By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Antigua and Barbuda | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 14 The information officer of a public authority shall, in each financial year, submit to the Commissioner a report on the activities of the public body pursuant to, or to promote compliance with, this Act, which shall include information about: (a) the number of requests for information received, granted in full or in part, or refused; (b) how often and which sections of this Act were relied upon to refuse, in part or in full, requests for information; (b) appeals from refusals to communicate information; (c) fees charged for requests for information; and (d) its activities pursuant to sections 10,11, and 12. | |
Argentina | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTÍCULO 31° — Funciones de los responsables de acceso a la información pública. Serán funciones de los responsables de acceso a la información pública, en el ámbito de sus respectivas jurisdicciones: g) Elaborar informes mensuales para ser remitidos a la Agencia de Acceso a la Información Pública o a los organismos detallados en el artículo 28 de la presente ley, según corresponda, sobre la cantidad de solicitudes recibidas, los plazos de respuesta y las solicitudes respondidas y rechazadas; | |
Armenia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 7(3) If it is not otherwise foreseen by the Constitution and/or the Law, information holder at least once a year publicize the following information related to his activity and or changes to it: (j1) statistical and complete data on inquiries received, including grounds for refusal to provide information; 13(2) Person responsible for the Freedom of information according to the law: (c) elaborates the statistical and complete data of inquiries received. | |
Australia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010 Reg. 8 Definition of freedom of information functions The freedom of information functions are as follows: ...(j) collecting information and statistics from agencies and Ministers about the freedom of information matters (see section 31) to be included in the annual reports mentioned in section 30 | OAIC Act Reg. 31 lists number of requests, number of complaints, how they were dealt with, etc., under "freedom of information matters." |
Bahamas | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 50. Obligation of public authority to report to Commissioner A public authority shall, from time to time and in any case by the end of the year, provide to the Commissioner a written report containing the matters outlined in sectioned 37(2), to the extent that such information is in their custody of control. | |
Bangladesh | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 30: "Annual Report of the Information Commission.- (1) The Information Commission shall, by 31 March of every year, furnish an annual report of its functions performed during the previous year to the president. (2) In the report mentioned in sub-section (1), the following information shall be included, namely:- (a) the number of requests for information made to each authority; (b) the number of decisions for refusing requests for information to the applicants, and description of the provisions of this Act under which these decisions were taken; (c) the number of appeals preferred against the decisions of the officer- in-charge, and the result thereof; (d) particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any officer by any authority; (e) the amount of money collected by each authority under the Act; (f) description of different activities taken by the authorities in implementing the provisions of this Act; (g) reform proposals received from different authorities relating to ensuring right to information of the citizens; (h) number of complaints received by the Information Commission; (i) description of the actions taken by the Information Commission in respect of the complaint received; (j) number of officers punished by the Information Commission and description of such punishments; (k) total amount of fine imposed and recovered by the Information Commission; (l) description of the regulations made and instructions issued by the Information Commission; (m) accounts of incomes and expenditures of the Information Commission; (n) any other related matters that the Information Commission thinks necessary to be included; (o) specific recommendations to take actions against those authorities that appear to be unwilling to follow the provisions of this Act. (3) After receiving the report under sub-section (1), the President shall cause the report to be laid before the Parliament. (4) The Information Commission shall publish and publicize its annual report submitted to the President under sub-section (1) on the mass media and website. (5) For preparing the report under this section, every authority shall give other related assistance to the Information Commission along with providing necessary information." | This is not spelled out directly, but Art 30 requires the information commission to report annually on the actions of each public authority, and 30(5) requires each authority to furnish the info commission with whatever information they need to make their report - so these authorities really are reporting to the information commission. |
Belize | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | The Minister administering this Act shall, as soon as practicable after the end of each year ending on Y 31st December, prepare a report on the operation of this Act during that year and cause a copy of the report to be laid before each House of the National Assembly. (2) Each Ministry or prescribed authority shall furnish to the Minister administering this Act such information as he requires for the purposes of the preparation of reports under this section and shall comply with any prescribed requirements concerning the furnishing of that information and the keeping of records for the purposes of this section. | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 20 d. Requirement to Publish and Disseminate. "A public authority shall publish: an annual report detailing the functions, policies, operations, organizational structure, and financial affairs of the public authority including but not limited to, their proposed budget and annual financial statement detailing actual prior year revenues and expenditures. This report shall be submitted to the Federation Parliament and shall be available upon request." | |
Brazil | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 40. Within sixty days, from the date this Law is put into effect, the highest leader of each organ or entity of the federal public administration shall designate an authority directly subordinated to it, within the respective organ or entity, to perform the following attributions:(...) II - monitor the implementation of the terms of this Law and submit periodic reports on its compliance;(...) Article 45. The States, the Federal District and Municipalities shall, in their own legislation, with obedience to the general dispositions of this Law, determine specific rules, especially regarding Article 9 and of section II of Chapter III. | |
Bulgaria | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 16. (Amended, SG No. 77/2010) (1) The summary of the reports on the obliged bodies and their administrations, containing the information under art. 15., as well as other information related to the implementation of this act, shall be part of the Report of the State of the Administration which is adopted by the Council of Ministers. (2) The summary under Paragraph 1 shall be published annually on the web site of the Council of Ministers. This information shall be made available in every administration for review by the citizens. | |
Canada | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 94 (1) Every year the head of every government institution shall prepare a report on the administration of this Act within the institution during the period beginning on April 1 of the preceding year and ending on March 31 of the current year. | |
China | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 49 By January 31 of each year, the departments of people's government at the county level or above shall submit the preceding year's annual open government information work report to the competent department for open government information work of that level, and release it to the public. By March 31 of each year, the competent departments for open government information work of local people's governments at the county level or above shall publicly release the preceding year's annual open government information work report for that level of government. 50The annual reports on open government information work shall include the following content: (1) Circumstances of the administrative organ's proactive disclosure of government information; (2) Circumstances of the administrative organ's receipt and handling of open government information applications; (3) Circumstances of being subject to an application for administrative reconsideration or administrative lawsuit due to open government information work; (4) The main problems that exist in open government information work and circumstances of improving them, and each level of people's governments' annual report on open government information work shall also include work evaluations, public assessment, and circumstances of pursuing responsibility and their outcomes. (5) Other matters that need to be reported. The competent department for open government information work across the nation shall release a uniform format for annual work reports and update it when appropriate. | |
Costa Rica | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 18. El informe anual de labores y el derecho de acceso a la información pública. Los jerarcas institucionales deberán incluir en su memoria o informe anual de labores institucional una sección denominada Acceso a la Información y Transparencia, en la cual incluirán como mínimo lo siguiente: a- Estadísticas de las solicitudes de información pública recibidas durante el año, el número total de estas, el plazo de atención brindado, la existencia de recursos de amparo sobre el cumplimiento del derecho de acceso a la información pública y el resultado de dichos procesos. b- Indicación del número de funcionarios y usuarios capacitados durante el período. c- Indicación de cantidad y características de procedimientos administrativos, disciplinarios y sus resultados vinculados con el acceso a la información pública, cuando estos se encuentren concluidos. d- Indicación de mejoras y avances presentados durante el período para hacer más ágil y efectivo el derecho de acceso a la información. e- Indicación de las sugerencias recibidas del OAI y los resultados de estas. f- Indicación del lugar que ocupaba el período anterior en el Índice de Transparencia del Sector Público y el avance conseguido durante el período, con los comentarios u observaciones que estime pertinentes a ese respecto. g- Plan de seguimiento, actualización y monitoreo de la información pública de publicación proactiva | |
Croatia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art.14.1.: Public body authority is obliged to maintain an official record of requests, proceedings and decisions on requests for information and re-use of information, in accordance with provisions of this law. | |
Czech Republic | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 5.1 "g) the obligated body's annual report on activities related to the provision of information in the previous year (Section 18)." Section 18 - Annual report. " (1) By March 1 every year, each obligated body shall publish an annual report on its activities related to the provision of information hereunder in the previous year. Such report shall include the following data: a) the number of requests for information submitted and the number of decisions of request rejection issued, b) the number of submitted appeals against decisions, c) a copy of essential parts of each court judgment reviewing the legality of the obligated body's decision on request rejection and an overview of all expenses incurred by the obligated body in relation to court proceedings on the rights and responsibilities hereunder, including staffing costs and legal representation costs, d) list of exclusive licenses granted, including justifications of the necessity to grant exclusive licenses, e) number of complaints submitted under Section 16a, reasons for their submission and a brief description of the manner of their handling, f) other information related to the application hereof. (2) If the obligated body is obliged by a special law to submit a public annual report on its activities, the data specified in paragraph 1 shall form a separate part of the report named "Provision of information under Act no. 106/1999 Coll. on free access to information"." | |
Ecuador | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 12 Presentación de Informes.- Todas las instituciones públicas, personas jurídicas de derecho público o privado y demás entes señalados en el artículo 1 de la presente Ley, a través de su titular o representante legal, presentarán a la Defensoría del Pueblo, hasta el último día laborable del mes de marzo de cada año, un informe anual sobre el cumplimiento del derecho de acceso a la información pública, que contendrá: a) Información del periodo anterior sobre el cumplimiento de las obligaciones que le asigna esta Ley; b) Detalle de las solicitudes de acceso a la información y el trámite dado a cada una de ellas; y, c) Informe semestral actualizado sobre el listado índice de información reservada. | |
El Salvador | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICLE 50 "El Oficial de Información tendrá las funciones siguientes:(...) n. Elaborar y enviar al Instituto, de conformidad con los lineamientos que éste expida, los datos necesarios para la elaboración del informe anual a que se refiere el artículo 60 de ésta Ley.." | Art 50(n) - this is the duty of the information officers. |
Ethiopia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 36(1) As soon as practicable and not later than 30th of May in each year, the public relation officer of each public body shall submit to the ombudsman, a report regarding the activities of the public body in implementing the provisions of chapter three of this proclamation. | |
Gambia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 63(1) The Information Officer of each public body and relevant private body shall not later than the end of the first quarter of each year, submit to the Commission a report stating in relation to the body in respect of the preceding year - (a) the number of requests for access received; (b) the number of requests for personal information received; (c) the number of requests for access granted in full; (d) the number of requests for access granted in terms of the public interest override in section 35; (e) the number of requests for access refused- (i) in full, and (ii) in part; (f) the number of times each provision of Part III was relied on to refuse access in full or part; (g) the number of cases in which the periods stipulated in this Act were extended, (h) the number of internal appeals lodged with the relevant authority; (i) the number of internal appeals lodged on the ground that a request for access was regarded as having been refused in terms of section 17; (j) the number of cases in which, as a result of an internal appeal, access was given to information; (k) the number of appeals referred to the Commission and the outcome of those appeals; (l) the number of appeals referred to an appropriate court and the outcome of those appeals; (m) a description of the steps or efforts taken by the head of the body to encourage all officers of that body to comply with the provisions of this Act; (n) any facts which indicate an effort by the body to administer and implement the spirit and intention of the Act according to its submitted plan; (o) particulars of any penalties issued against any person under this Act; (p) particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any person under this Act; (q) particulars of any difficulties encountered in the implementation of this Act in terms of the operations of the body, including issues of staffing and costs; and (r) recommendations for reform, or amendment of this Act, other laws, regulations or practice relevant to the optimal realisation of the objectives of this Act. (2) The Commission may impose penalties on public bodies and relevant private bodies that do not comply with the annual reporting obligation. (3) All public bodies shall incorporate the report submitted to the Commission under this Act into their annual reports to the National Assembly. | |
Georgia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 49 – Submission and publication of reports A public institution shall be obliged, on December 10 each year, to submit to the Parliament of Georgia, the President of Georgia and the Prime Minister of Georgia, and publish in the Legislative Herald of Georgia a report on: a) the number of applications submitted to a public institution for issuing public information and making amendments to public information, as well as the number of decisions on rejecting such applications; b) the number of decisions on granting or rejecting applications, the name of the public servant making the decisions, as well as the decisions on closing its own session by a collegial public institution; c) the public databases, and collecting, processing, storing and transferring the personal data by public institutions to others; d) the number of violations of the requirements of this Code by public servants, and imposing disciplinary fines on the responsible persons; e) the legislative acts used by a public institution as a basis for refusing to issue public information, or when closing the session of a collegial public institution; f) appealing decisions to refuse issuing public information; g) the costs, including the amounts paid in favour of a party, related to processing and issuing information by a public institution, as well as to appealing decisions to refuse to issue public information or to close the session of a collegial public institution. | |
Ghana | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 47(1) A public institution or a relevant private body shall provide the reports that are required under this Act to the Commission. (2) The Commission shall (e) following public consultation, develop and publicise guidelines which detail the reporting requirements that apply to a public institution or a relevant private body. (3) The reporting requirements referred to in paragraph (e) of subsection (2) include the manner, means and time frames that apply to a public institution or a relevant private body. 77(1) A public institution shall, within sixty days after the 31st of December each year, submit a written report on the activities of the public institution under this Act during the preceding year to the Commission. (2) The report shall include (a) the number of applications for information during the reporting period; (b) the number of applications approved and the number rejected together with the reasons for the rejection; (c) the number of reviews requested, the number granted and the number dismissed together with reasons; and (d) the number of applications to the Court for judicial review and the results of the reviews, if any. (3) The Minister may in writing request for any other information which the Minister considers necessary for the purposes of submitting a comprehensive report to Parliament. (4) The Minister shall by the 30th of June each year, lay before Parliament, an annual report on the activities of public institutions and the Commission in respect of the preceding year based on the annual reports of the public institutions. | |
Guatemala | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 46. Autoridad reguladora. El acceso a la información pública como derecho humano fundamental previsto en la Constitución Política de la República de Guatemala y los tratados o convenios internacionales en esta materia ratificados por el Estado de Guatemala, estará protegido por el Procurador de los Derechos Humanos en los términos de la Ley de la Comisión de los Derechos Humanos del Congreso de la República y del Procurador de los Derechos Humanos, Decreto Número 54-86 del Congreso de la República. | |
Honduras | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ARTICULO 31. COMISION LEGISLATIVA DE SEGUIMIENTO. El Congreso Nacional, en cumplimiento de sus funciones, constituirá una Comisión Especial de Seguimiento de la Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información, la cual recibirá informes trimestrales por parte de las instituciones publicas y formulara recomendaciones al respecto, pudiendo requerir para ello su presencia ante la Comisión. | |
Iceland | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 22. Governmental authorities shall be obliged to record the cases they handle in a systematic manner and to preserve case material so that it remains accessible. [...] | |
India | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 25(2) Each Ministry or Department shall, in relation to the public authorities within their jurisdiction, collect and provide such information to the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, as is required to prepare the report under this section and comply with the requirements concerning the furnishing of that information and keeping of records for the purposes of this section. | |
Indonesia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 12. The Public Agency shall publish its information service annually, covering: (a) the number of requests for information that it receives; (b) the period that the Public Agency needs to fulfill every request for information; (c) the number of information supplied and refused, and/or (d) the reason to refuse a request for information. | |
Iran | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 12. Public institutions shall present an annual report about their activities and application of this law to the commission on publication and free access to information. Regulation Article 6. The institutions liable under this law are required to present a statistical report about the publication of information and their performances in [providing] access to information and their report shall include the followings: (A) Statistics on requested information and the number of granted and rejected requests. (B) The average on the extent the information was presented and the time for providing information for each title of information. (C) Report on the published information and the number of their visits. | |
Israel | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 5(1) A public authority shall publish an annual report, which shall include information about its activities and responsibilities, and an explanation of its functions and domain of responsibility; the report shall include a report by the person responsible on the implementation of this law in the public authority; he is entitled, however, to publish this report separately. (2) The Minister of Justice, with the approval of the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee, is entitled to determine for a specific public authority, as stated in paragraphs (1) and (6)-(10) defining a "public authority", or for certain types of public authority, a different period for publishing the report. (3) The regulation governing the format of the report and the manner of its publication shall be determined in the regulations. | |
Ivory Coast | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Decree 2014-462 of 6 August 2014, 4(1). La CAIDP a pour mission de veiller au respect et à l'application par les organismes publics, des dispositions de la loi relative à l'accès à l'information d'intérêt public. (2) À ce titre, elle est chargée notamment… de demander aux organismes publics la production d’un rapport annuel sur l’application de la loi, au premier trimestre de chaque année, avec indication du nombre de requêtes et de la suite qui leur a été donnée; | |
Jamaica | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 36(3) Each public authority shall submit to the Minister, [...] | |
Kenya | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 27. On or before the 30th day of June of each year, every public entity shall submit to the Commission a report covering the preceding year, which shall include - (a) the number of requests for information received by the entity and the number of requests processed; (b) the number of determinations made by the authority not to comply with the requests for information under section 8, and the main grounds for such determinations; (c) the average number of days taken by the entity to process different types of requests; (d) the total amount of fees collected by the public entity while processing requests; and (e) the number of full-time staff of the public entity devoted to processing requests for information and the total amount expended by the entity for processing such requests. | |
Liberia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 5.3: "Annual Reports: All public bodies and private entities to which this Act applies shall submit to the Independent Information Commissioner report concerning activities carried out during the preceding year in relation to this Act. The annual report shall be submitted at a time to be determined by the Independent Information Commissioner, and shall include: (a) the number of requests for access to documents or records or other type of information received by the public authority or private body as the case may be between January 1 and December 31 of the preceding year, and the number of applications which the public authority or private body processed during the period. (b) the number of requests for access to information pending before the public authority or private body as the case may be as of December 31 of the preceding year and the number of days that each of those requests had been pending before the public authority or private body as of the date of the submission of the report. (c) the number of requests where the public authority or the private body as the case may be declined access to records or documents requested by members of the public under this Act and the reasons for each such refusal of access. (d) the average number of days it takes the public authority or private body to process different types of requests for access to information, records or documents; (e) the total amount of fees collected by the public authority or private body as the case may be to process such requests; and (f) A description of the steps or efforts taken by the responsible Minister or Chief Executive of the public authority or private body as the case may be to encourage all officers under his or her charge to comply with the provisions of this Act." | |
Malawi | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 17.(1) Every information holder shall, not later than three months after the end of each financial year, submit to the Minister, a report on their level of compliance with the provisions of this Act, during that financial year in the form and manner as may be prescribed. (2) The Minister shall, within three months after receiving the reports in subsection (1), submit an annual report to Parliament covering the general activities of information holder in implementing the provisions of this Act in the year to which the report relates. | |
Maldives | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 42. Each State Institute must, once a year, under the initiative of the Information Officer of that State Institute, compile an annual report and submit it to the Information Commissioner, based on, but not limited to, the following information: (a) the number of applications received, the number of applications answered, the number of applications for which access was provided for the requested information and the number of applications for which access to the requested information was not granted; (b) the section or provisions of this Act invoked the most in order to refuse a request for information; (c) the number of appeals made following refusal to access to information; (d) the amount of fees their total; (e) activities and tasks carried out proactively in order to comply with the duty of information disclosure; (f) ctivities and tasks carried out for information management; (g) activities and steps taken for the purpose of training employees. | Would be better if this also created a specific obligation on State Institutes to publish these reports. |
Malta | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | This is mentioned in point 1.9 of the Code of Practice, which explains that the officer nominated as Principal FOI Officer (who has the role of monitoring and liaising all FOI officers within a Ministry) is to provide a report to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner. In this case, the Principal FOI Officer would be acting on behalf of all the Public Authorities within that Ministry. | |
Mexico | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 62. Information regarding the transparency obligations should be updated at least every three months, unless this Act or other regulatory provisions establish a different term. The National System will issue the criteria for determining the minimum time the information must remain available and accessible, based on the qualities thereof. The publication of information must indicate the regulated entity responsible for generating it, and the date of the last update. | |
Namibia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 20(1) Subject to subsection (2), every public entity must provide reports to the Information Commissioner on the implementation of this Act for monitoring and evaluation by the Information Commissioner. (2) The Information Commissioner must, after consultation with the public entities, develop and publish guidelines, in the prescribed manner, on the terms and conditions, including the manner, means and timeframes required in relation to reports under this Act. (3) The Information Commissioner may at any time request any further information from a public entity to facilitate and enhance monitoring and may issue an order in writing compelling the provision of such further information. 26. (1) The head of a public entity must annually, within the prescribed period but not later than the end of April of each year, submit to the Information Commissioner a report, in relation to the public entity, stating in respect of the preceding year - (a) the number of requests for access to information refused -(i) in full; and (ii) in part; (b) the number of times each provision of Part 9 was relied on to refuse access to information in full or in part; (c) the number of cases in which the periods stipulated in section 37 were extended in terms of section 39; (d) the number of applications for internal review lodged; (e) the number of appeals lodged on the ground that a request for access was deemed as having been refused in terms of section 41; (f) the number of cases in which, as a result of an internal review, access to information was refused; (g) the number of appeals to the Information Commissioner and the outcome of those appeals; (h) the number of judicial reviews lodged with an appropriate court and the outcome of those reviews; | |
Nicaragua | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 20.- Las entidades públicas obligadas al cumplimiento de esta Ley, además de divulgar la información que establecen las leyes y normas de su competencia, están obligadas a difundir de oficio, a través de la página WEB, por los menos, la información siguiente: j. Información anual de actividades que incluirá un resumen de los resultados de las solicitudes de acceso a la información pública. Artículo 21.- Las entidades privadas sometidas a la presente Ley, tendrán el deber de publicar, al igual que las entidades del Estado, la siguiente información básica: e. Información anual de actividades que incluirá un resumen de la cantidad de reclamos recibidos y las resoluciones en cada caso. | Art 20(j) and 21(e) |
Nigeria | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 29(1) On or before February 1 of each year, each public institution shall submit to the Attorney-General of the Federation a report which shall cover the preceding fiscal year and which shall include – (a) the number of determinations made by the public institution not to comply with applications for information made to such public institution and the reasons for such determinations; (b) the number of appeals made by persons under this Act, and the reason for the action upon each appeal that results in a denial of information; (c) a description of whether the Court has upheld the decision of the public institution to withhold information under such circumstances and a concise description of the scope of any information withheld; (d) the number of applications for information pending before the public institution as of October 31 of the preceding year and the median number of days that such application had been pending before the public institution as of that date; (e) the number or applications for information received by the public institution and the number of applications; which the public institution processed; (f) the median number of days taken by the public institution to process different types of applications for information; (g) the total amount of fees collected by the public institution to process such applications; and (h) the number of full-time staff of the public institution devoted to processing applications for information, and the total amount expended by the public institution for processing such applications. | |
North Macedonia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 37 "(1) The responsible person within the information holder shall be obliged to draft an annual report regarding the implementation of the present Law, and shall submit this report for the previous year, to the Commission by 31 January of the current year." | |
Pakistan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Right of Access to Information Rules, 2019, 10. Bi-annual report.— (1) Each public body shall prepare and publish on its website or, in absence of any website, on its notice board, a bi-annual report with a focus on its efforts and performance in terms of implementation of the Act. (2) The bi-annual report of a public body shall, amongst other things, include the following information; (a) status of proactive disclosure; (b) status of record management and the efforts made or underway online; to computerize records or make them available; (c) status of the use of technology or online portals for receiving, processing and providing information under the Act; (d) number of applications received and processed; (e) instances involving departmental action against officers for deviations or poor performance under the Act; (f) efforts made by the public body in terms of creating public awareness, training its officers, improving record management system in the light of the Act; and (g) any other information as may be prescribed by the Commission. (3) The Commission may prescribe a format for the bi-annual report to be prepared and submitted by each public body. | |
Panama | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 26: Anualmente, todas las instituciones públicas incorporarán, en las memorias que presentarán al Órgano Legislativo, un informe que contendrá lo siguiente: 1. El número de las solicitudes de información presentadas a la institución. 2. El número de solicitudes resultas y negadas. 3. Una lista de todos los actos administrativos sometidos a participación ciudadana con un informe de las observaciones y decisiones finalmente adoptadas. | |
Peru | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 22 Información que deben publicar todas las Entidades de la Administración Pública: Toda Entidad de la Administración Pública publicará, trimestralmente, lo siguiente: 1. Su Presupuesto, especificando: los ingresos, gastos, financiamiento, y resultados operativos de conformidad con los clasificadores presupuestales vigentes. 2. Los proyectos de inversión pública en ejecución, especificando: el presupuesto total de proyecto, el presupuesto del período correspondiente y su nivel de ejecución y el presupuesto acumulado. 3. Información de su personal especificando: personal activo y, de ser el caso, pasivo, número de funcionarios, directivos, profesionales, técnicos, auxiliares, sean éstos nombrados o contratados por un período mayor a tres (3) meses en el plazo de un año, sin importar el régimen laboral al que se encuentren sujetos, o la denominación del presupuesto o cargo que desempeñen; rango salarial por categoría y el total del gasto de remuneraciones, bonificaciones, y cualquier otro concepto de índole remunerativo, sea pensionable o no. 4. Información contenida en el Registro de procesos de selección de contrataciones y adquisiciones, especificando: los valores referenciales, nombres de contratistas, montos de los contratos, penalidades y sanciones y costo final, de ser el caso. 5. Los progresos realizados en los indicadores de desempeño establecidos en los planes estratégicos institucionales o en los indicadores que les serán aplicados, en el caso de entidades que hayan suscrito Convenios de Gestión. Las Entidades de la Administración Pública están en la obligación de remitir la referida información al Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, para que éste la incluya en su portal de internet, dentro de los cinco (5) días calendario siguientes a su publicación
Romania | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 5(3): The public authorities release to the public, ex officio, at least annually, a periodical activity report, which will be published in the Romanian Official Journal. | The report shall be published in the Official Gazette of Romania. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 18(2); 20(4); 21(2); 22 | Annually on proactive publication, records management and training, and monthly on requests |
Saudi Arabia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 7.4(11) The public entity shall be responsible for monitoring compliance periodically with Freedom of Information Interim Regulation and presenting the results to the head of the entity (or the delegate). The corrective procedures should be determined in case of non-compliance and the Regulatory Authority and NDMO should be notified accordingly. The National Data Management and Personal Data Protection Standards Specifications ( FOI.4.1 The Entity shall document in a register compliance records as required by the National Data Management Office's Freedom of Information Regulations. The register shall include, at minimum, the following: 1. Information on the current Open Data and Information Access Officer 2. Public Information Access Requests Records 3. Public Entity Publication 4. Any other records, including the manner and format, that is required by the National Data Management Office's Freedom of Information Regulation. Refer to the National Data Management Office's Freedom of Information Regulations for more detailed requirements. | |
Serbia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 39: “A state body shall at least once a year publish a directory with the main data about its work,[…]†Article 43: "The authority by 31 of the current year, for the previous year, submits an annual report to the Commissioner on the actions of that body, taken in order to implement this law, which contains information on: 1) the number of submitted requests, the number of fully or partially adopted requests, as well as the number of rejected requests; 2) the number and content of appeals against decisions rejecting the request; 3) the total amount of fees collected for exercising the right to access information of public importance; 4_ measures taken in connection with the obligation to prepate and update the newsletter; 5) measures taken in connection with the maintenance of the information carrier; 6) measures taken in connection with employee training; 6a) the head of the authority and the authorised person; 6b) the number of submitted requests related to information on public health or environmental protection referred to in Article 16, paragraph 2 of this law; 6c) the number of submitted requests related to information on the disposal of public funds; 6d) the number of submitted requests related to information within the competence of the authority." | |
Seychelles | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 6(1) Every public body shall annually, within the timeframe stipulated by the Information Commission, submit to the Information Commission—(b) annual reports on the implementation of this Act in accordance with section 54 of this Act.; 51. (1) Information holders shall provide such reports as are required by this Act to the Information Commission. (2) The Information Commission may, following public consultation, develop and publicise guidelines which detail the reporting requirements, including the manner, means and time-frames that apply to information holders. (3) The Information Commission has the discretion to request any further information from information holders to facilitate and enhance monitoring at any time. 54. (1) The Information Officer of each public body shall annually, but no later than the end of the first quarter, submit to the Information Commission a report stating in relation to the body in respect of the preceding year—(a) the number of requests for access received; (b) the number of requests for personal information received: (c) the number of requests for access granted in full, (d) the number of requests for access refused – (i) in full; and (ii) in part: (e) the number of times each provision of Part III was relied on to refuse access in full or in part; (f) the number of cases in which the periods stipulated in section Il were extended in terms of section 12; - (g) the number of review applications lodged with the head of the information holder; (h) the number of review lodged on the ground that a request for access was regarded as having been refused in terms of section 14, (i) the number of cases in which, as a result of a review, access was given to information; (j) the number of appeals filed before the Information Commission and the outcome of those appeals; (k) a description of the steps or efforts taken by the head of the body to encourage all officers of that body to comply with the provisions of this Act; (l) any facts which indicate an effort by the body to administer and implement the spirit and intention of the Act according to its submitted plan; (m) particulars of any penalties imposed against any person under this Act; (n) particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any person under tins Act; (o) particulars of any difficulties encountered in the implementation of this Act in terms of the operations of the body, including issues of staffing and costs; and (p) recommendations for reform, or amendment of this Act, other legislation, or practice relevant to the optimal realisation of the objectives of this Act. (2) The Information Commission may impose a fine not exceeding SCR100,000 on public bodies that do not comply with the annual reporting obligation. (3) Public bodies shall incorporate the annual report submitted to the Information Commission under this Act into their annual reports submitted to the National Assembly. | |
Sierra Leone | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 41. (1) The Commission shall, within three months after the end of the financial year, submit to the Minister a report on the performance of its functions during that year and on its policies and programmes...(4) To enable the Commission to comply with subsection (3), every public authority shall report annually to the Commission on the steps it has taken to implement this Act, including a report on the requests for information it has received and how these have been dealt with. | |
Slovenia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art 37. "(1)The body is obliged to draw up an annual report on the implementation of this Act and submit it to the Ministry by 31 January for the previous year." | |
South Africa | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 32 Reports to Information Regulator The information officer of each public body must annually submit to the Information Regulator a report stating in relation to the public body- (a) the number of requests for access received; (b) the number of requests for access granted in full; (c) the number of requests for access granted in terms of section 46; (d) the number of requests for access refused in full and refused partially and the number of times each provision of this Act was relied on to refuse access in full or partial; (e) the number of cases in which the periods stipulated in section 25 (1) were extended in terms of section 26 (1); (f) the number of internal appeals lodged with the relevant authority and the number of cases in which, as a result of an internal appeal, access was given to a record; (g) the number of internal appeals which were lodged on the ground that a request for access was regarded as having been refused in terms of section 27; the number of applications to a court which were lodged on the ground that an internal appeal was regarded as having been dismissed in terms of section 77 (7); and (h) such other matters as may be prescribed. | |
South Korea | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | PD 28(1): The institutions falling under the subparagraphs of Article 2 shall submit the operating status of the information disclosure of the previous year to the head of the relevant central administrative agency or the head of a local government by January 31 every year. (2) The head of a Si/Gun/Gu shall submit the operation status of the information disclosure of the previous year, including the operating status of the information disclosure having received pursuant to paragraph (1), to the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, or Do Governor by February 10 every year. (3) The head of a central administrative agency, the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan Autonomous City Mayor, Do Governor, or the Special Self-Governing Province Governor shall submit the operating status of the information disclosure of the previous year, including the operation status of the information disclosure having received pursuant to paragraph (1) and (2), to the Minister of the Interior by the end of February every year. (4) The Minister of Public Administration and Home Affairs shall publish synthetically the operating status of the information disclosure that has been received pursuant to paragraph (3) every year. | |
South Sudan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 21 | |
Sri Lanka | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Section 10. Every public authority shall submit annual reports to the Commission before the thirty first day of December immediately succeeding the year to which the report relates which shall be made available to the public in its office and on its official website, furnishing information such as- (a) the total number of requests received during the year and information provided and rejected; (b) the amount of fees collected during the year; (c) the number of requests rejected under section 5; (d) the number of times information was provided at the direction of the Commission; (e) any suggestions for improving the effectiveness of the regime of transparency; (f) the number of appeals from refusal to communicate information; (g) practices relating to the maintenance, management and destruction of records; and (h) its activities under section 8. | |
Sweden | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | The Act with Instructions for the Parliamentary Ombudsmen Article 25 "When the annual report is submitted to the Riksdag, journals, written records and registers covering the same period are to be presented at the same time to the Committee on the Constitution." | |
Switzerland | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | ORDINANCE ON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION IN THE ADMINISTRATION. Section 8 Evaluation. Article 21: "Each authority shall inform the Commissioner, on an annual basis, of: a. the number of applications for access filed during the reporting year; b. the number of such applications granted, refused or partly refused; c. the total amount of fees charged for access to public documents sought under the Freedom of Information Act." | |
Thailand | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | N/A | Cabinet resolutions issued on 5 September 2000 and 21 January 2003 require state agencies to report to the OIC annually on their compliance with the OIA. |
Trinidad and Tobago | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 40. (2) Each responsible Minister shall, in relation to the public authorities within his portfolio, furnish to the Minister such information as he requires for the purposes of the preparation of any report under this section and shall comply with any prescribed requirements concerning the furnishing of that information and the keeping of records for the purposes of this section. | 40(2) obligates other authorities to cooperate with the minister in preparing the annual report. |
Tunisia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Art. 34 - Le chargé d’accès à l’information est tenu notamment de :...4. Préparer un rapport d’activité annuel relatif à l’accès à l’information dans le premier mois de l’année suivant l’année de l’exercice et le transmettre après sa validation par le chef de l’organisme, à l’instance d’accès à l’information. Ce rapport comporte les suggestions, les recommandations nécessaires pour renforcer la consécration du droit d’accès à l’information ainsi que des données statistiques sur le nombre des demandes d’accès déposées, les demandes objet de réponse, les refus, les demandes de recours gracieux, les réponses et délais y afférents, en plus des mesures prises en matière d’accès à l’information sur initiative de l’organisme concerné, la gestion des documents et la formation des agents. | |
Turkey | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Article 30 (Preparation of the Reports): "The institutions shall prepare reports pertaining the previous year and that show.." | |
Uganda | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 43. Annual report. (1) Each Minister shall submit an annual report to Parliament on requests for access to records or information made to public bodies under his or her ministry in relation to the relevant year, and shall indicate whether access was given or not and if access was not given, state reasons for the denial. (2) For avoidance of doubt, the annual report referred to in subsection (1) may be included in the annual policy statement of the Ministry. | S. 43 |
United States | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 7(e)(1) | |
Uruguay | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | Artículo 7º. (Presentación de informes).- Todos los sujetos obligados por la presente ley presentarán ante el órgano de control, hasta el último día hábil del mes de marzo de cada año, un informe anual sobre el cumplimiento del derecho de acceso a la información pública, que contendrá: A) Información del período anterior sobre el cumplimiento de las obligaciones que le asigna esta ley. B) Detalle de las solicitudes de acceso a la información y el trámite dado a cada una de ellas. Sin perjuicio de las disposiciones anteriores, estarán también obligados a producir un informe semestral actualizado conteniendo la lista de información reservada. | |
Vanuatu | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 62. Monitoring and reporting relationships (1) A Right to Information Officer of a Government agency or a relevant private entity must submit a monthly report to the Right to Information Unit established under section 69 on the activities of his or her respective organization. | - |
Yemen | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 11: "The party must put informational evidences and publish annual reports containing at least the following: A. Management information on the mechanism of action to include the objectives, activities and programs and the final accounts, along with information on areas of its official activities and the results of the performance of its constitutional and legal duties. B. Determine how and where the citizens get the information and make requests and learn about the documents, receive and abstract copies and get a decision. C. Index of all types of information that legally oblige the party in charge to execute their conservation and maintenance. D. A report on requests for access to information that have been received and that have been operated upon and those that have been rejected and the reasons for rejection and motions that have been submitted, a long with the actions relating thereto, and the average number of days during which there has been responses to requests for information. E. Directory lists of the topics that you must publish along with the dates and methods of their dissemination. F. As for any other additional information that the Commissioner sees it necessary to publish in accordance with the purposes of this Act." | |
Zimbabwe | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 2 | 18 Every responsible person or holder of a statutory office must annually submit to the Commission a report stating the number of— (a) requests for access to information received; (b) requests for access granted in full; (c) requests for access refused in full or partially and the number of times a specified provision of this Act was relied on to refuse access in full or partially; (d) cases in which the periods stipulated in section 8(1) were extended in terms of section 9; (e) the number of times that a request for access was regarded as having been refused in terms of section 10; (f) such other matters as may be prescribed. | |
Afghanistan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 17 (1) Public Information officers are obliged to submit an annual report on the implementation of this law to the commission. (2) The format and procedure of the report stipulated in Article 17 (1) shall be established in a separate procedure by the commission. | Until Commission indicates that this shall include statistics on requests, can only get one point. |
Colombia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Ley 1712 de 2014, 11…Todo sujeto obligado deberá publicar la siguiente información mínima obligatoria de manera proactiva:…h) Todo mecanismo de presentación directa de solicitudes, quejas y reclamos a disposición del público en relación con acciones u omisiones del sujeto obligado, junto con un informe de todas las solicitudes, denuncias y los tiempos de respuesta del sujeto obligado; Decreto 103 de 2015, Los sujetos obligados, de conformidad con las condiciones establecidas en el artículo 5° de la Ley 1712 de 2014, deben publicar en la página principal de su sitio web oficial, en una sección particular identificada con el nombre de “Transparencia y acceso a información pública”, la siguiente información:… (7) El informe de solicitudes de acceso a la información señalado en el artículo 52 del presente decreto. Artículo 52. Informes de solicitudes de acceso a información. De conformidad con lo establecido en el literal h) del artículo 11 de la Ley 1712 de 2014, los sujetos obligados deberán publicar los informes de todas las solicitudes, denuncias y los tiempos de respuesta. Respecto de las solicitudes de acceso a información pública, el informe debe discriminar la siguiente información mínima: (1) El número de solicitudes recibidas. (2) El número de solicitudes que fueron trasladadas a otra institución. (3) El tiempo de respuesta a cada solicitud. (4) El número de solicitudes en las que se negó el acceso a la información. El informe sobre solicitudes de acceso a información estará a disposición del público en los términos establecidos en el artículo 4° del presente decreto. | Not an annual report, but statistics on processing of requests have to be published on their website so partial credit given. |
Guinea | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 43. Le chargé d'accès à l'information d'un organisme est tenu: …. de préparer un rapport d'activité annuel relatif à l'accès à l'information dans le premier mois de l'année suivant l'année de l'exercice et le transmettre après sa validation par le chef de l'organisme à l'instance d'accès à l'information; | Report but no details on what it should include |
Guyana | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 44(2) Each responsible Minister shall, in relation to the public authorities responsibility for which has been assigned to him, furnish to the Ministers such information as he requires for the purpose of the preparation of any report under this section and shall comply with any prescribed requirements concerning the furnishing of that information and the keeping of records for the purposes of this section. | 44(2) - requirement to report by ministers, but only by ministers. |
Hungary | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 59(1) The Authority shall compile a report on the investigation carried out on the grounds of the claim made, if the Authority did not launch administrative or legal proceedings. (2) This report shall include facts exposed during the course of the investigation, as well as findings made and conclusions drawn on the basis of these. (3) The report compiled by the Authority is public. The president of the Authority is entitled to classify reports containing classified information, or repeatedly classify this information as classified. The report containing classified information or confidential information protected by law must be disclosed in such a way that the classified information or other confidential information protected by law cannot be recognised. (4) Reports compiled for the Authority about investigations carried out in connection with these activities by bodies authorised to use intelligence instruments and methods may not contain data on which grounds it would be possible to deduce the confidential information collection activity of the body carried out in respect of the case. (5) The report issued by the Authority cannot be contested in court or with any other authorities. | |
Italy | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 10(1) Each administration shall specify, in a separate section of the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption referred to in article 1, paragraph 5 of Law no. 190/2012, the persons responsible for the transmission and publication of the documents, information and data pursuant to this decree. | |
Japan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 39(1) The Director General of the Management and Coordination Agency may request reports on the state of enforcement of this law from the heads of the administrative organs. (2) The Director General of the Management and Coordination Agency shall annually collect, arrange, and publish a summary of the reports of the preceding paragraph. | The Act allows the Minister of Public Management to request reports, but no mandate for this to be done annually. |
Kosovo | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 13(6) The unit or official responsible for access to public documents shall prepare regular annual reports at latest on 31 January of the following year for the previous year and shall forward these reports to the Information and Privacy Agency, who shall prepare a comprehensive report of public institutions on implementation of the right of access to public documents. 31(1) In order to provide full transparency with regard to their work and access to public documents, the public institutions shall, through the official responsible for access to public documents, draft an annual report at the latest by the end of January of the current year for the period until December of the previous year, including the number of cases in which the public institution has granted access to documents, the number of cases in which the public institution denied access to documents, as well as reasons for such refusals. (2) Each public institution shall send the annual report on the previous year to the Agency. | Reports are to be sent to the Agency, but it is unclear if the reports will be made public. |
Lebanon | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 8: Annual reports: A – The competent hierarchical head in each administration shall produce an annual report on its activities. B – Regarding the judiciary, the annual report shall be developed by the body responsible for overseeing each of the juridical, administrative, financial, doctrinal, spiritual, and Sharia branches (such as the Supreme Judicial Council or the Bureau of the State Shura Council). The juridical judiciary’s report shall include the situation of the exceptional courts. C – The annual reports shall include at least the following: 1 – Information about the administration’s working mechanism, including expenses, objectives, rules, accomplishments, difficulties that faced workflow, and audited accounts. 2 – The general policy and the projects of the administration concerned, both those that were implemented and those that were not and the reasons why, and any proposals that help improve the administration’s work. | There is a reporting requirement, but nothing specific regarding implementation of RTI. |
Mozambique | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Right to Information Law Regulation ARTIGO 29 (Annual Report of the Commission for the Evaluation) 1. The Commission for the Evaluation of the Document, as in article 35 of the RTI Law, elaborates and remits periodical reports to the official in charge, who sent them to the director body of the National System of the State Archives. 2. The reports as in the previous number shall include information about: a) the number of judgments on hierarchical appeal of the decision of denial of information; b) the grounds of denial of access to information and the grounds of appeal against the denial; c) the opinion of the commission in regard to the difficulties in the implementation of the RTI Law and in the management of the system of evaluation of documents in the framework of the access to information; d) processes mechanisms and politics who aim at easing and better the exercise of the right to information; e) other useful information. 3. On the base of the information received from the Commission, the director body of the National System of the States Archive shall elaborate an annual report on the implementation of the RTI Law, mentioning the requests received, granted or denied, the constraints they had and other relevant information. 4. Beyond the information of the previous number, the Report of the director body of the National System of the States Archive shall include information on the difficulties in the management of the archives in the framework of the exercise of the right to information, with proposals for the legislative and administrative improvement of the system, with the aim of easing the access to information. 5. the report of the previous number is sent to the Provedor de Justiça, for its inclusion in the for the Annual Information of the Parliament. | |
Qatar | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | مادة 8: ترفع الإدارة المختصة تقريراً سنوياً إلى الرئيس مُبيناً فيه عدد طلبات الحصول على المعلومات التي قُدمت إليها، وما تمت الموافقة عليه منها، وما صدر فيه قرار بالرفض كلياً أو جزئياً 8. The competent department shall submit an annual report to the president, indicating the number of requests for information that were submitted to it, which of them were approved, and which were decided to reject, in whole or in part. |
There is an annual reporting requirement, but it is not clear these are public and the level of detail required is very basic. |
Republic of Belarus | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Article 22[1]. Dissemination of publicly accessible information by a state body At a state body, the following information must be posted in a place accessible for viewing, with the exception of information dissemination and (or) provision of which is restricted: on the work with requests from individuals and legal entities; Republican bodies of public administration subordinate to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative bodies, shall annually publish publicly accessible information on the results of their work in the previous year related to the main activities of these state bodies, on websites and in mass media no later than March 1 of the year subsequent to the reporting year. | State bodies must publish on their website their "work with request from individuals and legal enrtities" as well as annual "information on the results of their work in the previous year related to the main activities of these state bodies". |
Ukraine | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 15.1 Information administrators shall be obliged to publish (10) reports, including reports on satisfaction of information requests. | Information administrators obliged to consolidate and publish quarterly reports on the processing the requests. There is no obligation to consolidate a special report describing all aspects of the implementation of the law (disclosure of information, training of civil servants, etc.). |
Vietnam | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | Reg. 13(3): Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies and provincial-level People’s Committees shall sum up the situation of information provision under their charge and report it to the Ministry of Justice once every 3 years or on an extraordinary basis. (4): A report on the exercise of the right of access to information must clearly state: a/ The situation of information disclosure and information provision at request by the information-providing agency; b/ Number of information requests received; number of information requests settled; number of information requests rejected; and number of complaints and lawsuits settled (if any); c/ Difficulties and problems in the information provision by the information-providing agency; d/ Recommended necessary measures to guarantee the exercise of citizens’ right of access to information. | Only every three years and not clear that public. |
Zambia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | Partially | 1 | 34 | |
Albania | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Andorra | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No obligation for other public bodies |
Angola | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Austria | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | N/A |
Azerbaijan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | This was a requirement of the law but was removed. |
Belgium | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Benin | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bolivia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Burkina Faso | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Cape Verde | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Chile | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cook Islands | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cyprus | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Denmark | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Dominican Republic | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
East Timor | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Estonia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Fiji | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Finland | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
France | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Germany | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Greece | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ireland | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | YES | 0 | Article 44(1) The Commissioner shall keep the operation of this Act under review and may carry out an investigation at any time into the practices and procedures adopted by FOI bodies generally or any particular FOI body or FOI bodies for the purposes of compliance with - (a) the provisions of this Act generally, or (b) any particular provisions of this Act. | Public authorities generally comply with statistics collections etc. |
Jordan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kazakhstan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | 9(2) Information holder is obliged to: [...] (10) conduct an internal control over quality and timeliness of providing information; [...] | |
Kuwait | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Kyrgyzstan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | 24.2. Public sector entities shall publish reports on their activities for the reporting period, reflecting the dynamics of changes that have occurred during the reporting period in the socio-political, economic and cultural spheres, namely the main statistical indicators in such areas as spending budget funds, sources and volume of tax revenues to the republican and local budgets, the volume of production and consumption in certain sectors of the market, the volume of domestic and foreign investments, fight against crime, health care, migration of the population, ecology, as well as in other areas of its activities. | There is a general reporting requirement but it does not explicitly refer to RTI disclosure obligations. |
Latvia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Liechtenstein | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned in law nor regulation. |
Lithuania | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Luxembourg | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Moldova | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Monaco | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Mongolia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Montenegro | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Morocco | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Nepal | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Netherlands | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
New Zealand | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Niger | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Norway | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Palau | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned | |
Paraguay | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Philippines | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Poland | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Portugal | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Russia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
Rwanda | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | Not mentioned. | |
San Marino | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | 25(2). The Directorate General of the Civil Service monitors the correct application of the provisions on access and verifies, at the request of the Administrations concerned, the legitimacy of the requests, the conformity of the methods of exercise and the application of any limits placed on the exercise of access. Regulation of 2 December 2015, No. 16, 11(5). The DGFP shall also report non-compliance or partial compliance with publication requirements to the State Congress. | No points awarded due to the lack of system for reporting on implementation. Reporting requirements appear to be limited to non or partial compliance with publication obligations. |
Slovakia | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Spain | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Sudan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Taiwan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | No such requirement. |
Tajikistan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Tanzania | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Togo | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
United Kingdom | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Uzbekistan | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Venezuela | Public authorities are required to report annually on the actions they have taken to implement their disclosure obligations. This includes statistics on requests received and how they were dealt with. | Score Y/N, Y=2 points | 2 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
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