By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 7. Institutions shall protect individuals who disclose information related to corruption, mismanagement, failure to provide justice, criminal violation, breach of law, violation of human rights, and serious damage to the safety of the public and the environment. | |
Antigua and Barbuda | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 47(1) A person may disclose information to the Commissioner or to any other authority on the wrong-doing by a public authority concerning: (a) a serious threat to the health or safety of an individual or a serious threat to the public or the environment; (b) the commission of a criminal offence; (c) failure to comply with a legal obligation; (d) a miscarriage of justice; (e) corruption, dishonesty or serious maladministration, (f) abuse of authority or neglect in the performance of official duty; (g) injustice to an individual; (h) unauthorised use of public funds, and that person disclosing the information shall not be liable in any legal proceedings or to any sanction relating to his employment regardless of any breach of a legal or other obligation for disclosing such information if the information was disclosed in good faith and in the reasonable belief that it was substantially true. | |
Armenia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 2017 Whistleblower Law | |
Australia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Public Interest Disclosure Act | Australia has dedicated whistle-blower legislation (the Public Interest Disclosure Act). |
Bahamas | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 47. Whistle-blower. (1) No person may be subject to any legal, administrative or employment related sanction, regardless of any breach of a legal or employment related obligation, for releasing information on wrongdoing, or that which would disclose a serious threat to health, safety or the environment, as long as he acted in good faith and in the reasonable belief that the information was substantially true and disclosed evidence of wrong-doing or a serious threat to health, safety or the environment. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), “wrongdoing” includes but is not limited to— (a) the commission of a criminal offence; (b) failure to comply with a legal obligation; (c) miscarriage of justice; or (d) corruption, dishonesty, or serious maladministration. | |
Bangladesh | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | A "Whistleblower Protection Act" was adopted in 2011. |
Benin | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 73: Les agents peuvent dévoiler et fournir des preuves de tous comportements illicites dans l’administration publique. Sauf dénonciation calomnieuse, ils n’encourent, ce faisant, aucune sanction administrative ou mesure disciplinaire. | Reasonable whistleblower rule. |
Canada | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | See comments. | See the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act generally. |
Chile | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
China | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Not mentioned in the Open Government Information Regulations, but protections in other laws, like the Rules of the People’s Procuratorates on Whistleblowing Work (SPP Rules), enough for points here |
Costa Rica | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 2 | N/A | No comprehensive whistleblower legislation in place and not mentioned in Decree No. 40200. |
Ethiopia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 39(2) No one may be subject to any legal, administrative or employment-related sanction, regardless of any breach of a legal or employment obligation, for releasing information on wrongdoing, or which would disclose a serious threat to health, safety or the environment, as long as he acted in good faith and in the reasonable belief that the information was substantially true and disclosed evidence of wrongdoing or a serious threat to health, safety or the environment. 39(3) For purposes of sub-article (2), wrongdoing means the commission of a criminal offence, failure to comply with a legal obligation, a miscarriage of justice, corruption or dishonesty, abuse of power or serious misconduct, whether linked to individual wrongdoing or not. | |
Ghana | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 67(4) A staff member or a public institution or a relevant private body, who wishes to report a wrongdoing under this Act, may contact the Commission without exhausting any applicable internal procedures. | Only protects the right to report to the Commission. Ghana also has a Whistleblower Act. |
Ireland | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Whistleblowing is deal with through the Protected Disclosures Act 2014. |
Jamaica | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Protected Disclosures Act. |
Japan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | See Whistleblower Protection Act, No. 122 of 2004 here. |
Kenya | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 16(1) A person shall not be penalized in relation to any employment, profession, voluntary work, contract, membership of an organization, the holding of an office or in any other way, as a result of having made or proposed to make a disclosure of information which the person obtained in confidence in the course of that activity, if the disclosure is of public interest. (2) For purposes of subsection (1), a disclosure which is made to a law enforcement agency or to an appropriate public entity shall be deemed to be made in the public interest. (3) A person shall make a disclosure under subsection (1) or (2) where such person has reasonable belief in the veracity of the information. (4) Any person who provides false information maliciously intended to injure another person commits an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand shillings or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both. (5) Disclosure of information under subsection (1) and (2) includes information on - (a) violations of the law, including human rights violations; (b) mismanagement of funds; (c) conflict of interest; (d) corruption; (e) abuse of public office; and (f) dangers of public health, safety and the environment. (6) For the purpose of this section, a person is penalized if the person is dismissed, discriminated against, made the subject of reprisal or other form of adverse treatment or is denied any appointment, promotion or advantage that otherwise would have been provided or any other personnel action provided under the law relating to whistle blower, and the imposition of any such penalty in contravention of this section shall be actionable as a tort. (7) Any term of any settlement arising from a claim under this section, insofar as it purports to impose an obligation of confidentiality on any party to the settlement in respect of information which is accurate and which was or was proposed to be disclosed, shall be unenforceable. (8) In any proceedings for an offence for contravention of any statutory prohibition or restriction on the disclosure of information, it shall be a defence to show that - (a) in the circumstances, the disclosure was in the public interest; and (b) where the offence is alleged to have been committed by a public officer or Government contractor and involves the disclosure of information obtained by the person in the person's position as such, the defendant had, before making the disclosure, complied with the provisions of subsection (3). | |
Kosovo | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Law on Protection of Whistleblowers generally. In particular 5(1) Public interest reporting and disclosure is protected if it is related to the following: (1.1) an offence has been, is being or is likely to be committed; (1.2) a person has failed, is failing or is likely to fail to comply with any legal obligation; (1.3) a miscarriage of justice has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur; (1.4) the health or safety of any individual has been, is being or is likely to be endangered; (1.5) the environment has been, is being or is likely to be damaged; (1.6) a misuse of official duty or authority, public money or resources of a public institution has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur; (1.7) an act or omission by or on behalf of a public institution is discriminatory, oppressive, grossly negligent or constitutes serious mismanagement; or (1.8) information tending to show any matter falling within any of the preceding subparagraphs has been, is being or is likely to be concealed or destroyed. (2) Reporting or disclosure is presumed to be in public interest unless the contrary is proven. 6(1) Any action or omission aimed at preventing public interest reporting or disclosure is null and void and the responsible official or any other person in respective cases is criminally prosecuted according to criminal provisions into force in Kosovo. Any provision in an agreement is void in so far as it purports to: (2.1) prohibit or restrict the making of public interest reporting or disclosure; (2.2) exclude or limit the operation of any provision of this Law; (2.3) preclude a person from bringing any proceedings under or by virtue of this Law, or; (2.4) preclude a person from bringing any proceedings for breach of contract in respect of anything done in consequence of the making of a reporting or disclosure of information in public interest. 9(1) The whistleblower that reports and discloses information in compliance with the provisions of this Law can not be subject to criminal or civil liability or disciplinary procedures. (2) A whistleblower has the right to protection under this Law in cases when he/she: (2.1) reports or discloses information, as defined in this Law; (2.2) reasonably believes that the information reported or disclosed is true. (3) The whistleblower is not obliged to prove the good faith and authenticity of the whistleblowing information. (4) The protection guaranteed to the whistleblower under this Law should not be prejudiced if the alleged threat or damage to the public interest has not been materialised. | |
Luxembourg | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Law on Strengthening the Means to Fight Corruption; Law of 13 February 2011 | There is whistleblower protection |
Malawi | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 50. (1) Any person shall not be penalized in relation to any employment, profession, voluntary work, contract, membership of an organization, the holding of an office or in any other way as a result of having made or attempted to make a disclosure of information which the person obtained in confidence in the course of that activity, if the disclosure is of public interest. (2) for purposes of subsection (1), a disclosure which is made to a law enforcement agency or to an appropriate public entity shall be deemed to be made in the public interest. (3) A person shall make a disclosure under subsection (1) where such person has reasonable belief in the veracity of the information. (4) Disclosure of information under subsection (1) includes information on - (a) violations of the law, including human rights violations; (b) mismanagement of funds; (c) conflict of interest; (d) corruption; (e) abuse of public office; and (f) the risks and threats to public health, safety and the environment. (5) For the purpose of this section, a person is penalized if the person is dismissed, discriminated against, made the subject of reprisal or other form of adverse treatment or is denied any appointment, promotion or advantage that otherwise would have been provided but for this action as a whistleblower. (6) Any term of any settlement arising from a claim under this section, insofar as it purports to impose an obligation of confidentiality on any party to the settlement in respect of information which is accurate and which was or was proposed to be disclosed, shall be unenforceable. (7) In any proceedings for an offence for contravention of any statutory prohibition or restriction on the disclosure of information, it shall be a defence to show that - (a) in the circumstances, the disclosure was in the public interest; and (b) where the offence is alleged to have been committed by a public officer or Government contractor and involves the disclosure of information obtained by the person in his position as such, the defendant had, before making the disclosure, complied with the provisions of subsection (3). | |
Maldives | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 66(b) A person, having gained information of a wrongdoing, may not be subject to any disciplinary measures or punishment, regardless of any breach of a legal, administrative or employment obligation on his part, for releasing information on the wrongdoing. This is subject to him having acted in good faith to disclose the wrongdoing, and without having any other interest in the matter. (c) A person may not be subject to any civil or criminal measure or subject to punishment, for releasing information on an illegal act or an offense, or an act of corruption, or information regarding the potential to commit such an act, or place of such an act by a party. | |
Moldova | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 7. Official information with limited access (5) No one can be punished for the fact that he or she made public information with limited access, if releasing this information does not damage or cannot damage legitimate interests related to national security, or if the public interest for knowing the information is larger than the damage that can result from its dissemination. | Not really a whistleblower rule but at least some protection for disclosing information in the public interest. But Moldova passed a whistleblower law in 2018. |
Montenegro | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 25 "No employee who, while performing assigned duties scrupulously, discloses information of misuse of or irregularities in performing any official duty, and who also informs the head of a government agency concerned or the relevant authority for combating forbidden activities, may be hold accountable." | |
Morocco | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Witness and Whistle-blower Protection Law, 2011 | Apparently the law is weak but at least Morocco has one |
Mozambique | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Witness and Protection Act 2012 |
Namibia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Whistleblower Protection Act 10 of 2017 | |
Nepal | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 29. Protection of Whistleblower: (1) It shall be a responsibility of an employee of a Public Body to provide information on any ongoing or probable corruption or irregularities or any deed taken as offence under the prevailing laws. (2) It shall be the duty of the information receiver to make the identity of whistleblower in accordance with Sub-Section (1) confidential. (3) The whistleblower shall not be terminated from his/her post or punished with any legal responsibility or caused any loss or harm for giving information pursuant to Sub-section (1) (4) If any punishment or harm is done to the whistleblower against Sub-Section (3), the whistleblower may complaint, along with demand for compensation, before the commission for revoking such decision. (5) While investigating the complaint pursuant to Sub-Section (4), the Commission may order to revoke the decision of removal from the office if so removed from office and for the compensation if any damages caused to the whistleblower. | |
Netherlands | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Netherlands law on whistleblowing. | |
New Zealand | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | This is covered by the Protected Disclosures Act 2000. |
Niger | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 33: Toute autorité administrative ou tout agent d’un service coupable de diffusion de l’une des informations ou documents non communicables visés aux articles 13 et 14 de la présente ordonnance, s’expose aux sanctions disciplinaires, sans préjudice des sanctions prévues par les textes en vigueur. Tout usager de service public coupable de diffusion d’une information publique ou d’un document administratif non communicable est passible des sanctions prévues par les textes en vigueur. Nonobstant toutes dispositions légales contraires, les personnes qui ont diffusé ou signalé des agissements constitutifs d’une infraction, un manquement à une obligation légale, une erreur judiciaire ou des actes graves d’incurie dans la gestion d’une administration publique, doivent être protégées et être à l’abri de toute sanction judiciaire, administrative ou professionnelle. | |
Nigeria | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 27(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Criminal Code, Penal Code, the Official Secrets Act, or any other enactment, no civil or criminal proceedings shall lie against an officer of any public institution, or against any person acting on behalf of a public institution, and no proceedings shall lie against such persons thereof, for the disclosure in good faith of any information, or any part thereof pursuant to this Act, for any consequences that flow from that disclosure, or for the failure to give any notice required under this Act, if care is taken to give the required notice. | |
North Macedonia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 38 "Any responsibility shall be removed from an employee within the information holder that shall disclose protected information, in case such information be of significance for the disclosure of abuse of power and corruptive behavior, as well as for the prevention of serious threats to human health and life and the environment." | |
Romania | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Romanian Whistleblowers Law, Article 5, Section G: The notification of certain actions of violation of law by the persons set forth at art.1 and art.2, provided by law as being misbehaviors, contraventions or offences, shall represent a public interest warning and includes:violations of law concerning the access to information and of the decisional transparency. | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 48 | Only to Commission or any other authority but otherwise broad protection |
Serbia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | |
Sierra Leone | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 50. (1) No person shall be penalized in relation to any employment, profession, voluntary work, contract, membership of protection. an organization, the holding of any office or in any other way, as a result of having made or proposed to make a disclosure of information which the person obtained in confidence in the course of that activity if the disclosure is one which is in the public interest. (2) Subject to subsection (3), subsection (1) shall only apply where the person believes on reasonable grounds that the information is accurate. | |
South Africa | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Separate whistleblower act. |
South Sudan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 51 | |
Sweden | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Act on Special Protection Against Victimisation of Workers Who are Sounding the Alarm About Serious Wrongdoings (also known as \'the Whistleblowing Act\') came into force on 1 Jan. 2017. | |
Tanzania | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 4(e) provide for the protection of persons who release information of public interest in good faith. Section 23(1) A person in the service or employment of any information holder shall not be subject to any legal, administrative or employment related sanctions for releasing information on wrongdoing, or information which would disclose a serious threat to health, safety or the environment, as long as that person acted in good faith and in the reasonable belief that the information was substantially true. (2) For purposes of subsection (1), wrongdoing includes the commission of a criminal offence, failure to comply with a legal obligation, a miscarriage of justice, corruption or dishonesty, or malady | s. 4(e) provides for this sort of protection as a general objective, while s. 23 provides concrete protection |
Uganda | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 44. Protection of persons releasing information (1) No person shall be subject to any legal, administrative or employment-related sanction, regardless of any breach of a legal or employment obligation, for releasing information on wrongdoing, or information which would disclose a serious threat to health, safety or the environment, as long as that person acted in good faith and in the reasonable belief that the information was substantially true and disclosed evidence of wrongdoing or a serious threat to health, safety or the environment. (2) For purposes of subsection (1), wrongdoing includes the commission of a criminal offence, failure to comply with a legal obligation, a miscarriage of justice, corruption or dishonesty, or maladministration regarding a public body. | S. 44. Also covered by Uganda's Whistleblowers Protection Act. |
United Kingdom | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998. | This protects employees who in good faith disclose information which they reasonably believe indicates that wrongdoing is taking place, or is being deliberately concealed. |
United States | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Yes - through the Whistleblower Protection Act - | |
Vanuatu | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | 83. Whistleblowers (1) A person is not liable to any civil or criminal action or any administrative or employment related sanction or detriment for: (a) releasing information on any wrongdoing; or (b) releasing information which would disclose a serious threat to health, safety or the environment, as long as they acted in good faith and in the reasonable belief that the information was substantially true and disclosed evidence of wrongdoing or a serious threat to health, safety or the environment. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), wrongdoing includes the commission of a criminal offence, failure to comply with a legal obligation, a miscarriage of justice, corruption or dishonesty, or serious mal- administration regarding a Government agency, relevant private entity or private entity. | - |
Vietnam | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Articles 47-58 of the Law on Denunciations | |
Zambia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | YES | 2 | Public Interest Disclosure (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act, 2010, | |
Albania | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Law 60/2016 on protection of corruption whistleblowers. Official Journal 115-2016, pp. 8218 et seq: | Under this law, whistleblowers enjoy protections for good faith disclosures to the head of the relevant agency or the independent institution designated by law for this purpose (the inspectorate that monitors the assets declarations of officials). However, the statutory protections no longer apply from the moment thewhistleblower chooses to go public (Art. 8) |
Austria | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG) of 2023. | This act has limited scope, covering primarily violations of EU law and offences but providing no protection when whistleblowers report information on other forms of wrongdoing (§ 3. (3) HSchG). |
Azerbaijan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | 6.1. The main principles of access to information are as follows:...6.1.11. non-prosecution of officials for disclosing information about violations of public interest. | Only a general reference in the principles section but no operative rule on this. |
Brazil | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 44. Chapter IV of Title IV of the Law nr. 8,112, of December 11th 1990, shall be in effect in addition to the following article: "Article 126-A. No public server will be held liable on the civil, criminal or administrative level for letting his or her superior authority or, when there is a suspicion of the involvement of the latter, another competent authority know, for the purpose of investigation, of the information concerning the practice of crimes or improbity of which he or she is aware of, even if such action is a result of the exercise of his or her position, job or public function." | Art 44 touches on this - but only for reports to a superior not for disclosures to the public. |
Cyprus | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | "Article 52 (Defamation) 52. Σε περίπτωση που οποιεσδήποτε από τις πληροφορίες που παρασχέθηκαν από δημόσια αρχή σε αιτητή δυνάμει των διατάξεων του άρθρου 8, δόθηκαν στη δημόσια αρχή από τρίτο πρόσωπο, η δημόσια αρχή απαλλάσσεται από οποιαδήποτε νομική ευθύνη σε σχέση με δημοσιοποίηση στον αιτητή οποιουδήποτε δυσφημιστικού υλικού περιλαμβάνεται στις ζητούμενες πληροφορίες, εκτός εάν η δημοσίευση έγινε κακόπιστα." | Protection against defamation from third parties for released information. |
Gambia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | 4(3) An information holder or information officer shall not be liable for releasing information in good faith and in accordance with this Act. 53(1) The Executive Secretary, the staff and members of the commission shall not be subject to any criminal or civil proceedings or be personally liable for any act done or omitted to be done in good faith in the performance of their functions. (2) A staff who discloses wrongdoing within the Commission may not be subject to any punishment in the course of their employment by reason of the disclosure. 68(3) Any staff member of an information holder, who wishes to report wrongdoing under this Act, may contact the Commission without exhausting any applicable internal procedures. | Whistleblower protections are available, but only to the staff of the bodies covered by the Act and the Information Commission; others not protected. No unified whistleblower law or any substantial whistleblower protections. |
Guinea | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Loi L/2017/041/AN du 04 Juillet 2017, Article 96-106 | Anti-corruption law has whistleblower protection provisions but limited to corruption: |
Israel | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Whistleblower Act - though this is not as strong as it should be. |
Kuwait | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Law No. 2 of 2016 On Establishing Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority and the Provisions on Disclosure of Assets and Liabilities, 40. The whistleblower shall be afforded protection from the time he or she submits the report, and the protection shall extend to include his or her spouse, relatives and all other persons closely connected to him, when necessary. 41. Protection of the whistleblower shall include the following: 1. Providing the whistleblower with personal protection: by not revealing his identity or whereabouts, and providing him with personal guards or a new place of residence, if circumstances so require.2. Providing the whistleblower with the administrative and occupational protection: by preventing any administrative action against him and guaranteeing the continuity of his employment salary, rights and benefits during the period decided by the Authority. 3. Providing the whistleblower with the legal protection: by not bringing a criminal, civil, disciplinary case against him, when the report fulfils the conditions contained in Article (38) hereof. The executive regulations shall determine other methods and procedures of protection and the forms thereof. 42. The executive regulations shall determine the means that the Authority may provide for the whistleblower, through which he can give his Statements in a manner that ensures all his material, moral and administrative guarantees to ensure his safety. 43. The State shall compensate the whistleblower or his heirs for any material or moral damages he may suffer from, as a result of the submission of the report, meeting the conditions contained in Article (38) hereof. The executive regulations shall set out the material and moral incentives that may be granted to the whistleblower and the conditions for granting them. | Only protection for exposing corruption via the anti-corruption law. |
Kyrgyzstan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9. Access to the following information is not restricted:…(10) violations of the law by public sector entities and their officials; See also Law on protection of persons reporting on corruption. | 9(10) deems disclosures of violations by public sector entities and their officials to be non-restricted, but this falls short of a strong immunity provision. In addition, there is limited protection for reporting on corruption only. |
Liberia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7.5: "Protection from civil and criminal liability: Any person who discloses information or grant access to information in good-faith reliance on the provision of this Act shall be protected from any and all civil and criminal liabilities, even if it is later determined that the information was in fact exempted. Similar protection shall be accorded all persons that receive information pursuant to this Act." | 7.5 - not specifically a whistleblower protection, but it works that way when read in conjunction with the public interest override. Only protects from civil and criminal liability though - not from other sanctions. |
Mexico | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Translation of article 219 of the Federal Criminal Code: The crime of intimidation: (I) The public servant who themselves, or through an intermediary, using physical or moral violence, inhibit or intimidates anyone to avoid it or a third denounce, to make a complaint or provide information on the alleged commission of conduct sanctioned by the Criminal law or by the Federal Accountability Act Public Servants, and (II) The public servant in connection with the complaint or information referred to in the preceding section perform unlawful conduct or omit a lawful due to injures the interests of the people who submit or contribute, or any third party with whom such persons keep any family relationship, business or affective. Whoever commits the offense of intimidation will be imposed two years to nine years in prison, a fine in the amount of thirty to three hundred times the minimum daily wage in the Federal District at the time of the offense, dismissal and disqualification for two years to nine years to perform another job, position or commission. | |
San Marino | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Decree, Law No. 89, 25 July 2016, 1 (4-5). 4. A witness who, on the basis of reasonable suspicion and in good faith, has provided statements in criminal proceedings relating to the offences referred to in Title IV, Chapter IV of the Criminal Code shall not be subjected to any prejudice, retaliatory or discriminatory measure, whether direct or indirect, affecting working conditions for reasons connected, directly or indirectly, with the testimony given. In such cases, when there is evidence of the retaliatory or discriminatory nature of the measures taken, the burden of proof of the existence of legitimate reasons for such measures shall lie with the employer. Any sanctions or disciplinary measures adopted by the employer in violation of the provisions of the first sentence of this paragraph shall be null and void. The measures referred to in this paragraph are also recognized to protect the next of kin of the witness, if employed by the same employer. 5. The protections referred to in paragraph 4 shall not be guaranteed in cases where it is established, even with a judgment of first instance, the criminal responsibility of the witness for the crimes of slander or false testimony or defamation or its civil liability, and for the same reasons, in cases of fraud or gross negligence. | The protection for whistleblowers is limited to those providing statements in criminal proceedings. As a result, only one point is awarded. |
Saudi Arabia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has no unified whistleblower law, it does have an Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha), and in May 2018 the King issued Royal Decree No. 41043 ( that protects whistleblowers from "violations of their privileges or rights" for reporting corruption. This is worth at least 1 point. |
Ukraine | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | 11. 1. Officials and officers shall not be subject to legal liability, regardless of the breach of their duties, for disclosure of information about infringements or information concerning serious threat to the health or safety of citizens and environment, if the person was guided by good intentions and had a justified conviction that the information was accurate and contained evidence of infringement or concerned serious threat to the health or safety of citizens and environment. Law of Ukraine ""On the prevention of corruption" includes protection for whistleblowers regarding corruption. | Only covers certain types of wrongdoing (infringements, threat to health, safety or the environment) and then corruption is covered separately. |
Uzbekistan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | Partially | 1 | Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On Combating Corruption, 3 January 2017, No. LRU-419, 28(1) Persons reporting information on corruption offences are protected by the state, except cases established by the legislation. (2) Persecution of persons reporting information about corruption offences leads to responsibility in accordance with the legislation. (3) The rules of the present article do not apply to persons, who have reported deliberately false information about corruption offences, who are liable in accordance with the legislation. | Limited protection for reporting on corruption. |
Andorra | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No mention in the law |
Angola | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Argentina | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Belgium | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Belize | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Bolivia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Bulgaria | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Burkina Faso | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Cape Verde | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Colombia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cook Islands | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Croatia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Czech Republic | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Denmark | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Dominican Republic | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
East Timor | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ecuador | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
El Salvador | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Estonia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Fiji | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Fiji does not have a law (see Tax and excise and Fiji Roads Authority have whistleblower policies but they seem to be the only such agencies and it is not clear how effective these policies are. |
Finland | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No legal protections against the whistleblowers. |
France | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Georgia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | There are no legal protections about this matter. |
Germany | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Greece | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Guatemala | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Guyana | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Honduras | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Hungary | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Iceland | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
India | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | A bill is currently in Parliament (as of Sept 2011), but at the time of review there was no such protection. |
Indonesia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | 54(1) Every person who deliberately and unrightfully accesses and/or acquires and/or supplies information that is exempted as regulated in Article 17 letter a, letter b, letter d, letter f. letter g. letter h, letter I, and letter j, is sentenced to a prison with a maximum of 2 (two) years and is fined with a maximum of Rp. 10,000,000.00 (ten million rupiah). (2) Every person who deliberately and unrightfully accesses and/or acquires and/or supplies information that is classified as regulated in Article 17 letter c and letter e, is sentenced to a prison with a maximum of 3 (three) years and is fined with a maximum of Rp. 20,000,000.00 (twenty million rupiah). 55. Every person who deliberately makes a Public Information that is incorrect or misleading and results in a loss to others is sentenced to prison with a maximum of 1 (one) year and/or is fined with a maximum of Rp. 5,000,000.00 (five million rupiah). | 54 and 55, by using the word "deliberate" seem to imply a bad faith requirement, but the fact that this is worded as a sanction rather than a protection means I am hesitant to award points for it. |
Iran | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Italy | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ivory Coast | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Jordan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kazakhstan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Latvia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Lebanon | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Nothing in the law. A draft whisteblower protection law has been under consideration, but has not yet been passed. |
Liechtenstein | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Lithuania | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Malta | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Monaco | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Mongolia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Nicaragua | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Norway | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | ||
Pakistan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Palau | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Panama | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Paraguay | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Paraguay has no whistleblower protection in place as of Feburary 2014 according to this source |
Peru | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Philippines | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Poland | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Portugal | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Qatar | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | مادة 25: يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تجاوز سنتين وبالغرامة التي لا تزيد على (200,000) مائتي ألف ريال، أو بإحدى هاتين العقوبتـين، كل من أفصح أو أتاح أو كشف للغير معلومات لا يجوز الإفصاح عنها وفقاً لأحكام المادة (20) من هذا القانون. وتكون العقوبة الحبس مدة لا تتجاوز عشر سنوات إذا كـان من شأن الإفصاح أو الإتاحة أو الكشف عن المعلومات الإضرار بأمن واقتصاد الدولة أو مصلحتها العامة، أو بأي من علاقاتها الدولية 25. Anyone who discloses, makes available or reveals to others information that may not be disclosed in accordance with the provisions of Article (20) of this law shall be punished by imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years and a fine not exceeding (200,000) two hundred thousand riyals, or by one of these two penalties. The penalty shall be imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years if revealing, disclosing or making available information would harm the security and economy of the state, its public interest, or any of its international relations. |
Penalties instead of protections. Qatar does not have a separate whistleblowing law. |
Republic of Belarus | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Russia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Rwanda | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Seychelles | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Slovakia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Slovenia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
South Korea | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | ||
Spain | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Artículo 29 (Infracciones disciplinarias): 1. Son infracciones muy graves: e) La negligencia en la custodia de secretos oficiales, declarados así por Ley o clasificados como tales, que sea causa de su publicación o que provoque su difusión o conocimiento indebido. | En lugar de proteger a funcionarios que revelen información en buena fe, se califica como muy grave la negligencia en la custodia de documentos clasificados. |
Sri Lanka | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Sudan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Switzerland | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | Article 7 (Exceptions). Section 1: "The right of access shall be limited, deferred or refused if such access to an official document: [...] h. is likely to result in the release of information provided voluntarily by a third party to an authority which undertook to maintain secrecy with regard thereto. " | No sanctions, and this information will be exempted from the scope of the Act. |
Taiwan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No such law exists. |
Tajikistan | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Thailand | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Togo | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Trinidad and Tobago | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Tunisia | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Turkey | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No specific mention. |
Uruguay | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Venezuela | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | The access to information law does not include this and Venezuela does not have a whistleblower protection regime in place. |
Yemen | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | 13: "It is not permitted to in flict any punishment on any employee who has given information to an authorized investigation entity about violations or infringements of this law or who has assisted in any investigation about any violation or infringement of this law. Also, he may not be subject to Disciplinary accountability by the administration to which he is affiliated." | Article 13 has whistleblower protection, but only for reporting breaches to an investigating authority and only from administrative sanctions. This is not proper whistleblower protection. |
Zimbabwe | There are legal protections against imposing sanctions on those who, in good faith, release information which discloses wrongdoing (i.e. whistleblowers). | Score 2 for strong protections, 1 for moderate protections | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
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