By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 14(1) Where a request is refused, in whole or in part, on the basis that the information is prohibited from public access, the Public Information Officer shall provide written notice to the applicant, specifying the exact prohibition and legal provision relied upon. (2) Public Information Officer shall provide details regarding the right of the applicant to lodge a complaint against a decision rejecting his or her request for information. | |
Albania | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 14(4) In every case, the refusal decision of the given form requested is given in writing along with the reasoning about it". Code of Administrative Procedures (Law 44/2015), Article 7.2: In cases in which access to the information requested [pursuant to the right to information legislation] is denied, the public authority shall adopt a reasoned decision in writing, which shall also include instructions on the exercise of the right of appeal and shall be immediately notified to the parties. | |
Angola | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 15(1) The entity to whom a request for access to a document is made, must within a period of 10 days: (a) communicate the date, place and manner in which to consult the document, reproduce it, or obtain a certified copy thereof; (b) in terms of the provisions of Article 67 of the procedures for public authorities approved by Decree-Law 16-A/95, of 15 December, give reasons for the complete or partial refusal to grant access to the requested document; (c) notify that the document is not within its possession and, if it knows of its whereabouts, point out the entity that possesses the document, or pass the request on to the latter and so inform the interested party; | |
Antigua and Barbuda | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 19(1) The response pursuant to section 18 to a request for information shall be made in writing and state (b) adequate reasons for the refusal in relation to any part of the request which is not granted subject only to Part IV; (d) the right of appeal to the Commissioner or to a judicial review available to the applicant. | |
Argentina | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Acceso A La Información Pública, Decree 206/2017, 13. El acto denegatorio de la solicitud de información deberá ser puesto en conocimiento del solicitante en el lugar de contacto fijado al momento de realizar la solicitud, indicándose las vías de reclamo existentes contra dicho acto, los plazos para su interposición y los requisitos formales establecidos en el artículo 16 de la Ley Nº 27.275. Agencia De Acceso A La Información Pública, Resolution 268/2019, Annex 1, En el caso en que la información se encuentre en poder del sujeto obligado y éste entienda que corresponde restringir su publicidad, deberá: i. Justificar la denegatoria en la aplicación de alguno de los supuestos de excepción contemplados en el artículo 8° de la ley N° 27.275, que deberá transcribirse. Si fuera además de aplicación una norma distinta que fundamente la excepción corresponderá también su transcripción. | |
Armenia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(3) In case of declining a written information request, information holder inform the applicant about it within 5 days in a written form, by mentioning the ground for the refusal (relevant norm of the law), time frame within which the decision of refusal was made, as well as the relevant appealing procedure. | |
Australia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 26 Reasons and other particulars of decisions to be given (1) Where, in relation to a request, a decision is made relating to a refusal to grant access to a document in accordance with the request or deferring provision of access to a document, the decision‑maker shall cause the applicant to be given notice in writing of the decision, and the notice shall: (a) state the findings on any material questions of fact, referring to the material on which those findings were based, and state the reasons for the decision; and (aa) in the case of a decision to refuse to give access to a conditionally exempt document—include in those reasons the public interest factors taken into account in making the decision; and (b) where the decision relates to a document of an agency, state the name and designation of the person giving the decision; and (c) give to the applicant appropriate information concerning: (i) his or her rights with respect to review of the decision; (ii) his or her rights to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner in relation to the decision; and (iii) the procedure for the exercise of the rights referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii); including (where applicable) particulars of the manner in which an application for internal review (Part VI) and IC review (Part VII) may be made. (1A) Section 13 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 does not apply to a decision referred to in subsection (1). (2) A notice under this section is not required to contain any matter that is of such a nature that its inclusion in a document of an agency would cause that document to be an exempt document. | |
Azerbaijan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 21.3. The response to the refusal to provide the information request shall be made in a clear and substantiated manner, indicating the relevant articles of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 27.1. The information request is considered executed in the following cases:...27.1.4. when the requester is given a reasoned response to the refusal to execute the information request. Article 27-1. Complaint about refusal or improper execution of the information request. The applicant has the right to appeal to the court or the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan against the refusal or improper execution of the request. The owner of the information requesting the information shall explain to the requester this right and state it in the response (information) provided. | |
Bahamas | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 7. Application for access. (5) Where the public authority decides to refuse, defer, or extend the response period, it shall state on the application— (a) the reasons for so doing; and (b) any options available to an applicant. | See also s. 12 for notice about severed material. |
Belize | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | SECTION 21 (1) Where, in relation to a request for access to a document of a Ministry or prescribed authority, a decision is made under this Part that the applicant is not entitled to access to the document in accordance with the request or that provision of access to the document be deferred, the Ministry or prescribed authority shall cause the applicant to be given notice in writing of the decision, and the notice shall- (a)state the findings on any material questions of fact, referring to the material on which those findings were based, and the reasons for the decision; (b) where the decision relates to a document of any Ministry or prescribed authority, state the name and designation of the person giving the decision; and (c) inform the applicant of his right to apply for a review of the decision. (2) A Ministry or prescribed authority is not required to include in a notice under subsection (1) any matter that is of such a nature that its inclusion in a document would cause that document to be an exempt document. | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 12 Inability to Comply with a Request 1. "Should a public authority be unable to comply with a request owing to the absence of formal requirements as provided for in Article 11(2) or (3) of this Act, it shall, as soon as possible and no later than 8 days from receipt of the request, notify the requester in writing, where such notification is possible, that the request cannot be processed for that reason. This notice shall inform the requester of the availability of appeal, the specific body to whom the appeal should be addressed including the necessary contact information, and the dead line for and cost of filing an appeal. The notice shall also inform the requester of his or her right to apply to the Ombudsman, and shall include the necessary contact information." | |
Brazil | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 11. paragraph 1. II - point out the de facto or de jure reasons for totally or partially denying the intended access, Paragraph 4. When access is not authorized because the information is totally or partially classified, the applicant shall be informed of the possibilities of appeal, time frames and conditions for interposal, and shall also be referred to the competent authority for its examination. | |
Bulgaria | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 38. A decision refusing access to public information shall state the legal and factual grounds for the refusal under this act, the date of the decision and the procedure for its appeal. | |
Canada | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 10 (1) Where the head of a government institution refuses to give access to a record requested under this Act or a part thereof, the head of the institution shall state in the notice given under paragraph 7(a) (a) that the record does not exist, or (b) the specific provision of this Act on which the refusal was based or, where the head of the institution does not indicate whether a record exists, the provision on which a refusal could reasonably be expected to be based if the record existed, and shall state in the notice that the person who made the request has a right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner about the refusal. | |
Cook Islands | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 21. Reason for refusal to be given – Where a request made in accordance with section 11 of this Act is refused, the Ministry or Minister of the Crown or organisation, shall, - (a) subject to section 9 of this Act, give to the applicant in writing – (i) the reason for its refusal; and (ii) if the applicant so requests, the grounds in support of that reason, unless the giving of those grounds would itself prejudice the interests protected by section 6 or section 7 or section 8 of this Act and (in the case of the interests protected by section 8 of this Act) there is no countervailing public interest; and (b) give to the applicant information concerning the applicant’s right, by way of complaint under section 30 of this Act to the Ombudsman, to seek an investigation and review of the refusal. | |
Croatia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | The General Administrative Procedure Act, Art.98.6. "The instructions on the legal remedy shall inform the party whether it is possible to lodge an appeal or institute an administrative dispute against the decision, before which body, in what time limit and in which manner." | General provisions on the content of the decision in administrative procedure. |
Cyprus | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | "Article 18 (Rejection of Request for Information) 18.-(1) Δημόσια αρχή η οποία, σε σχέση με οποιαδήποτε αίτηση για παροχή πληροφοριών, ισχυρίζεται ότι εφαρμόζεται οποιαδήποτε διάταξη του Μέρους ΙΙΙ αναφορικά με την υποχρέωση επιβεβαίωσης ή άρνησης κατοχής ή την παροχή πληροφοριών, κοινοποιεί στον αιτητή, εντός των προθεσμιών που προβλέπονται για την τήρηση των υποχρεώσεών της που προκύπτουν από τις διατάξεις του εδαφίου (1) του άρθρου 8, ειδοποίηση στην οποία - (α) Δηλώνει την απόφασή της για απόρριψη της αίτησης· (β) καταγράφει την εξαίρεση στην οποία στηρίζεται η απόφασή της· και (γ) καταγράφει τους λόγους για τους οποίους εφαρμόζεται η εξαίρεση. ... (7) Ειδοποίηση που κοινοποιείται στον αιτητή δυνάμει των διατάξεων των εδαφίων (1), (3), (5) και (6) περιλαμβάνει λεπτομέρειες αναφορικά με - (α) Οποιαδήποτε διαδικασία παρέχεται από τη δημόσια αρχή για την αντιμετώπιση παραπόνων αναφορικά με το χειρισμό αιτημάτων για παροχή πληροφοριών ή δήλωση ότι δεν παρέχεται τέτοια διαδικασία, και (β) τη διαδικασία υποβολής παραπόνου στον Επίτροπο, όπως προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 42." | Must give reasons, and inform about appeals procedures |
Czech Republic | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 15 (2). "(2) If the request has not been satisfied for the reasons of trade secret protection under Section 9 or the protection of the rights of third parties to the subject of copyright under Section 11 (2) c), the decision justification must indicate who exercises the right to this trade secret or who exercises property rights to this subject of copyright, if the party is known to the obligated body." | |
El Salvador | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 72 El Oficial de Información deberá resolver: a. Si con base en una clasificación de reserva preexistente, niega el acceso a la información. b. Si la información solicitada es o no de carácter confidencial. c. Si concede el acceso a la información. La resolución del Oficial de Información deberá hacerse por escrito y será notificada al interesado en el plazo. La concesión de la información podrá hacerse constar con una razón al margen de la solicitud. En caso de ser negativa la resolución, siempre deberá fundar y motivar las razones de la denegatoria de la información e indicar al solicitante el recurso que podrá interponer ante el Instituto. | |
Ethiopia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 14(3) Upon receiving request for information, the public relation officer, in accordance with sub-article (1): of this Article shall as expeditiously as possible either provide the information requested up on payment of the prescribed fee, or provide a written response stating the reasons for rejecting the request on any of the grounds specified under Chapter Three of this Proclamation notifying the requester his rights of appeal. However the response shall in any case be made not more than thirty working days, of the receipt of the request. | |
Finland | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | [Principles of Openness] Article 14. If the official [...] refuses to grant the requested access, he/she shall inform the person requesting access of the reason for the refusal; [...] | |
France | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 25, Created by Ordinance n ° 2005-650 of June 6, 2005 - Article 10 JORF June 7, 2005. Any decision refusing access to administrative documents or an unfavourable decision concerning the reuse of public information shall be notified to the applicant in the form of a reasoned written decision setting out the means and time limits for appeal. | |
Gambia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 14(8) If the request for information is refused, the notice referred to in sub-sections (1) and (2) shall- (a) state the reasons for the refusal, based on the contents and substance of the request and the information considered by the Information Officer; (b) contain a reference to specific provisions of this Act upon which the refusal is based; and (c) inform the requester that he or she may apply for a review of the decision in accordance with section 39. | |
Georgia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 41 Refusal to issue public information 1. A public institution must immediately notify an applicant of the refusal to issue public information. 2. If a public institution refuses to issue public information, it shall be obliged, within three days from making the decision, to explain to the applicant in writing his/her rights and appeal procedure, as well as to specify the structural subdivision or the public institution with whom consultations were held when making a decision to refuse to issue the information. | A public agency shall inform the applicants about the decision, its ground, and applicable regulation. |
Greece | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 5(6) The refusal of the-right under paragraphs 1 and 2 should be justified and notified in writing to the applicant within one (1) month after the submission of the application. Article 16(1) The administrative deed is in writing, states the issuing authority and the applicable provisions and bears the date and signature of the competent body. The individual administrative deed also states the possibility, if any, of filing a special administrative or remedial appeal under article 25 and mentions the competent body for examination, the time limit and the consequences of failure to file such appeal. Any appeal made in accordance with the said information of the service cannot produce consequences against the appellant. The failure to mention the applicable provisions and the information stated in the second sentence does not imply that the deed is invalid. | |
Guinea | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 18(3) En cas de rejet de la demande, la décision de refus doit être écrite et motivée avec mention des délais, des modalités de recours et des structures compétentes pour en statuer conformément aux articles 38, 39 et 40 de la présente loi. Chapitre 5 : Du refus de communiquer les informations par un organisme En cas de refus, le demandeur en est informé par une lettre motivée. L'effet de refus prend fin avec l'expiration des motifs exprimés par la réponse à la demande d'accès. | |
Guyana | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 23(1) Where in relation to a request for access to a document of a public authority, a decision is made under this Part that the applicant is not entitled to access to the document in accordance with the request or that provision of access to the document be deferred or that no such document exists, the Commissioner of Information shall cause the applicant to be given notice in writing of the decision, and the notice shall - (a) state the reasons for the decision; (b) where the decision does not relate to a request for access to a document which if it existed, would be an exempt document but access is given to a document in accordance with section 19(2), state that the document is a copy of a document from which exempt information has been deleted; (c) inform the applicant of his right to apply to the High Court for judicial review of the decision; (d) so state where the decision is to the effect that the document does not exist or cannot, after a thorough and diligent search, be located. (2) In a notice under subsection (1), the Commissioner of Information - (a) shall not be required to include any matter that is of such a nature that its inclusion in a document of a public authority would cause that document to be an exempt document; (b) if the decision relates to a request for access to a document which is an exempt document under section 27, 28 or 31 or which, if it existed, would be an exempt document under section 27, 28 or 31, may state the decision in terms which neither confirm nor deny the existence of any document. | |
Hungary | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 30(3) The applicant must be notified of the rejection, the reasons for the rejection, as well as information on legal redress options the individual is entitled to pursuant to the present Act in writing, or electronically should the request have been submitted via email, within a period of eight days. [...] | |
India | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7(8) Where a request has been rejected under sub-section (1), the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, shall communicate to the person making the request, (i) the reasons for such rejection; (ii) the period within which an appeal against such rejection may be preferred; and (iii) the particulars of the appellate authority. | |
Ireland | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 13(2)(d) if the request aforesaid is refused, whether wholly or in part - (i) the reasons for the refusal, and (ii) unless the refusal is pursuant to section 28(5), 31(4), 32(2), 33(4), 35(4), 36(4) or 37(6), any provision of this Act pursuant to which the request is refused and the findings on any material issues relevant to the decision and particulars of any matter relating to the public interest taken into consideration for the purposes of the decision [...] | |
Israel | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 7(6) In the event that the public authority decides to reject the request, whether completely or partially, the applicant shall be notified in writing, including an explanation listing the reasons for the decision, and shall inform the applicant of his right to appeal the decision, under the instructions of Section 17. | |
Ivory Coast | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 13. Les délais prévus à l’article précédent peuvent être renouvelés une seule fois dans le cas où leur observation entraverait le fonctionnement de l’organisme, en raison soit du grand nombre de documents demandés, soit de l’ampleur des recherches à effectuer pour donner suite à la demande. A l’expiration de ces délais, il est notifié au requérant un avis de prorogation. Cet avis l’informe de son droit d’exercer un recours contre la décision de prorogation devant la Commission d’accès à l’information prévue par la présente loi. 16. La décision de refus de communication doit être écrite, motivée et notifiée au requérant. Elle indique, en outre, les voies de recours appropriées. | |
Kenya | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 9(4) As soon as the information access officer has made a decision as to whether to provide access to information, he or she shall immediately communicate the decision to the requester, indicating - (a) whether or not the public entity or private body holds the information sought; (b) whether the request for information is approved; (c) if the request is declined the reasons for making that decision, including the basis for deciding that the information sought is exempt, unless the reasons themselves would be exempt information; and (d) if the request is declined, a statement about how the requester may appeal to the Commission; [...] | |
Kosovo | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 12(1) The public institution shall, within seven (7) days from the date of recording the request, issue a decision to grant access to the requested document or render a justified decision for the full or partial refusal and inform the applicant of the right to request reconsideration of his request as well when and where to submit such request. 17(7) The public institution completely or partially refusing access to a public document shall issue a decision on refusal stating the reasons for refusal and explaining how it conducted the test pursuant to Article 18 of this Law and how it reached the conclusion to refuse access according to paragraph 2 of this Article. (8) The decision shall be in writing and be submitted to the applicant personally, via registered mail or e-mail, if the applicant has used this method to request the public document and must contain the remedy that the applicant may use against the decision for refusal. | |
Kyrgyzstan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 18.3 The response to the request includes: (4) the grounds, terms and procedure for appealing the response to the inquiry, indicating the name and contact details of the bodies authorized to consider complaints about violations of the provisions of this Law. 21.2. Refusal to provide information shall contain the following information: 1) a brief description of the requested information, specific references to the provisions of the legislation on the basis of which access to the information was denied, the surname, initials and position of the person responsible for providing the response; 2) the grounds, terms and procedure for appealing the response to the inquiry, indicating the name and contact details of the bodies authorized to consider complaints about violation of the provisions of this Law. | |
Latvia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 12. Refusing Requested Information and Procedures by which a Statement is Provided regarding the Requested Information "(1) If an institution refuses to provide information which has been requested in writing, it shall specify in its written refusal on what grounds the request has been, wholly or in part, refused, and where and within what time period this refusal may be appealed. <...>" | |
Malawi | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 25. Where an information holder refuses to disclose information which has been requested either in whole or in part, the information holder shall, in writing, notify the applicant of the refusal and - (a) state the grounds for the refusal including the specific provisions of this Act relied on to justify its decision; and (b) inform the applicant of the availability of a process for reviewing the decision, the institution to which the review may be lodged and the period within which the application for review may be made. | |
Maldives | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 12 Where a request for access to information is received to a State Institute, it shall reply to the applicant in writing: (d) Where the information requested is in the custody of the State Institute but cannot be disclosed, the reason(s) for non-disclosure; (f) Where the applicant receives response in accordance to subsections (b), (c), (d) and (e) of this section, he has the right to appeal under this Act. | |
Malta | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 15. "(1) Where a request made in accordance with this Act is refused, the public authority shall - (a) subject to article 34, give the applicant the reasons for the refusal; and (b) state that the applicant has the right, under article 23, to seek an investigation and review by the Commissioner of the refusal." | |
Mexico | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 20. In case of refusal of access to information or the lack thereof, the obligor must demonstrate that the requested information is include in one of the exceptions contained in this Act or, where appropriate, demonstrate that the information does not refer to any of its powers, duties or functions. Article 103. In cases where access to information is denied for any of the cases regarding classification, the Transparency Committee shall confirm, modify or revoke the decision. In order to motivate the classification of the information and extension of the confidentiality period, the reasons, grounds or special circumstances leading the regulated entity to conclude that the particular case fits the assumption provided by the statute invoked as grounds must be stated. In addition, the regulated entity shall, at all times, apply a harm test. In the case of the information that updates the classification assumptions, the term it is subject to confidentiality must be stated. Article 104. In applying the harm test, the regulated entity must justify that: (I). The disclosure of the information represents a real, demonstrable and identifiable risk of significant harm to the public interest or national security; (II). The harm risk that the disclosure would mean exceeds the public interest of being disseminated, and (III). The limitation is consistent with the principle of proportionality and is the least restrictive means available to avoid harm. Article 105. The regulated entities shall apply, in a restrictive and limited way, the exceptions to the right of access to information under this Title and must prove their suitability. | |
Moldova | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 19. Denial of access to information (1) Refusal to provide a piece of official information or document will be explained in writing; such an explanation will include the date, on which the answer was made, the name of the officer in charge, the grounds for refusal with a mandatory reference to the normative act (title, number, adoption date, source of official publication) on which the refusal is based, as well as the procedure for contesting the refusal, including the prescription term. | |
Morocco | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 18(1) En cas de refus, en tout ou en partie, de la demande d'accès à l'information, les institutions ou les organismes concernés doivent motiver leur réponse par écrit, notamment dans les cas suivants : …. (2) La réponse doit inclure le droit de l'intéressé à déposer une plainte au sujet du refus de sa demande. | |
Namibia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 37(7) If a request for access to information is refused, the notice referred to in subsection (2) or (3) must - (a) state reasons for the refusal, based on the contents and substance of the request and the information considered by the information officer; (b) contain a reference to specific provisions of this Act or any other law on which the refusal is based; and (c) inform the requester that he or she may apply to the head of the information holder for review of the decision in accordance with section 48. 49(3) If the head of the information holder or staff member decides to grant access to information, the notice to the requester referred to in subsection (2) must state -....(c) that the requester may appeal to the Information Commissioner under section 59 against the decision in respect of the reproduction fee, translation fee or transcription fee payable or the form of access, and the process for lodging the appeal. | |
Netherlands | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 5: The decision on an application for information shall be given verbally or in writing. 2. The applicant shall receive written notification of a refusal to disclose all or part of the information for which he applied in writing. If the application was made verbally, the applicant shall receive, on request, written notification of the refusal. This option shall be brought to the attention of the applicant. Netherland Administrative Law Act and in enforceable regulations related with it. | In the FOIA, the concerned applicant will be notified of the refusal, but there is no mention about an obligation to give reasons or to inform about the relevant appeal procedures. This can be found in the Netherland Administrative Law Act. |
New Zealand | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 19 Reason for refusal to be given Where a request made in accordance with section 12 is refused, the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation, shall, (a) subject to section 10, give to the applicant (i) the reason for its refusal; and (ii) if the applicant so requests, the grounds in support of that reason, unless the giving of those grounds would itself prejudice the interests protected by section 6 or section 7 or section 9 and (in the case of the interests protected by section 9) there is no countervailing public interest; and (b) give to the applicant information concerning the applicant's right, by way of complaint under section 28(3) to an Ombudsman, to seek an investigation and review of the refusal. | |
Nicaragua | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 33.- Las entidades consideradas en la presente Ley, están obligadas a entregar información sencilla y comprensible a la persona sobre los trámites y procedimientos que deben efectuarse, las autoridades o instancias competentes, la forma de realizarlos, ayudarán a llenar los formularios si existiesen, así como las entidades ante las que se puede acudir para solicitar orientación o formular quejas, consultas o reclamos sobre la prestación del servicio o sobre el ejercicio de las funciones o competencias a cargo de la autoridad de que se trate. | Art 33 requires entities to deliver information about appeals and complaints. Art 36 requires refusals to contain reasons. |
North Macedonia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 20 "(3) In cases mentioned in paragraph (2) hereunder, the decision shall contain an elaboration of the reasons due to which the request in question has been rejected." According to the Law on the General Administrative Procedure, Art 213 "(1) With the instructions on legal remedies, the party shall be informed whether he/she shall have the right to file an appeal or to institute an administrative dispute or other court proceedings against the decision." | |
Norway | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 31. (Refusal and justification for the same): "Refusal of a request for access shall be in writing. An administrative agency shall always indicate the section on which the refusal was based, and any further subdivision of that section that has been applied.<...>" | |
Pakistan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(2) The designated official shall process the request and by notice in writing inform the applicant that- (b) the request has been rejected- (iv) in whole or in part, on the basis that the information is exempt subject to section 7 or section 16 , in which case the notice shall specify the exact exception relied upon and specifying details regarding the right of the applicant to appeal against this decision. | |
Paraguay | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 14 Incompetence. If the required public source does not have the requested public information, not competent to deliver it or not have it, you must send the presentation to that qualified for such effect. Article 19 Denial. One may deny the public information required by reasoned decision, which shall be issued by the highest authority of the requested public source, who expressed the pleas of fact and law on which the decision is based. In this case, the public fountain shall inform the applicant, regarding the procedural avenues that are granted to the claim of the decision as well as the relevant statutory bodies to hear the matter. | This seems to be a requirement for notification. The level of specificity required in the reasoning for rejection is not completely clear… but close enough to give them the benefit of the doubt here. |
Poland | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 16(1) The refusal to make the public information available and discontinuation of proceedings to make the information available in the case defined in Article 14, it. 2 by the body of public authority takes place by means of a decision. (2) In relation to the decision, defined in it. 1, the provisions of the Code of Administrative Proceedings shall apply, however: 1) the appellation from the decision is investigated within 14 days, 2) the justification of the decision on the refusal of making the information available includes also the names, surnames, and these persons' functions, who took decision under the procedure on making the information available and marking the entities, in relation to whose goods, defined in Article 5, it. 2, the decision on the refusal to make information available was issued. | The Act refers directly to the Code of Administrative Proceedings which specifies the obligatory elements of the decision. Those elements are inter alia exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. |
Portugal | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 14.1: The body to which an application for access to an administrative document is made shall, within ten days: a) Communicate the date, place and means on, in and by which the consultation, if one is requested, is to take place; b) Issue the requested reproduction or certificate; c) Communicate in writing the reasons for any total or partial denial of access to the desired document, together with a description of the guarantees applicable to administrative and litigious appeals against the decision in question; d) Inform the applicant that it does not possess the document and, if it knows what body does hold it, send the application to that body with a copy to the applicant; e) Expound any doubts which it has about the decision it has to make to CADA, in order that the latter may issue a formal opinion thereon. | The body shall communicate in writing the reasons for any total or partial denial of access to the desired document, together with a description of the guarantees applicable to administrative and litigious appeals against the decision in question. |
Romania | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7(2): The refusal to communicate the requested information shall be motivated and communicated within 5 days of the receipt of petitions. | No mention of the relevant appeal procedures. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(1) | |
Saudi Arabia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 7.2 Principle Two Any restrictions on requesting access or obtaining protected information received, produced, or managed by public entities must be justified in a clear and explicit manner.7.3 Second The right to be informed about the reason for the denial of the request for access to information. 7.4(9) The public entity shall notify the applicant - in an appropriate manner - in the event the request is rejected in whole or part, explaining the reasons for the denial and the right to appeal and how to exercise this right within a period not exceeding (15) days after the making the decision. The main steps for the request to access public information: (page 46 - 47) Second: 2. Denial: If the public entity denies a request to access to or obtain information, rejection decision should be communicated in writing or electronically and should include the following information: o Whether the request is denied, in whole or in part; o A concise statement for the basis of denial, if applicable; o Notice of a right to appeal such denial, including notice as to the time and manner in which any appeal must be taken. | |
Serbia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 16. Paragraph 10: "In the event a public authority refuses to inform the applicant, either entirely or partially, whether it holds the sought information, to allow the applicant insight in the document containing the requested information, to issue i.e. send to the applicant a copy of the document, it shall be obliged to issue a decision on the rejection of the request and give a written explanation of such a decision, and to notify the applicant in the decision of the legal means at his/her disposal to appeal such a decision." | |
Seychelles | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(8) If the request for information is refused, the notice referred to in subsections (1) and (2) shall— (a) state the reasons for the refusal, based on the contents and substance of the request and the information considered by the Information Officer; (b) contain a reference to specific provisions of this Act upon which the refusal is based; and (c) inform the requester that he or she may apply for a review of the decision in accordance with section 34. | |
Slovakia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 18 Compliance with request and issuance of decision: \"(1)If the obliged person provides the applicant with r equired information to the extent and in the manner under Section 16 within the statutory period, the obliged person shall issue a decision that is to be record ed in file. No appeal is possible against this decision.\" | |
Slovenia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 22. "(4) The decision to refuse shall also contain, among other components, the explanation of grounds for the refusal of the request, as well as a caution on legal remedy." | |
South Africa | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 25(3) If the request for access is refused, the notice in terms of subsection (1)(b) must— (a) state adequate reasons for the refusal, including the provisions of this Act relied upon; (b) exclude, from such reasons, any reference to the content of the record; and (c) state that the requester may lodge an internal appeal, complaint to the Information Regulator or an application with a court, as the case may be, against the refusal of the request, and the procedure (including the period) for lodging the internal appeal, complaint to the Information Regulator or application, as the case may be. | |
South Korea | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(4) When it decides not to disclose information pursuant to Article 11, a public institution shall promptly notify in writing the relevant applicant of such fact. In such cases, the public institution shall indicate the grounds for deciding not to disclose the information, and methods of and procedures for raising an objection in a concrete manner. | |
South Sudan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 11(2) requires reasons, 11(4) requires the appeals avenue. | |
Spain | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 20 (Resolución): 2. Serán motivadas las resoluciones que denieguen el acceso, las que concedan el acceso parcial o a través de una modalidad distinta a la solicitada y las que permitan el acceso cuando haya habido oposición de un tercero. Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y del Procedimiento Administrativo Común. Artículo 89 (Contenido): 3. Las resoluciones contendrán la decisión, que será motivada en los casos a que se refiere el artículo 54. Expresarán, además, los recursos que contra la misma procedan, órgano administrativo o judicial ante el que hubieran de presentarse y plazo para interponerlos, sin perjuicio de que los interesados puedan ejercitar cualquier otro que estimen oportuno. | |
Sri Lanka | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 25. (1) An information officer shall, as expeditiously as possible and in any case within fourteen working days of the receipt of a request under section 24, make a decision either to provide the information requested for on the payment of a fee determined in accordance with the fee schedule referred to in section 14(e) or to reject the request on any one or more of the grounds referred to in section 5 of this Act, and shall forthwith communicate such decision to the citizen who made the request. Article 28. Where a request for information is refused by an information officer, such officer shall specify the following information in the communication to be sent under section 25(1), to the citizen who made the request (a) the grounds on which such request is refused; and (b) the period within which and the person to whom an appeal against such refusal may be preferred under section 32 of this Act. | |
Sweden | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Sweden's Administrative Procedure Act, Article 20; Article 21, Paragraph 2. | |
Switzerland | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 12 (Decision of the Authority). Section 4: "The authority shall inform the applicant, with summary grounds, of any extension of the deadline, limitation or denial of access. Information concerning the limitation or denial of access, as well as the grounds therefore, shall be conveyed in writing." | |
Tanzania | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 11(1) Where access to information is requested, the information holder to which the request is made shall, as soon as practicable but not exceeding thirty days after the request is received- (a) give written notice to the person who made the request as to whether the information exists and, if it does, whether access to the information or part thereof shall be given; and (b) if access is to be given, promptly give the person requesting access to the information or part thereof in a manner prescribed under this Act. Section 14(1) Where the information holder refuses to give access to information requested, either in whole or in part, such information holder shall, in writing, notify the person requesting the information of the refusal and shall, in the notification: (a) set out reasons for the refusal and all material issues relating to the decision, including the specific provision of this Act and the factors taken into consideration in relation to the public interest; (b) inform the person who made the request of the availability of a review in accordance with section 19 within which an application for review may be made; (c) where the decision is to the effect that the information does not exist, state that a thorough and diligent search was made to locate the information. See also Regulation 7(2) for severed information. | |
Trinidad and Tobago | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 23. (1) Where in relation to a request for access to a document of a public authority, a decision is made under this Part that the applicant is not entitled to access to the document in accordance with the request or that provision of access to the document be deferred or that no such document exists, the public authority shall cause the applicant to be given notice in writing of the decision, and the notice shall - (a) state the findings on any material question of fact, referring to the material on which those findings were based, and the reasons for the decision; (b) where the decision relates to a public authority, state the name and designation of the person giving the decision; (c) where the decision does not relate to a request for access to a document which if it existed, would be an exempt document but access is given to a document in accordance with section 16(2), state that the document is a copy of a document from which exempt information has been deleted; (d) inform the applicant of his right to apply to the High Court for judicial review of the decision and the time within which the application for review is required to be made; (e) where the decision is to the effect that the document does not exist or cannot, after a thorough and diligent search, be located, inform the applicant of his right to complain to the Ombudsman. | |
Tunisia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 14 - ...En cas de rejet de la demande, la décision de refus doit être écrite et motivée avec mention des délais, des modalités de recours et des structures compétentes pour en statuer conformément aux articles 30 et 31 de la présente loi. Art. 24 - ...En cas de refus, le demandeur d’accès sera informé par une lettre motivée. L’effet de refus prend fin avec l’expiration des motifs exprimés par la réponse à la demande d’accès. | |
Turkey | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 12 (Response to the Application): "Institutions notify the applicants, or inform them in electronic format, of the result of their applications regarding access to information. If the application is rejected the applicant will be notified of the reasons and the appeal mechanism against the decision." | |
Uganda | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 16. Decision on request and notice (3) Where the request for access is refused, the notice under subsection (1)(b) shall- (a) state adequate reasons for the refusal, including the provisions of this Act relied upon; (b) exclude from any reasons stated under paragraph (a), any reference to the content of the record; and (c) state that the person may lodge an internal appeal or an application with the Court, as the case may be, against the refusal of the request and the procedure, including the period, for lodging the internal application or appeal as the case may be. | 16(3) |
Ukraine | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 22.4 A refusal to satisfy information request shall include: 1) last name, first name and patronymic name and position of the person responsible for consideration of the request by the information administrator; 2) the date of the refusal; 3) grounded reason for the refusal; 4) procedure to appeal the refusal; 5) signature. 22.5 A refusal to satisfy information request shall be provided in writing. | Article 22, Section 4 and 5. |
United Kingdom | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 17, Section 1 and 7. | |
United States | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 6(a)(I) | |
Vanuatu | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 18. Access to information denied If an application for access to information is denied, the notice to the applicant referred to in paragraph 16(1)(b) must: (a) state the reasons for the refusal; and (b) inform the applicant of his or her right of appeal to the Information Commissioner, the procedure for applying and the applicable time limits in accordance with section 64. | - |
Zambia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 12(2)(b) | |
Zimbabwe | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 2 | 8(9) If a request is refused, the notification referred to in subsection (1) or (2) shall— (a) state adequate reasons for the refusal, based on the contents and substance of the request and the information considered by the information officer; and (b) contain a reference to specific provisions of this Act upon which the refusal is based; and (c) inform the applicant of the right to appeal against the decision in terms of section 35. | |
Andorra | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | YES | 1 | "c) Public safety.Article 10, 3. In order to apply limits to the right of access to public information, the Administration does not have the discretion and must state in each case the reasons justifying it. In the motivation it is necessary to make explicit the limit that is applied and duly reason the causes underlying its application." "Article 10, 3. Per aplicar límits al dret d’accés a la informació pública, l’Administració no disposa de potestat discrecional i ha d’indicar en cada cas els motius que ho justifiquen. En la motivació cal explicitar el límit que s’aplica i raonar degudament les causes que en fonamenten l’aplicació. Article 14. 7) Tramitació i resolució: Les resolucions denegatòries han de ser degudament motivades, així com les que concedeixin l’accés parcial o a través d’una modalitat diferent a la sol·licitada. També han de ser motivades les resolucions que permetin l’accés quan hi hagi hagut oposició d’un tercer. En aquest darrer cas, s’ha d’indicar expressament a la persona sol·licitant que l’accés únicament es pot formalitzar una vegada la resolució sigui ferma." | |
Bangladesh | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(5): "Where the officer-in-charge fails to provide information within the time-frame as mentioned in sub-section (1), (2) or (4), it shall be presumed that the request for information has been rejected." | Art 9(5) requirement for reasons. |
Belgium | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Loi n° 94-1724, Article 6.5: "L'autorité administrative fédérale qui ne peut pas réserver de suite immédiate à une demande de publicité ou qui la rejette communique dans un délai de trente jours de la réception de la demande les motifs de l'ajournement ou du rejet. En cas d'ajournement, le délai ne pourra jamais être prolongé de plus de quinze jours. En cas d'absence de communication dans le délai prescrit, la demande est réputée avoir été rejetée." | Have to give the reasons but do not have to inform the requester of the relevant appeals procedures. |
Benin | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 71: Tout agent ou organisme public qui refuse le droit d’accès aux sources publiques d’information, doit en justifier la décision. Toute entrave aux droits d’accès à l’information est passible de sanction administrative et/ou judiciaire. 80: L’agent ou le responsable public qui a reçu une demande est appelé, avec diligence et, dans les cinq (05) jours francs qui suivent la date de la réception à: - informer le requérant que l’organisme public ne détient pas le document ou le renseignement demandé ou que l’accès ne peut lui y être donné en tout ou en partie; - informer le requérant que l’existence des renseignements demandés ne peut être confirmée; - informer le requérant que le document fait partie de la liste des documents non communicables. 82: Tout refus de donner communication d’un renseignement ou d’un document public doit être motivé. | Reasons but not necessarily about right to appeal. |
Bolivia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 15(II) The competent authority must communicate in writing to the petitioner its denial based on the preceding grounds, noting the limitations and reasons that justify the non-delivery of the information requested. | Weak compliance with (a) and no mention of (b). |
Burkina Faso | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 21 : Toute décision de refus est motivée et doit comporter : - les raisons du refus en tenant compte du contenu de la demande et de la nature de l’information ou du document recherché ; - des références aux dispositions spécifiques de la présente loi. Article 76 : En cas de refus de l’accès à l’information publique ou aux documents administratifs, l’administration doit motiver sa décision. | Must give reasons but not clear on notice about appeals. |
Cape Verde | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(1) The entity to which the request for access to an administrative document is addressed must, within a period of 15 (fifteen) days: d) Communicate, in writing, the reasons for refusing, in whole or in part, access to the document; | Must inform about reasons for refusal but not appeal options. |
Chile | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTICLE 16. La autoridad o jefatura o jefe superior del órgano o servicio de la Administración del Estado, requerido, estará obligado a proporcionar la información que se le solicite, salvo que concurra la oposición regulada en el artículo 20 o alguna de las causales de secreto o reserva que establece la ley. En estos casos, su negativa a entregar la información deberá formularse por escrito, por cualquier medio, incluyendo los electrónicos. Además, deberá ser fundada, especificando la causal legal invocada y las razones que en cada caso motiven su decisión. Todo abuso o exceso en el ejercicio de sus potestades, dará lugar a las acciones y recursos correspondientes. La resolución denegatoria se notificará al requirente en la forma dispuesta en el inciso final del artículo 12 y la reclamación recaída en ella se deducirá con arreglo a lo previsto en los artículos 24 y siguientes. | Art 16 - requirement for reasons, but not notification of options for appeal. |
China | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 36(3) Where administrative organs decide not to disclose on the basis of this Regulation, they are to inform the applicants of the reason for not disclosing; Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on the Application of the Administrative Litigation Law, Article 64, stipulates that where an administrative organ makes an administrative act without informing a citizen, legal person or other organization of the time limit for prosecution, the time limit for prosecution shall be calculated from the date on which the citizen, legal person or other organization knows or should know the time limit for prosecution. | No requirement to inform of the possibility of appeal. Where this is not done, the time limits for a court appeal may be extended, but this is not the same thing. |
Colombia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 18: Information rights excepted by damage to natural or legal persons. Is any public classified information to which access may be refused or denied reasoned and in writing, provided that access would cause damage to the following rights. | Law 1712 has a requirement to notify the requester in writing that the law would case harm to the exceptions, implying a need for specificity. |
Costa Rica | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 6. Aplicación del principio de coordinación. Cuando el funcionario encargado determine que no posee competencia para atender la solicitud de información pública y en su lugar, le corresponde a otra autoridad pública de la misma institución, atendiendo al principio de coordinación deberá trasladar la solicitud ante el funcionario competente, en el plazo tres días hábiles a partir del momento en que tuvo conocimiento de la necesidad de traslado. Si el funcionario encargado concluye que lo requerido no es de su competencia institucional, deberá rechazar la petición por acto motivado. | Reasons must also be given per decisions of the Constitutional Court. See, e.g., Res. 8422-2004 30 de julio del 2004 as excerpted in No mention of informing the applicant of the appeals procedure. |
Denmark | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Chapter 4, Section 16, part 2 "If an application has not been granted or rejected within seven working days of its receipt by the authority concerned, the authority shall inform the applicant of the reasons for this and also of the date when a decision can be expected." | The requester will be informed about the reasons of the refusal only. |
Dominican Republic | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTICLE 26. El principio general que habrá de respetarse siempre es que la información debe ser ofrecida en el tiempo fijado y que toda denegatoria de entrega de información debe hacerse en forma escrita, indicando las razones legales de dicha denegatoria. Párrafo I.- Cuando la información se deniegue por razones de reserva o confidencialidad de la información, deberá explicarse al ciudadano dicha circunstancia, indicando el fundamento legal. Párrafo II.- Cuando la denegatoria se deba a razones de reservas, el derecho de recurrir esta decisión por ante la autoridad jerárquica superior del ente u órgano que se trate, a fin de que ésta resuelva en forma definitiva acerca de la entrega de los datos o información solicitados. | Art 26 - requirement for reasons, not for info on legal avenues. |
East Timor | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 11 Reply to application It is the responsibility of the member of the competent government or the top officer of the department or entity, or in whom they delegate, within 10 working days, to respond to the requests submitted under the terms of the previous article, being able to: ... (d) Refuse access to the document, explaining the grounds of the same, under the terms of this decree-law. | No mention of appeals. |
Fiji | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 9(2) If a request is refused under subsection (1), the Commission must, within 20 days from the receipt of the request, provide the person who made the request with a written statement of the decision and the reason for the refusal. 19(3) If a public agency refuses a request under subsection (1) or (2), the public agency must provide the Commission and the person who made the request with a written statement of the decision and the reason for the decision. | Only information about refusal, not the right of appeal. |
Ghana | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 23(2) The notice shall state (b) whether access to only a part of the information can be given and the reason for giving only a part. (4) Where the information officer decides to refuse access, the notice shall state the reason for the refusal and the provision under which the decision for the refusal is based. 27(2) Where an information officer refuses to grant access to information for any of the reasons stated in subsection (1), the information officer shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason upon which the refusal is based. | Reasons but no mention of notice about the right to appeal. |
Guatemala | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Artículo 19. El titular de cada sujeto obligado debe designar al servidor público, empleado u órgano interno que fungirá como Unidad de Información, debiendo tener un enlace en todas las oficinas o dependencias que el sujeto obligado tenga ubicadas a nivel nacional. Artículo 43. Cuando el volumen y extensión de la respuesta así lo justifique, el plazo de respuesta a que se refiere la presente ley se podrá ampliar hasta por diez días más, debiendo poner en conocimiento del interesado dentro de los dos días anteriores a la conclusión del plazo señalado en esta ley. | Article 19 requires an explanation for confidential information, but there is no such provision for reserved information. Article 43 implies the need for motivations, though the scope of this and whether it must be presented to the requester is unclear. |
Iceland | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | The requester has 14 days to ask for these reasons and the authority has 14 days to provide them. See section V of administrative code. |
Italy | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 5(6) The public access procedure must be completed with the issuance, within thirty days from the date of submittal of the relevant application, of an express and reasoned decree to be sent to the relevant applicant and the opposing parties, if any. If the application is accepted, the administration shall promptly provide the applicant with the data or documents requested, or, in case the application concerns data the publication of which is mandatory pursuant to this decree, shall publish the data, information or documents requested on the website and shall notify the applicant thereof, by also providing the relevant hyperlink. If the application is accepted, despite the opposition of other parties, without prejudice to the cases in which it is demonstrated that the release cannot be postponed, the administration shall notify the opposing party thereof and shall send the data or documents requested to the relevant applicant not earlier than fifteen days from that date of receipt of the notice by the opposing party. If the access application is rejected. postponed or restricted, reasons must be given making reference to the cases and subject to the limits set out in art. 5-bis. hereto. The person responsible for the prevention of corruption and for transparency, may ask information about the results of the applications to the offices of the relevant administration. | |
Jamaica | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 23(1) Where - (a) the Prime Minister is satisfied that an application for access relates to a document specified in section 15 (1); (b) a responsible Minister is satisfied that an application for access relates to an official document to which section 14, 16 or 18, as the case may be, applies, the Prime Minister or the responsible Minister, as the case may require, may issue a certificate to the effect that the document is an exempt document and shall specify the basis of the exemption. (2) Where the Prime Minister or a responsible Minister, as the case may be, is satisfied as mentioned in subsection (1) by virtue of anything contained in any particular part or parts of an official document, a certificate issued under that subsection in respect of that document shall identify that part or those parts of the document by reason of which the certificate is issued. (3) A certificate issued under subsection (1) shall be conclusive that the document is exempt. | 23(3) requires the government certificate of exemption to specify the ground. |
Japan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | [Administrative Procedure Act] 8(1) Administrative agencies shall, in cases where they render Dispositions refusing the permission, etc. sought by Applications, concurrently show the grounds for the subject Disposition. However, where either the requirements provided by laws and regulations for the permission, etc. or the review standards that have been made available to the public are clearly specified in terms of quantitative indices or other objective indices, and where the fact that an Application does not conform to these requirements or standards can easily be seen from the contents of the written application or from its attached documents, it would be sufficient to show the grounds for the refusal only upon request of the applications. (2) When Dispositions prescribed in the main clause of the preceding paragraph are rendered in writing, then the grounds set forth in the preceding paragraph shall also be shown in writing. | a) Yes b) No |
Jordan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(d) In case the request is rejected, the resolution shall be justifiable and the refrainment from reply within the set period shall be deemed as a decision of rejection. Article 12. In case the information required is unavailable or destroyed by the passage of time, the Official in Charge shall clarify the matter to the requester. | 9(d) - reasons only, Article 12. |
Kazakhstan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 11(16) An access to information is denied: (1) if a content of a request does not allow to determine which information is being requested; (2) if a request does not comply with the requirements of this Law; (3) if requested information is considered to be information with limited access; (4) if a request contains questions of legal evaluation of acts adopted by an information holder, analysis of activities of an information holder or its subordinate bodies and organizations or conducting any other type of analytical work before its completion; (5) before a decision is made on the results of checkups, conducted in the framework of the state control and supervision; (6) before a final decision is taken on the basis of interdepartmental and interagency correspondence or on the basis of discussions held in state bodies; (7) before reaching a mutual agreement about conditions of releasing documents received from foreign states or international organizations. [...] (17) A reasoned response to a written request denying access to information is delivered to an information user within five working days from the moment of registering the request. | |
Kuwait | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 11. The competent employee shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the rejection of his application, while indicating the reasons for rejection. Reg. 3. The competent employee shall, upon receiving the application, the following measures: (4) Reply to the person within the duration determined by law, and in case the application was rejected, the reply should be justified. | Must provide reasons but not notify about the right to appeal. |
Lebanon | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 10: The right to access the reasons for administrative decisions: Natural or legal persons shall have the right to access the reasons that prompted the administration to take non-regulatory administrative decisions that affect their rights. Article 11: Explanation conditions: The administration shall explain non-regulatory administrative decisions, under pain of invalidation, in the following manner: 1 – The explanation shall be in writing. 2 – It shall include the legal and factual grounds for the decision. 3 – It shall be signed by the authority that issued it and it shall include the signer’s name and the date of signature. Article 12: Exemption from explanation: A – The administration is exempt from the duty to explain non-regulatory administrative decisions in the following cases: 1 – During a state of emergency. 2 – Exceptional circumstances wherein there is a constant threat to the functioning of the institutions. 3 – National defense, national security, or general security secrets. 4 – The management of the state’s confidential foreign relations. 5 – Anything that undermines the state’s financial or economic interests or the security of the national currency. 6 – Individuals’ private lives or their mental and physical health. 7 – Secrets protected by law, such as professional or trade secrets. B – If the grounds for exempting the administration from providing explanation cease to exist or in the case of a tacit decision to deny, the person concerned shall have the right to, within the time-frame for judicial review, request to view the grounds for the decision. The authority concerned shall inform him of them in writing and without delay. – If the administration remains silent about the request for two months, said silence shall be considered a tacit decision to deny appealable before the State Shura Council. Article 19: Denying access to information: A – Decisions to deny access to information shall be in writing and explained. B – The administration shall convey the explicit decision to deny access to information to the person concerned. Said person may, within a two-month time-frame, have recourse to the independent administrative body stipulated in the law establishing the National Anti- Corruption Body. C – Tacit denial of access to a certain document shall be appealable in accordance with the procedures mentioned in the previous paragraph. | There is a requirement for justification, but this is undermined by provisions in Article 12. |
Liberia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3.12: "Denial of Requests: A request for information, including to inspect, review or reproduce the information, may be lawfully denied only if it is within one of the exemptions provided in Chapter 4 of this Act. A denial of a request and the reason thereof shall be in writing and served the requester no later than 30 calendar days as of the receipt of the request." | 3.12 - reasons, but no appeal information. |
Lithuania | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 6. Right to Obtain Information from State and Municipal Institutions and Agencies "<...> 5. State and municipal institutions and agencies as well as other budgetary institutions which have refused to provide public information to the producer of public information must, not later than on the following working day, notify the producer in writing of the reasons for refusal to provide the information. <...>" | The institution must provide the reason but does not have to inform about appeals. |
Monaco | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 26(1) Le refus de consultation d’un document administratif mentionné à l’article 21 est motivé dans les conditions prescrites par la loi n° 1.312 du 29 juin 2006 , susvisée. | Only appears to require reasons and not notice of any right of appeal. |
Mongolia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13.3. When turning in the request, the reason and ground shall be clearly specified. | Must provide "reason and ground" but no mention of right to appeal |
Montenegro | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 18: "Any government agency shall be in obligation to give the rationale for any document rejecting such request, and to state the reasons for restricting access to such information." | Information about possible appeals is not mentioned. |
Mozambique | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTIGO 11 (Principle of the prohibition of unlimited exceptions) Every rejection or refusal to disclose information shall be based on the exceptions provided by the law. Right to Information Law Regulation ARTIGO 15 (Refusal of the Request) The refusal to the disclosure, consultation, excerpt of documents shall be based on the legal exceptions and restrictions. | Refusals must be grounded. |
Nepal | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9(4) While investigating pursuant to Sub-Section (2), if it is found that the information cannot be provided; the Chief shall make a decision accordingly and provide a notice stating the reasons to the applicant. | Only on appeal. |
Niger | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 20: Le refus de communication d’un document est notifié au demandeur par écrit motivé. Le silence gardé pendant plus de sept (7) jours par l’autorité compétente saisie d’une demande de communication de documents et, s’agissant d’une demande émanant de chercheurs ou de journalistes, pendant plus de cinq (05) jours, vaut décision de refus. L’intéressé peut exercer tous les recours administratifs ou juridictionnels qui lui sont reconnus par la loi. | Article 20 - requirement for reasons |
Nigeria | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 4 Where information is applied for under this Act the public institution to which the application is made shall, subject to sections 6, 7, and 8 of this Act, within 7 days after the application is received- (b) Where the public institution considers that the application should be denied, the institution shall give written notice to the applicant that access to all or part of the information will not be granted, stating reasons for the denial, and the section of this Act under which the denial is made. 7(1) Where the government or public institution refuses to give access to a record or information applied for under this Act, or a part thereof, the institution shall state in the notice given to the applicant the grounds for the refusal, the specific provision of this Act that it relates to and that the applicant has a right to challenge the decision refusing access and have it reviewed by a Court. (2) A notification of denial of any application for information or records shall state the names, designation and signature, of each person responsible for the denial of such application. (3) The government or public institution shall be required to indicate under subsection (1) of this Section whether the information or record exists. (4) Where the government or public institution fails to give access to information or record applied for under this Act or part thereof within the time limit set out in this Act, the institution shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have refused to give access. (5) Where a case of wrongful denial of access is established, the defaulting officer or institution commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of N500,000. | 4(b) requires reasons, s. 7 requires notification of appeal procedures. |
Panama | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Artículo 16: Las instituciones del Estado que nieguen el otorgamiento de una información por considerarla de carácter confidencial o de acceso restringido, deberán hacerlo a través de resolución motivada, estableciendo las razones en que se fundamentan la negación y que se sustenten en esta Ley. | Article 16 of Law 6 of 2002 - refusals must be grounded in stated law. But no mention of appeals. |
Peru | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13 Denegatoria de acceso: La entidad de la Administración Pública a la cual se solicite información no podrá negar la misma basando su decisión en la identidad del solicitante. La denegatoria al acceso a la información solicitada debe ser debidamente fundamentada en las excepciones del Artículo 15° de esta Ley, señalándose expresamente y por escrito las razones por las que se aplican esas excepciones y el plazo por el que se prolongará dicho impedimento. La solicitud de información no implica la obligación de las entidades de la Administración Pública de crear o producir información con la que no cuente o no tenga obligación de contar al momento de efectuarse el pedido. En este caso, la entidad de la Administración Pública deberá comunicar por escrito que la denegatoria de la solicitud se debe a la inexistencia de datos en su poder respecto de la información solicitada. Esta Ley tampoco permite que los solicitantes exijan a las entidades que efectúen evaluaciones o análisis de la información que posean. Si el requerimiento de información no hubiere sido satisfecho o si la respuesta hubiere sido ambigua, se considerará que existió negativa tácita en brindarla.
Article 13 requires the government to notify of the reasons/grounds for refusal and the time period that it will remain classified, but no mention of appeal mechanisms. |
Philippines | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 12: Notice of Denial: If the government office decides to deny the request, in whole or in part, it shall as soon as practicable, and in any case within fifteen (15) working days from the receipt of the request, notify the requesting party of the denial in writing. The notice shall clearly set forth the ground or grounds for denial and the circumstances on which the denial is based. Failure to notify the requesting party of the action taken on the request within the period herein stipulated shall be deemed a denial of the request for access to information. | |
Qatar | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | مادة 12: يتعين على الجهة المعنية البت في الطلب خلال (15) خمسة عشر يوماً من تاريخ تقديمه، ويجوز لها تمديد هذه الفترة لمدة مماثلة، بحسب طبيعة أو كم المعلومات المطلوبة، وإذا صدر القرار بالرفض وجب أن يكون مسبباً 12. The concerned authority must decide on the request within (15) fifteen days from the date of its submission, and it may extend this period for a similar period, depending on the nature or amount of information requested, and if a rejection decision is issued, it must be reasoned. |
Rejections must contain reasons, but there is no mention of notification of the right to appeal. |
Russia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 19(1): (Procedure for granting information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government by request): Information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government is granted by request in the form of response to the request, which contains the requested information or to which the requested information is attached, or which according to article 20 of the present Federal Law contains a justified refusal to grant the above-specified information. | A justified refusal has to be provided by public authorities. |
Rwanda | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 11: The information officer, to whom the information is requested, shall take decision according to priorities. When the request of information is not accepted, explanations based on the Law shall be provided. A Ministerial Order shall determine the time limit for the provision of information or explanations of not providing it. | Article 11 - requirement for explanation of reasons. |
San Marino | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 1(2). Except as provided under Title IV, this law applies a) to the Public Administration, understood as the entire complex of organs, offices, services, companies and autonomous bodies of the State, also known as the Administration; b) to "interested parties", i.e., recipients of administrative measures that affect a specific legal situation of which they are holders. 24(1). The measures are communicated to the "interested parties" referred to in article 1, paragraph 2, letter b), and must contain an indication of the period within which they may be challenged and the authority to which it is possible to appeal. 25(1). Citizens of San Marino, foreign citizens residing or staying in the Republic and legal persons, associations, foundations and bodies having their registered office in the Republic may have access to the administrative documents in the possession of the Administration also independently from the purpose of protecting qualified and differentiated legal positions and without the need to justify the request for access. The exercise of access is guaranteed and regulated by the following provisions and by the implementing regulations of this law. They are, however, subject to the special rules. 29(4-5). The measure with which the Administration declares that it cannot proceed with the examination of the request for access pursuant to paragraph 2, or with which it limits, postpones or refuses access pursuant to paragraph 3 must be formulated in writing and must state the reasons. 5. The measure referred to in paragraph 4 may be challenged before the administrative bodies with jurisdiction in accordance with common principles. | 1 point deducted for not informing the applicant in the refusal of the right to appeal. The provisions specific to reactive disclosure (29(4-5)) do not require informing requestors of the right to appeal. Although following 2016 amendments, requestors are no longer required to be "interested parties" to make a request (25(1)), it does not appear that the duty to inform of appeal procedures would apply to all requests for information, as the more general provision on providing reasons for administrative refusals (24(1)) appears to still be restricted to "interested parties", which is defined narrowly as "recipients of administrative measures that affect a specific legal situation of which they are holders" (1(2)(b)). 1 point is awarded out of an abundance of caution because the legislation requires the provision of reasons. However, the legislation does not provide guidance as to the adequacy of the reasons, nor does it specify that they should indicate the exact grounds for refusal. |
Sierra Leone | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13. A public authority which, in relation to any request for information, is to any extent relying on a claim that information is exempt information shall, within the time limits for complying with section 2, notify the applicant in writing stating (a) that the information is exempt; (b) the specific exemption in question; and (c) why the exemption applies. | No mention of appeal procedures. |
Sudan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(f) In the case where the application is rejected, the rejection decision must be reasoned and not responding within the determined time limits is deemed to be a rejection decision, | Reasoned but not the exact legal grounds and no reference to appeals. |
Thailand | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 15. A State agency or State official may issue an order prohibiting the disclosure of official information falling under any of the following descriptions, having regard to the performance of duties of the State agency under the law, public interests and the interests of the private individuals concerned: (1) the disclosure thereof will jeopardise the national security, international relations, or national economic or financial security; (2) the disclosure thereof will result in the decline in the efficiency of law enforcement or failure to achieve its objectives, whether or not it is related to litigation, protection, suppression, verification, inspection, or knowledge of the source of the information; (3) an opinion or advice given within the State agency with regard to the performance of any act, not including a technical report, fact report or information relied on for giving opinion or recommendation internally; (4) the disclosure thereof will endanger the life or safety of any person; (5) a medical report or personal information the disclosure of which will unreasonably encroach upon the right of privacy; (6) an official information protected by law against disclosure or an information given by a person and intended to be kept undisclosed; (7) other cases as prescribed in the Royal Decree. An order prohibiting the disclosure of official information may be issued subject to any condition whatsoever, but there shall also be stated therein the type of information and the reasons for non-disclosure. It shall be deemed that the issuance of an order disclosing official information is the exclusive discretion of State officials in consecutive levels of command; provided that, a person who makes a request for the information may appeal to the Information Disclosure Tribunal as provided in this Act. | S. 15 requires they state the reason. |
Togo | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 14 : La décision de refus de communication doit être écrite, motivée et notifiée au requérant. | Must provide reasons but not information about the right of appeal. |
Uruguay | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Artículo 18. (Silencio positivo).- El organismo requerido sólo podrá negar la expedición de la información solicitada mediante resolución motivada del jerarca del organismo que señale su carácter reservado o confidencial, indicando las disposiciones legales en que se funde. Vencido el plazo de veinte días hábiles desde la presentación de la solicitud, si no ha mediado prórroga o vencida la misma sin que exista resolución expresa notificada al interesado, éste podrá acceder a la información respectiva, considerándose falta grave la negativa de cualquier funcionario a proveérsela, de conformidad con las previsiones de la Ley Nº 17.060, de 23 de diciembre de 1998, y del artículo 31 de la presente ley. | Art 18 - requirement for reasons, no requirement for appeal information. |
Uzbekistan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2014 Law on Activities of State Bodies, 19(6) In case of refusal to the request, the information user is sent a reasoned response. | Reasons but not right to appeal. |
Venezuela | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7. Los sujetos obligados podrán, mediante decisión motivada, exceptuarse de proveer la información cuando el acceso a ella pudiere vulnerar los derechos humanos, comprometer la defensa o seguridad integral, generar una amenaza para el normal desarrollo socioeconómico de la República, afectar la salud pública o el orden público. 11. La decisión mediante la cual se niegue la información solicitada deberá estar suficientemente motivada. Se entiende por respuesta expresa negativa cuando la decisión niegue total o parcialmente la información solicitada. | Reasons for denial but not requirement to notify of appeal options |
Vietnam | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 28(2): The requested agencies shall be responsible for sending written notices on refusal of information provision to the information requester, with reasons for refusal being specified. Reg. 5(1): Forms of written requests for use in the provision of information at request as provided in the Appendix to this Decree include: ... dd/ Form of notice on rejection of information request: Form No. 05. | Need to provide reasons but not information about appeals. |
Yemen | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | Partially | 1 | 19(b): "If the employee in charge found that part of the information required is under one or more exceptional articles as specified in this law, and that it is based on this exception, then, he would have to deliver the part that is not excluded and deliver a notice to the applicant in writing that there is a part of the information that was withheld from him, specifying in writing the specific exception in this law upon which the employee in charge has relied to with hold the requested information." 23: "In case the applicant of the decision is not convinced, he is entitled then and in accordance with Articles (30) to (32) of the Act to complain to the Office of the Commissioner General, with the recourse to go to court if he is not convinced by the decision of the Office of the Commissioner General." | 19(b) - requirement for justification if information is severed, but no requirement to spell out the appeals procedures for appeal. Similarly, Art 23 requires an explanation for refusals, but again no mention of appeal procedures |
Austria | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | 11 (1) If access to the information is not granted, the body obliged to provide information shall issue a decision on this within two months of receipt of the request upon written application by the person requesting the information. | Not mentioned. |
Ecuador | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Estonia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Germany | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | Section 9(1) Notification of a ruling rejecting the application in part or in its entirety is to be provided within the period stipulated in Section 7(5), sentence 2. | There is not any mention about the appeals procedures. |
Honduras | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Indonesia | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iran | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Liechtenstein | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned in law nor regulation. |
Luxembourg | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Palau | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Republic of Belarus | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Taiwan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | 16 The government agency shall notify the applicant in writing of the way of provision, date, fee and method of payment, or the outcome of correction or supplement when the government agency approves the request for providing, correcting or supplementing the government information, unless the payment and acquisition of documents are made on the spot. If the content of the information referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be deleted or would not be appropriate to be deleted, the government agency may note and supplement the content that should be corrected. The government agency shall notify the applicant in writing when the government agency rejects the request of providing, correcting or supplementing the government information in whole or in part. The notification of approval may be made in the form of electronic transmission when the request for providing, correcting or supplementing the government information is made in electronic transmission in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 10 or paragraph 3 of Article 14, or when the address of electronic transmission is noted in the request. | Art 16 - no such requirements. |
Tajikistan | When refusing to provide access to information, public authorities must a) state the exact legal grounds and reason(s) for the refusal and b) inform the applicant of the relevant appeals procedures. | Score Y/N: 1 point for a and 1 point for b | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A |
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