By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 32 (2) Addressing the complaints as outlined in the Clause 1 of this Article shall be free of charge. | No lawyer not specified but clear from the context. |
Albania | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(1) Public administration services are free of charge. Disclosure of information can be made against a fee, previously arrived at and made public by the public authority on its website and in premises where members of the public are received. The fee is the cost for the reproduction of the information request and, where appropriate, the cost of delivery. Information requested electronically is free of charge. 24(1) Every person, when it considers that his rights under this Law have been violated, has the right to appeal administratively to the Commissioner for the Freedom of Information and Protection of Personal Data in accordance with this Law and the Code of Administrative Procedure. | The law regards the appeal to the Information Commissioner process as a free of charge administrative procedure, which does not require a special knowledge of the law. |
Angola | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 18(1) The Monitoring Commission is made up of the following members: (a) a judge from the Chamber of Civil and Administrative Law nominated by the Judicial High Council, who shall be the Chair; (b) two Members of Parliament elected by the National Assembly, reflecting a multi-party composition; (c) a law professor nominated by the President; (d) two persons of high standing nominated by the government; (e) a lawyer nominated by the Law Society. (2) Any member may at his initiative be replaced by an alternate appointed by the same entity that appointed him or her. (3) The terms of office of members shall be two years, renewable; without prejudice to [the expected] termination when a member ceases to perform the functions which led to his or her appointment. (4) All members may serve their terms over and above their other functions. (5) Rights and benefits of the members are set out in a regulations instrument of the present law. (6) Entities having an interest in matters being discussed at a given session of the commission may have a representative present, without the right to vote. 6 Access to documents concerning in camera proceedings is regulated by separate legislation. 9 (1) The right to make corrections, to complete or to delete inaccurate, insufficient or excessive personal data is exercised subject to the provisions of the legislation concerning personal data automatically processed and with the necessary changes. (2) Only the corrected version of personal data can is suitable for use or communication. | The adminstrative appeal is free and does not require a lawyer - Art 18, 6, 9. |
Argentina | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTÍCULO 16° — Requisitos formales. El reclamo por incumplimiento será presentado por escrito, indicando el nombre completo, apellido y domicilio del solicitante, el sujeto obligado ante el cual fue dirigida la solicitud de información y la fecha de la presentación. Asimismo, será necesario acompañar copia de la solicitud de información presentada y, en caso de existir, la respuesta que hubiese recibido del sujeto obligado. | |
Armenia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | HRD Law Article 17(3) No state duty shall be charged for the complaints being lodged with the Defender. | Free and no need for legal implicit in the nature of the Defender |
Australia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 55C Procedure in IC review—representation At the hearing of a proceeding before the Information Commissioner, a review party may: (a) appear in person; or (b) be represented by another person. | No lawyer required – S. 55C. Free of charge – neither the Act nor the OAIC Act 2010 impose any fee for review. This is confirmed on the Information Commissioner's website: "There is no fee or charge applying to either internal or IC review." |
Bahamas | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not mentioned but implicit in the system. |
Bangladesh | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 26: "Representation.- The parties to a complaint may present their statements before the Commission either personally or through a lawyer." | Art 26 - no lawyer required. No mention of fees on IC website |
Belize | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | No mention of fees. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 19.2 of law on the human right ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina 22/01/2001. "All the work of the Institution is free of charge to the person concerned and does not require the assistance of counsel or a solicitor." | |
Brazil | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Appeals to the oversight body are free of charge and administrative appeals generally do not require a lawyer, according to our reviewers. |
Canada | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | See comments. | No fees provided for in the statute, nor on the website for the Information Commissioner. |
Chile | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 24. Vencido el plazo previsto en el artículo 14 para la entrega de la documentación requerida, o denegada la petición, el requirente tendrá derecho a recurrir ante el Consejo establecido en el Título V, solicitando amparo a su derecho de acceso a la información. La reclamación deberá señalar claramente la infracción cometida y los hechos que la configuran, y deberá acompañarse de los medios de prueba que los acrediten, en su caso. La reclamación deberá presentarse dentro del plazo de quince días, contado desde la notificación de la denegación de acceso a la información o desde que haya expirado el plazo previsto en el artículo 14 para la entrega de información. Cuando el requirente tenga su domicilio fuera de la ciudad asiento del Consejo, podrá presentar su reclamo en la respectiva gobernación, la que deberá transmitirla al Consejo de inmediato y por el medio más expedito de que disponga. En estos casos, el reclamo se entenderá presentado en la fecha de su recepción por la gobernación. El Consejo pondrá formularios de reclamos a disposición de los interesados, los que también proporcionará a las gobernaciones. | Art 24 implies a relatively simple procedure, and local expert says it's free. |
Colombia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Yes - according to our expert reviewer. |
Cook Islands | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 13. Mode of complaint - (1) Every complaint to the Ombudsman shall be made in writing. (2) Notwithstanding any provision in any enactment where any letter appearing to be written by any person in custody on a charge or after conviction of any offence, or by any person who is of unsound mind within the meaning of Part XXI of the Cook Islands Act 1915, is addressed to the Ombudsman it shall be immediately forwarded to the Ombudsman by the person for the time being in charge of the place or institution where the writer of the letter is detained or of which he is a patient. | Not specifically mentioned (Art 13 of Ombudsman Act implies it) and unfortunately the Ombudsman's website link for online compaints was non-functional, but the fact that complaints can be made by fax or email implies they are free and don't require a lawyer. |
Costa Rica | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional. 38. En el recurso de amparo se expresará, con la mayor claridad posible, el hecho o la omisión que lo motiva, el derecho que se considera violado o amenazado, el nombre del servidor público o del órgano autor de la amenaza o del agravio, y las pruebas de cargo. No será indispensable citar la norma constitucional infringida, siempre que se determine claramente el derecho lesionado, salvo que se invoque un instrumento internacional. El recurso no está sujeto a otras formalidades ni requerirá autenticación. Podrá plantearse por memorial, telegrama u otro medio de comunicación que se manifieste por escrito, para lo cual se gozará de franquicia telegráfica. | Amparo procedures are designed to be accessible and are not subject to strict formalities; no attorney is necessary. Ley de Jurisdicción Constitucional: |
Croatia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art.19.1.: Access to information in procedures before the public authority bodies does not require paying administrative and court fees. | Lawyer not required, but not explicitly mentioned in the RTI Act. |
Czech Republic | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | The applicant shall apply for the appeal by the Administrative Procedure Code (APC CZ) (see section 20 FOIA CZ). FOIA as regard appeal states only deviations from APC CZ (section 16 FOIA CZ). Appeal is governed by section 81 APC CZ and following. The costs of proceeding by APC CZ are governed by § 79 APC CZ. Paragraph (3) states, that administrative authority bear their own costs. For submitting appeal there is no fee. |
Denmark | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Danish Ombudsman Act, Article 13. "Any person may lodge a complaint with the Ombudsman against the authorities referred". | Not mentioned by law, however, mentioned in the guide on the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman. |
Ecuador | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 22 " El derecho de acceso a la información, será también garantizado en instancia judicial por el recurso de acceso a la información, estipulado en esta Ley, sin perjuicio de la acción de amparo constitucional.(...)" | The process described in Art 22 does not appear to require a lawyer, seeing as it is almost entirely driven by the judge. The relatively extensive procedural description and lack of fees also leads me to believe it is free. |
El Salvador | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 86 El Instituto deberá subsanar las deficiencias de derecho de los escritos interpuestos por los particulares tanto para el recurso de apelación como en las denuncias y únicamente si esto no fuere posible requerirá al solicitante que subsane su escrito en un plazo de tres días hábiles. Se admitirá el recurso en un término de tres días hábiles desde su presentación o de la subsanación por el recurrente o denunciante. ARTICLE 102 El procedimiento deberá respetar las garantías del debido proceso. Las actuaciones se sujetarán a los principios de legalidad, igualdad de las partes, economía, gratuidad, celeridad, eficacia y oficiosidad, entre otros. En lo referente al procedimiento, supletoriamente se sujetará a lo dispuesto por el derecho común. | The procedure do not need lawyer, art 86 states that Instituto will rectify any legal flaws of the petition. And also the procedure is free, following the principles of due process in effect in El Salvador. Article 102 states The procedure must comply with the guarantees of due process. The proceedings are subject to the principles of legality, equality of the parties, economy, gratuity, speediness, efficiency and informality, among others. Regarding the procedure, and additionally to the provisions of the civil code. |
Ethiopia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 32(1)(h) the manner of lodging administrative appeals; Articles 22 and 23 of the Ombudsman Act | 32(1)(h) - the fact that there's a guide on how to lodge an appeal implies that a lawyer is not required. Art 22 and 23 of the Ombudsman Act confirm this, as well as the fact that complaints are free. |
Finland | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Valtion Maksuperustelaki 1992/150 Article 10. | Appeals to the supreme legality oversight bodies (Chancellor of Justice and PO) are free of charge and also the appealing within the authority. According to this article, the oversight bodies decide themselves about the charges, and the Parliamentary ombudsman and the Chancellor of Justice have decided that the handling of complaints will be free of charge. |
France | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Gambia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 56(1) The Commission shall - conduct matters with as little technicality or formality and as expeditiously as possible. | Commission is directed to conduct matters with as little technicality or formality as possible, which suggests that lawyers will not be needed. No fees mentioned. |
Georgia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | |
Germany | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 12(1) Anyone considering their right to access to information pursuant to this Act to have been violated may appeal to the Federal Commissioner for Freedom of Information. | |
Greece | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | The Law does not mention anything about the charge. However, the Ombudsman's website is clear in this subject: "The Ombudsman provides its services to the public free of charge". |
Honduras | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICULO 18. ACUERDO DE CLASIFICACION DE LA INFORMACION COMO RESERVADA. Para clasificar la información como reservada, en base a cualquiera de las causales enumeradas en el articulo anterior, el titular de cualquier órgano publico, deberá elevar la petición por medio de la instancia de máxima jerarquía de la institución a la cual pertenezca, quien de considerarlo pertinente, emitirá el respectivo acuerdo de clasificación de la información, debidamente motivado y sustentado. El titular respectivo debe remitir copia de la petición al Instituto de Acceso a la Información Publica. Cuando este considere que la información cuya clasificación se solicita no se encuentra en ninguno de los supuestos del articulo anterior, lo hará del conocimiento del superior respectivo y este denegara la solicitud del inferior. Si, contrariando esta opinión, se emitiere el acuerdo de clasificación, este será nulo de pleno derecho. | Article 18 - since the appeals are automatic - they must be free and done without a lawyer. |
Hungary | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 52(4) The Authority shall conduct the investigation free of charge; the Authority shall advance and bear the costs of the procedure. | |
India | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 27(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely: (a) the cost of the medium or print cost price of the materials to be disseminated under sub-section (4) of section 4; (b) the fee payable under sub-section (1) of section 6; (c) the fee payable under sub-sections (1) and (5) of section 7; (d) the salaries and allowances payable to and the terms and conditions of service of the officers and other employees under sub-section (6) of section 13 and sub-section (6) of section 16; (e) the procedure to be adopted by the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, in deciding the appeals under sub-section (10) of section 19; and (f) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, prescribed. | 27(2) - No mention of fees, or the need for a lawyer. It's an administrative procedure, so it shouldn't require a lawyer. |
Indonesia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | No need for a lawyer and no cost according to the Information Commissioner. |
Iran | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | In accordance with administrative law, appeals to the commission (via the portal) are free and do not need a lawyer. |
Ivory Coast | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not stated, but implied. |
Jamaica | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | No mention of fees, and no requirement for a lawyer - though the procedure is so complicated that, practically speaking, a lawyer is needed. |
Japan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | No fees, no need for lawyers. |
Kenya | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 22(1) A person wishing to lodge a complaint under this Act shall do so orally or in writing to the secretary or such other person as may be duly authorized by the Commission for that purpose. (2) A complaint lodged under subsection (1) shall be in such form and contain such particulars as the Commission may, from time to time, prescribe. | |
Kyrgyzstan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Law on Ombudsman, 10(11). No state duty shall be imposed upon petitions or complaints. (12) Services by the Ombudsman (Akyikatchy) shall be delivered to parties concerned free of charge. | Explicitly free and implicit that you do not require a lawyer. |
Malawi | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 44. (1) A person who has exhausted the internal review mechanism of the information holder may apply to the Commission for the review of a decision of that information holder. (3) An applicant for review under this Part shall - (a) unless the commission authorizes that it may be made orally, be in writing; and (b) be made not later than two years from the date from which a request for information was received by an information holder. | Fees are not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given, due to the structure of the body. |
Mexico | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 146. The Guarantor Agency will decide the motion for review within a period not exceeding forty days, from the date of admission of the same, in the terms established in the respective law, which period may be extended only once for a period and up twenty days. During the procedure, the amendment of the complaint will apply in favor of the appellant, without changing the facts, making sure that the parties may submit oral or written arguments, which duly ground their claims. | |
Morocco | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not mentioned but implicit in rules relating to these sorts of bodies in Morocco |
Namibia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 53(1) An appeal to the Information Commissioner under section 52 - (a) must be lodged within 14 days of receipt of the decision of - (i) the head of the information holder or a staff member; or (ii) the information officer in terms of section 51(2)(b) must be lodged in writing or orally with Information Commissioner; (c) must set out particulars of the decision and the grounds for appeal in the prescribed manner; and (d) must be decided by the Information Commissioner or a Deputy Information Commissioner acting as the Information Commissioner or such other person in that acting capacity. (2) If an appeal is lodged orally, the Information Commissioner must ensure that the oral appeal is reduced to writing and provide a copy of the appeal to the requester or third party, if applicable. | Not stated but enough of the procedure described to imply this is the case. |
Nepal | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Our expert mentions that the appeal is free, but must be registered with a 5 rs stamp attached. Re. legal assistance, not stated explicity but this is the established policy of the Commission. | |
Netherlands | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | The process is free of charge and there is no need to require a lawyer (based on the practice). | |
New Zealand | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Ombudsmen's investigations are conducted for free. See here No lawyer is required. |
Nicaragua | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 12.- Las Oficinas de Acceso a la Información Pública, formarán y mantendrán debidamente actualizados, índices descriptivos del contenido de los archivos, libros y bases de datos, así como registros adecuados de los actos administrativos, reglamentos y expedientes administrativos, que deben facilitar a los ciudadanos para su consulta y para su reproducción a costa de los interesados; debiendo poner a disposición de los particulares tales índices. | 11(e) of manual - no lawyer. Art 12 filing requirements - no mention of any fees. |
North Macedonia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 29 "(1) Insight to information requested shall be provided free of charge." | |
Pakistan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | 17(2) An appeal under sub-section (1) shall be free of charge. | Does not specify that do not need lawyer but is implicit |
Panama | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 17: Toda persona estará legitimada para promover acción de Hábeas Data, con miras a garantizar el derecho de acceso a la información previsto en esta Ley, cuando el funcionario público titular o responsable del registro, archivo o banco de datos en el que se encuentra la información o dato personal reclamado, no le haya suministrado lo solicitado o si suministrado lo requerido se haya hecho de manera insuficiente o en forma inexacta. | The structure of the oversight body as a complaints mechanism strongly implies this. Art 17 of Law 6 of 2002 - states that habeus data applications should not require a lawyer. |
Russia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Expert says - Appeal to an oversight body (a prosecutor's office) is free (it is appealed to court that requires state duty payment); legal assistance not required. | |
Rwanda | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Not mentioned, but it is unlikely that this complaints mechanism costs money or requires a lawyer. | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not explicitly mentioned but appears to be implicit |
Serbia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Presumably, the appeal is free of charge, and a lawyer isn't needed. There is no provision about costs or lawyer, so we assume that there is no cost or mandatory role of the lawyer. |
Seychelles | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not specifically mentioned but implicit in the administrative rules. |
Slovenia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | - | Reviewer: Appeal procedures are free of charge. Administrative Fees Act, that applies to all administrative procedures (freedom of information procedures as well), states in Art. 28, Point 30 that all documents and actions relating to access to public information and re-use of PSI are free of administrative taxes (that means that appeals are free of charge). No legal assistance is needed; in Slovenian legal system the ability to represent oneself without a lawyer is a presumption and can be limited only by explicit legal provision (most common in procedures with extraordinary legal remedies and before the Constitutional court). No such limitation exists in the Access to Public Information Act, therefore provision of Art. 46 of the General Administrative Procedure Act applies party with a full contractual capacity may perform procedural acts by him- or herself. |
South Africa | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | The process appears to be structured such that no lawyer is required. There is some mention of fees in the Protection of Personal Information Act s. 63(3), but this seems to complaints regarding personal information. |
Spain | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | El recurso al Consejo de la Transparencia es gratuito y no es necesario contratar a un abogado. |
Sri Lanka | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Rule 31: Fees: An appeal to the Commission is exempt from the payment of a fee. Rule 14. Making of the Appeal: Where the aggrieved party is unable due to any reason to make an appeal under Section 32 of the Act, as the case may be, such Appeal may be made by a person duly authorized in writing by the aggrieved party to prefer the same. | Clear that the applicant may either make the appeal him- or herself or with legal assistance. |
Sweden | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Not mentioned but appeals to the Ombudsman are free as a matter of internal policy and, since there is no requirement to have a lawyer, legally you do not need one. | |
Switzerland | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 17 (Fees). Section 2: "No fee shall be charged for: b. mediation proceedings (Art. 13);" | External appeal proceedings are free of charge. |
Thailand | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 13. Any person, who considers that a State agency fails to publish the information under section 7, fails to make the information available for public inspection under section 9, fails to provide him with the information under section 11, violates or fails to comply with this Act, or delays in performing its duties, or considers that he does not receive convenience without reasonable cause, is entitled to lodge a complaint with the Board, except where it is the case concerning the issuance of an order prohibiting the disclosure of information under section 15 or an order dismissing the objection under section 17 or an order refusing the correction, alteration or deletion of the personal information under section 25. In the case where the complaint is lodged with the Board under paragraph one, the Board shall complete the consideration thereof within thirty days as from the date of the receipt of the complaint. In case of necessity, such period may be extended; provided that, the reason therefor is specified and the total period shall not exceed sixty days. Section 18. In the case where a State official issues an order prohibiting the disclosure of any information under section 14 or section 15 or dismissing the objection of the interested person under section 17, such person may appeal through the Board to the Information Disclosure Tribunal within fifteen days as from the date of the receipt of such order. | S 13 and 18, plus expert's info - appeals are free and no lawyer is required. |
Togo | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 15 : (3) Le recours au Médiateur de la République est gratuit. | Loi 2003-021. Clearly free and absence of a need for a lawyer can be assumed. |
Trinidad and Tobago | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | (7) For the purposes of Section 93 (2) of the Constitution a complaint may be made by a person aggrieved himself or, if he is dead or for any reason unable to act for himself, by any person duly authorized to represent him. 98. (4) No complainant may be required to pay any fee in respect of. his complaint or request or for any investigation to be made by the Ombudsman. | The complaints procedure set out on the website does not require a lawyer – reinforced by s. 3(7) of the OA. Const s. 98(4) says that fees cannot be charged for complaints. |
Tunisia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Reflected in general Tunisian administrative law. |
Ukraine | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Law of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Article 17.1 The Commissioner shall receive and consider appeals of citizens of Ukraine, foreigners, stateless persons or persons acting in their interests, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «On Appeals of Citizens». 17.2 Appeals shall be submitted to the Commissioner in a written form within the period of one year after disclosure of the act of violation of human and citizens' rights and freedoms. In case of exceptional circumstances, this period can be extended by the Commissioner, but should not exceed two years. Ukraine Law on Citizen´s Appeals, Article 21 Bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, enterprises, establishments, organizations regardless of their form of ownership, citizens' associations, officials consider petitions of citizens free of charge. | Appeal to Ombudsperson is free of charge and do not need legal assistance. |
United Kingdom | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Expert says: Under English law, an individual can always represent himself in legal proceedings without a lawyer -- in anything from a Tribunal case to the Supreme Court. Since there is no power to charge for appeals in the FOIA, both internal and external appeals must be free -- and are free. |
Uruguay | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | The appeal to the Uruguayan oversight body (Unidad de Acceso a la Infromacion Publica) is free of charge and do not require legal assistance |
Vanuatu | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | No mention of fees, though it seems highly unlikely. Given that the process is complaint driven, it also likely does not require a lawyer. |
Venezuela | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Ley Orgánica de la Defensoría del Pueblo 56. Gratuidad de las Actuaciones y Procedimientos. Las actuaciones o solicitudes de la Defensoría del Pueblo ante otros órganos o entes públicos, no estarán sujetas a pago alguno. Igualmente serán gratuitos todos los trámites, diligencias y procedimientos que se inicien en cualquiera de las dependencias de esta institución, sin que para éstas se requiera la asistencia de abogado o abogada. | |
Vietnam | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 55.(13) and Article 56 of the Law on Administrative Procedure. | According to these articles, you do not need a lawyer for legal cases |
Antigua and Barbuda | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | No mention of whether the application is free. The fact that it is merely in the form of a written complaint suggests that no lawyer is needed. |
Austria | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Not mentioned. | There is a fee of EUR 30 to file an appeal with the federal administrative court, no legal assistance is required: |
Azerbaijan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not clear from the Law on the Human Rights Commissioner but some benefit of doubt given. |
Benin | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given. |
Burkina Faso | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given since it is an administrative body. |
China | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not free, but can reportedly be done without a lawyer |
Fiji | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given. |
Ghana | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 71(3) The Commission shall (b) make a copy of the statement, findings and reasoning available to parties to the matter free of charge. | Not mentioned but it can be assumed that appeals are at least free because decisions are provided for free |
Guatemala | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 29. Free Access to Tribunals and Dependencies of the State. Every individual has free access to tribunals, dependencies and offices of the State in order to exercise actions and claim his rights in accordance with the law. Only foreigners can avail themselves of diplomatic channels in case of a denial of justice. The mere fact that a decision may be adverse to their interests is not to be considered as such and in any case, the legal recourses established by the Guatemalan laws must have been exhausted. | Constitution Article 29 - right of free access to courts. |
Guinea | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given; structure seems to suggest that it is not required |
Ireland | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | S.I. No. 484/2014 - Freedom of Information Act 2014 (Fees) Regulations 2014 (Section 4 (2)). | You must pay 50 euros for an appeal. |
Kosovo | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but one point given since fees are unlikely to be charged. |
Luxembourg | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of the doubt given. |
Maldives | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | This is not mentioned, but the IC's structure, with its strong independent investigative function, strongly suggests this. No mention of fees for appeals -suspect it will be free, but until the regulations get set out it's impossible to say for sure. | |
Moldova | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | No mention about the cost of the procedure or the need of a lawyer, but some benefit of the doubt given. |
Monaco | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given. |
Mongolia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Human Rights Commission Act 9.1. Citizens of Mongolia, either individually or in a group, shall have the right to lodge complaints to the Commission in accordance with this Law, in case of violations of human rights and freedoms, guaranteed in the Constitution of Mongolia, laws and international treaties of Mongolia, by business entities, organisations, officials or individual persons. 9.2. Unless otherwise provided in laws and international treaties of Mongolia, foreign citizens and/or stateless persons who are residing in the territory of Mongolia, shall exercise the same right to lodge complaints to the Commission on equal footing as the citizens of Mongolia. 9.3. Complaints may be lodged in by representation of lawful representatives-parents, care-takers and/or guardians for the persons, who do not have full civil law capacity or have some limited or partial capacity, as well as by representatives provided under the law for the persons, who are considered missing or declared as deceased. 9.4. Non-governmental organisations and trade union organisations shall exercise equally the right provided in Art 9.1. and lodge complaints through their representatives. 9.5. Representatives provided in Art 9.3 and Art 9.4 shall have a document of proof for their own representation powers. 15.1. Commissioners shall exercise the following powers with respect to the acceptance of complaints: 15.1.4. To explain to the Complainant what rights and duties he/she has with regard to the restoration of violated rights. | Complaints may be made by legal represenatives, including parents, suggesting you do not need a lawyer, reinforced by the fact that complaints can be made orally. No mention of whether the process is free. |
Niger | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Omb Act s 6 | Omb Act s 6 allows anyone to launch an appeal - no lawyer. |
Norway | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 32 Appeal "<...> If the person who requested access has not received a reply within five working days after the administrative agency received the request, this shall be regarded as a refusal which may be appealed against under the first paragraph. However, this does not apply where the King in Council is the appellate instance. Nor does the rule in the first sentence apply to cases falling within the scope of section 13 third paragraph or where the question of declassification must be put before another agency. <...>" Public Administration Act § 12.(advocate or other agent) "A party has the right to call on the assistance of an advocate or other agent at all stages of the proceedings.<...>" | It is not mentioned if it is free of charge and do not require legal assistance, but according to the Public Administration Act, "a party has the right to call on the assistance <..>". |
Peru | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | The appeal is free of charge, but requires a lawyer (from expert - see Law 27444) |
Poland | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 21 To the complaints considered in the proceedings on making public information available the provisions of the Act of 30 August, 2002 - the Law on proceedings before the administration courts (Journal of Laws No 153, it. 1270) shall apply with the stipulation of the case, defined in Article 22, however: 1) transferring the files and replies to the complaints shall be made within 15 days of receiving the complaint, 2) the complaint is considered within 30 days of receiving the files alongside with the reply to the complaint. | It can be inferred that the process will be free of charge, but there is no mention about the need of a lawyer. |
Sierra Leone | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Not mentioned - though the procedure here suggests that lawyers will not be required. | |
South Korea | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 17(1) If the legal interest of the requester is violated due to the disposition or omission of the public agencies concerning the disclosure of information the requester may request an administrative adjudication in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Appeals Act. In such cases, the ruling authorities on the disposition or omission made by the public agencies other than the state or local governments, shall be the heads of central administrative agencies concerned. (2) The requester may request an administrative ruling without going through the procedures for application for objection pursuant to the provisions of Article 16 (3) The member of the administrative appeals commission who is involved in the administrative ruling concerning the decision on disclosure of information may not reveal the secrets obtained in relation to official duties during and after expiration of his commission. (4) In the application of penal provisions of the Criminal Act and other Acts, the members of the commission mentioned in paragraph (3) shall be deemed as public officials." | Art 17 - the appeal sounds complicated enough to require a lawyer (indeed, it refers to the Administrative Appeals Act), but there is no mention of costs either. |
Sudan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given. |
Uganda | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | No requirement for a lawyer. |
United States | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Partial credit for this - technically no lawyer is required, as people can always self-rep and Court clerks generally help with this procedure - but it is nonetheless a difficult process for a layman to complete. The filing fee is $350, but can be waived if the party decides to proceed in forma pauperis. | |
Uzbekistan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A. | There is no need for a lawyer, but the judicial appeal is not free. |
Zambia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Not mentioned | |
Zimbabwe | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not mentioned but some benefit of doubt given |
Andorra | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned in the law |
Belgium | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Bolivia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bulgaria | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cape Verde | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Cyprus | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned - guessing at this point that the Information Commissioner is free, but going to Supreme Court would not be, and would require a lawyer. |
Dominican Republic | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
East Timor | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Estonia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Guyana | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iceland | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned in law, or in Administrative Code. |
Israel | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Italy | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No national level appeal system, but local Ombudsman is free. Administrative Court is not free. |
Jordan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No mention of fees, or the simplicity of the procedure. |
Kazakhstan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kuwait | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Latvia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Lebanon | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | There is no information regarding how this will work for the Anti-Corruption Body. Our information is that appeals to the State Shura Council are not free and require a lawyer: |
Liberia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Liechtenstein | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned in law nor regulation. |
Lithuania | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Malta | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Montenegro | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Mozambique | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Nigeria | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Palau | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | Not mentioned and likely not the case since only legal appeals are envisaged. |
Paraguay | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Philippines | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Portugal | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Qatar | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Republic of Belarus | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Republic of Belarus | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Romania | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Article provides:"Administrative special jurisdiction is optional and free of charge." | |
San Marino | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Saudi Arabia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | The main steps for the request to access public information (pp. 46 - 47) Third: In the event the applicant wants to appeal a denial by a public entity, they could submit a written or electronic notice of appeal to the public entity's Office within a specific period of time, not exceeding ten (10) working days after receiving the decision of the public entity. The Board of Grievances within the entity's office, shall review the application, make the appropriate decision and notify the applicant of the related fees – it is retrieved if the Board approves the request – and the appeal decision. | Some fees are mentioned, although it is not clear what these pertain to since the fees do not apply if the Board of Grievances "approves the request". While the text does not refer to the need for a lawyer, it is likely that one is needed, since the Board of Grievances is a judicial body. |
Slovakia | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
South Sudan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Taiwan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Tajikistan | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Tanzania | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Presumably there are costs to court appeals and, in practice at least, legal assistance is required. |
Turkey | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | Article 13 (The Procedure for Appeal): "Within 15 days starting from the official notification, the applicant whose application for access to information is rejected due to the reasons under Articles 16 and 17, may appeal to the Board before appealing for judicial review. The Board shall render a decision within 30 days. The institutions are obliged to provide every kind of information and document that are required by the Board within 15 days. Appeal to the Board suspends the time limit to refer to the administrative jurisdiction." | Not mentioned. |
Yemen | Appeals to the oversight body (where applicable, or to the judiciary if no such body exists) are free of charge and do not require legal assistance. | 1 for free, 1 for no lawyer required. | 2 | NO | 0 | This is not mentioned. |
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