By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3(1) Information: Any type of documents and recorded or registered information including written, audio, visual, sample or model. 6(3) The applicant is not required to give reasons for requesting the information or to name specific documents. | Includes both documents and information. |
Albania | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3(3) Every person has the right to access public information, by receiving the original document or a copy of it in the form or format allowing full access to the content of the document. | |
Andorra | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7: Public information For the purposes of this chapter, public information means the contents or documents available to them the entities provided for in Article 3.1, prepared or received, in the exercise of their public functions, of the physical medium or format in which they are recorded or archived. Article 7: Informació pública Als efectes d’aquest capítol, s’entén per informació pública els continguts o els documents de què disposen les entitats previstes a l’article 3.1, elaborats o rebuts, en l’exercici de les seves funcions públiques, independentment del suport físic o format en què estiguin registrats o arxivats. | |
Angola | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 4(1)(a) administrative documents: any information media, be it print, audio, visual or digital, or any records of another nature, produced or held directly, indirectly or autonomously by public bodies, to wit, case files, reports, studies, opinion pieces, minutes, official records, circulars, ministerial memoranda, internal orders, internal normative decisions, instructions and guidelines for the interpretation of the law or setting the framework for an activity, as well as other pieces of information; | |
Antigua and Barbuda | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 4(1) For purposes of this Act, a record includes any recorded information, regardless of its form, source, date of creation, or official status, whether or not it was created by the public authority or private body that holds it and whether or not it is classified. Art 16(2) A person making a request for information to a public authority shall be entitled, subject only to the provisions of this Part and Part IV of this Act. | Art 4(1) - applies to information in any form - implies the right to ask questions. This is reinforced by the wording of 16(2)(a). |
Armenia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3 Main concepts used in the following law include: Information - records/data of facts, people, subjects, events, phenomena, processes that are received and formed as defined by legislation, despite of the way those are possessed or their material carrier (electronic or hard copy documents, records, videos, films, photos, drawings, schemes, notes, maps, etc.) | Not entirely clear from the definition but it seems to have been interpreted broadly. |
Bangladesh | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(f) “information” includes any memo, book, design, map, contract, data, log book, order, notification, document, sample, letter, report, accounts, project proposal, photograph, audio, video, drawing, painting, film, any instrument done through electronic process, machine readable record, and any other documentary material regardless of its physical form or characteristics, and any copy thereof in relation to the constitution, structure and official activities of any authority: Provided that it shall not include note-sheets or copies of note- sheets; | 2(f) is an expansive definition, including raw data which implies the right to ask questions. |
Belgium | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Loi n° 94-1724, Article 1.b.2 (see above) and Art. 4. "Le droit de ... obtenir des explications à son sujet et en recevoir communication sous forme de copie." | The law mentions the right of access to all informtion in any format. Article 4 also includes a right to receive "explanations" which is taken to include information more broadly. |
Belize | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | SECTION 3 "(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires (...)"request" means a request for access to a document or record made in accordance with this Act;(...)" SECTION 14(1) Where- (b) it appears from the request that the desire of the applicant is for information that is not available in discrete form in documents of the Ministry or prescribed authority;" | S 3 definition seems to be limited to existing material (written or printed data). But 14(1)(b) seems to extend to databases. |
Benin | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 70: Tout citoyen a le droit d’accéder aux documents ou aux renseignements détenus par un organisme public ou par ses agents dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions. Ce droit s’exerce sur lesdits documents ou renseignements, qu’ils soient conservés par l’organisme public ou par un tiers. | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 3 Definitions. "For the purpose of this Act: "information" means any material which communicates facts, opinions, data or any other content, including any copy or portion thereof, regardless of form, characteristics, when it was created, or how it is classified;". | |
Brazil | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 4. For the purpose of this Law, one shall consider: I – information: processed or unprocessed data that can be used in the production and transmission of knowledge, within any media, support or format; II – document: unit of information recorded regardless of its support or format; | BRAZILIAN ACCESS TO INFORMATION BILL APPROVED BY THE SENATE ON 25 OCTOBER 2011 4(1) and 4(2) |
Bulgaria | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(3) Public sector information shall be any kind of information materialized on paper, electronic or other carrier, including if it was held as audio or video record, and collected or generated by a public sector organization. | |
Burkina Faso | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 4 : - information : tout original ou copie d’un document tels que les renseignements, les correspondances, les faits, les opinions, les avis, les mémorandums, les données, les statistiques, les livres, les dessins, les diagrammes, les photographies et les enregistrements quels que soient la forme et le support, qu’il soit en possession ou sous le contrôle du détenteur de l’information à qui la demande a été adressée | Seems to apply to both. |
Canada | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 4(3) For the purposes of this Act, any record requested under this Act that does not exist but can, subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by regulation, be produced from a machine readable record under the control of a government institution using computer hardware and software and technical expertise normally used by the government institution shall be deemed to be a record under the control of the government institution. | |
China | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2 Government information as used in these Regulations, refers to information produced or acquired by the administrative organs in the course of their performance of administrative management functions, which has been recorded or saved in some form. 29(2)(2) The applied for government information's name, document number, or other characteristic descriptions conducive to the administrative organs inquiry. | Consistently refers to information, but 29(2)(2) allows documents to be requested, so borderline but points given. |
Colombia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 6(a) Information. It refers to an organized set of data contained in any document that obligated parties generate, obtain, acquire, transform or control; | |
Cook Islands | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 11. Requests – (1) Any qualified person may request a Ministry or Minister of the Crown or organisation to make available to him or her or it, any specified official information. (2) The official information requested shall be specified with due particularity in the request. (3) If the person making the request asks that his request be treated as urgent, he shall give his reasons for seeking the information urgently. 16. Documents – (1) Where the information requested by any person is comprised in a document, that information may be made available in one or more of the following ways - (...) (e) by giving an excerpt or summary of the contents ; or (f) by furnishing oral information about its contents.(...)" | Art 11 seems to allow requests for information - particularly since 16(1)(e) and (f) imply that oral summaries can be given, which also suggests the ability to ask broad questions. |
Costa Rica | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2.- Definiciones. Para efectos del presente Decreto se entenderá por:...b. Información de acceso público: cualquier tipo de dato que sea generado o resguardado por quien ejerza una función o potestad pública y que no tenga su acceso restringido por ley. | "cualquier tipo de dato" as part of the definition for information suggests this |
Croatia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art.5.3.: "Information" is any information held by the public authority in the form of a document, record, dossier, register or in any other form, regardless of the manner of representation (written, drawn, printed, recorded, magnetic, optical, electronic or any other record), which the public body has created alone or in cooperation with other bodies or received from other persons, and was created within the scope of competences or in regards to organization and work of the public body. Art 17.1.2.: Public authority bodies shall be bound to grant access to information by providing information to the beneficiary who has submitted a request in one of the following ways: by providing information directly, by providing information in writing, through giving insight into documents and making copies of the documents containing the requested information, by delivering copies of the documents containing the requested information, in other ways adequate for exercising the right of access to information. | |
Cyprus | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 2 (Definitions) and Article 3(Right of access to information and scope of application) | The definition of the right includes documents and information |
Czech Republic | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 3: Definitions. "(3) For the purpose of this Act, "information" shall mean any contents or its part in any form recorded on any medium, namely the contents of a written record in a document, or a record in an electronic format or an audio, visual or audiovisual record." | |
Dominican Republic | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 2. "Este derecho de información comprende el derecho de acceder a las informaciones contenidas en actas y expedientes de la administración pública, así como a estar informada periódicamente,(...)" | Yes - Right to be "periodically informed" seems to mean you can ask questions. |
El Salvador | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 6 Para los efectos de esta ley se entenderá por: c. Información pública: es aquella en poder de los entes obligados contenida en documentos, archivos, datos, bases de datos, comunicaciones y todo tipo de registros que documenten el ejercicio de sus facultades o actividades, que consten en cualquier medio, ya sea impreso, óptico o electrónico, independientemente de su fuente, fecha de elaboración, y que no sea confidencial. Dicha información podrá haber sido generada, obtenida, transformada o conservada por éstos a cualquier título. d. Información oficiosa: es aquella información pública que los entes obligados deberán difundir al público en virtud de esta ley sin necesidad de solicitud directa. e. Información reservada: es aquella información pública cuyo acceso se restringe de manera expresa de conformidad con esta ley, en razón de un interés general durante un período determinado y por causas justificadas. f. Información confidencial: es aquella información privada en poder del Estado cuyo acceso público se prohíbe por mandato constitucional o legal en razón de un interés personal jurídicamente protegido. | Section 6 definition of Public Information. |
Estonia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 1. Purpose of Act The purpose of this Act is to ensure that the public and every person has the opportunity to access information intended for public use, based on the principles of a democratic and social rule of law and an open society, and to create opportunities for the public to monitor the performance of public duties. 3. Public information (1) Public information (hereinafter information) is information which is recorded and documented in any manner and on any medium and which is obtained or created upon performance of public duties provided by law or legislation issued on the basis thereof. | |
Fiji | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 15. If - (a) it appears to a public agency that a request relates to information of a kind that is not contained in a written document held by the public agency; and (b) the public agency may create a written document containing information of that kind by the use of equipment that is usually available to it for retrieving or collating stored information, the public agency must deal with the request as if it were a request for a written document so created and the public agency is deemed to hold such a document. | Not explicit but this amounts to the same thing. |
Finland | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | [Principles of Openness] Article 2. This Act contains provisions on the right of access to official documents in the public domain, officials' duty of non-disclosure, document secrecy and any other restrictions of access that are necessary for the protection of public or private interests, as well as on the duties of the authorities for the achievement of the objectives of this Act . [Administrative Procedure Act of Finland] Article 8(1) An authority shall provide to its customers the necessary advice, within its competence, for taking care of administrative matters; as well as respond to the questions and queries on its service. Advice shall be provided free of charge. | |
Gambia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2. "information" includes any original or copy of documentary material irrespective of its physical characteristics, such as records, correspondence, fact, opinion, advice, memorandum, data, statistic, book, drawing, plan, map, diagram, photograph, audio or visual record, and any other tangible or intangible material, regardless of the form or medium in which it is held, in the possession or under the control of the information holder to whom a request has been made under this Act. 11 Subject to this Act, every person has a right to access information from a public body. | Broad definition of information that includes both information and documents. |
Georgia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 37 Request for public information 1. Everyone has the right to request public information regardless of its physical form and stored conditions, and choose the form of receiving public information if it is of different types, and to access the original information. In the case of risk of damaging the original information, the public institution shall be obliged to make the original available for reading under supervision, or present a duly certified copy. | Not stated in a clear way, but can be inferred by the spirit of the law. Sometimes the administrative agencies in Georgia assert that the law only gives us the right to request the information and not to ask the question. |
Germany | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 2(1) Official information shall be defined as every record serving official purposes, irrespective of the mode of storage. This shall not include drafts and notes which are not intended to form part of a file; [...] (2) a third person shall be defined as anyone on whom personal data or other information are held. | Section 2 clearly covers both documents and information. |
Guinea | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(3) Tout citoyen peut demander et obtenir un accès à l'information et aux documents administratifs, sans avoir à justifier le motif de la demande. 3. La présente loi a pour objet de garantir le droit de tout citoyen d'accéder à information; d'intérêt public et aux documents administratifs afin de permettre ... | The law establishes a right to access both information and administrative documents. |
Guyana | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2. In this Act - [...] "document" (a) has the same meaning as in section 89 A of the Evidence Act - "document includes - (i) books, maps, plans, graphs, drawings and photographs, (ii) any disc, tape, soundtrack or other device in which sound or other data (not being visual images) are embodied so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced therefrom; (iii) any film, negative, tape or other device in which one or more visual images embodied so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced therefrom"; (b) includes any copy of a record which can be reproduced from a machine readable record under the control of a public authority however generated, such copy being deemed to be a record under the control of the public authority; "exempt document" means a document referred to in Part V; [...] | 2 - "documents" allows for the production of new records. |
Hungary | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 5. Data of public interest: information or data other then personal data registered in any mode or form concerning activities undertaken and controlled by the body or individual carrying out state or local government responsibilities, as well as other public duties defined in relevant legislation, regardless of their mode of control, independent or collective nature; therefore, with special regard to data concerning the scope of authority, competence, organisational structure, professional activity and evaluation equally encompassing its effectiveness, the type of data held and legislation regulating operation, as well as data concerning financial management and concluded contracts. Article 6. Data public on grounds of public interest: data other than data of public interest, the disclosure of or the access to which is provided for by the law, in the public interest. | |
India | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 2(f) "Information" means any material in any form, including records, documents, memos, e-mails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, data material held in any electronic form and information relating to any private body which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force; [...] | |
Indonesia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 1(1) Information means the information, statement, ideas and signs having a value, meaning and message, be it data, fact and clarification that can be seen, heard and read, and are presented in various packages and formats, in accordance with the development of the information and communication technology, both electronically and non-electronically. (2) Public Information means information that is produced, stored, managed, sent and/or received by a Public Agency relating to the organizer and the organizing of the state and/or the organizer and the organizing of other Public Agencies pursuant to this law and other information pertaining to the interest of the public. | |
Iran | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 1. [...] (A) Information: Any data that has been recorded as document or saved in a software format or restored in any other setup. [...] | |
Israel | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | The Law to improve administration procedures (decisions and explanations) from 1954 orders any public body to reply within 45 days to any request or written appeal from a citizen, and this normally includes questions) - and according to our experts this includes a requirement to compile information, if need be. |
Italy | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 2(1) The provisions of this decree govern the right of whomever to freely access the data held by the public administrations and by the other subjects indicated in article 2-bis, i.e., a right that is guaranteed, without prejudice to the restrictions imposed in relation to the need to protect public and private interests that are deemed to be legally relevant, through the public access and the publications of documents, information and data concerning the organization and activities of the public administrations, and the modalities for their implementation. | |
Ivory Coast | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3. Toute personne physique ou morale a le droit d’accéder, sans discrimination, à des informations d’intérêt public et documents publics détenus par les organismes publics. 11. Toute personne qui souhaite accéder aux informations et aux documents publics présente une requête écrite à l’organisme concerné dans laquelle elle décline son identité et sa qualité. La requête est rédigée en langue française et comporte des données permettant raisonnablement d’identifier l’information recherchée. Un accusé de réception est délivré au requérant. Lorsque la demande n’est pas suffisamment précise ou lorsqu’une personne requiert une assistance pour identifier le document susceptible de contenir les renseignements recherchés, le responsable est tenu de lui prêter son concours. Le requérant n’est pas tenu de motiver sa demande. | |
Kazakhstan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 1 The following basic definitions are used in this Law: (1) information - data on persons, objects, facts, events and processes, which is received or created by an information holder, recorded on any device and which possesses prerequisites that allow to identify such data; [...] (8) information with limited access - information that is classified as state secrets, personal, family, medical, banking, commercial and other types of secrets protected by law, and also official information noted as "for official use only"; [...] Article 3(1) This Law applies throughout the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulates public relationships created by providing access to information, the latter not related to information with limited access. | |
Kenya | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2 [...] "information" includes all records held by a public entity or a private body, regardless of the form in which the information is stored, its source or the date of production; [...] "public record" includes any record in written or any other form containing information relating to the conduct of the public entity's business, prepared, owned, used or retained by a public entity regardless of physical form or characteristics; [...] | |
Kyrgyzstan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3.The following basic concepts are used in this Law: (1) document - information recorded in written, audiovisual, acoustic, electronic, optical or any other form suitable for direct perception, with requisites established for this form of document; (2) information - information (messages, data) about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes recorded by any means and on any media, regardless of the form or source of information, which are under the jurisdiction of the owners of information determined by this Law...(5) the right of access to information – the right of everyone to freely seek and receive information in any form and from any sources in compliance with the requirements of this Law and other regulatory legal acts; | The right is to receive information, but documents are defined as kind of information so both are covered. It could, however, be clearer that the right applies to both. |
Latvia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 1. Terms Used in this Law "The following terms are used in this Law: 1) information: “information or compilations of information, in any technically possible form of fixation, storage or transfer;<...>" Section 2. Purpose and Scope of Application of this Law: "(1) The purpose of this Law is to ensure that the public has access to information, which is at the disposal of institutions or which an institution in conformity with its competence has a duty to create. This Law determines uniform procedures by which private persons are entitled to obtain information from an institution and to utilise it. (2) This Law applies to documented information, which is within the circulation of information of institutions. (3) Information shall be accessible to the public in all cases, when this Law does not specify otherwise. (4) This Law does not apply to the exchange of information between institutions." | |
Lebanon | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1: The beneficiaries of this law: Every person, natural or legal, shall have the right to access and view the information and documents in the administration in accordance with the provisions of this law, bearing in mind that the right should not be abused. | |
Liberia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 1.3.5: ""Private Bodies" include any entity, business or otherwise, owned by private persons." | Expansive definition. |
Liechtenstein | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1.2. | Authorities decide about the appropriate format in which information will be provided. |
Lithuania | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 2. | The definition of documents is comprehensive and refers to both information and documents. |
Malta | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 3. "Any eligible person has a right of access to documents held by public authorities in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this Act." | Art. 2. "<...> "document" means any article that is held by a public authority and on which information has been recorded in whatever form, including electronic data, images, scale models and other visual representations, and audio or video recordings, regardless of whether the information can be read, seen, heard or retrieved with or without the aid of any other article or device; <...>" |
Mexico | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 19: It is presumed that the information should exist if it refers to the powers, functions and duties that the legal systems applicable award to regulated entities. In cases where certain powers, functions or duties have not been exercised, the answer should be encouraged in terms of the causes that motivate the absence. Article 44. Each Transparency Committee shall have the following functions: III. Order, where appropriate, the relevant Areas to generate the information that derived from its powers, functions and duties must be in their possession or subject to proof of the impossibility of its generation, expose, duly grounded, the reasons for which, in the particular case, they not exercised these powers, duties or functions. Article 138. When the information is not in the archives of the regulated entity, the Transparency Committee shall: III. Order, whenever practically possible, that the information is generated or restored if it had to exist, to the extent it derived from the exercise of its powers, duties or functions, or that, prior proof of the impossibility of its generation, provides the reasons duly grounded for which in such particular case it did not exercise those powers, duties or functions, to be notified to the applicant through the Transparency Unit. | |
Moldova | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 12. Requesting access to official information (1) Official information and documents may be obtained by the requesting party on the basis of a written or verbal request. 13. Means of accessing official information (1) The means of accessing information are: b) examining the document or information (or parts thereof) on the institution's premises; | Other provisions also refer to both "information" and "documents". |
Mongolia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 11.1: A citizen and a legal entity shall be entitled to receive the following information not related to the human rights and freedoms, national security, and lawful interests of organizations prohibited to be released to the public under the laws from the state bodies listed in the section 3.1 of the present law: 11.1.1. All information and documents, and information pertaining to the organization's contracts and agreements in possession of the organization; 11.1.2. All information pertaining to the goods and items in possession of the organization; 11.1.3. Any other information pertaining to the functioning of the organization. | 11.1 is quite broad but could be more explicit on this point. |
Montenegro | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 4 "Particular notions in this Law shall have the following meaning: 1) The right of access to information shall encompass the right to ask for, receive, use and disseminate the information filed with government agencies; 2) Information shall be any document in written, printed, video, audio, electronic or other forms, including also a copy or a part thereof, regardless of its contents and source (or author) or the time of its composing or the system of its classifying;" | |
Mozambique | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Glossary Information Indicate knowledge, statistics, reports and other forms and ways of expression, whether written down or codified, including books, magnetic tapes, videos, electronic digitations contained in every register kept by the public or private entities, as in the present law, regardless of their form, the way of archiving in documents bands electronic files and any other permitted by the law, their public or private source, the date of their production. | \"whether written down or not\" |
Nepal | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(b) "Information" means any written document, material, or information related to the functions, proceedings thereof or decision of public importance made by a Public Body. | Covers both information and documents. |
Netherlands | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 3. Paragraph 1: Anyone may apply to an administrative authority or to an agency, service or company carrying out work for which it is accountable to an administrative authority for information contained in documents concerning an administrative matter. | |
New Zealand | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2. Interpretation (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, department means a government department named in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Ombudsmen Act 1975 (other than the Parliamentary Counsel Office) document means a document in any form; and includes(...) (b) any information recorded or stored by means of any tape-recorder, computer, or other device; and any material subsequently derived from information so recorded or stored:(...) 12. Requests (1) Any person, being (a) a New Zealand citizen; or (b) a permanent resident of New Zealand; or (c) a person who is in New Zealand; or (d) a body corporate which is incorporated in New Zealand; or (e) a body corporate which is incorporated outside New Zealand but which has a place of business in New Zealand, may request a department or Minister of the Crown or organisation to make available to him or it any specified official information.(...) 16 Documents (1) Where the information requested by any person is comprised in a document, that information may be made available in 1 or more of the following ways: (a) by giving the person a reasonable opportunity to inspect the document; or (b) by providing the person with a copy of the document; or (c) in the case of a document that is an article or thing from which sounds or visual images are capable of being reproduced, by making arrangements for the person to hear or view those sounds or visual images; or (d) in the case of a document by which words are recorded in a manner in which they are capable of being reproduced in the form of sound or in which words are contained in the form of shorthand writing or in codified form, by providing the person with a written transcript of the words recorded or contained in the document; or (e) by giving an excerpt or summary of the contents; or (f) by furnishing oral information about its contents. (2) Subject to section 17, the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation shall make the information available in the way preferred by the person requesting it unless to do so would (a) impair efficient administration; or (b) be contrary to any legal duty of the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation in respect of the document; or (c) prejudice the interests protected by section 6 or section 7 or section 9 and (in the case of the interests protected by section 9) there is no countervailing public interest. (3) Where the information is not provided in the way preferred by the person requesting it, the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation shall, subject to section 10, give to that person (a) the reason for not providing the information in that way; and (b) if that person so requests, the grounds in support of that reason, unless the giving of those grounds would itself prejudice the interests protected by section 6 or section 7 or section 9 and (in the case of the interests protected by section 9) there is no countervailing public interest. Section 16(2)(c): amended, on 1 April 1987, by section 4(2) of the Official Information Amendment Act 1987 (1987 No 8). Section 16(3)(b): amended, on 1 April 1987, by section 4(2) of the Official Information Amendment Act 1987 (1987 No 8). 17 Deletion of information from documents (1) Where the information requested is comprised in a document and there is good reason for withholding some of the information contained in that document, the other information in that document may be made available by making a copy of that document available with such deletions or alterations as are necessary. (2) Where a copy of a document is made available under subsection (1), the department or Minister of the Crown or organisation shall, subject to section 10, give to the applicant (a) the reason for withholding the information; and (b) if the applicant so requests, the grounds in support of that reason, unless the giving of those grounds would itself prejudice the interests protected by section 6 or section 7 or section 9 and (in the case of the interests protected by section 9) there is no countervailing public interest. Section 17(2)(b): amended, on 1 April 1987, by section 4(2) of the Official Information Amendment Act 1987 (1987 No 8). | 2(1)(b) definintion of document includes derivative information. See s 12(1), 16 and 17 as well. |
Nicaragua | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 1.- La presente Ley tiene por objeto normar, garantizar y promover el ejercicio del derecho de acceso a la información pública existente en los documentos, archivos y bases de datos de las entidades o instituciones públicas, las sociedades mixtas y las subvencionadas por el Estado, así como las entidades privadas que administren, manejen o reciban recursos públicos, beneficios fiscales u otros beneficios, concesiones o ventajas. La información privada en poder del Estado no será considerada de libre acceso público. | Art 1 includes databases. |
Niger | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2: Par information publique, il faut entendre toutes données ou toutes connaissances produites ou reçues, dans le cadre de leurs missions, par les services publics, acquises par l’étude ou l’expérience, sous la forme d’écrits, de graphiques ou présentées sur des supports audio, vidéo et audiovisuels. Au sens de la présente ordonnance, les services publics sont les organismes investis d’une mission d’intérêt général ou toute autre personne de droit public ou de droit privé chargée d’une telle mission. | Article 2 includes data as well as documents |
Nigeria | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 1(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act, law or regulation, the right of any person to access or request information, whether or not contained in any written form, which is in the custody or possession of any public official, agency or institution howsoever described, is established. 3(2) For the purpose of this Act, any information or record applied for under this Act that does not exist in print but can by regulation be produced from a machine, normally used by the government or public institution shall be deemed to be record under the control of the government or public institution. | 1(1) - info of any kind in the custody of officials. 3(2) reaffirms this. |
North Macedonia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 3 "<...> "information requester" shall refer to any legal or natural person without discrimination on any grounds whatsoever, in a manner and under conditions prescribed in the present Law and in other laws (hereinafter referred to as "the requester"); and "document" shall refer to any record of information, regardless of its physical form or features, a written or a printed text, maps, schemes, photographs, pictures, drawings, sketches, working materials, as well as audio, voice, magnetic or electronic records, optical or video records in any form whatsoever, as well as mobile equipment for automatic data processing with integrated or transferable memory to store data in digital form." | |
Pakistan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(xi) "request" means a request for access to information and includes a request for access to a specific record; 3(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, no applicant shall be denied access to information or record held by a public body. | Consistently refers to both information and records. |
Panama | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 1: Para efectos de la aplicación e interpretación de esta Ley, los siguientes términos se definen así: (...)2. Derecho de libertad de información. Aquel que tiene cualquier persona de obtener información sobre asuntos en trámites, en curso, en archivos, en expedientes, documentos, registros, decisión administrativa o constancias de Cualquier naturaleza en poder de las instituciones incluidas en la presente Ley(...) 4. Información. Todo tipo de datos contenidos en cualquier medio, documento o registro impreso, óptico, electrónico, químico, físico o biológico.(...) Artículo 7. El funcionario receptor tendrá treinta días calendario a partir de la fecha de la presentación de la solicitud, para contestarla por escrito y. en caso de que esta no posea el o los documentos o registros solicitados, así lo informara. | There is an explicit right to access information. Article 7 implies that documents can also be requested. This could be clearer, but benefit of the doubt is given. |
Peru | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2 Every person has the right:(...) 20. To submit petitions in writing, individually or collectively, before the competent authority, who is obliged to respond to the interested party also in writing within the legally prescribed term, under penalty of law (...). | Article 2.20 of the Peruvian Constitution grants the right to petition authorities with such questions. |
Philippines | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 1(a): "Information" shall mean any records, documents, papers, reports, letters, contracts, minutes and transcripts of official meetings, maps, books, photographs, data, research materials, films, sound and video recording, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data, computer stored data, or any other like or similar data or materials recorded, stored or archived in whatever format, whether offline or online, which are made, received, or kept in or under the control and custody of any government office pursuant to law, executive order, and rules and regulations or in connection with the performance or transaction of official business by any government office. Section 3: Access to Information: Every Filipino shall have access to information, official records, public records and to documents and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions or decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for policy development. | |
Poland | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 3(1) The right to public information covers the entitlement to: 1) obtain public information, including obtaining information processed within such a frame, in which it is particularly essential for the public interest, 2) insight into the official documents, 3) access to the board meetings of public authorities bodies chosen by general elections, (2) The right to public information covers the entitlement to obtain immediately the information containing the knowledge on present public matters. | |
Republic of Belarus | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 21. Provision of publicly accessible information upon request Provision of publicly accessible information to an interested state body, individual or legal entity upon request can be carried out by: • oral presentation of the content of the requested information; • acquaintance with the documents containing the requested information; • provision of a copy of the document containing the requested information, or extracts from it; • provision of a written or electronic response (certificate) containing the requested information. | Law referes specifically to right to information, however under Article 21 copies of documents can be provided |
Romania | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6: "Any individual has the right to request and obtain from public authorities and institutions, under the conditions of the present law, information of public interest." (2) "Public authorities and institutions are obliged to provide the persons, at their request, with the public interest information requested, in written or verbal form." | |
Russia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7: (Form for Granting Information on the Activities of Government Bodies and Bodies of Local Self-Government): (1) Information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government can be granted in oral form and in the form of documented information, including in the form of the electronic document. | |
Rwanda | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 2(1): information: facts, things intended to be done, speeches held in reports, documents to be published, pictures, mails, opinions, advice, press releases, circulars, orders, logbooks, contracts, papers, samples, and any other material of public interests held in any form by a public organ and certain organs of private bodies. Article 3: Every person has the right of access to information in possession of a public organ and some private bodies. The right of access to information includes the following: (1) assessing activities, documents or records; (2) taking notes, documents, extracts or copies of official documents or records; (3) taking documents or extracts of notified copies; (4) obtaining information stored in any electronic form or through print-outs copies of information stored in a computer or in any other device. | |
Serbia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 5 ...Everyone shall have the right to access information of public importance by being allowed insight in a document containing information of public importance, the right to a copy of that document, and the right to receive a copy of the document upon request, by mail, fax, electronic mail, or in another way. | |
Sierra Leone | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(4) Any person making a request for information to a public authority shall be entitled (a) to have the public authority confirm or deny whether it holds information of the description specified in the request; and (b) where the public authority holds information of the description specified in the request, to have the information communicated to that person | |
Slovakia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 16 Disclosure of Information Upon Request \"(1) Information shall be disclosed mainly orally, by inspection of files, including the possibility to make a copy or notes, by transfer of data to a data carrier, disclosure of copies of original with requested information, by telephone, fax, mail or email. If it is not possible to provide information in a way requested by the Applicant, the Obliged person and the Applicant shall agree on a different way of providing the information. (2) The Obliged person shall enable anybody to make copies, notes or abstracts from files and documents without any requirement to prove legal or any other interest. (3) The Obliged person shall take measures to prevent violation of obligations under §8 to 12 by inspection of documents.\" | |
Slovenia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 5. "(2)Each applicant shall have, at his request, the right to acquire information from the body by acquiring such information for consulting it on the spot, or by acquiring a transcript, a copy or an electronic record of such information." | |
South Sudan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 5 definitions of "information" and "records" suitably broad. | |
Spain | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 13. Información pública. Se entiende por información pública los contenidos o documentos, cualquiera que sea su formato o soporte, que obren en poder de alguno de los sujetos incluidos en el ámbito de aplicación de este título y que hayan sido elaborados o adquiridos en el ejercicio de sus funciones. | Se incluye la posibilidad de solicitar información y documentos en la definición de información pública (a pesar del limite que estblece el artículo 18, ver Indicador 5). |
Sri Lanka | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 43. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires information includes any material which is recorded in, in any form including records, documents, memos, emails, opinions, advices, press releases, circulars, orders, log books, contracts, reports, papers, samples, models, correspondence, memorandum, draft legislation, book, plan, map, drawing, diagram, pictorial or graphic work, photograph, film, microfilm, sound recording, video tape, machine readable record, computer records and other documentary material, regardless of its physical form or character and any copy thereof; Regulation No. 04(07): A Public Authority shall not be required to collect information to respond to a request but it shall not refuse a request on the ground that it does not hold the information where, with a reasonable effort the information may be produced from records held by the Public Authority, using the resources which is normally available to the Public Authority, or again with a reasonable effort, the information may be compiled from different records held by the Public Authority. | The Act only refers to information but the Regs make it clear that information must also be compiled from documents. |
Switzerland | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 6 Principle of freedom of information 1.Any person has the right to inspect official documents and to obtain information about the content of official documents. 2 The documents may be inspected in situ or a copy thereof may be requested. The legislation governing copyright is reserved. 3 Where an official document has already been published by the Federal Government in paper or electronic format, the rights under paragraphs 1 and 2 above are deemed to have been fulfilled." | |
Tajikistan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 2 definitions seem to imply this. | |
Thailand | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 4. In this Act: "information" means a material which communicates matters, facts, data or anything, whether such communication is made by the nature of such material itself or through any means whatsoever and whether it is arranged in the form of a document, file, report, book, diagramme, map, drawing, photograph, film, visual or sound recording, or recording by a computer or any other method which can be displayed; "official information" means an information in possession or control of a State agency, whether it is the information relating to the operation of the State or the information relating to a private individual; "State agency" means a central administration, provincial administration. local administration, State enterprise, Government agency attached to the National Assembly, Court only in respect of the affairs unassociated with the trial and adjudication of cases, professional supervisory organisation, independent agency of the State and such other agency as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation; "State official" means a person performing official duty for a State agency; "personal information" means an information relating to all the personal particulars of a person, such as education, financial status, health record, criminal record or employment record, which contain the name of such person or contain a numeric reference, code or such other indications identifying that person as fingerprint. tape or diskette in which a person's sound is recorded, or photograph, and shall also include information relating to personal particulars of the deceased; "Board" means the Official Information Board; "alien" means a natural person who is not of Thai nationality and does not have a residence in Thailand, and the following juristic persons: (1) a company or partnership more than one-half of the capital of which belongs to aliens; provided that a certificate of share to bearer shall be deemed to be held by an alien; (2) an association more than one-half of members of which are aliens; (3) an association or foundation the objects of which are for the benefit of aliens; (4) a juristic person under (1), (2) or (3) or any other juristic person more than one-half of managers or directors of which are aliens. If the juristic person under paragraph one becomes a manager, director, member or owner of the capital of another juristic person, such manager, director, member or owner of the capital shall be deemed an alien | |
Togo | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 8 : Toute personne qui souhaite accéder aux informations et aux documents publics, présente une requête écrite accompagnée de la photocopie d'une pièce d'identité en cours de validité à l'organisme concerné. See also Articles 4 and 6. | |
Trinidad and Tobago | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 13. (4) Subject to section 21, a request under this section may be made for access to all records of a particular description or all records relating to a particular subject. | 13(4) allows requesters to ask questions. |
Turkey | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7: "The application for access to information should relate to the information or the document that the institutions which are applied posses or should have possessed due to their tasks and activities. The institutions may turn down the applications for any information or document that require a separate or special work, research, examination or analysis. Where the required information or the document is at an institution other than the one that is applied, the petition will be sent to the relevant institution and the applicant will be notified accordingly." Article 10: " Institutions give a certified copy of the required document to the applicant. Where the information or the document is not appropriate for copying or may cause damage to the original, the institution will provide the applicant with the necessary means;a) to examine the original document and take notes for those that are published or written, b) to listen to the material that are in the form of sound recording, c) to watch the material that are in the form of visual recording. Where the access to the information or document require other means than those mentioned above, such information or document shall be provided unless it damages the original material. The applied institution, will charge the applicant for the cost of the procedure, to be added as an income to the budget." | |
Uganda | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 4. Interpretation. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires – (...) "information" includes written, visual, aural and electronic information; (...) "record" means any recorded information, in any format, including an electronic format in the possession or control of a public body, whether or not that body created it 5. Right of access. (1) Every citizen has a right of access to information and records in the possession of the State or any public body, except where the release of the information is likely to prejudice the security or sovereignty of the State or interfere with the right to the privacy of any other person. | Sections 4 and 5(1) provide access to information and records, broadly defined. |
Ukraine | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 1. Public Information 1. Public information shall mean information that is reflected and documented by any means and at any media and which was received or created in the process of performance by subjects of public authority of their duties envisaged in the acting legislation or which is in possession of the subjects of public authority, other administrators of public information determined by this Law. | Both information and documents seem to be included in the scope. |
United Kingdom | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 11: " (1) Where, on making his request for information, the applicant following means, namely-- (a) the provision to the applicant of a copy of the information in permanent form or in another form acceptable to the applicant, (b) the provision to the applicant of a reasonable opportunity to inspect a record containing the information, and (c) the provision to the applicant of a digest or summary of the information in permanent form or in another form acceptable to the applicant, the public authority shall so far as reasonably practicable give effect to that preference. (2) In determining for the purposes of this section whether it is reasonably practicable to communicate information by particular means, the public authority may have regard to all the circumstances, including the cost of doing so. (3) Where the public authority determines that it is not reasonably practicable to comply with any preference expressed by the applicant in making his request, the authority shall notify the applicant of the reasons for its determination. (4) Subject to subsection (1), a public authority may comply with a request by communicating information by any means which are reasonable in the circumstances." | |
Uruguay | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 14. (Límites del acceso a la información pública).- La solicitud de acceso a la información no implica la obligación de los sujetos obligados a crear o producir información que no dispongan o no tengan obligación de contar al momento de efectuarse el pedido. En este caso, el organismo comunicará por escrito que la denegación de la solicitud se debe a la inexistencia de datos en su poder, respecto de la información solicitada. Esta ley tampoco faculta a los peticionarios a exigir a los organismos que efectúen evaluaciones o análisis de la información que posean, salvo aquellos que por sus cometidos institucionales deban producir. No se entenderá producción de información, a la recopilación o compilación de información que estuviese dispersa en las diversas áreas del organismo, con el fin de proporcionar la información al peticionario. | Art 14 - no right to ask questions but expert reports that it deserves a 2. |
Vanuatu | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2(1) This Act applies to: (a) information held by a Government agency or a relevant private entity on or after 30 July 1980. (2) The Minister may, by Order, declare that this Act applies to records or information created or held by a Government agency at a date earlier than the period referred to in paragraph (1)(a). (5) For the purposes of this Act, information held by: (a) an official of a Government agency or an official of a relevant private entity; or (b) an independent contractor engaged by a Government agency or relevant private entity in its capacity as a contractor, is deemed to be information of that Government agency or relevant private entity. 3. hold in relation to information that is liable to be produced under this Act, means in the possession, custody or control of a Government agency, relevant private entity or private entity, whether or not it was created by any of them or whether created prior to the commencement of this Act 3. information has the same meaning as record 3. record means information held in any form or medium by a Government agency, relevant private entity or private entity, whether or not it was created by any of them or came into existence before the commencement of this Act, and includes: (a) a record in writing; or (b) a document, manuscript and file; or (c) a film (including microfilm), negative, microfiche and facsimile copy of a document; or (d) a map, plan, graph or drawing; or a photograph; or a disc, tape, sound track or other device in which sounds or other data are embodied, whether electronically or otherwise, so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced; or (e) an email, memo, opinion, advice, press releases, circular, order, logbook, contract, report, samples and models; | Broad definition of information doesn't seems to restrict access to existing documents.But circular definition of information as a record. |
Yemen | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | YES | 2 | 2: "<...> Information: Facts that are recognized in the conscience and which are present as moral and materialistic values in the form of numbers and letters; also, as drawings, images and sounds that which are being collected, processed and saved by electronic methods and sheets, <...>" | Definition of "information" is quite broad. |
Argentina | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTÍCULO 5° — Entrega de información. La información debe ser brindada en el estado en el que se encuentre al momento de efectuarse la solicitud, no estando obligado el sujeto requerido a procesarla o clasificarla. El Estado tiene la obligación de entregarla en formatos digitales abiertos, salvo casos excepcionales en que fuera de imposible cumplimiento o significara un esfuerzo estatal desmedido. Las excepciones las fijará la Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública. | Delivery of information in the state it is in at the moment of application seems to imply that no further processing will be expected. |
Australia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 4 Interpretation (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears: ...document includes: (a) any of, or any part of any of, the following things: (i) any paper or other material on which there is writing; (ii) a map, plan, drawing or photograph; (iii) any paper or other material on which there are marks, figures, symbols or perforations having a meaning for persons qualified to interpret them; (iv) any article or material from which sounds, images or writings are capable of being reproduced with or without the aid of any other article or device; (v) any article on which information has been stored or recorded, either mechanically or electronically; (vi) any other record of information; or (b) any copy, reproduction or duplicate of such a thing; or (c) any part of such a copy, reproduction or duplicate; but does not include: (d) library material maintained for reference purposes; or (e) Cabinet notebooks. document of an agency or document of the agency means a document in the possession of an agency, or in the possession of the agency concerned, as the case requires, whether created in the agency or received in the agency. edited copy, in relation to a document, means a copy of the document from which deletions have been made under section 22. | S. 4 definition seems to suggest this. The interpretation guide, in 3.34 specifies only the right to access documents. |
Austria | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2(1) Information within the meaning of this Federal Act is any record serving official or business purposes in the sphere of activity of an organ, in the sphere of activity of a foundation, a fund or an institution or in the business area of an enterprise, irrespective of the form in which it exists and is available. Explanatory note, Re § 2, The term "information" is to be defined (para. 1). Information should be any official or business-related (i.e. any) record (document, act) of a body subject to the duty to provide information in its sphere of activity or business. "Official" does not mean "official"; private business purposes (if not "business" anyway) should also be included. The form in which the information is available, in other words the carrier medium, whether recording or storage, is irrelevant. Personal records do not constitute "official" or "business" information any more than preliminary drafts for the sole purpose of personal (non-official, non-business) use. | Appears to only cover records due to the definition of "information" but this still needs to be tested. |
Azerbaijan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | There seems to be some confusion in the Law about this, at least in English translation. The primary rights are to access "information" although Article 14, on forms of access, talks consistently about "documents". |
Bahamas | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 6. General right of access. (1) Subject to the provision of this Act, every— … shall have a right to obtain access to a record other than an exempt record. | only 'records' |
Bolivia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Various articles. | Only refer to information and not to documents. |
Cape Verde | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 5(1) Everyone, without the need to state any interest, has the right of access to documents and administrative information, which includes the rights of consultation, reproduction and information about their existence and content. | Not clear. Seems to focus more on documents only. |
Chile | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTICLE 5. En virtud del principio de transparencia de la función pública, los actos y resoluciones de los órganos de la Administración del Estado, sus fundamentos, los documentos que les sirvan de sustento o complemento directo y esencial, y los procedimientos que se utilicen para su dictación, son públicos, salvo las excepciones que establece esta ley y las previstas en otras leyes de quórum calificado. Asimismo, es pública la información elaborada con presupuesto público y toda otra información que obre en poder de los órganos de la Administración, cualquiera sea su formato, soporte, fecha de creación, origen, clasificación o procesamiento, a menos que esté sujeta a las excepciones señaladas. ARTICLE 6. Los actos y documentos que han sido objeto de publicación en el Diario Oficial y aquellos que digan relación con las funciones, competencias y responsabilidades de los órganos de la Administración del Estado, deberán encontrarse a disposición permanente del público y en los sitios electrónicos del servicio respectivo, el que deberá llevar un registro actualizado en las oficinas de información y atención del público usuario de la Administración del Estado. | Art 5 and 6 seems to only apply to documents - though this could be an issue with my translating |
Denmark | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Chapter 2: Right of access to administrative documents. Section 5.2 "The right of access to administrative documents shall not apply to registers or other systematic records processed electronically, <...>". | The law only mentions the administrative documents. |
East Timor | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 2 Definition (1) For the purposes of this Directive, the official document means any information medium in written, visual, sound, electronic or other material form in possession of the bodies and entities referred to in paragraph 2 of the previous article. (2) Official documents include the following: A) Internal normative orders; B) Circulars; C) Guidelines or Guidelines; D) Instructions, E) Service orders; F) Memoranda; G) Minutes; H) Opinions; I) Offices; (J) Protocols; K) Reports; L) Contracts; (M) any other documents or communications which Administrative framework or interpretation of law. (3) Official documents for the purposes of this Directive shall not include the following: A) Personal notes; B) Outlines; C) Notes and other records of a similar nature. | Not entirely clear but some suggestion that may be able to ask for both. |
Ecuador | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTICLE 20 Límites de la Publicidad de la Información.- La solicitud de acceso a la información no implica la obligación de las entidades de la administración pública y demás entes señalados en el artículo 1 de la presente. Ley, a crear o producir información, con la que no dispongan o no tengan obligación de contar al momento de efectuarse el pedido. En este caso, la institución o entidad, comunicará por escrito que la denegación de la solicitud se debe a la inexistencia de datos en su poder, respecto de la información solicitada. Esta Ley tampoco faculta a los peticionarios a exigir a las entidades que efectúen evaluaciones o análisis de la información que posean, salvo aquellos que por sus objetivos institucionales deban producir. No se entenderá producción de información, a la recopilación o compilación de información que estuviese dispersa en los diversos departamentos o áreas de la institución, para fines de proporcionar resúmenes, cifras estadísticas o índices solicitados por el peticionario. | Art 20 precludes the right to ask questions. |
Ethiopia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2(6): "Information" means any material recorded in any form. 2(7): "Record" means regardless of who created it or when it was created, any recorded information in the possession and under the control of a public body and includes: a) any document, file or manuscript; b) any microfilm, microfiche or facsimile; c) any reproduction of images embodied in microfilms, whether enlarged or not: d) any other information which may be watched, read, listened to or otherwise comprehended only using a computer or any other technical device; or e) any other information recorded in any other form or medium." 12(2): "The right referred to under sub-article (1) of this Article shall include the right to be informed whether or not the public body holds a record containing the requested information and to obtain information from any public body by means of; a) inspection, taking extracts and notes; b) certified copies of any records of such public authority; c) diskettes, floppies or any other electronic mode or through print-outs where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device." | Art 2(6) and 2(7) do not specifically enshrine the right to ask questions, but are quite broad. However, the wording of 12(2) implies that requesters do not have the right to ask questions. I am scoring a 1 one the relatively broad definition, and hope that our local expert can clarify this issue. |
France | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Only the access to information. |
Ghana | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Not really clear; the right applies to information, which covers all recorded material. |
Greece | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 5(1) Any interested party is entitled, by written application, to be informed of administrative documents. Administrative documents are documents drawn up by 3 public services, such as reports, studies, minutes, statistical data, circulars, replies of the Administration, opinions and resolutions. [...] (4) The right of paragraphs 1 and 2 is exercised: (a) by studying the document at the premises of the service or (b) by issuing a copy, unless the reproduction thereof can prejudice the original. [...] | No mention about the access to information. |
Guatemala | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Artículo 43. Cuando el volumen y extensión de la respuesta así lo justifique, el plazo de respuesta a que se refiere la presente ley se podrá ampliar hasta por diez días más, debiendo poner en conocimiento del interesado dentro de los dos días anteriores a la conclusión del plazo señalado en esta ley. | Article 43 states that the body has no obligation to process the information, limiting the right to ask questions. |
Honduras | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | ARTICULO 14. ENTREGA Y USO DE LA INFORMACION. La Información Publica deberá proporcionarse al solicitante o usuario en el estado o formato en que se encuentre disponible. En caso de inexistencia de la información solicitada, se le comunicara por escrito este hecho al solicitante. Los solicitantes o usuarios no podrán exigir a las Instituciones Obligadas que efectúen evaluaciones o análisis de la información que posean. Los solicitantes o usuarios serán directamente responsables por el uso, manejo y difusión de la información publica a la que tengan acceso. | Article 14 - no right to ask questions. |
Iceland | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 3. Upon request, governmental authorities are required to grant the public access to available material on specific matters, subject to the restrictions stated in Art. 4-6. Nonetheless, governmental authorities are not required to prepare new documents or other material, exceeding what can be inferred from Art. 7. The right of access to material shall apply to: (1) Any documents concerning the matter, including any copies of letters sent by a government authority, providing it may be assumed that they have been delivered to the recipient, (2) Any other material concerning the matter, such as drawings, plans, maps, pictures, microfilms and material saved on computers, (3) Diary entries concerning material relating to the matter, and lists of material on the matter Governmental authorities shall be permitted to grant more extensive access to material than is prescribed in this Chapter, unless this is precluded by statutory provisions on secrecy obligations. | |
Ireland | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 2 outlines the types of records which can be obtained. However, general information requests are rejected. | The Act only allows for the obtaining of records. "Information" is not covered. |
Jamaica | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 6(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person shall have a right to obtain access to an official document, other than an exempt document. | Only documents. |
Japan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2 (Definitions) (2) The term "Administrative Document" as used in this Act shall mean a document, picture, and electromagnetic record (a record made by an electronic method, a magnetic method, or any other method not recognizable to human senses; the same shall apply hereinafter.), that, having been prepared or obtained by an employee of an administrative organ in the course of his or her duties, is held by the administrative organ concerned for organizational use by its employees; Provided, however, that the followings shall be excluded: (i) Items published for the purpose of selling to many and unspecified persons, such as official gazettes, white papers, newspapers, magazines, and books. (ii) Items that are, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, specially managed as either historical or cultural materials, or as materials for academic research in the National Archives or other organs designated by a Cabinet Order. | Access to documents, not information (2(2)). |
Jordan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2 Any oral or written statements, registers, statistics or documents whether they are written, photocopied, recorded, electronically stored or in any other way and shall be under the administration or jurisdiction of the responsible official. | Only documents in practice (no right to have information compiled from different documents). |
Kosovo | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2(2) Paragraph 1 does not constitute an obligation for the public institution to create or adapt public documents or provide summaries of information where this would involve disproportionate effort, going beyond a simple operation. On the same basis, public institutions cannot be required to continue the production and storage of a certain type of public document with a view to the re-use of the same by a person or public institution. 3(1.2) Public Document – shall mean any act, fact or information, stored in electronic form or on sound, in print, in visual or audiovisual recordings produced or maintained by a public institution; (1.3) Information – shall mean, but is not limited to, data, pictures, drawings, videos, films, reports, acts, tables, projects, drafts or other annexes produced, received, maintained or controlled by public institutions, whether or not included in any public document, and regardless of the source, the time of creation, the place of deposit or storage, the media or the form in which it is stored, the name or public institution on behalf of which it is created or any other characteristics. 10(1) Everyone has the right to access public documents upon request. | Requests can be made for public documents, but unclear if information can be requested. |
Kuwait | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 1. - The Party/Parties: The Ministries and public authorities and institutions, other public judicial persons, Kuwaiti companies in which the State or any of the mentioned authorities is a shareholder with a proportion that exceeds 50% of their capital, as well as the private companies and institutions which keep information or documents on behalf of these authorities. | There are some references to 'information' and 'documents' in the Law, suggesting both may be covered, but there is no clear rule on this. |
Luxembourg | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | A3: Sans préjudice d’autres dispositions légales qui règlent l’accès à des documents détenus par les organismes visés à l’article 1er, paragraphe 1er, ces derniers sont tenus de communiquer les documents qu’ils détiennent et qui sont accessibles en vertu de la présente loi, quel que soit leur support, à toute personne physique ou morale qui en fait la demande sans que celle-ci ne soit obligée de faire valoir un intérêt. | Consistently refers only to documents |
Malawi | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2. “information” includes an original or copy of any material, record or document which communicates facts, opinion, data or any other matter regardless of its form, characteristics or date of creation, that is in the custody or under the control of a public body, private body or any information holder to which this Act applies; “record” means any recorded information, in any format, including an electronic format in the possession or control of a public body or relevant private body, whether or not that body created it. | Not entirely clear whether this includes both documents and information. |
Maldives | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10. Where the request to access certain information is made, and where it is found that the relevant information is not at the time available in discrete written form but is stored in any other source which can be retrieved or replicated on to discrete written form, the State Institute in receipt of the request shall deal with the request as if it were a request to access a written document. For the purposes of this Act such information will be deemed to be in the form of a written document. | Not quite a right to access both but some obligation to convert information into a written document. |
Monaco | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | A22: Toute personne physique ou morale peut adresser à une autorité administrative mentionnée à l’article 2 une demande en vue de consulter un document administratif détenu par cette autorité et n’ayant pas donné lieu à une publication au Journal de Monaco , ni fait l’objet d’une diffusion publique par tout moyen, y compris électronique. | Only refers to a right to access documents. |
Morocco | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3. Les citoyennes et les citoyens ont le droit d'accéder à l'information visée à l'article 2 ci-dessus, sous réserve des exceptions prévues par la présente loi. | |
Namibia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates - ... “information” includes any original or copy of documentary material irrespective of its physical characteristics, such as records, correspondence, facts, opinion, advice, memorandum, data, statistic, book, drawing, plan, map, diagram, photograph, audio or visual record, and any other tangible or intangible material, regardless of the form or medium in which it is held; | No specific reference to both information and documents. |
Norway | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Section 3. Main rule "Case documents, journals and similar registers of an administrative agency are public except as otherwise provided by statute or by regulations pursuant thereto. Any person may apply to an administrative agency for access to case documents, journals and similar registers of that administrative agency." Section 28 "<...> A request for access must relate to a specific case or within reasonable limits to cases of a specific type.<...>" | No mention about the right to ask for information, only referred to documents/records. |
Palau | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 4(5) "Public record" means any written or printed report, book, paper, map, or plan of a governing body, which is the property thereof and in or on which an entry has been made or is required to be made by law, or which any public officer or employee of a governing body has received or is required to receive for filing, but shall not include records that invade the right of privacy of any person or business entity as defined in this Act. 9(a) Within ten (10) days of any request, all public records produced by a governing body shall be available by any person during regular business hours, unless the disclosure will take more time to produce due to exceptional circumstances or the volume of information requested, is in violation of the Constitution of the Republic, other law of the Republic, or is exempted under this Act. | Only 'public records' which does not appear to include information |
Paraguay | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 18 Prohibitions. Data output of original records or files public sources on which they are stored shall be permitted, nor may request evaluations or analyzes that are not within the scope of its functions are carried out. | Only whole records. |
Portugal | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Art 1: Access to and the re-use of administrative documents shall be ensured in accordance with the principles of publicity, transparency, equality, justice, and impartiality. | The law only mentions access to documents. |
Qatar | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | مادة 1: في تطبيق أحكام هذا القانون، تكون للكلمتين والعبارات التالية، المعاني الموضحة قرين كل منها، ما لم يقتضِ السياق معنى آخر المعلومات : البيانات والإحصاءات والوثائق المتاحة لدى الجهة المعنية بأي وسيلة، وفقاً لأحكام هـذا القـانـون 1.In applying the provisions of this law, the following words and expressions will have the meanings indicated next to each of them, unless the context requires another meaning: Information: Data, statistics and documents available to the concerned authority by any means, in accordance with the provisions of this law |
Information is defined as data, statistics and documents and requests relate to information so this is not sufficiently clear. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 9 | Seems to imply both records and information but not very clear |
San Marino | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 25(1). Citizens of San Marino, foreign citizens residing or staying in the Republic and legal persons, associations, foundations and bodies having their registered office in the Republic may have access to the administrative documents in the possession of the Administration also independently from the purpose of protecting qualified and differentiated legal positions and without the need to justify the request for access. The exercise of access is guaranteed and regulated by the following provisions and by the implementing regulations of this law. They are, however, subject to the special rules. 26. 1. Administrative documents are all documents or sets of documents that are produced or received by the Administration in the performance of its duties and functions for the protection of the public interest as well as the exercise of public services, regardless of their date, form and material support. 2. The rules set forth in this title shall also apply to administrative records produced or received by the Great and General Council and the Congress of State unless the Council or Congress provides otherwise by its respective regulations. Regulation of 2 December 2015, No. 16, 3 (1). The following information relating to acts and measures of the Administration and concerning the use of public resources shall be fully accessible: a) documents and addenda to the economic program, the budgets and related changes and the financial statements, as well as revenue and expenditure data published in summary form, aggregated and simplified, also with the use of graphical representations in order to ensure full accessibility and comprehensibility; b) identifying information about properties owned as well as the rents paid or received; c) decisions, together with the acts to which they refer, made by the bodies responsible for checking validity before and after enactment , accounting and administrative, of acts and measures relating to expenditure and personnel management; d) indicators of average payment schedules relating to the purchase of goods, services and supplies, works and labor contracts, the conferment of professional, collaborative and consultancy contracts. refers only to a right to access to "documents". Regulation of 2nd December 2015 No 16, 4: .The following information regarding the following areas shall be accessible: a) administrative acts and measures relating to the public procurement of works, labor, services and supplies, in accordance with the relevant special regulations; b) planning relating to the public works sector, indicating for each work the description of the main characteristics of the work, the location, references to urban planning forecasts and the presumed amount of expenditure; c) acts and measures relating to the field of general and detailed planning of the territory, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 respectively of the Law of 19 July 1995 n.87 and by Chapter II of Law 3 October 2007 n.107; d) information relating to the environmental sector, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter II of Title VIII of Delegated Decree no. 44 of 27 April 2012 "Environmental Code"; e) information related to health, social and socio-educational services. They are published and updated annually: 1) Health Plan, Social Health Plan, and Social Education Plan; 2) further planning documents referred to in articles 4 and 5 of Law no. 165 of November 30, 2004; 3) list of public and private health, social-health and socio-educational facilities authorized and accredited pursuant to Laws n.68 and n.69 of May 25, 2004 and subsequent amendments; 4) Waiting times for each of the types of services provided by the health service and other indicators provided by the Health Plan. | 5 October 2011 Law on Administrative Procedures and Access to Administrative Documents as amended in 2016 refers only to documents. "Documents" are, however, defined fairly broadly. Regulation of 2 December 2015, No. 16 refers to "information". However, the regulation's scope is limited to categories of information subject to proactive disclosure. |
Saudi Arabia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 7.1 This Interim Regulation applies to all requests coming from any individual to access or obtain public information – unprotected – produced or held by public entities, regardless of the source, form or nature. This includes paper records, emails, information stored on computers, audio or video cassettes, microfiche, maps, photographs, handwritten notes or any other form of recorded information. | The definition appears to restrict the concept of information to "recorded" information. |
Seychelles | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires - ... “information” includes any original or copy of documentary material irrespective of its physical characteristics, such as records, correspondence, fact, opinion, advice, memorandum, data, statistic, hook, drawing, plan, map. diagram, photograph, audio or visual record, and any other tangible or intangible material, regardless of the form or medium in which it is held in the possession or under the control of the public body; 8. Subject to this Act, every person has a right to access to information from a public body. | Not clear from the definition of information or right to request |
South Africa | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 1. ‘‘record’’ of, or in relation to, a public or private body, means any recorded information— (a) regardless of form or medium; (b) in the possession or under the control of that public or private body, respectively; and (c) whether or not it was created by that public or private body, respectively; | Not sufficiently clear that you can ask for information as well as records. |
South Korea | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2(1) The term "information" means matters recorded in documents (including electronic documents; hereinafter the same shall apply), drawings, pictures, films, tapes, slides, and other media corresponding thereto that are made or acquired, and managed by public institutions for the performance of their duties; | Only refers to documents. |
Sudan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 10(b) b) The request for information shall ... include a description of the details to determine whether the public institution maintains a document that contains this information | Not really clear from this whether both information and documents are covered, although it seems to imply that. |
Sweden | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Art. 12: "An official document to which the public has access shall be made available on request forthwith, or as soon as possible, at the place where it is held, and free of charge, to any person wishing to examine it, in such form that it can be read, listened to, or otherwise comprehended. A document may also be copied, reproduced, or used for sound transmission. If a document cannot be made available without disclosure of such part of it as constitutes classified material, the rest of the document shall be made available to the applicant in the form of a transcript or copy. A public authority is under no obligation to make a document available at the place where it is held, if this presents serious difficulty. Nor is there any such obligation in respect of a recording under Article 3, paragraph one, if the applicant can have access to the recording at a public authority in the vicinity, without serious inconvenience." | |
Taiwan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3 “Government information” as defined in the Law means information which a government agency produces or acquires within its respective authority and is saved in the forms of documents, pictures, photos, magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, optical disks, microfilms, integrated circuits chips or others which can be read, seen, listened or understood with the assistance of technology or auxiliary methods. 10 Each person who requests the government agency to provide the government information shall submit a written application specifying the following matters: 1. Name, date of birth, ID number, address and telephone number of the applicant. Where the applicant is a legal person or group, the name, registered number and business location. Where the applicant is a foreigner, foreign legal person or group, the nationality, passport number and related certifications shall also be specified. 2. Where the applicant having a legal agent or representative, the name, date of birth, and domicile. 3. The gist of content and number of the requested government information. 4. The purpose of requesting the government information. 5. Date of application. The request referred to in paragraph 1 may be made by mail. The request may be made in the form of electronic transmission after authenticated by a certification authority of electronic signature. 5. Date of application. The request referred to in paragraph 1 may be made by mail. The request may be made in the form of electronic transmission after authenticated by a certification authority of electronic signature. | No - according to Articles 3 and 10 you can only ask for specific documents |
Tanzania | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3. "Information" means any material which communicates facts, opinions, data or other matter relating to the management, administration, operations or decisions of the information holder, regardless of tits form or characteristics. | Seems broad but in fact there is no obligation to compile information from different documents. |
Tunisia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | N/A | Established practice in Tunisia in accordance with the way information is interpreted but not set out clearly in law. |
United States | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | There is no legal right (under FOIA or otherwise, outside of courtesy and customer service norms) to obtain answers to questions. | |
Uzbekistan | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 4(1) In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, everyone shall have the right to search, receive, investigate, disseminate, use, and store information. 9(1) Every individual has a right, directly or through his representatives, to submit a written or oral application for obtaining information. | Only refers to information although the definitions do also define "documented information". |
Venezuela | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 3. A los efectos de esta Ley, se entiende por información de interés público todo dato o documento, independientemente del formato en que se encuentre, que se halle bajo el control o archivada bajo la responsabilidad de los sujetos obligados, que resulte necesaria para la participación protagónica del pueblo en el diseño, formulación y seguimiento de la gestión pública. | Article 3 defines public interest information to include any "data or document". This is not very clear but merits one point. |
Vietnam | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 1: This Law provides for the right to access to information of citizens; principles, orders, procedures of the enforcement of the right to access to information; obligations and responsibilities of state agencies in ensuring the right to access to information of citizens. | |
Zambia | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 6(1) | |
Zimbabwe | Requesters have a right to access both information and records/documents (i.e. a right both to ask for information and to apply for specific documents). | Score 1 point for only documents, 1 point for information. | 2 | Partially | 1 | 2 “information” includes but is not limited to any original or copy of documentary material irrespective of its physical characteristics, such as records,book, drawing, plan, map, diagram, photograph, audio or visual record, and any other tangible or intangible material, regardless of the form or medium in which it is held, in the possession or under the control of the entity to which a request is made under this Act; | The definition of information focuses on records, although some provisions, such as s. 7 on requests, refer to information. |
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