By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 22 (1) The commission has the following powers and functions: 7- Promote the culture of access to information in the country through conducting educational programs. 8- Raise public awareness about the activities of the Commission. | |
Albania | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 31/1 of DPA: d) encouraging the principle of transparency in the activity of the public authorities, specifically by way of awareness and informing on issues pertaining to the right of information; e) monitoring the implementation of the law on the right to information; conducting surveys with regard to various issues pertaining to the right to information; f) making recommendations for the public sector bodies, connected to the concept and implementation of institutional programs of transparency; g) upon being required by the court adjudicating the case, submitting an opinion in writing on any type of issue connected to the right to information. | |
Andorra | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | "Article 25) 1 The CNAAD has the following advisory and advisory functions: a) To adopt criteria for the best fulfillment of the obligations contained in this Law in the matter of active advertising and access to information. " "Article 25 ) 1 La CNAAD té les funcions consultives i d’assessorament següents: a) Adoptar criteris per al millor compliment de les obligacions contingudes en aquesta Llei en matèria de publicitat activa i accés a la informació." | |
Antigua and Barbuda | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 37 In addition to any other functions under this Act, the functions of the Commissioner shall be: (a) to monitor and report on the compliance by public bodies with their obligations under this Act; (b) to make recommendations for reforms of a general or specific nature to facilitate compliance with this Act; (c) to undertake or promote the training of officials of public bodies and other persons on the right to information and the effective implementation of this Act; (d) to refer to the appropriate authorities cases which reasonably disclose evidence of criminal offences under this Act; and (e) to publicize the requirements of this Act and the rights and obligations under the Act. | |
Australia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 Reg. 4 Guide to this Part ...The functions of the Office are as follows: (a) the freedom of information functions, which are about giving the Australian community access to information held by the Commonwealth Government in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (and other Acts) Reg. 8 Definition of freedom of information functions The freedom of information functions are as follows: (a) promoting awareness and understanding of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and the objects of that Act (including all the matters set out in sections 3 and 3A of that Act) | |
Bahamas | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 35.In addition to any other powers and responsibilities provided for in this Act, the Commissioner may - (c) make recommendations for reform both of a general nature and directed at specific public bodies; … (e) make guidelines for the effective carrying out of the purposes of this Act; (f) publicise the requirements for access to information under this Act and the rights of individuals under it; | |
Bangladesh | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 13(5)(j) The Functions of the Information Commission shall be as follows namely: "to publicize the issues relating to the preservation and implementation of the right to information among different classes of citizens of the society and to increase their awareness about the right to information by publishing, disseminating or any other means;" | |
Bolivia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 20(II) The Executive Branch will promote actions aimed at creating a culture of access to information in society through public awareness plans; training programs and updating of public servants; periodic evaluations and monitoring of compliance with and execution of this Supreme Decree. | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 22 Activities of the Ombudsman. "In performing its functions in relation to this Act, the Ombudsman for Bosnia and Herzegovina may inter alia consider: a. creating and disseminating information such as guidelines and general recommendations concerning the administration and implementation of this Act; b. including in its annual report a special section regarding its activities in relation to this Act; and c. proposing instructions on the implementation of this Act to all competent ministries within Bosnia and Herzegovina, in coordination with the ombudsman institutions of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska." | |
Brazil | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 41. The Federal Executive Branch shall designate an organ from the Public Administration to be responsible for: I – promoting a national campaign to foster a cultural change towards transparency within the Public Administration and to raise awareness on the fundamental right of access to information. (...) | 41(1) requires that this be done. |
Burkina Faso | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 54 : L’Autorité nationale d’accès à l’information publique est chargée de : - promouvoir le droit d’accès à l’information publique ; - veiller au respect de la liberté d’accès à l’information publique et aux documents administratifs Article 70 : Le règlement intérieur de l’Autorité nationale d’accès à l’information publique complète les règles et procédures édictées par la présente loi. Il détermine notamment les procédures et les démarches nécessaires à l’accomplissement des missions de l’ANAIP y compris les initiatives visant la promotion, le suivi et la protection du droit d’accès à l’information dans tous les secteurs de l’administration publique. | |
Chile | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 32.- El Consejo tiene por objeto promover la transparencia de la función pública, fiscalizar el cumplimiento de las normas sobre transparencia y publicidad de la información de los órganos de la Administración del Estado, y garantizar el derecho de acceso a la información. | Art 32 - our local expert tells us that, in reality, the Council hasn't the resources to do this effectively. Nonetheless, the fact that they have this duty is enough to get them 2 points. |
China | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 3 . . . All levels of people's government, as well as departments of people's governments at the county level or above, shall establish and complete systems for open government information efforts in that administrative organ, and designate bodies (hereinafter "open government information work bodies") responsible for routine open government information work. The specific functions of open government information work bodies are: (1) To handle that administrative organ's open government information matters; (2) Preserving and updating the government information disclosed by that administrative organ; (3) Organizing the drafting of that administrative organ's open government information handbook, catalog of open government information, and annual report on open government information efforts; (4) Organizing implementation of reviews of government information to be disclosed; (5) Other functions related to open government information that that administrative organ provides. | |
Colombia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Under the Constitution of Colombia, it is the Procuraduria (protection) and the Defensoria (awareness raising and reporting) who have functions to promote and protect fundamental rights, including the right of access to information. See articles 278 and 282 of the Constitution and article 23 of Law 1712 of 2014 |
Croatia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art.35.3: Commissioner shall shall inform the public on exercising the beneficiary rights of access to information. | |
Cyprus | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | "Article 37 (Responsibilities of the Commissioner) 37 (1) Ο Επίτροπος εκτελεί τα καθήκοντα που του ανατίθενται δυνάμει των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόμου και ασκεί γενική εποπτεία εφαρμογής των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόμου και, ειδικότερα, ασκεί τις ακόλουθες αρμοδιότητες: (α) Εγκρίνει ή απορρίπτει σχέδια δημοσίευσης ή πρότυπα σχέδια δημοσίευσης, όπως προβλέπεται στο άρθρο 38, (β) δύναται να αξιολογεί τη συμμόρφωση οποιασδήποτε δημόσιας αρχής με τις διατάξεις του παρόντος Νόμου και τους κώδικες πρακτικής που εκδίδονται από τον ίδιο δυνάμει των διατάξεων του άρθρου 39, (γ) ενημερώνει το κοινό και δύναται να παρέχει συμβουλές σε οποιοδήποτε πρόσωπο, αναφορικά με την εφαρμογή των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόμου και οποιαδήποτε άλλα θέματα που εμπίπτουν στις αρμοδιότητές του δυνάμει των διατάξεων του παρόντος Νόμου, ..." | |
Ecuador | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 11 "Vigilancia y Promoción de la Ley.- Sin perjuicio del derecho que las leyes asignan a otras instituciones públicas de solicitar información y de las facultades que le confiere su propia legislación, corresponde a la Defensoría del Pueblo, la promoción, vigilancia y garantías establecidas en esta Ley. Tendrá las siguientes atribuciones: a) Ser el órgano promotor del ejercicio y cumplimiento del derecho de acceso a la información pública; (...)" | Art 11(a) |
El Salvador | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 46 El Ministerio de Educación incluirá en los planes y programas de estudio de educación formal para los niveles inicial, parvulario, básico y medio, contenidos que versen sobre la importancia democratizadora de la transparencia, el derecho de acceso a la información pública, el derecho a la participación ciudadana para la toma de decisiones y el control de la gestión pública y el derecho a la protección de datos personales. El Instituto dará sugerencias para dichos planes de estudio y podrá celebrar convenios con instituciones públicas y privadas que presten servicios de educación formal a estos niveles. El Ministerio de Educación, con la cooperación del Instituto, capacitará a los maestros que impartan dichos cursos. El Instituto promoverá en las instituciones públicas y privadas de educación superior la integración de los temas señalados en el inciso anterior, dentro de sus actividades académicas curriculares y extracurriculares. Con tal fin el Instituto podrá celebrar convenios con dichas instituciones para compartir las experiencias en la materia y para la asistencia en el diseño de planes y programas de estudio. ARTICLE 47 El Instituto promoverá la cultura de transparencia en la sociedad civil con el objeto de que los beneficios de la presente ley puedan proyectarse efectivamente al servicio de todas las personas. Con tal fin, el Instituto celebrará talleres, conferencias, seminarios y otras actividades similares para difundir los derechos y obligaciones que esta ley contempla, así como para capacitar a los integrantes de la sociedad civil en el ejercicio del derecho de acceso a la información, derecho a la participación ciudadana para la toma de decisiones y control de la gestión pública, la protección de datos personales y los demás que contempla la presente ley. Para lograr los fines señalados, el Instituto podrá suscribir convenios con toda clase de organizaciones privadas y públicas. | Art 46 and 47 - the institute does this. |
Ethiopia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 32(2) the Ombudsman in addition to the powers and responsibilities given to it by this proclamation shall, to the extent that resources are available, a) monitor the implementation of of this section on the basis of reports submitted to it under article 36 (1), prepare an annual report to the council of peoples representatives b) make recommendations for development, improvement, or reform both of a general nature and directed at specific public bodies c) co-operate in the delivery or undertake training activities for public relation officers on the right of access to information and effective implementation of part three of this proclamation; d) publicize the requirements of this part and the rights of individuals e) with respect to the duty to publish in terms of Article 13 of this Proclamation, determine public bodies which, owing to the nature of their operation, should compile their manuals together or those public bodies which must share the cost of compilation or whose cost should be covered by other public bodies.; f) compile and make widely available a guides and code of practices on how to use this proclamation; g) make recommendations to the house of peoples representatives regarding the development, improvement, reform and/or amendment of this proclamation h) perform such other acts as may be required for the implementation of this proclamation. | |
Fiji | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 38(2) In addition to the powers and functions prescribed in this Act, the Commission is also responsible for - [...] | Set of promotional measures are vested in Commission. |
Gambia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 54(1) The Commission shall have the power to determine the nature, process and undertaking necessary to discharge its mandate in terms of this Act, including all work necessary for the promotion, monitoring and protection of the right to access information. 58(1) The Commission has the mandate to promote awareness, educate and popularise the right of access to information. | |
Ghana | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 41 The object of the Commission is to (a) promote, (b) monitor, (c) protect, and (d) enforce the right to information that is granted to a person under paragraph (f) of clause (1) of article 21 of the Constitution and the provisions of this Act. 45(2) In promoting awareness of the right to information, the Commission shall (a) assess all implementation plans required to be submitted by public institutions to the Commission to ensure public institutions have clear obligations and processes which support awareness raising and education interventions at community level including disadvantaged groups; (b) consult and collaborate with civil society organisations and interest groups; (c) provide recommendations and guidelines to a public institution for internal training of personnel, and provide training on request; (d) monitor internal training of staff within public institutions and issue notices for mandatory training where necessary; (e) assist an applicant and public institution on matters of interpretation of the Act; (f) develop the material that it considers necessary to advance promotion of access to information; and (g) make public and widely disseminate its annual report. | The Commission has broad promotional responsibilities |
Guatemala | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Cuando el sujeto obligado no diere respuesta alguna en el plazo y forma que está obligado, éste quedará obligado a otorgarla al interesado en un período no mayor de diez días posteriores al vencimiento del plazo para la respuesta, sin costo alguno y sin que medie solicitud de parte interesada. El incumplimiento de lo previsto en este artículo será causal de responsabilidad penal. | Article 44 - the General Attorney for Human Rights. |
Honduras | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICULO 8. CONSTITUCION Y FINALIDAD DEL INSTITUTO DE ACCESO A LA AINFORMACION PUBLICA. El Instituto de Acceso a la Información Publica, (IAIP), es un órgano desconcentrado de la administración publica, con independencia operativa, decisión y presupuestaria, responsable de promover y facilitar el acceso de los ciudadanos a la información publica, así como de regular y supervisar los procedimientos de las instituciones obligadas en cuanto a la protección, clasificación y custodia de la información publica, de acuerdo a esta Ley. La Presidencia de la Republica apoyara el funcionamiento de este Instituto y actuara como órgano de enlace la Secretaria de Estado en el Despacho de la Presidencia. | |
Hungary | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 38(2) The task of the Authority shall be to supervise and promote the enforcement of the right to the protection of personal data, and of the right to access to data of public interest or to data public on grounds of public interest. | |
Indonesia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Information commissioner said this was within his purview. |
Iran | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 18. In order to support the freedom of information and public access to the existing information in public and private institutions that provide public service, a commission on publication and free access to information is established by the order of the president to formulate necessary executive plans for public notification, overall overseeing over the performance of duties and resolution of conflicts in the ways the information related to this law are presented, considering consistency in action and providing guidance and consultation. | |
Ivory Coast | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 19. Il est créé une Autorité Administrative Indépendante dénommée Commission d’Accès à l’Information d’intérêt Public et aux Documents Publics, en abrégé CAIDP, chargée de veiller au respect et à l’application des dispositions de la présente loi. L’organisation, les attributions et le fonctionnement de la CAIDP sont fixés par décret. | CAIDP. |
Jordan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 4(d) The Board shall issue bulletins and undertake appropriate activities to explain and enhance the right of knowledge and obtaining information culture. | 4(d) - The Information Board. |
Kenya | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 21(1) The functions of the Commission shall be to - [...] (d) work with public entities to promote the right to access to information and work with other regulatory bodies on promotion and compliance with data protection measures in terms of legislation; [...] (h) perform such other functions as the Commission may consider necessary for the promotion of access to information and promotion of data protection. | |
Kosovo | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 3(1.10) Agency – shall mean the Information and Privacy Agency, established under a special law on personal data protection. 27 The Agency is competent for monitoring and ensuring the implementation of this Law, for undertaking and imposing measures provided for by this Law, as well as promotion and training of public institutions in the implementation of this Law. 28 In addition to other duties and responsibilities provided for by this Law and other laws, the Agency has the following duties and responsibilities as well: (1.1) monitor and report in relation to compliance and adherence of this Law by public institutions; (1.2) recommend changes and general and specific reforms addressed to a specific institution, in relation to the right of access to public documents; (1.3) cooperate with responsible institutions for organizing and holding trainings for public officials on access to public documents and on effective implementation of this Law; (1.4) publish the obligations of public institutions deriving from this Law and the rights of each person provided for by this Law; (1.5) undertake and impose any of the measures stipulated in this Law for the effective implementation of this Law. (2) The Agency is also competent to initiate the procedure for the declassification of classified documents based on the applicable law on classification of documents. | |
Lebanon | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 22: Functions of the National Anti-Corruption Body (“the body”): The body shall: ... 4 – Help educate citizens and raise their awareness of the importance of the right to access information and the procedures for exercising it, and contribute to the training of employees and officials in the administration on the means and importance of enabling individuals to obtain information. | |
Liberia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 1.3.6: "Independent Human Rights Commission" means the autonomous commission established by an Act of the legislature, which shall have oversight responsibility for the effective implementation of this Act." 5.1: "Oversight Body: The implementation of this Act, including compliance therewith, shall be overseen an independent Information Commissioner to be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Liberian Senate. The Independent Information Commissioner shall be a Liberian of high moral character and generally acceptable to many stakeholders. The Independent Information Commissioner shall serve full-time, and receive compensation at least equal to that receive by a Circuit Judge. The work of the Information Commissioner and the Technical Secretariat to support his or her work shall be funded by the Government through the National budget. The Informational Commissioner shall enjoy operational, investigatory and regulatory autonomy, and general independence in the exercise of his or her work." | 1.3.6 gives the human rights commission this responsibility. 5.1 also gives responsibility to an information commissioner. |
Liechtenstein | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Articles 38 and 14 (law). | |
Luxembourg | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | A9: Une Commission dite "Commission d’accès aux documents", établie auprès du Premier ministre, ministre d’État, est chargée de veiller au respect du droit d’accès aux documents dans les conditions prévues par la présente loi. Elle conseille les organismes visés à l’article 1er, paragraphe 1er, sur toutes les questions relatives à l’application de la présente loi. Elle établit un rapport annuel. | |
Malawi | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 8. The Commission, in its oversight functions, have the power to – (a) raise awareness of the right of access to information among members of the public and officials of all information holders; (b) advise Government and other institutions to which this Act applies, on matters related to the coordination and the management of information in the custody or under the control of information holders; (d) make recommendations to Government on the declassification of information which is exempt from disclosure to enable access to that information; (e) make recommendations to Government on matters related to the legal framework on access to information and related legislation; and (g) give directions of a general nature to all institutions to which this Act applies, in connection with the performance of their duties and obligations under this Act. | |
Maldives | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 53. In addition to undertaking the responsibilities specified in this Act, the Information Commissioner has the following powers: (a) To examine and report the extent to which this Act is administered by State Institute; (b) For the purpose of reforming matters related to information dissemination, to identify what general improvements can be made without singling out a particular State Institute, and identifying certain acts that can be carried out by a specific State Institute; (c) To participate, run and cooperate in providing training programs for Government employees, for the purpose of administering this Act; (d) Where breaches of this Act are deemed to have taken place, to inform the relevant authorities; (e) To publicize the purpose and objectives of this Act and to widely publicize the rights provided to individuals under this Act and to inform them of these rights. | |
Malta | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 2.0 of the Code of Practice. | |
Mexico | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 31. The National System has the following functions: I. Establish guidelines, instruments, objectives, indicators, targets, strategies, codes of best practices, comprehensive, systematic, continuous and measurable models and policies, designed to meet the objectives of this Act; II. Promote and implement actions to ensure accessibility for vulnerable groups to exercise, on an equal footing, the right of access to information; III. Develop and establish common national programs for the promotion, research, diagnosis and dissemination in matters of transparency, access to information, protection of personal data and open government in the country; IV. Set the criteria for the publication of the indicators that allow regulated entities to be accountable for meeting their objectives and results; V. Assist in the development, promotion and dissemination among the regulated entities of the criteria for the systematization and conservation of files that allow public information to be efficiently located in accordance with the regulations on the subject matter; VI. Establish guidelines for the implementation of the National Platform of Transparency in accordance with the provisions of this Act; VII. Establish policies regarding the digitization of public information in possession of the regulated entities and the use of information technologies and the implementation of Reasonable Adjustments, to ensure full access thereto VIII. Design and implement policies for the generation, updating, organization, classification, publication, dissemination, preservation and accessibility of public information in accordance with applicable regulations; IX. Promote citizen participation through effective mechanisms in the planning, implementation and evaluation of policies in this area; X. Establish programs of professionalization, updating and training of Public Servants and members of the regulated entities on transparency, access to public information and protection of personal data XI. Issue agreements and resolutions for the general operation of the National System; XII. Approve, implement and evaluate the National Program of Transparency and Access to Information; XIII. Promote the exercise of the right of access to public information all over Mexico; XIV. Promote the effective coordination of the bodies that make up the National System and follow up their actions established for this purpose, and XV. Any others arising from this Act. | |
Morocco | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 22. Il est créé, auprès du Chef du gouvernement, une commission du droit d'accès à l'information et de veiller à sa mise en application. Cette commission est chargée des missions suivantes : —assurer le bon exercice du droit d'accès à l'information ; —apporter conseil et expertise aux institutions ou organismes concernés sur les mécanismes d'application des dispositions de la présente loi ainsi que sur la publication proactive des informations détenues par lesdits institutions ou organismes ; — recevoir les plaintes déposées par les demandeurs d'informations et faire tout le nécessaire aux fins d'y statuer, en procédant aux enquêtes et aux investigations et en formulant des recommandations à cet égard ; —sensibiliser à l'importance de fournir les informations et d'y faciliter l'accès par toutes les voies et les moyens disponibles, notamment à travers l'organisation de cycles de formation au profit des cadres des institutions ou organismes concernés ; —émettre des recommandations et des propositions afin d'améliorer la qualité des procédures d'accès à l'information ; — présenter au gouvernement toute proposition en vue d'adapter les textes législatifs et réglementaires en vigueur au principe du droit d'accès à l'information ; — donner son avis sur les projets de textes législatifs et réglementaires qui lui sont soumis par le gouvernement ; — établir un rapport annuel sur le bilan de ses activités en matière de droit d'accès à l'information comportant en particulier une évaluation du processus de la mise en oeuvre dudit principe. Ce rapport est rendu public par tous les moyens disponibles. | The information commission has this role |
Namibia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 5. (1) In terms of subsection (3), the President must appoint an independent and impartial person as Information Commissioner to promote, monitor and protect the right of access to information in Namibia. 31(1) The Information Commissioner has the mandate to promote public awareness of the right of access to information by educating and training the public on how to use this Act and by popularising the right. | See also s. 9 general functions of Commissioner. |
Nepal | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 11. Provision Regarding Commission: (1) There shall be an independent National Information Commission for the protection, promotion and practice of right to information. 19. Functions, Duties and Powers of the Commission: In addition to the functions, duties and powers stated elsewhere in this Act, the functions, duties and powers of the Commission shall be as follows: (g) To issue other appropriate orders regarding the protection, promotion and exercise of right to information. | |
Nicaragua | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 13.- Crease la Coordinación de Acceso a la Información Pública en cada poder del Estado, Gobiernos Regionales Autónomos de la Costa Atlántica y Gobiernos Municipales, cuya función principal es velar en el ámbito de su competencia, por el cumplimiento de la presente Ley y constituirse como segunda instancia para conocer y resolverlos recursos de apelación que se interpongan contra las resoluciones denegatorias a las solicitudes de acceso a la información pública. En el caso de los Municipios, éstos elegirán a tres delegados que integrarán la coordinación de acceso a la información pública. | |
Niger | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 28: Le médiateur de la République est l’institution chargée de veiller au respect du droit d’accès des citoyens à l’information publique telle que prévu par la présente ordonnance. | Article 28 - the ombudsman |
North Macedonia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 32. "The Commission shall perform the following tasks: - it shall decide on each complaint against the decision and conclusion whereby an information holder shall reject a request to access information filed by an information requester; - it shall make sure that provisions of the present Law are implemented; - it shall compile and publish a list of information holders; - it shall issue opinions on proposed laws regulating free access to information; - it shall carry out activities regarding the education of information holders to provide information requesters with information disposed of by them; - it shall cooperate with information holders regar ding the exercising of the right to access information; - it shall issue proposals regarding the necessary funding for the Commission's operation in the process of drafting the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia; - it shall adopt the Book of Rules for its operatio n; - it shall draft the annual report on its operation and shall submit it to the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia; - it shall perform tasks in the field of international cooperation related with the meeting of Republic of Macedonia's international commitments, take part in the implementation of international organizations' projects, and shall cooperate with bodies from other countries and institutions in the field of free access to information of public character; - it shall adopt Statute and other acts to determine the manner of its operation and organization; and - it shall also perform other tasks determined by t he present Law." | |
Pakistan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 19 (1) The Information Commission shall have the primary responsibility to receive and decide on appeals under section 17. (2) The Information Commission shall, in addition to its functions under sub-section (1), perform the following functions, namely:- (a) compile a user-friendly handbook in Urdu and English describing in easily comprehensible form the rights established by and how to make a request under this Act; (b) have an accredited accountant to conduct an audit of its accounts on an annual basis; (c) compile a comprehensive bi-annual report both describing its own activities, including an overview of its audited accounts and providing an overview of the activities undertaken by all public bodies to implement this Act. This report shall be laid before the Parliament; (d) ensure that all the information under section 5 is made public; and (e) ensure implementation of this Act and the record to be made public under this Act. | |
Panama | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 6: La Autoridad tendrá las siguientes atribuciones y facultades: (...) 9. Promover la transparencia, la ética, la participación ciudadana y la publicidad de la información y garantizar el derecho de acceso a la información. | Article 6(9) of Law 33 of 2013 includes promoting transparency and RTI among the duties of the oversight body. |
Romania | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | General Secretariat of the Government, hg123/2003. | The government department is in charge of the promotion of the right and the collection of statistical data on the exercise of the right. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 37 | Range of general promotional functions |
Serbia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 35: "The Commissioner shall: 2) Initiate the preparation or change of regulations for the implementation and promotion of the right to access information of public importance; 6) Inform the public of the content of this Law and the rights regulated by this Law;" | |
Seychelles | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 48. (1) The Information Commission has the power to determine the nature, process and undertakings necessary to discharge its mandate in terms of this Act, including all work necessary for the promotion, monitoring and protection of the right of aceess to information (2) The Information Commission has the discretion and power to—(a) resolve a matter through negotiation, conciliation or mediation where it deems such recourse appropriate; (b) determine the need for, form of and type of investigation required for the determination of any matter, and (c) authorise or undertake any such action it deems necessary or appropriate for the execution of its mandate under this Act. (3) The Information Commission may—(a) determine and issue general directions for the hearing of a matter including notification of parties; (b) issue specific directions where issues of sensitivity to the state are concerned; (c) issue specific directions in matters concerning confidential information or minors or circumstances which it deems appropriate for such action, (d) decide on all matters relating to the need for, form of; issuing and service of notices and communications; and (e) decide on issues of representation where necessary. (4) The Information Commission has the power to - (a) issue written orders obliging the production of information; (b) examine, reproduce, take extracts from or hold information for as long as is necessary; (c) require the production of information to which access has been refused on the basis of an exemption under Part III, for the purpose of deciding whether it is an exempt document; (d) limit access to information by the parties in terms of this Act; and (e) take any such other action or issue and serve notices as may be appropriate for the resolution of any matter before it. | |
Sierra Leone | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 32. (1) The Commission shall have all powers direct or incidental, as are necessary to undertake its functions under this Act, including the power to acquire, hold and dispose of property. (e) publicise the requirements of this Act and the rights of individuals under it. | |
Slovenia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 32. (Tasks of the Ministry) "(1) The Ministry shall perform promotional and developmental tasks in relation to access to public information. (2) Tasks of the Ministry referred to in the preceding paragraph are in particular (as follows): 1. Informing the public about the means and conditions for the access to public information; 2. Providing counseling to other bodies in relation to the application of the provisions of this Act; 3. Other promotional and developmental tasks. (3) The Ministry performs inspection and supervision over the implementation of this Act. (4) The Commissioner is within the frame of the appellate proceeding competent also for the supervision over the implementation of this Act and executive acts based on the Act." | |
South Africa | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 83 Additional functions of Information Regulator (1) The Information Regulator must- (a) compile and make available a guide on how to use this Act as contemplated in section 10; and (b) submit reports to the National Assembly as contemplated in section 84. (2) The Information Regulator must, to the extent that financial and other resources are available- (a) develop and conduct educational programmes to advance the understanding of the public, in particular of disadvantaged communities, of this Act and of how to exercise the rights contemplated in this Act; (b) encourage public and private bodies to participate in the development and conduct of programmes referred to in paragraph (a) and to undertake such programmes themselves; and (c) promote timely and effective dissemination of accurate information by public bodies about their activities. (3) The Information Regulator may- (a) make recommendations for- (i) the development, improvement, modernisation, reform or amendment of this Act or other legislation or common law having a bearing on access to information held by public and private bodies, respectively | |
South Korea | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 22, 24(2)-(5), PD 29 Article 22: The Information Disclosure Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") shall be established under the Minister of the Interior in order to deliberate on and adjust the following matters: 1. Matters concerning the formulation of an information-disclosure policy and the improvement of the current information-disclosure system; 2. Matters concerning the formulation of information-disclosure standards; 3. Matters concerning the evaluation of the actual operational state of information disclosure by public institutions under Article 24 (2) and (3) and the handling of findings from such evaluation; 4. Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree with respect to information disclosure. Article 24(2): (2) The Minister of the Interior may evaluate the current status of operation of the information disclosure system of public institutions (excluding the National Assembly, courts, Constitutional Court, and National Election Commission), if the Committee makes a request for such evaluation for an efficient operation of the system. (3) The Minister of the Interior shall, if he/she conducts an evaluation referred to in paragraph (2), publish findings of the evaluation after reporting them to the State Council through the Committee and shall request the relevant public institution to take corrective measures, etc. with respect to matters that are recommended by the Committee as being necessary to be improved. (4) The Minister of the Interior may recommend heads of public institutions (excluding the National Assembly, courts, Constitutional Court, and National Election Commission) to improve conditions concerning information disclosure, when necessary for information disclosure. In such cases, the relevant public institutions shall faithfully comply with such request, and notify the Minister of the Interior of outcomes thereof. (5) The National Assembly, courts, Constitutional Court, and National Election Commission, central administrative agencies, and local governments may present their opinions on information disclosure to institutions affiliated thereto or competent public institutions, or supervise or check information disclosure made by such institutions. PD 29: The written report concerning the operation of the information disclosure pursuant to Article 24 of the Act shall include matters falling under the following subparagraphs: 1. Matters concerning the operation status of information disclosure of public institutions; 2. Matters concerning the appraisal of operating status of the information disclosure system pursuant to Article 24 (2) of the Act; 3. Matters concerning measures on requirements, etc. for correction pursuant to Article 24 (3) of the Act. | |
South Sudan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 40(1) includes a duty to publicise RTI, and other promotional roles. | |
Spain | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 34 (Fines): El Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno tiene por finalidad promover la transparencia de la actividad pública, velar por el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de publicidad, salvaguardar el ejercicio de derecho de acceso a la información pública y garantizar la observancia de las disposiciones de Buen Gobierno. | |
Sri Lanka | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 2. It shall be the responsibility of the Ministry of the Minister assigned the subject of mass media to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of this Act. Section 14. The duties and functions of the Commission shall be, to (a) monitor the performance and ensure the due compliance by public authorities, of the duties cast on them under this Act; | |
Sudan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. The Commission aims to ensure the right of access to: (1) Information maintained by State bodies in accordance with the various levels of government of any person or any party that requests it with exceptions applied only in an exclusive and specific manner. (2) Ensure and facilitate the citizen’s right to access information, and expand and exercise the principles of rights and freedoms. (3) Reinforce the essential components of transparency, distribute opportunities of active and responsible participation and enable the society to build its capacities. See also Articles 5 and 7 | General promotional role for the Commission. |
Switzerland | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 18 (Duties and Competencies): "The Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (the Commissioner) pursuant to Article 26 of the Data Protection Act shall, in particular, have the fol- lowing duties and competencies under the present Act: a. conducting mediation proceedings (Art. 13) and making a recommendation (Art. 14), should mediation not succeed; b. providing information ex officio, or at the request of individuals or authorities, on the modalities governing access to official documents; c. commenting on draft legislation and measures of the Federal Government which have a fundamental impact on the principle of freedom of information." Article 19 (Evaluation). Section 1: "The Commissioner shall review the execution and effectiveness of this Act and, in particular, the costs incurred in its implementation, and shall report on a regular basis to the Federal Council." | |
Tunisia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 38 - L’Instance est notamment chargée, de : - statuer sur les recours qui lui sont soumis en matière d’accès à l’information. Elle peut à cet effet et en cas de besoin, mener les investigations nécessaires sur place auprès de l’organisme concerné, accomplir toutes les procédures d’instruction et auditionner toute personne dont l’audition est jugée utile, - informer tous les organismes concernés et le demandeur d’accès personnellement, de ses décisions, - publier ses décisions sur son propre site web, - suivre l’engagement en matière de diffusion proactive, sur initiative de l'organisme concerné, des informations mentionnées aux articles 6, 7 et 8 de la présente loi, et ce, par auto saisine de la part de l’instance ou suite à des requêtes émanant d’un tiers, - émettre obligatoirement un avis sur les projets de lois et les textes réglementaires ayant lien avec le domaine d’accès à l’information, - promouvoir la culture d’accès à l’information en coordination avec les organismes soumis aux dispositions de la présente loi et la société civile, à travers des actions de sensibilisation et de formation destinées au public, - évaluer périodiquement la consécration du droit d’accès à l’information par les organismes soumis aux dispositions de la présente loi, - préparer un rapport d’activité annuel contenant les suggestions et les recommandations nécessaires à la consécration du droit d’accès à l’information, ainsi que des données statistiques concernant le nombre des demandes d’accès à l’information, le nombre des recours, les réponses et les délais y afférents, ses décisions prises et le suivi annuel de leurs mises en œuvre par les organismes soumis aux dispositions de la présente loi, - échanger les expériences et l’expertise avec ses homologues étrangères et les organisations internationales spécialisées et conclure des conventions de coopération dans ce domaine. L’instance soumet le rapport annuel au Président de la République, au président de l’assemblée des représentants du peuple et au chef du gouvernement. Ce rapport sera publié au public sur le site web de l’instance. | |
Ukraine | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Law of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Article 14. 5 Commissioner exercises parliamentary control over the observance of the right of access to public information. | The analysis made in the Report of Directorate of Information Society DGI (2016) SASG/2016/07 suggests that there is a possibility of existence of a new independent body in the Ukrainian state authorities system and offers the body’s tentative structure (available here) |
United Kingdom | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 47. | |
United States | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 7(H1)(2) - The Office of Government Information Services | |
Uruguay | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 21. (Cometidos).- El órgano de control deberá realizar todas las acciones necesarias para el cumplimiento de los objetivos y demás disposiciones de la presente ley. A tales efectos tendrá las siguientes funciones y atribuciones: A) Asesorar al Poder Ejecutivo en el cumplimiento de la normativa constitucional, legal o reglamentaria vigente y de los instrumentos internacionales ratificados por la República referidos al acceso a la información pública. B) Controlar la implementación de la presente ley en los sujetos obligados. C) Coordinar con autoridades nacionales la implementación de políticas. D) Orientar y asesorar a los particulares respecto al derecho de acceso a la información pública. E) Capacitar a los funcionarios de los sujetos que están obligados a brindar el acceso a la información. F) Promover y coordinar con todos los sujetos obligados las políticas tendientes a facilitar el acceso informativo y la transparencia. G) Ser órgano de consulta para todo lo relativo a la puesta en práctica de la presente ley por parte de todos los sujetos obligados. H) Promover campañas educativas y publicitarias donde se reafirme el derecho al acceso a la información como un derecho fundamental. I) Realizar un informe de carácter anual relativo al estado de situación de este derecho al Poder Ejecutivo. J) Denunciar ante las autoridades competentes cualquier conducta violatoria a la presente ley y aportar las pruebas que consideren pertinentes. | |
Vanuatu | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 56. Functions and powers of the Information Commissioner (g) to conduct educational programs to advance the understanding of the public, in particular of disadvantaged communities; or (h) to publicise the requirements of this Act and the rights of individual persons under it. 69. Establishment of a Right to Information Unit (1) The Right to Information Unit is established. (2) The Unit has the following functions: (e) to engage with civil society to promote the use and understanding of the Act by the public; | - |
Venezuela | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 13. La Defensoría del Pueblo ejercerá la promoción, defensa y vigilancia del derecho de acceso a la información de interés público, de conformidad con lo establecido en la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y la ley | |
Vietnam | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 13(1) The National Assembly shall conduct supreme supervision to ensure the implementation of the right to access to information of citizens; (2) People’s Councils shall conduct supervision to ensure the implementation of the right to access to information of citizens at localities; reviewing annual reports of People’s Committees at the same level on the implementation of the right to access to information of citizens at the localities; (3) Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organizations are responsible for social supervision of the implementation of citizen’s right to access to information. Article 35(1): The Government shall unify the state management on ensuring the right to access to information of citizens and implement tasks and authorities as follows: (d) Giving guidance to agencies and citizens in implementation of the right to access to information. Reg. 12(3): The Ministry of Justice shall guide, monitor, urge and inspect ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and People’s Committees at all levels in providing information and the information provision by information-providing agencies, performing the following specific tasks: a/ Compiling and issuing documents to guide the guarantee for the exercise of citizens’ right of access to information; b/ Monitoring, urging, guiding and inspecting the information provision by state administrative agencies from the central or local levels; c/ Summing up and reporting the situation of information provision to the Government and Prime Minister. | Seems clear that the Min. of Justice will be the central point of focus on this. |
Yemen | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 28(b) |
28(b) contains a promotional role for the Office of the Commissioner-General of Information |
Zambia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 4, 5, 38 | |
Angola | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 19 It is the responsibility of the Monitoring Commission: (a) to draft its internal rules; (b) evaluate all complaints submitted to it by the interested persons; (c) advise on access to personal documents; (d) present its position on the system of classification of documents; (e) give opinions on the implementation of this law, as well as on the drafting and implementation of the complementary laws; (f) prepare an annual report on the implementation of this law and on its activity, to be forwarded to the National Assembly and then to the government for publication. | Art 19 - the Monitoring Commission somewhat has this function - though whether their role is actually promotional is unclear. |
Cape Verde | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 28. The government department responsible for the area of public administration must promote the dissemination and broad knowledge of this diploma and support other entities in its interpretation, with a view to pursuing the objectives established with its approval. | Limited role to support other entities in implementation. |
Estonia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 55. Access to public computer network in public libraries "The state and local governments shall ensure that there is the opportunity to access public information through the data communication network in public libraries by 2002." | |
Guyana | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 45(1)The responsible Minister may, to the extent of availability of financial and other resources - (a) develop and organise educational programmes to advance the understanding of the public, in particular of disadvantaged communities as to how to exercise the rights conferred under this Act; (b) encourage public authorities to participate in creating public awareness, in particular of disadvantaged communities as to how to exercise the rights conferred under this Act; (c) encourage public authorities to participate in the development and organisation of programmes referred to in paragraph (a) and to undertake such programmes themselves; (d) promote timely and effective dissemination of accurate information by public authorities about their activities; and (e) train public authorities to produce relevant training materials for use by the public authorities themselves and by the public. | 45(1) has promotional aspects - but all with the caveat that it "may" be done resource permitting. |
Iceland | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 14. Should a government authority refuse to grant access to material according to this Act, the matter may be referred to an Information Committee, which shall rule on the dispute. The same applies if a government authority refuses to furnish photocopies of documents or copies of other material. This Committee shall operate independently, and its rulings may not be referred pursuant to this Act to any other governmental authorities. | Special Information Committee created, but not mentioned whether it has duty to promote the right. |
India | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 26(1) The appropriate government may, to the extent of availability of financial and other resources (a) develop and organise educational programmes to advance the understanding of the public, in particular of disadvantaged communities as to how to exercise the rights contemplated under this Act; (b) encourage public authorities to participate in the development and organisation of programmes referred to in clause (a) and to undertake such programmes themselves; (c) promote timely and effective dissemination of accurate information by public authorities about their activities; and (d) train Central Public Information Officers or State Public Information Officers, as the case may be, of public authorities and produce relevant training materials for use by the public authorities themselves. (2) The appropriate Government shall, within eighteen months from the commencement of this Act, compile in its official language a guide containing such information, in an easily comprehensible form and manner, as may reasonably be required by a person who wishes to exercise any right specified in this Act. (3) The appropriate Government shall, if necessary, update and publish the guidelines referred to in sub-section (2) at regular intervals which shall, in particular and without prejudice to the generality of sub-section (2), include (a) the objects of this Act; (b) the postal and street address, the phone and fax number and, if available, electronic mail address of the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, of every public authority appointed under sub-section (1) of section 5; (c) the manner and the form in which request for access to an information shall be made to a Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be; (d) the assistance available from and the duties of the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, of a public authority under this Act; (e) the assistance available from the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be; (f) all remedies in law available regarding an act or failure to act in respect of a right or duty conferred or imposed by this Act including the manner of filing an appeal to the Commission; (g) the provisions providing for the voluntary disclosure of categories of records in accordance with section 4; (h) the notices regarding fees to be paid in relation to requests for access to an information; and (i) any additional regulations or circulars made or issued in relation to obtaining access to an information in accordance with this Act. (4) The appropriate Government must, if necessary, update and publish the guidelines at regular intervals. | Section 26, however the use of the words "may" and "appropriate government" weaken this section - and the task should have been specifically given to the Information Commissioner. |
Italy | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 10(1) Each administration shall specify, in a separate section of the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption referred to in article 1, paragraph 5 of Law no. 190/2012, the persons responsible for the transmission and publication of the documents, information and data pursuant to this decree. | The Anti-Corruption Authority has authority on transparency both for promotion and surveillance according to its statutes. Here are all the deliberations on transparency here. Also check Action 7 and 8 of the OGP 3rd Action Plan (ANAC defines the exemptions for the FOIA and the obligations for proactive transparency) and Action 13 (Open Government Week which includes promotion of transparency but it is led by the Dipartimento Funzione Pubblica) available here. |
Nigeria | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 29(6) The Attorney General shall in his oversight responsibility under this Act ensure that all institutions to which this Act applies comply with the provisions of the Act. | S. 29(6) gives something like this to the attorney general - but it doesn't quite fit within the idea of "promoting." |
Rwanda | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | The Ombudsman has some promotional mandate though this point is being a bit generous given their broad mandate. |
Saudi Arabia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 1. From this standpoint, the National Data Management Office (NDMO), as the national regulator of data in the Kingdom, has developed the framework for national data governance to set the policies and regulations required for data classification, data sharing, data privacy, Freedom of Information, open data and others in anticipation of necessary legislation. National Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards Specifications ( FOI.2.1 The Entity shall launch awareness campaigns to promote and enhance the culture of transparency and to raise awareness of the National Data Management Office's Freedom of Information Regulations and right to access Public Information. The awareness campaigns shall include, at minimum, the following: 1. Raising awareness across the employees involved in the processing of FOI Access Requests to understand the main obligations and requirements of National Data Management Office's Freedom of Information Regulations 2. Raising awareness of the Freedom of Information Principles and their applicability on Saudi citizens' rights. | The central NDMO has standard-setting and policy-making competence; it has created policies that include promotional aspects, although the NDMO has largely delegated that responsibility to the individual public entities. Worth 1 point here. |
Thailand | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 28. The Board shall have the powers and duties as follows: (1) to supervise and give advice with regard to the performance of duties of State officials and State agencies for the implementation of this Act; (2) to give advice to State officials or State agencies with regard to the implementation of this Act as requested; (3) to give recommendations on the enactment of the Royal Decrees and the issuance of the Ministerial Regulations or the Rules of the Council of Ministers under this Act; (4) to consider and give opinions on the complaints under section 13; (5) to submit a report on the implementation of this Act to the Council of Ministers from time to time as appropriate but at least once a year; (6) to perform other duties provided in this Act; (7) to carry out other acts as entrusted by the Council of Ministers or the Prime Minister. | 28 - The Official Information Board plays this role to some extent. |
Trinidad and Tobago | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | The Minister is given some overall power. |
Argentina | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Armenia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Austria | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | 15 (1) (constitutional provision) The data protection authority shall advise and support the bodies and institutions subject to information obligations by providing guidelines and offers for further training in data protection issues relating to the enforcement of freedom of information. (2) The data protection authority shall evaluate the application of this Act on an ongoing basis. It shall inform the public about its activities under this Act. | This is a fairly vague provision and focuses mainly on data protection issues and does not involve awareness raising around RTI. |
Azerbaijan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Belgium | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Belize | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No - the Ombudsman Act seems to set the organization out as a disciplinary and investigatory body, rather than one concerned with promotion. |
Benin | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bulgaria | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Canada | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Canada's Information Commissioner does not have this mandate. |
Cook Islands | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Costa Rica | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Czech Republic | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Denmark | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Dominican Republic | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
East Timor | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Finland | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | [Principles of Openness] Article 18(1) In order to create and realize good practice on information management, the authorities shall see to the appropriate availability, usability, protection, integrity and other matters of quality pertaining to documents and information management systems and, for this purpose, especially [...] (2) More detailed provisions on the measures necessary for the realisation of the obligations provided in paragraph (1) shall be issued by Decree. However, more detailed provisions on the diaries of the courts and prosecutors shall be issued by the Ministry of Justice. Provisions may be issued by Decree on the powers of the Government to issue more detailed orders and guidelines on the technical specifications for data security arrangements and procedures for the safeguarding of information management systems and the information contained therein, ensuring the integrity and quality of the information and the transfer of information by way of data networks, as well as on the classification, within the State administration, of the pertinent documents, information management systems and the information contained therein. [Decree on the Openness of Government Activities and on Good Practice in Information Management (1030/1999)] chapter 2. | There is no body in charge of promoting the right of access to info. |
France | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Georgia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | There is no designated body to promote FOI. |
Germany | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Greece | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Guinea | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ireland | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 0 | N/A | The Department leads this via There is no specific element for the Commissioner to promote access. |
Israel | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | 19. The Minister of Justice is responsible for implementing this law, and is entitled to institute regulations for its implementation, with the approval of the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee. | 19 tasks the Ministry of Justice with overseeing the la''s implementation - but not with promoting access to information. |
Jamaica | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Japan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kazakhstan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kuwait | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kyrgyzstan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | Ombudsman has general promotional roles for all human rights but this is too general to warrant points here. |
Latvia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Lithuania | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Moldova | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Monaco | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Mongolia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Montenegro | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Mozambique | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Netherlands | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
New Zealand | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No – the Ombudsman is a general adminstrative investigatory body – not specifically there to promote FOI. |
Norway | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Palau | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Paraguay | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Peru | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | 5 Publicación en los portales de las dependencias públicas: Las entidades de la Administración Pública establecerán progresivamente, de acuerdo a su presupuesto, la difusión a través de Internet de la siguiente información: 1. Datos generales de la entidad de la Administración Pública que incluyan principalmente las disposiciones y comunicados emitidos, su organización, organigrama y procedimientos. 2. Las adquisiciones de bienes y servicios que realicen. La publicación incluirá el detalle de los montos comprometidos, los proveedores, la cantidad y calidad de bienes y servicios adquiridos. 3. La información adicional que la entidad considere pertinente. Lo dispuesto en este artículo no exceptúa de la obligación a la que se refiere el Título IV de esta Ley relativo a la publicación de la información sobre las finanzas públicas. La entidad pública deberá identificar al funcionario responsable de la elaboración de los portales de Internet.
No, responsibility is divided among the different departments. (Article 5, and generally this idea permeates the law as a whole). Our expert has mentioned that in practice the Council of Ministers tries to do this, but this sometime practice isn't enough to merit a point. |
Philippines | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Poland | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Portugal | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Qatar | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Republic of Belarus | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Russia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
San Marino | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | 25(2). The Directorate General of the Civil Service monitors the correct application of the provisions on access and verifies, at the request of the Administrations concerned, the legitimacy of the requests, the conformity of the methods of exercise and the application of any limits placed on the exercise of access. | No mention of promotional activities, only monitoring compliance. |
Slovakia | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Sweden | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Taiwan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No requirement |
Tajikistan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Tanzania | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Togo | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Turkey | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Uganda | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Uzbekistan | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Zimbabwe | A central body, such as an information commission(er) or government department, is given overall responsibility for promoting the right to information. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned even though presumably the Commission would do this |
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