2. Cuando su publicidad, comunicación o conocimiento afecte los derechos de las personas, particularmente tratándose de su seguridad, su salud, la esfera de su vida privada o derechos de carácter comercial o económico. 3. Cuando su publicidad, comunicación o conocimiento afecte la seguridad de la Nación, particularmente si se refiere a la defensa nacional o la mantención del orden público o la seguridad pública. 4. Cuando su publicidad, comunicación o conocimiento afecte el interés nacional, en especial si se refieren a la salud pública o las relaciones internacionales y los intereses económicos o comerciales del país. 5. Cuando se trate de documentos, datos o informaciones que una ley de quórum calificado haya declarado reservados o secretos, de acuerdo a las causales señaladas en el artículo 8º de la Constitución Política. | Art 21(1) - use of the word "afecte" is not a harm test. 21(1)(b) - preliminary deliberations. 21(2), (3), (4) - again, use of the word "afecte". According to our local expert the Council for Transparency often applies a harm test, and they claim that the score of 0 is excessive. Nonetheless - it's not harm tested in the law, and I don't think they should get docked less just because the Council has taken a more progressive interpretation. |
Costa Rica | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Seems there is a general category of information where disclosure would harm the public interest rather than a harm test to be applied to each exception. Courts do not seem to apply a harm test when interpreting exceptions. See jurisprudence consolidated at |
Cyprus | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Section 3 (Special Rules and Exceptions to the Right of Access to Information) | "No harm test for the following exceptions: National Security (Article 23) Investigations and proceedings conducted by public authorities (Article 27) Judicial/Court records (Article 29) Development of Government Policy (Article 32) Information provided in confidence (Article 34.1)" |
Czech Republic | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Denmark | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | No harm test listed. |
Dominican Republic | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | ARTICLE 17. Se establecen con carácter taxativo las siguientes limitaciones y excepciones a la obligación de informar del Estado y de las instituciones indicadas en el Artículo 1 de la presente ley: (...) a) Información vinculada con la defensa o la seguridad del Estado, que hubiera sido clasificada como "reservada" por ley o por decreto del Poder Ejecutivo, o cuando pueda afectar las relaciones internacionales del país; (...) c) Cuando se trate de información que pudiera afectar el funcionamiento del sistema bancario o financiero;(...) i) Cuando se trate de secretos comerciales, industriales, científicos o técnicos, propiedad de particulares o del Estado, o información industrial, comercial reservada o confidencial de terceros que la administración haya recibido en razón de un trámite o gestión instada para obtener algún permiso, autorización o cualquier otro trámite y haya sido entregada con ese único fin, cuya revelación pueda causar perjuicios económicos; | 17(a), 17(c) 17(i), - use of the word "affect" is not harm tested. 17(a) is two exceptions (national security and international relations). |
East Timor | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 6 Confidential Matters Access to documents covering the following matters may be refused: A) Those related to State Defense and Security, in accordance with definitions of the legislation in force, whose knowledge may endanger or may cause damage to the defense or internal and external security of the State; B) Those that reveal commercial, industrial, scientific, Technical, financial or economic secrets; (C) those containing matters relating to industrial relations or contractual obligations established with the State, the knowledge of which undermines the privacy of private life or the disclosure of personal data; (D) Those relating to the preservation of fundamentally constitutional interests of the State, namely, the integrity of the territory, national sovereignty, patrimony, protection of the population, financial and economic stability and national development; (E) those relating to the strategy to be adopted by the State within the negotiations with other States or international organizations; (F) those transmitted, on a confidential basis, by Foreigners or international organizations; (G) Those relating to the preservation and security of economic and energetic resources. | No harm tests in 6(b), 6(d), 6(e) and 6(f). |
El Salvador | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | ARTICLE 19 "Es información reservada: a. Los planes militares secretos y las negociaciones políticas a que se refiere el artículo 168 ordinal 7º de la Constitución." ARTICLE 24 "Es información confidencial: b. La entregada con tal carácter por los particulares a los entes obligados, siempre que por la naturaleza de la información tengan el derecho a restringir su divulgación. d. Los secretos profesional, comercial, industrial, fiscal, bancario, fiduciario u otro considerado como tal por una disposición legal. | 19(a) - military plans. 19(a) - political negotiations. Art 24(b) - information received in confidence. 24(d) - trade or commercial secrets. |
Fiji | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 20. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the following information is exempt from disclosure and any request made under section 6 for such information must be refused by the Commission - (a) information, the disclosure of which would adversely affect the sovereignty, security or scientific or economic interests of the State; (b) information, the disclosure of which would lead to the incitement or commission of an offence; (c) information expressly forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal or which would constitute a contempt of court; (d) information, the disclosure of which would cause a breach of the privileges of Parliament or a committee or subcommittee of Parliament; (e) information that is subject to legal professional privilege; (f) information available to a person in the exercise of the person’s fiduciary duty, unless the Commission is satisfied that the disclosure of such information is in the public interest; (g) information received in confidence from a foreign government or an international organisation; (h) information, the disclosure of which would endanger the life or safety of any person or identify the source of information or assistance given in confidence for the purposes of law enforcement or security; (i) information which would impede the process of investigation, apprehension or prosecution of an alleged offender; (j) Cabinet documents, including records of deliberations of meetings or decisions of Cabinet; (k) information which relates to personal information, the disclosure of which has no relationship to or does not affect any public activity or interest, or which would cause the unwarranted invasion of privacy of the person, unless the Commission is satisfied that the disclosure of such information is in the public interest; (l) information which is classified by Cabinet as an official or State secret and certified in writing by the Secretary to Cabinet; (m) information, the disclosure of which would endanger or harm any protected site or the environment; (n) a trade secret, business know-how, commercially sensitive information and proprietary information relating to the intellectual property of a business; and (o) any other information, the disclosure of which, the Commission deems is not in the public interest. | Fiduciary duty; received in confidence from other States; Cabinet documents; commercial information |
France | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Germany | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | Partially | 0 | Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6. | Most of the exceptions do not have a harm test (only 3(1), 3(2), 3(3), 3(6), and 4 have harm test). |
Ghana | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 5(1) Information is exempt from disclosure where the information (a) is prepared for submission or has been submitted to the President or Vice-President for consideration; or (b) contains matters the disclosure of which would reveal information concerning opinion, advice, deliberation, recommendation, minutes or consultation made or given to the President or the Vice-President and is likely to (i) undermine the deliberative process on the part of the President or of the Vice-President; or (ii) prejudice national security. (2) Information which contains factual or statistical data is not exempt information. 6(1) Information is exempt from disclosure where the information (a) is prepared for submission to Cabinet or submitted to Cabinet for consideration, or (b) is at Cabinet, not published or released to the public, and (c) contains matters the disclosure of which would reveal information concerning opinion, advice, deliberation, recommendation, minutes or consultation made and is likely to (i) prejudice the effective formulation or development of government policy; (ii) frustrate the success of a policy by premature disclosure of that policy; (iii) undermine the deliberative process in Cabinet; or (iv) prejudice national security. (2) Information which contains factual or statistical data is not exempt information. (3) Cabinet may publish or grant access to information that is otherwise exempt under this section. (4) For the purposes of this section, Cabinet includes a committee or sub-committee of Cabinet. 7(1) Information is exempt from disclosure where the information contains matters which if disclosed can reasonably be expected to (a) interfere with the prevention, detection or curtailment of a contravention or possible contravention of an enactment, (b) prejudice the investigation of a contravention or possible contravention of an enactment, (c) reveal investigation techniques and procedures in use or likely to be used in law enforcement, (d) disclose the identity of a confidential source of information, matter or the information given by a confidential source in respect of law enforcement, (e) impede the prosecution of an offence, (f) endanger the life or physical safety of a person, (g) prejudice the fair trial of a person or the impartial adjudication of a case, (h) reveal a record of information that has been confiscated from a person by a police officer or a person authorised to effect the confiscation in accordance with an enactment, (i) interfere with the maintenance or enforcement of a lawful method or procedure for protecting the safety of the public, (j) endanger the security of a building, structure or means of transport or a system including computer and communication systems for which security is reasonably required, (k) prejudice the security of a prison or place for lawful detention, (l) facilitate the escape of a person from lawful custody, or (m) prejudice a system or procedure for witness protection or any other procedure for the protection of persons or property where the protection is required. (2) Despite subsection (1), information is not exempt from disclosure where that information (a) consists merely of a report on the outcome of a programme adopted by a public institution to deal with a contravention or possible contravention of an enactment; (b) contains a general outline of the structures of a programme adopted by a public institution to deal with a contravention or possible contravention of an enactment; or (c) consists merely of a report on a law enforcement investigation that has already been disclosed to the person who is the subject of the investigation. 8(1) Information is exempt from disclosure if the disclosure of that information can reasonably be expected to (a) damage or prejudice the relations between the Government and the government of any other country, (b) reveal information communicated in confidence to a public institution by or on behalf of another government, (c) reveal information communicated in confidence to a public institution by an international organisation or a body of that organisation, (d) reveal information communicated in confidence by a public institution to (i) another public institution in another country or another government; or (ii) an international organisation or a body of that organisation. (2) Despite subsection (1), the exempt information may be disclosed if the President gives prior approval for the disclosure. 9(1) Information is exempt from disclosure if the disclosure of that information can reasonably be expected to (a) damage or prejudice the defence of the Republic or a foreign State allied to or friendly with the Republic, or (b) be prejudicial to the detection, prevention or suppression of terrorism, sabotage or espionage. (2) Subject to article 135 of the 1992 Constitution, information created by or in the custody of the Ghana Armed Forces or the security and intelligence agencies established under the Security and Intelligence Agencies Act, 1996 (Act 526) which is likely to threaten the security of the State is exempt information. 10 Information is exempt from disclosure prior to official publication where (a) the information contains trade secrets or financial, commercial, scientific or technical information that belongs to the State or public institution and the information has monetary or a potential monetary value; (b) the disclosure of the information can reasonably be expected to affect the integrity or stability of the financial system or, damage the financial interests of the State or public institution or the ability of the State to manage the national economy; (c) the disclosure of the information can reasonably be expected to cause a disruption of business or trade in the country; (d) the disclosure of the information can unduly benefit or be injurious to a person because it provides prior information about future economic or financial measures to be introduced by the Government or public institution; (e) the information contains criterion, procedure, position or instruction that relates to negotiations being carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the State or public institution, the disclosure of which shall be injurious to national security and economic development; or (f) the information contains questions or methodology to be used in an examination, recruitment or selection process and the release is likely to jeopardise the integrity of that examination, recruitment or selection process. 11(1) Information which would reveal a trade secret, research, scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour related information supplied in confidence is exempt from disclosure if the disclosure of that information can reasonably be expected to (a) prejudice the competitive position of a person, a group of persons or an organisation; (b) adversely affect negotiations with a third party; (c) result in undue loss or gain to a person, a group, a financial institution or any other body; or (d) result in a public institution not being supplied with similar information where it is in the public interest that the similar information be supplied to the public institution. (2) Information which has already been made available to the public by the appropriate person, authority or body is not exempt from disclosure under subsection (1). 12(1) Information obtained from a tax return or gathered for the purposes of determining tax liability is exempt from disclosure. (2) Exempt information under subsection (1), may be disclosed if the person to whom the information relates, agrees to the disclosure. 13(1) Information is exempt from disclosure where the disclosure of the information will reveal (a) an opinion, or an advice given, or (b) a recommendation, consultation or deliberation made to the public institution and is likely to undermine the deliberative process in that public institution. (2) Information which (a) merely contains material that has been publicly mentioned as the basis of a public policy or for formulating public policy, or (b) contains only factual or statistical data, is not exempt from disclosure. 14 Information is exempt from disclosure if its disclosure can reasonably be expected to (a) infringe or contravene a parliamentary privilege, (b) prejudice the fair trial of a person or the impartial adjudication of a case before a court or a quasi-judicial body, or (c) constitute contempt of court or of a quasi-judicial body. 15(1) Information is exempt from disclosure where (a) it is privileged on grounds of (i) lawyer and client professional relationship, (ii) communication between spouses whether married under an enactment or under the common law as defined in clause (2) of article 11 of the Constitution; or (iii) the Evidence Act, 1975 (N.R.C.D. 323); or (b) the disclosure of the information reveals confidential communication between a doctor and a patient or any other medical expert in connection with the medical diagnosis or treatment of the patient. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply where the person entitled to the privilege knowingly waives the privilege. 16(1) Information, the disclosure of which is unreasonable concerning the personal affairs of an individual whether living or deceased is exempt from disclosure. (2) Disclosure is unreasonable if it reveals or is likely to reveal information about the individual's (a) physical or mental health; (b) business or trade secrets of commercial value; or (c) confidential professional, commercial or financial affairs. (3) Disclosure is reasonable if (a) the individual to whom the information relates gives prior consent; (b) the disclosure is required to promote public health or public safety; (c) the disclosure is necessary in order to subject government activities to public scrutiny; (d) the disclosure does not unjustifiably damage the reputation of any other person referred to in the information; (e) the disclosure is made to the individual to whom the information relates; (f) the disclosure does not contravene a provision on exempt information specified in this Act; (g) the disclosure would not have an adverse effect on the affairs of the individual; (h) the disclosure would not prejudice the future supply of information: (i) the information has already been made available to the public by the appropriate person. authority or body; (j) the individual to whom the information relates was informed or made aware prior to supplying the information or that the information belongs to a class of information that will or might be made available to the public; (k) in the case of a deceased person, the applicant is the next of kin or represents the next of kin or is the personal representative of the deceased; or (l) the disclosure is about the physical or mental health or wellbeing of the individual who is under the care of the applicant and who is (i) under the age of eighteen years, or (ii) incapable of understanding the nature of the request and giving access would be in the best interest of the individual. | Information for the President; information relating to Cabinet; information affecting international relations; information relating to tax |
Greece | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Guyana | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 2. "In this Act - [...] "personal information" means information about a person, including- (a) information relating to the race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, marital or family status of the person; (b) information relating to the education, medical, psychiatric, psycho- logical, criminal or employment history of the person or information relating to financial transactions in which the person has been involved; (c) any identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the person, finger-prints, blood type or DNA profile of the person; (d) the postal and email addresses, and telephone number of the person; (e) the personal opinions or views of the person except where they relate to another person; (f) correspondence sent to a public authority by the person that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to that correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence; (g) the views or opinions of another person about the person; and (h) the person's name where it appears with other personal information relating to the person or where the disclosure of the name would reveal other personal information about the person; [...] 14(1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4) and subject to the provisions of any other written laws, access to records under this Act applies to all records in the custody or under the control of a public authority, including court administration records, but does not apply to the following - [...] (h) a record relating to a prosecution if all proceedings in respect of the prosecution have not been completed; [...] 27(1) A document is an exempt document if it is - (a) the official record of any deliberation or decision of Cabinet; (b) a document that has been prepared by a Minister of Government or on his behalf or by a public authority for the purpose of submission for consideration by Cabinet or a document which has been considered by Cabinet and which is related to issues that are or have been before Cabinet; (c) a document prepared for the purpose of briefing a Minister of Government in relation to issues to be considered by Cabinet; (d) a document that is a copy or draft of, or contains extracts from, a document referred to in paragraph (a),(b) or (c); or (e) a document the disclosure of which would involve the disclosure of any deliberation or decision of Cabinet, other than a document by which a decision of Cabinet was officially published. 30(1) Subject to this section, a document is an exempt document if it is a document the disclosure of which under this Act - (a) would disclose matter in the nature of opinion, advice or recommendation prepared by a public officer, adviser, consultant or Minister of Government, or consultation or deliberation that has taken place between officers, Ministers of Government, or an officer and a Minister of Government, in the course of, or for the purpose of, the deliberative processes involved in the functions of a public authority; and (b) would be contrary to the public interest. (2) Subsection (1) shall cease to apply to a document brought into existence on or after the commencement of this Act when a period of twenty years has elapsed since the last day of the year in which the document came into existence. (3) In the case of a document of the kind referred to in section 9(1), the matter referred to in subsection (1)(a) does not include - (a) matter that is provided for the use or guidance of, or is used or may be used for, the purpose of making decisions or recommendations, or enforcing written laws or schemes, referred to in section 9(1); (b) factual information; (c) the analysis, interpretation or evaluation of, or any projection based on factual information; (d) a statistical survey; (e) a report by a valuator, whether or not the valuator is an officer of the public authority; (f) an environmental impact statement or similar record; (g) a report of a test carried out on a product for the purpose of purchasing equipment for a public authority or a consumer test report; (h) a report or study on the performance or efficiency of a public authority, whether the report or study is of a general nature or is in respect of a particular programme or policy; (i) a feasibility or other technical study, including a cost estimate, relating to a policy or project of a public authority; (j) a report containing the results of field research undertaken before the formulation of a policy proposal; (k) a plan or proposal to change a programme of a public authority, or for the establishment of a new programme, including a budgetary estimate for the programme, whether or not the plan or proposal is subject to approval, unless the plan or proposal is to be submitted to Cabinet or a committee or subcommittee of Cabinet; (l) a report of an inter-departmental committee task force within a public authority, which has been established for the purpose of preparing a report on a particular topic, unless the report is to be submitted to Cabinet or a committee or subcommittee of Cabinet; (m) a report of a committee, council or other body which is attached to a public authority and which has been established for the purpose of undertaking inquiries and making reports and recommendations to the public authority; (n) the reasons for a decision, order or ruling of a public authority made during or at the conclusion of the exercise of discretionary power conferred under a written law or scheme administered by the public authority, whether or not the written law or scheme allows an appeal to be taken against the decision, order or ruling, and whether or not the reasons - (i) are contained in an internal memorandum of the public authority or in a letter from an officer or employee of the public authority; or (ii) were given by the officer who made the decision, order or ruling or were incorporated by reference into the decision, order or ruling. (4) Where a decision is made under Part IV that an applicant is not entitled to access to a document by reason of the application of this section, the notice under section 23 shall state the public interest considerations on which the decision is based. 29(1) A document is an exempt document if disclosure under this Act would be contrary to the public interest and the disclosure - (a) would prejudice relations between the Government of Guyana and the government of any other State; (b) would prejudice relations between the Government of Guyana and an international organisation of States or a body thereof; (c) would divulge any information or matter communicated in confidence by or on behalf of the government of another State to the Government of Guyana or to a person receiving a communication on behalf of the government of that State; or (d) would divulge any information communicated in confidence by or on behalf of an international organisation of States or a body thereof to the Government of Guyana or to a person receiving a communication on behalf of that international organisation or body. (2) For the purposes of this Act, a certificate signed by the Minister certifying that a document as described in a request would, if it existed, be one of a kind referred to in subsection (1), establishes conclusively that if such a document exists, it is an exempt document. | 2 - personal information includes correspondences that are confidential in nature - vague, broad and not properly harm tested. 14(1)(h) - prosecutorial records. 27(1) and 30 - deliberations of cabinet. 29 - confidential international communications - unnecessary considering the separate exception for harm to int'l relations. |
Hungary | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iceland | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ireland | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Articles 16, 29, 31 all contain exceptions for "contrary to public interest". |
Jordan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 13(b) The documents classified as confidential and protected and to be granted by an agreement with another country. (c) The secrets related to national defense, state security or foreign policy. [...] (h) The investigations made by the prosecution, judicial system or security authorities concerning any crime or lawsuit within their scope of power, as well as the investigations made by the appropriate authorities for unveiling financial, customs or banking breaches, unless the appropriate authority permits the disclosure thereof. | 13(b) (agreement with other States); 13(c) - national defence, state security and foreign policy (counted as 2 exceptions - security and foreign relations), 13(h) - judicial investigations. |
Kazakhstan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 5 Right for access to information may be limited only by laws and only to the extent as necessary in order to protect constitutional and public order, human rights and freedoms, health and human morals. | Note that the exceptions listed under I29 also lack harm tests. |
Latvia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Administrative Procedure Law: "Section 13. Principle of Proportionality "The benefits which society derives from the restrictions imposed on an addressee must be greater than the restrictions on the rights or legal interests of the addressee (Section 66). Significant restrictions on the rights or legal interests of a private person are only justified by a significant benefit to society." | Only a general principle of the administration. |
Lebanon | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 5: Documents that may not be accessed: A – There shall be no access to information pertaining to: 1 – National defense, national security, or general security secrets. 2 – The management of the state’s confidential foreign relations. 3 – Anything that undermines the state’s financial or economic interests or the security of the national currency. 4 – Individuals’ private lives or their mental and physical health. 5 – Secrets protected by law, such as professional or trade secrets. B – The following documents shall not be accessible: 1 – The facts of investigations before their recital in a public hearing and the facts of secret trials and juvenile and personal status trials. 2 – The minutes of confidential sittings of Parliament or its committees, unless otherwise decided. 3 – The Council of Ministers’ deliberations and the decisions that it renders confidential. 4 – Preparatory documents and unfinished administrative documents. 5 – Opinions issued by the State Shura Council, except by the persons concerned in the context of a judicial review. | Many of the listed exceptions are not harm tested, namely: 5.A.2, 5.A.4, 5.B.1, 5.B.2, 5.B.3 |
Liechtenstein | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Lithuania | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Luxembourg | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | A1(2): Sont toutefois exclus du droit d’accès, les documents relatifs : (i) aux relations extérieures, à la sécurité du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg ou à l’ordre public ; (ii) à la sécurité des personnes ou au respect de la vie privée ; (iii) au déroulement des procédures engagées devant les instances juridictionnelles, extrajudiciaires ou disciplinaires ou d’opérations préliminaires à de telles procédures ; (iv) à la prévention, à la recherche ou à la poursuite de faits punissables ; (v) à des droits de propriété intellectuelle ; (vi) à un secret ou une confidentialité protégés par la loi ; (vii) aux missions de contrôle, d’inspection et de régulation des organismes visés au paragraphe 1er ; (viii) au caractère confidentiel des informations commerciales et industrielles communiquées aux organismes visés au paragraphe 1er ; (ix) à la capacité des organismes visés au paragraphe 1er de mener leur politique économique, financière, fiscale et commerciale si la publication des documents est de nature à entraver les processus de décision y relatifs ; (x) à la confidentialité des délibérations du Gouvernement. A7: La demande de communication peut être refusée si : (i) la demande concerne des documents en cours d’élaboration ou des documents inachevés ; (ii) la demande porte sur un document qui est déjà publié ou qui a été réalisé à des fins de commercialisation ; (iii) la demande est manifestement abusive par son nombre, son caractère systématique ou répétitif ; (iv) la demande concerne des communications internes. | Most of the exceptions are not harm tested |
Malta | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Norway | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Panama | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Artículo 14: La información definida por esta Ley como de acceso restringido no se podrá divulgar, por un periodo de diez años, contado a partir de su clasificación como tal, salvo que antes del cumplimiento del periodo de restricción dejen de existir razones que justificaban su acceso restringido. Se considerará de acceso restringido, cuando así sea declarado por el funcionario competente, de acuerdo con la presente Ley: 1. La información relativa a la seguridad nacional, manejada por los estamentos de seguridad. 2. Los secretos comerciales o la información comercial de carácter confidencial, obtenidos por el Estado, producto de la regulación de actividades económicas. 3. Los asuntos relacionados con procesos o jurisdiccionales adelantados por el Ministerio Público y el Órgano Judicial, los cuales sólo son accesibles para las partes del proceso, hasta que queden ejecutoriados. 4. La información que versa sobre procesos investigativos realizados por el Ministerio Público, la Fuerza Pública, la Policía Técnica Judicial, la Dirección General de Aduanas, el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad y Defensa, la Dirección de Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Contraloría General de la República, la Dirección de Análisis Financiero para la Prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales, la Comisión de Libre Competencia y Asuntos del Consumidor y el Ente Regulador de los Servicios Públicos. 5. La información sobre existencia de yacimientos minerales y petrolíferos. 6. Las memorias, notas, correspondencia y los documentos relacionados con negociaciones diplomáticas, comerciales e internacionales de cualquier índole. 7. Los documentos, archivos y transcripciones que naciones amigas proporcionen al paÃs en investigaciones penales, policivas o de otra naturaleza. 8. Las actas, notas, archivos y otros registros o constancias de las discusiones o actividades del Consejo de Gabinete, del Presidente o Vicepresidentes de la República, con excepción de aquellas correspondientes a discusiones o actividades relacionadas con las aprobaciones de los contratos. 9. La transcripción de las reuniones e información obtenida por las Comisiones de la Asamblea Legislativa, cuando se reúnan en el ejercicio de sus funciones fiscalizadoras para recabar información que podría estar incluida en los numerales anteriores. En caso de que las autoridades correspondientes consideren que deba continuarse el carácter de restringido de la información detallada en este artículo, corresponderá a los Órganos Ejecutivo, Legislativo o Judicial, según sea el caso, emitir resoluciones por las cuales se prorrogará hasta por un máximo de diez años adicionales, la restricción sobre la información mencionada en este artículo. En ningún caso el carácter de restringido podrá superar los veinte años, contados a partir de la primera clasificación, procediendo la divulgación de la información si antes del cumplimiento del periodo de restricción adicional dejaren de existir las razones que justificaban tal acceso restringido. El proceso de terminación de la restricción al acceso de la información opera de pleno derecho por el solo transcurso del tiempo, sin necesidad de resolución o acto administrativo alguno. En caso de que exista un documento que contenga en forma parcial información cuyo acceso se encuentre restringido en los términos de esta artículo, deberá proporcionarse el resto de la información que no esté exceptuada. | Article 14 of Law 6 of 2002: Information relative to national security. Commercial secrets or confidential commercial information obtained by the State. Information related to investigative processes undertaken by the police or AG. The reports, notes, correspondence and documents related to diplomatic, commercial and international negotiations of any kind. |
Paraguay | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 2. Public information: That produced, obtained under control or possession of public sources, regardless of format, medium, date of creation, origin, classification or processing, unless it is established as a secret or confidential nature by laws. | Because the law has no exceptions regime whatsover, it cannot score points on these indicators. |
Philippines | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Regulations definition of confidential information lacks harm tests, as do the following exceptions: 5, 9, 10, 17, 40, 42, 43, 45, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 80, 120, 122, 132, |
Poland | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 31.3 of the Constitution: Any limitation upon the exercise of constitutional freedoms and rights may be imposed only by statute, and only when necessary in a democratic state for the protection of its security or public order, or to protect the natural environment, health or public morals, or the freedoms and rights of other persons. Such limitations shall not violate the essence of freedoms and rights. | There is no harm test explicitly stated in the law that applies to the exceptions. However, Article 31.3 of the Constitution has a proportionality measure that would imply a harm test, but this is not guaranteed when initially considering to refuse disclosure. In practice, public officials do not really do a harm test but courts are more aware of the Constitutional rule and it is visible in the most of judgments (both regional and supreme administrative courts). |
Portugal | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Romania | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | No mention about a harm test that can apply to the exceptions listed. | |
Russia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | No harm test listed. | |
Slovakia | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Sudan | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | Disclosure of information relating to the following shall be excepted from the implementation of the provisions of this law: … (b) The documents … that are obtained in agreement with another state, (c) Secrets relating to national defense or state security, or its foreign policy if fifty years has not passed since their creation, (d) Information that contains an analysis, recommendations, proposals or consultations submitted before a decision has been made regarding them, and this includes correspondence and information exchanged between the concerned parties in that matter, (e) Personal information and files, and those relating to people’s educational or medical records, employment records, accounts, bank transfers, or professional secrets, and information of a commercial, industrial or economic nature relating to the procedures of tenders, or scientific or technical research the disclosure of which leads to the infringement of copyright, intellectual property or fair and legitimate competition, or leads to unlawful profit or loss for any person, (f) Correspondence of personal and secret nature, whether by mail, telegram, telephone or any other technological means, (g) Information the disclosure of which leads to influencing any ongoing negotiations, (h) Investigations conducted by judicial bodies or security bodies relating to any crime or case within their jurisdiction, in addition to the investigations conducted by the competent authorities to uncover financial and customs or bank violations if the relevant body does not authorize their disclosure, (i) Any information obtained by the public institution from another institution privately and in confidence, (j) Information that contains trade secrets or information that may lead to commercial damages, (k) Any information that have a date of publication already established for the current year. | Obtained from other States; relating to defence, security or foreign policy; analysis and recommendations before a decision has been made; influencing ongoing negotiations; investigations by judicial bodies or to uncover financial violations |
Switzerland | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | No harm test listed. | |
Togo | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | For the exceptions, see Articles 2, 6, 20-21, 25-33 and 35-45. Exceptions without harm tests: Article 20 : Dans un document, tous les renseignements qui concernent une personne physique et permettent de l'identifier sont personnels. Article 21 : Les renseignements personnels sont confidentiels et par conséquent exclus des informations pouvant être consultées par l'administré .... Article 28 : Aucun organisme public ne peut communiquer une information dont la publication a pour effet de révéler un mandat ou une stratégie de négociation. Il peut également refuser de communiquer une étude préparée en vue de l'imposition d'une taxe, d'un tarif ou d'une redevance. Article 32 : Aucun organisme public ne peut communiquer une information portant sur le secret industriel, un renseignement industriel, financier, commercial, scientifique, technique ou syndical de nature confidentielle d'une tierce société fournie par cette dernière et habituellement traitée de façon confidentielle, sans son consentement. Article 42 : Tout organisme public peut refuser de communiquer une information dont la publication aurait pour effet de révéler une politique budgétaire du gouvernement avant que le ministre chargé des finances ne la rende publique. | |
Trinidad and Tobago | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 24. (1) A document is an exempt document if it is - (a) the official record of any deliberation or decision of Cabinet; (b) a document that has been prepared by a Minister of Government or on his behalf or by a public authority for the purpose of submission for consideration by Cabinet or a document which has been considered by Cabinet and which is related to issues that are or have been before Cabinet; (c) a document prepared for the purpose of briefing a Minister of Government in relation to issues to be considered by Cabinet; (d) a document that is a copy or draft of, or contains extracts from, a document referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or (e) a document the disclosure of which would involve the disclosure of any deliberation or decision of Cabinet, other than a document by which a decision of Cabinet was officially published. 26. "A document is an exempt document if disclosure under this Act would be contrary to the public interest and disclosure - (...) (d) would divulge any information communicated in confidence by or on behalf of an international organisation of states or a body thereof to the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago or to a person receiving a communication on behalf of that international organisation or body." 27. (1) Subject to this section, a document is an exempt document if it is a document the disclosure of which under this Act - (a) would disclose matter in the nature of opinion, advice or recommendation prepared by an officer or Minister of Government, or consultation or deliberation that has taken between officers, Ministers of Government, or an officer and a Minister of Government, in the course of, or for the purpose of, the deliberative processes involved in the functions of a public authority; and (b) would be contrary to the public interest. (2) In the case of a document of the kind referred to in section 8(1), the matter referred to in subsection (1)(a) does not include - (a) matter that is provided for the use or guidance of, or is used or may be used for, the purpose of making decisions or recommendations, or enforcing written laws or schemes, referred to in section 8(1); (b) factual information; (c) the analysis, interpretation or evaluation of, or any projection based on factual information; (d) a statistical survey; (e) a report by a valuator, whether or not the valuator is an officer of the public authority; (f) an environmental impact statement or similar record; (g) a report of a test carried out on a product for the purpose of purchasing equipment for a public authority or a consumer test report; (h) a report or study on the performance or efficiency of a public authority, whether the report or study is of a general nature or is in respect of a particular programme or policy; (i) a feasibility or other technical study, including a cost estimate, relating to a policy or project of a public authority; (j) a report containing the results of field research undertaken before the formulation of a policy proposal; (k) a final plan or proposal to change a programme of a public authority, or for the establishment of a new programme, including a budgetary estimate for the programme, whether or not the plan or proposal is subject to approval, unless the plan or proposal is to be submitted to Cabinet or a committee or subcommittee of Cabinet; (l) a report of an interdepartmental committee task force within a public authority, which has been established for the purpose of preparing a report on a particular topic, unless the report is to be submitted to Cabinet or a committee or subcommittee of Cabinet; (m) a report of a committee, council or other body which is attached to a public authority and which has been established for the purpose of undertaking inquiries and making reports and recommendations to the public authority; (n) the reasons for a final decision, order or ruling of a public authority made during or at the conclusion of the exercise of discretionary power conferred by or under a written law or scheme administered by the public authority, whether or not the written law or scheme allows an appeal to be taken against the decision, order or ruling, and whether or not the reasons - (I) are contained in an internal memorandum of the public authority or in a letter from an officer or employee of the public authority; or (II) were given by the officer who made the decision, order or ruling or were incorporated by reference into the decision, order or ruling. (3) Where a decision is made under Part III that an applicant is not entitled to access to a document by reason of the application of this section, the notice under section 23 shall state the public interest considerations on which the decision is based. (4) Subsection (1) shall cease to apply to a document brought into existence on or after the commencement of this Act when a period of ten years has elapsed since the last day of the year in which the document came into existence. 31. (1) A document is an exempt document if its disclosure under this Act would disclose information acquired by a public authority from a business, commercial or financial undertaking, and - (a) the information relates to trade secrets or other matters of a business, commercial or financial nature; | 24(1) - cabinet documents. 26(d) information received in confidence. S. 27 Ministerial documents. 31(1)(a) - trade secrets. |
Venezuela | A harm test applies to all exceptions, so that it is only where disclosure poses a risk of actual harm to a protected interest that it may be refused. | Score 4 points and then deduct 1 point for each exception which is not subject to the harm test | 4 | NO | 0 | 7. A los efectos de esta Ley, se considera información disponible la totalidad de la información de interés público que esté en posesión de los sujetos obligados, sin menoscabo de las excepciones establecidas en la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y la ley. Los sujetos obligados podrán, mediante decisión motivada, exceptuarse de proveer la información cuando el acceso a ella pudiere vulnerar los derechos humanos, comprometer la defensa o seguridad integral, generar una amenaza para el normal desarrollo socioeconómico de la República, afectar la salud pública o el orden público. Constitution 143. Los ciudadanos y ciudadanas tienen derecho a ser informados e informadas oportuna y verazmente por la Administración Pública, sobre el estado de las actuaciones en que estén directamente interesados e interesadas, y a conocer las resoluciones definitivas que se adopten sobre el particular. Asimismo, tienen acceso a los archivos y registros administrativos, sin perjuicio de los límites aceptables dentro de una sociedad democrática en materias relativas a seguridad interior y exterior, a investigación criminal y a la intimidad de la vida privada, de conformidad con la ley que regule la materia de clasificación de documentos de contenido confidencial o secreto. ... | Points lost for "affect" public health, "affect" public order, "compromise" defense and "generate a threat" to development. |
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