By Indicator detail
Please find below the lists of indicators that have been used to analyse each law. You can click on each of them and you will get the result for that indicator in each country.
Country | Description | Scoring instructions | Max score | Finding | Points | Article | Comments |
Afghanistan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 3(6) Institutions include Offices of the President, National Assembly, the Judiciary, ministries, independent directorates, independent state commissions, local administrations, provincial councils, district councils, village councils, municipalities, municipal councils, state-owned enterprises, government corporations and joint ventures and all other bodies and institutions established by law. This definition also includes any organization or institution which is owned, controlled or substantially funded by one of the institutions defined above as well as any other body which undertakes a public function. | |
Albania | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2(1)(a) Public authority: is any administrative body provided for in the current legislation on administrative procedures, legislative bodies, legislative, judicial and prosecution bodies at any level, local government units at any level, state authorities and public entities, created by the Constitution or by law. | The law applies to the legislature and any authority or public entity created by the Constitution or by law |
Antigua and Barbuda | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Art 52 of the Constitution. 1. The power of Parliament to make laws shall be exercised by bills passed by the Senate and the House (or in the cases mentioned in sections 54 and 55 of this Constitution by the House) and assented to by the Governor-General on behalf of Her Majesty. 2. When a bill is presented to the Governor-General for assent in accordance with this Constitution, he shall signify that he assents thereto. 3. When the Governor-General assents to a bill that has been submitted to him in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution the bill shall become law and the Clerk of the House shall thereupon cause it to be published in the Official Gazette as law. 4. No law made by Parliament shall come into operation until it has been published in the Official Gazette but Parliament may postpone the coming into operation of any such law. | Not specifically enumerated - but the legislature and senate should be covered since they're established by the constitution. |
Argentina | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | ARTÍCULO 7° — Ámbito de aplicación. Son sujetos obligados a brindar información pública: b) El Poder Legislativo y los órganos que funcionan en su ámbito; | |
Armenia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 1(2) This law applies to the activity of the state and local self-government bodies, state offices, organizations financed from the state budget, as well as private organizations of public importance and their state officials. 3 Main concepts used in the following law include: Information holder - state bodies, local self-government bodies, state offices, state budget sponsored organizations as well as organizations of public importance and their officials. Organization of public importance - private organizations that have monopoly or a leading role in the goods market, as well as those providing services to public in the sphere of health, sport, education, culture, social security, transport, communication and communal services. | Should be covered as a state funded body |
Azerbaijan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 9.1. The following are considered to be information owners: 9.1.1. state bodies and municipalities;… | Understood to be included within "State bodies" |
Bangladesh | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2(b) “Authority” means⎯ (i) any organization constituted in accordance with the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (ii) and ministry, division or office established under the Rules of Business made under article 55(6) of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; (iii) any statutory body or institution established by or under any Act; (iv) any private organization or institution run by government financing or with aid in grant from the government fund; (v) any private organization or institution run by foreign aid in grant; (vi) any organization or institution that undertakes public functions in accordance with any contract made on behalf of the Government or made with any public organization or institution; or (vii) any organization or institution as may be notified in the official Gazette from time to time by the Government; Constitution Article 65: Establishment of Parliament "(1) There shall be a Parliament for Bangladesh (to be known as the House of the Nation) in which subject to the provisions of this Constitution, shall be vested the legislative powers of the Republic: Provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent Parliament from delegating to any person or authority, by Act of Parliament, power to make orders, rules, regulations, bye-laws or other instruments having legislative effect. (2) Parliament shall consist of three hundred members to be elected in accordance with law from single territorial constituencies by direct election and, for so long as clause (3) is effective, the members provided for in that clause; the member shall be designated as Members of Parliament. (3) Until the dissolution of Parliament occurring next after the expiration of the period of ten years beginning from the date of the first meeting of the Parliament next after the Parliament in existence at the time of the commencement of the Constitution (Fourteenth Amendment) Act, 2004, there shall be reserved forty five seats exclusively for women members and they will be elected by the afore said members in accordance with law on the basis of procedure of proportional representation in the Parliament through single transferable vote: Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent a woman from being elected to any of the seats provided for in clause (2) of this article. (4) The seat of Parliament shall be in the capital." | Art 2(b) includes any body established by the constitution. Const Art 65 establishes parliament. |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2: "This Act shall be interpreted so as to facilitate and promote the maximum and prompt disclosure of information in the control of public authorities at the lowest reasonable cost." Art 3.2: "public authority" means any of the following in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a. an executive authority; b. a legislative authority; c. a judicial authority; d. a body appointed or established by law to carry out a public function; e. any other administrative authority; f. a body that is either owned or controlled by a public authority." | The art. 2 clarifies that all public authorities are under the scope. The art. 3.2 says which bodies are public authorities. In this case, the legislative bodies are included. |
Brazil | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 1. This Law establishes general norms on proceedings that shall be followed by the Federal Government, the States, the Federal District and Municipalities, as established in Article 5, XXXIII, Article 37, II-Paragraph 3, and Article 216, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution. Single Paragraph. The following are subordinated to the regime of this Law: I – public bodies that form the direct administration of the Executive Branch; Legislative Branch, including the Audit Offices; the Judiciary and the Public Prosecutor's Office. | |
Bulgaria | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 3(1) (Amended SG No. 104/2008) This act shall apply to access to public information that is created by or kept with the state bodies, their regional offices, and the local self-governance bodies of the Republic of Bulgaria, hereinafter referred to as "the bodies". (2) (Amended SG No. 104/2008) This act shall also apply to the access to public information, which is created by and kept with: 1. bodies, subject to the public law [...]. | The art. 3 clarifies that all the state bodies are under the scope. So these bodies are included. |
Burkina Faso | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 4 : - organisme de service public : tout organisme créé pour satisfaire spécifiquement des besoins d’intérêt général ayant un caractère autre qu’industriel ou commercial, doté de la personnalité juridique et dont l’activité est financé majoritairement par l’Etat, les collectivités territoriales ou d’autres organismes de droit public, soit la gestion est soumise à un contrôle par ces derniers, soit l’organe d’administration, de direction ou de surveillance est composé de membres dont plus de la moitié sont désignés par l’Etat, les collectivités territoriales ou d’autres organismes de droit public | This would seem to cover the legislature. |
Colombia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 5. Scope. The provisions of this law the following persons shall be applicable as obligated parties: a) A public entity, including to members of all branches of government, at all levels of the state structure, central or decentralized for services or territorial, national, departmental, municipal and county orders; | |
Croatia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Art.5.2. "Public authority bodies", for the purpose of this Law, are state authorities, other state bodies, local and regional units of government, legal entities with public competences, legal entities formed by the Republic of Croatia or local and regional units of government, legal entities performing public service, legal entities which in line with special provisions are financed partly or entirely from the state budget or budget of local and regional units of government or from public funds (taxes, contributions, etc.), as well as companies in which Republic of Croatia and local and regional units of government have separate or joint majority ownership rights; | Art.5.2. has a broad scope, so the legislative branch is included. |
Cyprus | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | "Article 4 (Public Authorities) 4 (β) η Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων και η Δικαστική Υπηρεσία·" | |
Czech Republic | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Section 2 - Duty to provide information "(1) The bodies obliged to provide information related to the scope of their powers under this Act shall be state authorities, territorial self-administration entities and their autohorities, and public institutions. (2) Such obligated bodies shall also include the bodies that have been authorized by the law to decide entrusted by the law with making decisions on the rights, legislatively protected interests or duties of natural persons and legal entities in the public administration sector. Such duty applies solely to the scope of their discretionary powers." | |
Ecuador | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Art. 3.- Ambito de Aplicación de la Ley.- Esta Ley es aplicable a: a) Los organismos y entidades que conforman el sector público en los términos del artículo 118 de la Constitución Política de la República; b) Los entes señalados en el artículo 1 de la presente Ley; c) Las personas jurídicas cuyas acciones o participaciones pertenezcan en todo o en parte al Estado, exclusivamente sobre el destino y manejo de recursos del Estado; d) El derecho de acceso a la información de los diputados de la República se rige conforme a lo dispuesto en la Constitución Política de la República, en la Ley Orgánica de la Función Legislativa y su Reglamento Interno; e) Las corporaciones, fundaciones y organismos no gubernamentales (ONG's) aunque tengan el carácter de privadas y sean encargadas de la provisión o administración de bienes o servicios públicos, que mantengan convenios, contratos o cualquier forma contractual con instituciones públicas y/u organismos internacionales, siempre y cuando la finalidad de su función sea pública; f) Las personas jurídicas de derecho privado, que sean delegatorias o concesionarias o cualquier otra forma contractual de servicios públicos del Estado, en los términos del respectivo contrato; g) Las personas jurídicas de derecho privado, que realicen gestiones públicas o se financien parcial o totalmente con recursos públicos y únicamente en lo relacionado con dichas gestiones o con las acciones o actividades a las que se destinen tales recursos; y, h) Las personas jurídicas de derecho privado que posean información pública en los términos de esta Ley. ARTICLE 118 La Función Legislativa se ejerce por la Asamblea Nacional, que se integrará por asambleístas elegidos para un periodo de cuatro años. La Asamblea Nacional es unicameral y tendrá su sede en Quito. Excepcionalmente podrá reunirse en cualquier parte del territorio nacional. La Asamblea Nacional se integrará por: 1. Quince asambleístas elegidos en circunscripción nacional. 2. Dos asambleístas elegidos por cada provincia, y uno más por cada doscientos mil habitantes o fracción que supere los ciento cincuenta mil, de acuerdo al último censo nacional de la población. 3. La ley determinará la elección de asambleístas de regiones, de distritos metropolitanos, y de la circunscripción del exterior. | Art 3 and Art 118 of the constitution |
El Salvador | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | ARTICLE 7 Están obligados al cumplimiento de esta ley los órganos del Estado, sus dependencias, las instituciones autónomas, las municipalidades o cualquier otra entidad u organismo que administre recursos públicos, bienes del Estado o ejecute actos de la administración pública en general. Se incluye dentro de los recursos públicos aquellos fondos provenientes de Convenios o Tratados que celebre el Estado con otros Estados o con Organismos Internacionales, a menos que el Convenio o Tratado determine otro régimen de acceso a la información. También están obligadas por esta ley las sociedades de economía mixta y las personas naturales o jurídicas que manejen recursos o información pública o ejecuten actos de la función estatal, nacional o local tales como las contrataciones públicas, concesiones de obras o servicios públicos. El ámbito de la obligación de estos entes se limita a permitir el acceso a la información concerniente a la administración de los fondos o información pública otorgados y a la función pública conferida, en su caso. | Art 7 applies the law to all organs of state and their dependent agencies, as well as municipalities or any other agency which recieves (administre) public funds. This covers everything. |
Ethiopia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2(5) "Public Body" means any body established under the Federal Constitution or state constitution or any other law which forms part of any level or branch of the federal or regional state or owned, controlled or directly or indirectly substantially financed by funds provided by the federal or regional governments or accountable to the federal or regional states. Article 53 of the Constitution: "There shall be two Federal Houses: The House of Peoples' Representatives and the House of the Federation." | 2(5) covers bodies created by the constitution. Constitution Art 53 creates the legislature. |
Finland | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | [Principles of Openness] Article 4(1) For the purposes of this Act, authorities are defined as: (1) State administrative authorities and other State agencies and institutions; (2) courts of law and the other bodies for the administration of the law; (3) State enterprises; (4) municipal authorities; (5) the Bank of Finland, including the Finance Supervision Authority, the National Pensions Institution and other independent institutions subject to public law; however, this Act applies to the documents of the Pensions Security Centre and the Agricultural Pensions Institute as provided in paragraph (2); (6) Parliamentary agencies and institutions; (7) Ëœland authorities, when performing the duties of State authorities in Ëœland; (8) independent boards, consultative bodies, commissions, committees, working groups, investigators, as well as auditors of municipalities and federations of municipalities, and other comparable organs appointed for the performance of a given task on the basis of an Act, a Decree or a decision of an authority referred to in subparagraph (1), (2) or (7). | No bodies are excluded from the scope of the Act. The openness act does not contain a separation between administrative or other documents. The Parliament's rules of procedure also contain rules on access to Parliament's documents. |
Gambia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 1 "public body" means a body - (a) established by or under the Constitution, (b) established by statute, (c) which forms part of any level or branch of government, (d) a local government authority, (e) established for a public purpose which is owned, controlled, or financed by the government; and (f) designated by the Minister by regulation made under this Act, to be a public body for the purpose of this Act. 3. This Act shall apply to all - (a) public bodies; (b) public authorities and non-state bodies which are owned or controlled by the government; (c) private organisations or private persons who operate with substantial public funds or benefits (directly or indirectly from public funds) or who perform public functions and services using public funds. | |
Georgia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 3 Scope of the Code 1. The scope of this Code shall apply to the activities of the state, local self-government bodies and institutions, as well as the activities of persons deemed to be administrative bodies under this Code. 2. The scope of this Code, except for Chapter III, shall not apply to the activities of the following state bodies: a) the Parliament of Georgia; the highest representative authorities of the Autonomous Republics of Abkhazia and Ajara; b) consultative bodies of the President of Georgia and Government of Georgia; c) the Public Defender of Georgia; d) judicial authorities of Georgia; e) the Higher Council of Justice of Georgia; 3. The scope of this Code shall apply to the activities of the bodies and officials referred to in the second paragraph of this article when the activities relate to exercising administrative function. f) the Personal Data Protection Official; g) diplomatic missions and consular offices of Georgia abroad. | No distinction between public information: "All public information kept by a public agency shall be entered into the public register". Some bodies, like the corporate public agencies can take the decision to close a session and make it private, without justifying the closure with the exceptions of article 28 (national security and the investigation of a criminal offence). |
Guatemala | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Artículo 6. [...] (2) Organismo Legislativo y todas las dependencias que lo integran; [...] | |
Honduras | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | ARTICULO 3. DEFINICIONES. Para los efectos de la presente Ley, se entiende por: [...] (4) Instituciones obligadas: a) El Poder Legislativo, el Poder Judicial, el Poder Ejecutivo, las instituciones autónomas, las municipalidades y los demás órganos e instituciones del Estado; [...] | Article 3(4)(a) seems quite broad, our local expert has affirmed that it applies without exceptions. |
Hungary | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2(1) The scope of the present Act encompasses all data control and data processing activities undertaken in Hungary relating to the data of natural persons, as well as data of public interest and data public on grounds of public interest. Article 3(5) Data of public interest: information or data other then personal data registered in any mode or form concerning activities undertaken and controlled by the body or individual carrying out state or local government responsibilities, as well as other public duties defined in relevant legislation, regardless of their mode of control, independent or collective nature; therefore, with special regard to data concerning the scope of authority, competence, organisational structure, professional activity and evaluation equally encompassing its effectiveness, the type of data held and legislation regulating operation, as well as data concerning financial management and concluded contracts. | |
India | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2(e) "competent authority" means (i) the Speaker in the case of the House of the People or the Legislative Assembly of a State or a Union territory having such Assembly and the Chairman in the case of the Council of States or Legislative Council of a State; (ii) the Chief Justice of India in the case of the Supreme Court; (iii) the Chief Justice of the High Court in the case of a High Court; (iv) the President or the Governor, as the case may be, in the case of other authorities established or constituted by or under the Constitution; (v) the administrator appointed under article 239 of the Constitution; [...] Article 2(h) "public authority" means any authority or body or institution of self-government established or constituted (a) by or under the Constitution; (b) by any other law made by Parliament; (c) by any other law made by State Legislature; (d) by notification issued or order made by the appropriate Government, and includes any (i) body owned, controlled or substantially financed; (ii) non-Government organisation substantially financed, directly or indirectly by funds provided by the appropriate Government; [...] | |
Indonesia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 1(3) Public Agency means executive, legislative, judicative and other agencies whose function and main duties are related to the organizing of the state, where part or all of its funds originate from the state budget and/or the regional budget, or a non-governmental organizations that part or all of its fund originate from the state budget and/or the regional budget, the contribution from the people and/or from overseas sources. | 1(3) includes the legislative branch as a whole. |
Iran | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 1. [...] (D) Public Institutions: Generally speaking, institutions and entities affiliated to the state that include all their components and constituents that have been mentioned in the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran. (E) Private Institutions: Private institutions in this law, include all the for-profit and non-profit intuitions except public institutions. (H) Public Institutions: Institutions and organizations affiliate to state in general including executive bodies subject to article (5) of law on country's public service, revolutionary establishments, armed forces, and legislative and institutions, companies, institutions, dependent establishments and foundations and institutions that are managed under the supervision of the supreme leader complying with the note under article (10) of the law and also each institution, company or foundation whose whole share or more than 50 percent of its share belong to the state or government that have been defined in the laws of Islamic republic of Iran. | |
Israel | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2. The following definitions apply to this law: "Joint committee" - A joint committee of the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee and the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee; [...] "Public authority" - [...] (3) The Knesset; [...] (10) Any other agency fulfilling a public function, which is a controlled agency as defined in Section 9 of the State Comptroller Law (5718-1958), as determined by the Minister of Justice, with the approval of the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee; such a ruling may apply either to all the activities of the agency, or only to certain activities; [...] | Article 2 definition includes the Knesset. |
Jamaica | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires - "appointed day" means the day appointed pursuant to section 1; "document" includes, in addition to a document in writing - (a) any map, plan, graph or drawing; (b) any photograph; (c) any disc, tape, sound track or other device in which sounds or other data (not being visual images) are embodied, whether electronically or otherwise, so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced therefrom; (d) any film (including microfilm), negative, tape or other device in which one or more visual images are embodied whether electronically or otherwise, so as to be capable (with or without the aid of some other equipment) of being reproduced therefrom; "exempt document" means a document which by virtue of any provision of Part III is exempt from disclosure; "exempt matter" means any matter the inclusion of which in a document causes that part of the document to be exempt from disclosure; "government company" means a company registered under the Companies Act, being a company in which the Government or an agency of the Government, whether by the holding of shares or by other financial input, is in a position to influence the policy of the company; "official document" means a document held by a public authority in connection with its functions as such, whether or not it was created - (a) by that authority; or (b) before the commencement of this Act, and for the purposes of this Act, a document is held by a public authority if it is in its possession, custody or control; "public authority" means - (a) a Ministry, department, Executive Agency or other agency of Government; (b) a statutory body or authority; (c) a Parish Council; (d) the Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation; (e) any government company which - (i) is wholly owned by the Government or an agency of the Government, or in which the Government holds more than 50% shares; or (ii) is specified in an order under section 5(3); (f) any other body or organization specified in an order under "responsible Minister" means the Minister responsible for the public authority which holds an official document. | |
Jordan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2 "Department" - the ministry, department, authority, entity or any public institution, public official institution or company that is in charge of the management of a public facility. | Definition of "department". |
Kazakhstan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 8 Information holders are: (1) bodies and institutions of legislative, executive branches of state power and court system, as well as local state administration and self-administration; [...] | |
Kenya | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2 [...] "public entity" means - (a) any public office, as defined in Article 260 of the Constitution; or (b) any entity performing a function within a commission, office, agency or other body established under the Constitution; [...]. [Constitution] 260. "public office" means an office in the national government, a county government or the public service, if the remuneration and benefits of the office are payable directly from the Consolidated Fund or directly out of money provided by Parliament; [...] | |
Latvia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Section 2. Purpose and Scope of Application of this Law "(1) The purpose of this Law is to ensure that the public has access to information, which is at the disposal of institutions or which an institution in conformity with its competence has a duty to create. This Law determines uniform procedures by which private persons are entitled to obtain information from an institution and to utilise it. (2) This Law applies to documented information, which is within the circulation of information of institutions. (3) Information shall be accessible to the public in all cases, when this Law does not specify otherwise. (4) This Law does not apply to the exchange of information between institutions. <...>" Section 1. Terms Used in this Law "The following terms are used in this Law: <...> 4) institution: “every institution, as well as persons who implement administration functions and tasks if such person in the circulation of information is associated with the implementation of the relevant functions and tasks; <...>". | |
Liberia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 1.3.2: ""Access to information" refers to the right of the public to request, receive, review, reproduce and retain records and documents held by public bodies and private entities performing public functions or receiving public funding." 1.3.6: "Public Authorities" means any agency, ministry, or institution of the Government of Liberia or person acting on behalf of such agency, ministry or institution." 1.3.7: ""Public Bodies" refer to all agencies, entities, corporations, bodies and other institutions owned, wholly or substantially by the Government of Liberia." | 1.3.2 definition seems expansive enough - plus 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 |
Lithuania | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 1. Purpose of the Law "1. This Law shall establish the procedure for collecting, producing, publishing and disseminating public information and the rights, duties and liability of producers and disseminators of public information, their participants, journalists and institutions regulating their activities. 2. This Law shall implement the legal acts of the European Union listed in the Annex to this Law." | All state and municipal authorities are obliged to provide information to the requesters (minus the exceptions), it does not matter whether they perform executive or legislative functions. The exceptions to this rule are laid out in Art. 1 of this law and contain such bodies like museums, theaters, national radio etc. The same goes for judicial branch. |
Luxembourg | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | A1: Les personnes physiques et les personnes morales ont un droit d’accès aux documents détenus par les administrations et services de l’État, les communes, les syndicats de communes, les établissements publics placés sous la tutelle de l’État ou sous la surveillance des communes ainsi que les personnes morales fournissant des services publics, dans la mesure où les documents sont relatifs à l’exercice d’une activité administrative. Elles ont également accès aux documents détenus par la Chambre des Députés, le Conseil d’État, le Médiateur, la Cour des comptes et les Chambres professionnelles, qui sont relatifs à l’exercice d’une activité administrative. | |
Malawi | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2. “public body” means the Government, a statutory body, or any other body appointed by the Government to carry out public functions. | Schedule 1: The Executive, all its organs and persons in their service. |
Maldives | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 72(f) “State Institute” shall include the executive, the legislative the judiciary, independent institutions, independent institutes, security services and councils elected under the Constitution. Also included are those bodies party to any State responsibilities, those functioning under the State budget and those receiving assistance from the State budget; | |
Mexico | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 23. The regulated entities who are obliged to make transparent and ensure effective access to their information and protect personal data held thereby are: any authority, entity, body or agency of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches, autonomous bodies, political parties, trusts and public funds, as well as any individual, legal entity or union who receives and uses public resources or performs acts of authority of the Federation, the States and the municipalities. | |
Moldova | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 5. Subjects of the present law (2) Information providers, that is holders of official information required under the present law to provide such information to applicants, are: a) local and central public authorities - state administration bodies, as stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, and namely: Parliament, President, Government, Public Administration, Judicial Authorities; | The Parliament is included. |
Mongolia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 3.1. This law shall regulate relations with respect following organizations financed by the state and local budget: 3.1.1. Secretariat of the State Ikh Hural (Parliament); 3.1.7. Institutions established by the State Ikh Hural with exception of the Government Cabinet; | parliament and all parliamentary institutions and institutions established by parliament |
Montenegro | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 4: 3) "Government agency shall be any: state authority (legislative, executive or judicial); local self-government authority; local government authority; public institution; public company or other business entity that has been granted to perform public powers, which is founded by the State or a local self-government authority or which is funded from public revenues and with which the information are filed;" | |
Morocco | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2. Au sens de la présente loi, on entend par : b) les institutions et les organismes concernés sont : — la Chambre des représentants ; — la Chambre des conseillers ; | |
Namibia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates - ...“public entity” means - (a) an “office”, “ministry” or “agency” of government as defined in section 1 of the Public Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 13 of 1995); (b) an entity established by or under the Namibian Constitution or a statute; (c) a private entity that - (i) is totally or partially owned by the State, or financed, directly or indirectly, by the State; or (ii) carries out statutory functions or services or public functions or services... ; Schedule 3 of Public Service Act (via s. 1 of Public Service Act). | |
Nepal | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2(a) "Public Body" means the following body and institution list: (1) A body under the constitution, (2) A body established by an Act, | Covers the legislature. |
Nicaragua | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Artículo 4.- Para los fines de la presente Ley, se establecen las siguientes definiciones: c. Entidades o Institución Pública: Los poderes del Estado (Legislativo, Ejecutivo, Judicial y Electoral) con sus dependencias, organismos adscritos o independientes, Entes Autónomos y Gubernamentales, incluidas sus empresas; los Gobiernos Municipales y los Gobiernos Regionales Autónomos de la Costa Atlántica con sus correspondientes dependencias y empresas y las entidades autónomas establecidas en la Constitución Política de Nicaragua. | |
Nigeria | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2(7) Public institutions are all authorities whether executive, legislative or judicial agencies, ministries, and extra-ministerial departments of the government, together with all corporations established by law and all companies in which government has a controlling interest, and also, private companies utilizing public funds, providing public services or performing public functions. | |
North Macedonia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Art 3. "Certain expressions in the present Law shall have the following meanings: -"information holders" shall refer to state administration bodies and to other bodies and organizations specified by law, municipal bodies, bodies of the City of Skopje and to municipalities comprising the City of Skopje, institutions and public services, public enterprises, and to legal and natural persons performing public competencies determined by law; <...>" | |
Pakistan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2(ix)(c) the National Assembly and the Senate including their secretariats, committees and members | |
Panama | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Artículo 1: Para efectos de la aplicación e interpretación de esta Ley, los siguientes términos se definen así: (...) 8. Institución: Toda agencia o dependencia del Estado, incluyendo las pertenecientes a los Órganos Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial, el Ministerio Público, las entidades descentralizadas, autónomas y semiautónomas, la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá, los municipios, los gobiernos locales, las juntas comunales, las empresas de capital mixto, las cooperativas, las fundaciones, los patronatos y los organismos no gubernamentales que hayan recibido o reciban fondos, capital o bienes del Estado.(...) | |
Paraguay | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2. definitions. For the purposes of this Act, shall be construed as: 1 Public sources: Are the following organisms: a) The Legislature, its chambers, committees and all administrative bodies and Parliamentarians of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR); | |
Peru | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2 Entidades de la Administración pública: Para efectos de la presente Ley se entiende por entidades de la Administración Pública a las señaladas en el Artículo I del Título Preliminar de la Ley Nº 27444, Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General. Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General I Ámbito de aplicación de la ley: La presente Ley será de aplicación para todas las entidades de la Administración Pública. Para los fines de la presente Ley, se entenderá por “entidad” o “entidades” de la Administración Pública: ...2. El Poder Legislativo; ...4. Los Gobiernos Regionales; 5. Los Gobiernos Locales; ...7. Las demás entidades, organismos, proyectos especiales, y programas estatales, cuyas actividades se realizan en virtud de potestades administrativas y, por tanto, se consideran sujetas a las normas comunes de derecho público, salvo mandato expreso de ley que las refi era a otro régimen (...) | Article 2, which refers to General Administrative Procedural Law #27444, Article I, which can be located (in Spanish) here |
Poland | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 4(1) To make the public information available is the obligation of the public authorities as well as other entities performing public functions, in particular: 1) bodies of public authority,[...] | The article contains in detail which information "in particular" has to be made available. Also, Article 61.4 of the Constitution states that access to information on the Parliament is regulated by its rules of procedure (which refer in most cases to the Access to Public Information Act). |
Republic of Belarus | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 6. Right to information State bodies, individuals and legal entities have the right to seek, receive, transmit, collect, process, accumulate, store, disseminate and (or) provide information, [and(or)] use information in accordance with this Law and other acts of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. State bodies, public associations, and officials shall be obliged to provide citizens of the Republic of Belarus with an opportunity to get acquainted with information that affects their rights and legitimate interests in the order established by this law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus shall be guaranteed the right to receive, store and disseminate complete, reliable and timely information about the activities of state bodies, public associations, political, economic, cultural and international life, [and (or)] the state of the environment in the order established by this law and other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. The right to information may not be used to promote war or extremist activities, or to commit other illegal acts. | |
Romania | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2: For the purpose of this law: (a) Public authority or organization means any public authority or organization or any autonomous organization using public financial resources and developing its activity in Romania, according to the Constitution. | No exception has been recognised in the Law. |
Russia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 1: (Basic Definitions Used in the Present Federal Law): For the present Federal Law, the following basic definitions have been used: (1) information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government - information (including documented), created by government bodies, their territorial bodies, bodies of local self-government or organizations subordinate to government bodies, bodies of local self-government (hereinafter referred to as the subordinate organizations), acting within their competence, or received by the above-specified bodies and organizations. Information on the activities of government bodies and bodies of local self-government also includes laws and other normative legal acts concerning information on the activities of bodies of local self-government - municipal legal acts defining structure, competence, formation and operating procedures of the above-specified bodies and organizations, and other information concerning their activity. | |
Rwanda | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2(5): public organ: administrative entity established by the Constitution or any other Laws or any other organ that uses money from the national budget or any money originating from tax revenues as provided by the Law. | Article 2(5) - administrative entity established by the Constitution or any other Laws or any other organ that uses money from the national budget or any money originating from tax revenues as provided by the Law; |
Serbia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 3 In terms of this Law, a public authority body (hereinafter: public authority) shall denote notably: 1) A state body, territorial autonomy body, a local self-governance body, as well as an organization vested with public authority (hereinafter: state body); 2) A legal person founded by or funded wholly or predominantly by a state body. | All bodies seem to be included. |
Seychelles | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Schedule. Public body for the purpose of this Ac.t I. Any authority or body or institution performing government functions, legislative functions or judicial functions and established or constituted.— (a) by or under the Constitution; or (b) any written law, 2, A body owned, controlled or financed by the government. 3. Non-governmental organisation financed directly or indirectly by funds provided by the government. | Specifically refers to legislative functions |
Sierra Leone | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | ... | |
Slovenia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Art 1. "(1)This Act governs the procedure which ensures everyone free access to and re-use of public information held by state bodies, local government bodies, public agencies, public funds and other entities of public law, public powers holders and public service contractors (hereinafter referred to as "the bodies")." | |
South Korea | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2(3) The term "public institution" means any of the following institutions: (a) State agencies: (i) The National Assembly, courts, the Constitutional Court, and the National Election Commission | |
South Sudan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Definition of "public body" under Art. 5 covers this comprehensively. | |
Sri Lanka | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Section 43. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires public authority means (b) any body or office created or established by or under the Constitution, any written law, other than the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007, except to the extent specified in paragraph (e), or a statute of a Provincial Council; | |
Sweden | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Chapter 2, Article 5. "For the purposes of this Chapter, the Riksdag and any local government assembly with decision-making powers is equated with a public authority." | The \"Riksdag\" (Swedish parliament) is included under the scope. |
Switzerland | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2: (Personal scope of application): "1. This Act applies to: <..> c. the Parliamentary Services. <...>" | No mention about exclusions of bodies of the Parliament. |
Tanzania | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Section 2(1) This Act shall apply to Mainland Tanzania. (2) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1), this Act shall apply to: (a) public authorities Section 3: "public authority" means any authority established by or under the Constitution, an Act of Parliament, recognized under any written law as a form of public office or forms part of any level of government; | This is presumably covered by the reference to any body established by the constitution or a law. |
Thailand | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Section 4. In this Act: "information" means a material which communicates matters, facts, data or anything, whether such communication is made by the nature of such material itself or through any means whatsoever and whether it is arranged in the form of a document, file, report, book, diagramme, map, drawing, photograph, film, visual or sound recording, or recording by a computer or any other method which can be displayed; "official information" means an information in possession or control of a State agency, whether it is the information relating to the operation of the State or the information relating to a private individual; "State agency" means a central administration, provincial administration. local administration, State enterprise, Government agency attached to the National Assembly, Court only in respect of the affairs unassociated with the trial and adjudication of cases, professional supervisory organisation, independent agency of the State and such other agency as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation; "State official" means a person performing official duty for a State agency; "personal information" means an information relating to all the personal particulars of a person, such as education, financial status, health record, criminal record or employment record, which contain the name of such person or contain a numeric reference, code or such other indications identifying that person as fingerprint. tape or diskette in which a person's sound is recorded, or photograph, and shall also include information relating to personal particulars of the deceased; "Board" means the Official Information Board; "alien" means a natural person who is not of Thai nationality and does not have a residence in Thailand, and the following juristic persons: (1) a company or partnership more than one-half of the capital of which belongs to aliens; provided that a certificate of share to bearer shall be deemed to be held by an alien; (2) an association more than one-half of members of which are aliens; (3) an association or foundation the objects of which are for the benefit of aliens; (4) a juristic person under (1), (2) or (3) or any other juristic person more than one-half of managers or directors of which are aliens. If the juristic person under paragraph one becomes a manager, director, member or owner of the capital of another juristic person, such manager, director, member or owner of the capital shall be deemed an alien | Section 4: the term government agencies attached to the Parliament covers both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and bodies attached to them. |
Trinidad and Tobago | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 4. In this Act - "applicant" means a person who has made a request in accordance with section 13; "designated officer", in relation to a public authority, means the person referred to in section 7 (1)( a) (vi); "document" means information recorded in any form, whether printed or on tape or film or by electronic means or otherwise and includes any map, diagram, photograph, film, microfilm, video-tape, sound recording, or machine-readable record or any record which is capable of being produced from a machine-readable record by means of equipment or a programme (or a combination of both) which is used for that purpose by the public authority which holds the record; "exempt document" means a document referred to in Part IV; "exempt information" means information the inclusion of which in a document causes the document to be an exempt document; "Minister" means the Minister of Government to whom responsibility for information is assigned; "official document" means a document held by a public authority in connection with its functions as such, whether or not it was created by that authority, and whether or not it was created before the commence ment of this Act and, for the purposes of this definition, a document is held by a public authority if it is in its possession, custody or power; "personal information" means information about an individual, including - (a) information relating to the race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex or marital or family status of the individual; (b) information relating to the education or the medical, psychiatric, psychological, criminal or employment history of the individual or information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has been involved; (c) any identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual; (d) the address, telephone number, fingerprints or blood type of the individual; (e) the personal opinions or views of the individual except where they relate to another individual; (f) correspondence sent to a public authority by the individual that is implicitly or explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to that correspondence that would reveal the contents of the original correspondence; (g) the views or opinions of another individual about the individual; and (h) the individual's name where it appears with other personal information relating to the individual or where the disclosure of the name would reveal other personal information about the individual; "prescribed" means prescribed by the Minister by regulations made under section 41; "public authority" means - (a) Parliament, a Joint Select Committee of Parliament or a committee of either House of Parliament; (b) subject to section 5(2), the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Industrial Court, the Tax Appeal Board or a court of summary jurisdiction; (c) the Cabinet as constituted under the Constitution; (d) a Ministry or a department or division of a Ministry; (e) the Tobago House of Assembly, the Executive Council of the Tobago House of Assembly or a division of the Tobago House of Assembly; (f) a municipal corporation established under the Municipal Corporations Act, 1990; (g) a regional health authority established under the Regional Health Authorities Act, 1994; (h) a statutory body, responsibility for which is assigned to a Minster of Government; (i) a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago which is owned or controlled by the State; (j) a Service Commission established under the Constitution or other written law; or (k) a body corporate or unincorporated entity - (I) in relation to any function which it exercises on behalf of the State; (II) which is established by virtue of the President's prerogative, by a Minister of Government in his capacity as such or by another public authority; or (III) which is supported, directly or indirectly, by Government funds and over which Government is in a position to exercise control; "responsible Minister", in relation to a public authority means - (a) the Minister of Government to whom responsibility for the public authority is assigned; or (b) such Minister of Government as the President may, by Order, declare to be the responsible Minister of the public authority for the purposes of this Act; "Tobago House of Assembly" means the Tobago House of Assembly established under the Constitution. | S. 4 definitions |
Tunisia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Art. 2 - La présente loi s’applique aux organismes suivants: - l’assemblée des représentants du peuple, | |
Turkey | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 2 (Scope): "This law is applied to the activities of the public institutions and the professional organisations which qualify as public institutions." Article 3 (Definitions): "The terms used in the law means following: a) Institutions: All the authorities that can be included under article 2 of this law. [...] c) Information: Every kind of data that is within the scope of this law and are included in the records of the institutions. d) Document: Any written, printed or copied file, document, book, journal, brochure, etude, letter, software, instruction, sketch, plan, film, photograph, tape and video cassette, map of the institutions and the information, news and other data that are recorded and saved in electronic format that are within the scope of this law.[...]" | This article seems to cover the Legislative branch. |
Uganda | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2. Application. (1) This Act applies to all information and records of Government ministries, departments, local governments, statutory corporations and bodies, commissions and other Government organs and agencies, unless specifically exempted by this Act. (2) This Act does not apply to - (a) Cabinet records and those of its committees; (b) records of court proceedings before the conclusion of the case; or (3) Nothing in this Act detracts from the provisions of any other written law giving a right of access to the record of a public body. | Section 2 |
Ukraine | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Article 13. Information Administrators 1. For the purposes of this Law, the information administrators shall be: 1) subjects of public authority – bodies of state power, other state bodies, bodies of local self-government, bodies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, other subjects that perform public management functions in accordance with legislation and whose decisions are mandatory for execution; | All information seems to be included under the scope. All the State authorities, including the legislature seems to be covered by this article. According to the Constitution (Article 6) there are two types of public authorities - state authorities and local self-government authorities. \"State authorities\" covers all branches of power and some special bodies which are not formally included in any of branches - prosecutors, President of Ukraine. Therefore API Law covers effectively all public authorities. |
United Kingdom | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Schedule 1, Part 1. | Both Houses of Parliament are subject to the Act. |
Uruguay | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | N/A | Expert claims definition of "estatales y no estatales" includes all bodies here. |
Vanuatu | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 3. Government agency includes: (a) the State; and (b) the Government; and (c) a Constitutional entity; and (d) any other Government agency that is prescribed by the Minister under subsection 2(4); | - |
Venezuela | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 4. Los órganos y entes del Poder Público Nacional, Estadal y Municipal, así como las organizaciones del Poder Popular cuando actúen en función administrativa o cuando presten un servicio público, tienen la obligación de garantizar el acceso a la información de interés público a todas las personas interesadas, de conformidad con la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y la ley. | "órganos y entes del Poder Público" laid out in Constitution and include legislative bodies |
Vietnam | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | See Article 9 | Seems to be covered quite comprehensively. |
Yemen | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | 2: "<...> Concerned party: The legislative, executive and judicial branches, ministries and agencies, institutions and departments of central and local units along with both the public and the mixed sector and every party shall be partially or entirely funded from the general budget of the State. <...>" | Definition of "concerned party" includes entire legislature with no parties excluded. |
Zambia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 4 | Public Finance Management Act, No. 1 0f 2018, s. 2 | |
Guyana | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 2. [...] "public authority" means - (a) the National Assembly inclusive of parliamentary committees subject to the Standing Orders; (b) subject to section 4(2), the Caribbean Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal, the High Court, the Income Tax Board of Review or a Court of summary jurisdiction; (c) the Cabinet as constituted under the Constitution; (d) a Ministry or a department or division of a Ministry; (e) Local Democratic Organs established under the Municipal and District Councils Act, Local Government Act, Local Democratic Organs Act; (f) a Regional Health Authority established under the Regional Health Authorities Act 2005; (g) a statutory body, responsibility for which is assigned to a Minister; (h) a company incorporated under the laws of Guyana which is owned or controlled by the State; (i) a Constitutional Commission or any other Commission established by law; or (j) a body corporate or an unincorporated entity - (i) in relation to any function which it exercises on behalf of the State; (ii) which is established by or on behalf of the State; or (iii) which is supported, directly or indirectly, by Government funds and over which Government exercises control; [...] 14(1)(c) a record that is created by or for, or is in the custody or control of, an officer of the National Assembly and that relates to the exercise of that officer's functions under any law or standing orders or the disclosure of which will amount to a breach of privilege; [...] | 2 -"public authority" includes the national assembly. However - 14(1)(c) exempts officers of the national assembly. |
Lebanon | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 2: Definition of the administration: For the purposes of this law, “the administration” is: 2 – Public institutions. 5 – The municipalities and municipality federations. 8 – Public benefit institutions. 9 – All public law persons. | |
Liechtenstein | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 3 | Article 2. | Applying to all entities of the state and the public institutes and foundations. |
Malta | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 3 | Art. 2. "<..> "public authority" means: (a) the Government, including any ministry or department thereof; (b) a Government agency established in terms of the Public Administration Act or any other law; and (c) any body established under any law, or any partnership or other body in which the Government of Malta, a Government agency or any such body as aforesaid has a controlling interest or over which it has effective control; 5. (1) Subject to sub-article (2), this Act shall not apply to documents that - (a) are held by a Local Council and are accordingly subject to article 45 of the Local Councils Act; (c) have been transferred to the National Archives in accordance with the National Archives Act; (4) This Act shall not apply to documents held by: (a) the Electoral Commission; (b) the Employment Commission; (c) the Public Service Commission; (d) the Office of the Attorney General; (e) the National Audit Office; (f) the Security Service; or (g) the Broadcasting Authority, in so far as such documents relate to its functions under article 119(1) of the Constitution; or (h) the Ombudsman." | |
South Africa | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 3 | 1. ‘‘public body’’ means— (a) any department of state or administration in the national or provincial sphere of government or any municipality in the local sphere of government; or (b) any other functionary or institution when— (i) exercising a power or performing a duty in terms of the Constitution or a provincial constitution; or (ii) exercising a public power or performing a public function in terms of any legislation; 12. This Act does not apply to a record of— (c) an individual member of Parliament or of a provincial legislature in that capacity. | Excludes and members of parliament |
Cook Islands | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | Schedule 1. Ministries (including departments) and dates the Act shall apply: …Parliamentary Services…Organisations and dates the Act shall apply:…Atiu Island Council, Mauke Island Council, Mitiaro Island Council, Palmerston Island Council, Manihiki Island Council, Penrhyn Island Council, Pukapuka Island Council, Rakahanga Island Council. |
Schedule 1 lists "Parliamentary Services". Not all of Parliament would appear to be covered by this, but some benefit of the doubt is given. In addition, Island Councils were added to Schedule 1 through the 2009 amendment to the Law. |
Costa Rica | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | N/A | The legislature is not included but the legislature has its own protocol which provides for access to information for its entities. 2 points are given for this because it includes key components similarly to Decree 40200 such as a basic procedural framework for submitting requests, timelines, etc. - |
Fiji | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | Article 2. “public agency” means - (a) an office created by, or continued in existence under, the Constitution; (b) an office in respect of which the Constitution makes provision; (c) a commission established by, or continued in existence under, the Constitution or any written law; (d) a Government ministry, department, division or unit; (e) a disciplined force; (f) a court or tribunal established by, or continued in existence under, the Constitution or any written law; (g) a statutory authority; (h) a Government company; or (i) an office established by written law. | Not clear whether created by the Constitution or law would cover the legislature. Unlike the courts, this is not specifically mentioned. |
Ireland | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | Article 42. Private papers of politicians are excluded. | The legislature is generally covered, certain specified records are not. |
Kosovo | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 3(1.1) Public Institutions - shall mean the following state institutions and bodies: (1.1.3). Law-making institutions in relation to their other activities. | Information from the legislature only covered if it does not pertain to lawmaking. |
Kuwait | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 1. - The Party/Parties: The Ministries and public authorities and institutions, other public judicial persons, Kuwaiti companies in which the State or any of the mentioned authorities is a shareholder with a proportion that exceeds 50% of their capital, as well as the private companies and institutions which keep information or documents on behalf of these authorities. | Does not refer to the legislature although these might be covered under "other public judicial persons". |
Kyrgyzstan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 3.The following basic concepts are used in this Law:...(9) public sector - state bodies… | It is unclear whether "state bodies" includes the parliament, but some benefit of the doubt given. |
Palau | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 4(3) "Governing body" means any government entity created under the Constitution of the Republic, by treaty, by law, by regulation, or by executive order, including quasi-government entities, such as, for example, Palau Public Utilities Corporation, Palau National Communications Corporation, National Development Bank of Palau, and any subdivisions of a government entity or quasi-government entity. | Refers to government which seems to exclude the legislature, although this might be included as being created by the Constitution |
Qatar | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | مادة 2: تسري أحكام هذا القـانـون على الجهـات التالية (1) الوزارات والأجهزة الحكومية الأخرى والهيئات والمؤسسات العامة والجهات التابعة لأي منها. 2. The provisions of this law apply to the following entities: (1) Ministries, other government agencies, public bodies and institutions, and entities affiliated with any of them. |
The Consultative Assembly is not explicitly listed. It is unclear whether this would be considered a public body or institution. Some benefit of the doubt given. |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 7 | Covers constitutional and statutory bodies but not 100% clear this includes the legislature |
San Marino | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 26. 1. Administrative documents are all documents or sets of documents that are produced or received by the Administration in the performance of its duties and functions for the protection of the public interest as well as the exercise of public services, regardless of their date, form and material support. | 26(2) explicitly previously indicated that the rules extended to the Great and General Council and the Congress of State. In view of the repeal of this subsection in 2016, it is unclear whether the law still applies to the legislative branch. Two points deducted due to lack of clarity on this. |
Saudi Arabia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 2. Public Entity: Any government or affiliated organization that manages, operates or maintains a public function or operates or maintains any elements of national infrastructure or provides a public service. 7.1 This Interim Regulation applies to all requests coming from any individual to access or obtain public information – unprotected – produced or held by public entities, regardless of the source, form or nature. | It is not clear these bodies are covered under the definition of public entity but some benefit of the doubt given. |
Sudan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 9(1) Any person has the right to access and obtain information from their primary sources from government bodies and units at all levels, public-sector institutions, public joint-stock companies, and companies in which the government participates whatever its equity stake and any public institution deemed by the competent minister to have activities similar to those of the public sector and civil society organizations. | Not clear if legislature covered. |
Taiwan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 4 A government agency as defined in the Law means any of the central government agencies, local government agencies, and institutes for experiment, research, education, culture, medicine, and management of special funds that are established by those agencies. Individuals, legal persons or entities that are delegated to exercise the state power are treated as government agencies within the scope of such delegation. | Art 4 applies to the legislature, but excludes records of inter-party negotiation procedures as well as the minutes of Ad hoc Committees. |
Togo | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | Article 3 : Ont la qualité d'organisme public : le gouvernement, les institutions de la République, le trésor public, les ministères, les services déconcentrés, les services décentralisés, les organismes scolaires et les établissements de santé ou de services sociaux, toutes autres personnes morales de droit public ainsi que les personnes morales de droit privé chargées d'une mission de service public. Tous les services relevant de l'administration publique ou des entreprises publiques sont des organismes publics. | Not clear if included in "personnes morales de droit public" |
Uzbekistan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 2 | 8(2) State and administration bodies, self-governance bodies, social associations, and other non-state non-for-profit organizations, and public officials shall be obliged, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation, to provide each individual with an opportunity of getting familiar with the information that involves his rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests; | Not clear if included in "State bodies" but some benefit of doubt given |
Andorra | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Article 3. Subjective scope 1. The provisions of Title II shall apply to: a) The General Administration and the bodies under its direction. b) The commons and the bodies that depend on them. c) The General Council, the Constitutional Court, the Superior Council of Justice, the Citizen's Accountant, and the Court of Auditors, in relation to its activities subject to administrative law. d) Public bodies and parapublic entities, in relation to their activities subject to law administrative and excluding professional associations, which are governed by their own regulations. e) The associative and foundational entities created by the General Administration or by the commons. f) Public companies, whether general or communal, when the participation of the Administration in theirs capital is majority or sufficient to control it. Article 3. Àmbit d’aplicació subjectiva 1. Les disposicions del Títol II són d’aplicació a: a) L’Administració general i els òrgans que estan sota la seva direcció. b) Els comuns i els òrgans que en depenen. c) El Consell General, el Tribunal Constitucional, el Consell Superior de la Justícia, el Raonador del Ciutadà, i el Tribunal de Comptes, en relació amb les seves activitats subjectes a dret administratiu. d) Els organismes públics i les entitats parapúbliques, en relació amb les seves activitats subjectes a dret administratiu i amb exclusió dels col·legis professionals, que es regeixen per la seva pròpia normativa. e) Les entitats associatives i fundacionals creades per l’Administració general o pels comuns. f) Les societats públiques, siguin generals o comunals, quan la participació de l’Administració en el seu capital sigui majoritària o suficient per tenir-ne el control. | |
Angola | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 1 | N/A | Administrative functions |
Austria | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | 1. this Federal Act regulates the publication of information of general interest and access to information in the area of activity or business area 1.1. the bodies of the federal government, the federal states, the municipalities and associations of municipalities. Reason, Re § 1...The term "federal, provincial and municipal bodies" refers to all bodies of the territorial authorities covered by Art. 22a; not only the entire organizational and functional administration, but also the judiciary should be included (legislative bodies should be subject to special publication regulations, see Art. 1 No. 4, 7 and 14). Federal Constitutional Act - B-VG, 22a. (1) The bodies entrusted with the conduct of business of the federal administration or the provincial administration, the bodies of ordinary jurisdiction, the administrative courts, the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court shall publish information of general interest in a manner accessible to all, unless and for as long as such information is to be kept secret pursuant to subsection. Explanatory Note, Re no. 2 (Art. 22a): Re para. 1 and 2:...The terms “federal administration” and “state administration” are to be understood in a functional sense; This also includes, for example, the matters of judicial administration that are not to be handled by senates or commissions in accordance with the law (monocratic judicial administration) and those of parliamentary administration (cf. VfSlg. 20.446/2021). | Parliamentary administration is covered, however core functions of legislature (like records of parliamentary committees) are (likely) not. |
Belgium | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Loi n° 94-1724, Article 1.b: "autorité administrative : une autorité administrative visée à l'article 14 de lois coordonnées sur le Conseil d'État;" | The law only applies to administrative bodies, which would include the administrative functions of the legislature. |
Denmark | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Chapter 1, Section 1. "This Act shall apply to all activity exercised by public administrative authorities, [...]." Art. 5.2 "The right of access to administrative documents shall not apply to registers or other systematic records processed electronically,[...]". | All Public bodies are included in the Chapter 1, Section 1, which provides: "This Act shall apply to all activity exercised by the public administration". The law only mentions administrative documents. |
Dominican Republic | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | ARTICLE 1. Toda persona tiene derecho a solicitar y a recibir información completa, veraz, adecuada y oportuna, de cualquier órgano del Estado Dominicano, y de todas las sociedades anónimas, compañías anónimas o compañías por acciones con participación estatal, incluyendo: g) El Poder Legislativo, en cuanto a sus actividades administrativas; (...) | |
Germany | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Section 1(1) This Act shall apply to other Federal bodies and institutions insofar as they discharge administrative tasks under public law. For the purposes of these provisions, a natural or legal person shall be treated as equivalent to an authority where an authority avails itself of such a person in discharging its duties under public law. | Only administrative documents. |
Greece | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Article 5(1) Any interested party is entitled, by written application, to be informed of administrative documents [...] | The law only applies to administrative documents. |
Portugal | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Art 4.1: The present Law shall apply to the following bodies and entities: a) Bodies which belong to the State and the autonomous regions and form part of the Public Administration; b) Other bodies which belong to the State and the autonomous regions, to the extent to which they perform materially administrative functions; c) Bodies which belong to public institutes and public associations and foundations; d) Bodies which belong to state-owned companies: e) Bodies which belong to local authorities and to their associations and federations; f) Bodies which belong to regional, inter-municipal and municipal companies; g) Other bodies which engage in administrative functions or exercise public authority. Article 2.5: Access to documents kept by notaries public or in official registries, to civil and criminal identification documents, and to documents deposited in historical archives shall be governed by specific legislation. | |
Slovakia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Section 2: Obliged persons \"(1) The persons obliged to provide access to information under this Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Obliged personsâ€) shall be state agencies, municipalities, as well as legal entities and natural persons that have been given the power by law to make decisions on the rights and obligations of natural persons or legal entities in the area of public administration, and that only within the scope of their decision-making power. (2) Legal entities established by law and legal entities established by state agency or municipality under a special law shall also be the obliged persons. 2) (3) Legal entities established by obliged persons in accordance with paragraph 1 and 2 shall also be the obliged persons. (4) A special law may also instruct other legal entities or natural persons to provide access to information.\" | Only administrative bodies. |
Spain | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | Partially | 1 | Artículo 2. (Ámbito subjetivo de aplicación): f) La Casa de su Majestad el Rey, el Congreso de los Diputados, el Senado, el Tribunal Constitucional y el Consejo General del Poder Judicial, así como el Banco de España, el Consejo de Estado, el Defensor del Pueblo, el Tribunal de Cuentas, el Consejo Económico y Social y las instituciones autonómicas análogas, en relación con sus actividades sujetas a Derecho Administrativo. | El poder legislativo solo está sujeto a la ley y obligado a facilitar información siempre y cuando tenga carácter administrativo. |
Australia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | 4 Interpretation (1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears: ...prescribed authority means: (a) a body corporate, or an unincorporated body, established for a public purpose by, or in accordance with the provisions of, an enactment or an Order‑in‑Council, other than: (i) an incorporated company or association; or (ii) a body that, under subsection (2), is not to be taken to be a prescribed authority for the purposes of this Act; or (iii) the Australian Capital Territory House of Assembly; or (iv) the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory or the Executive Council of the Northern Territory; or (vi) a Royal Commission; or (vii) a Commission of inquiry; or (aa) NBN Co; or (b) any other body, whether incorporated or unincorporated, declared by the regulations to be a prescribed authority for the purposes of this Act, being: (i) a body established by the Governor‑General or by a Minister; or (ii) an incorporated company or association over which the Commonwealth is in a position to exercise control; or (c) subject to subsection (3), the person holding, or performing the duties of, an office established by an enactment or an Order‑in‑Council; or (d) the person holding, or performing the duties of, an appointment declared by the regulations to be an appointment the holder of which is a prescribed authority for the purposes of this Act, being an appointment made by the Governor‑General, or by a Minister, otherwise than under an enactment or an Order‑in‑Council . Parliamentary Service Act 1999: 68A. Departments and office holders not prescribed authorities for Freedom of Information Act purposes. None of the following is a prescribed authority for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982: (a) a Department of the Parliament that is established under this Act; (b) a person who holds, or performs the duties of, an office established under this Act. | S. 68A of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 exempts Parliamentary departments and legislative workers, including the Department of the Senate, the Department of the House of Representatives, and the Parliamentary Budget Office. Parliament and state legislatures, as well as individual MP's, also appear to be outside the FOI Act's definition of "prescribed authority" in s. 4(1). |
Bahamas | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | Section 2. Interpretation “Public authority” means – (a) a Ministry or Department of Government; (b) a statutory body or authority, whether incorporated or not; (c) a public corporation which – (i) is wholly owned by the Government or in which the Government holds more than fifty per cent of the shares; or (ii) is specified in an Order under section 3(2); (d) any other body or organisation specified in an Order under section 3(2); ... Section 3. Application, (1) Subject to subsection(2) this Act applies to – (a) Public authorities... | The legislature does not appear to be included. |
Belize | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Benin | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
Bolivia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | 2. The present Supreme Decree is applied in the scope of the Executive Power both centrally and decentralized, autonomous and decentralized; State companies and companies and companies with majority State participation. When the State does not have the majority participation, this Supreme Decree will be applied to the public or private servants that represent it, within the framework of its functions and competences. | Only applies to the Executive Branch. |
Canada | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Cape Verde | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | 3(2) For the purposes of this law, the following are not considered administrative documents: ... b) Documents the preparation of which does not fall within the scope of administrative activities, those relating to judicial function or activities, as well as those relating to the meeting of the Council of Ministers and its preparation; | |
Chile | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | ARTICLE 2. Las disposiciones de esta ley serán aplicables a los ministerios, las intendencias, las gobernaciones, los gobiernos regionales, las municipalidades, las Fuerzas Armadas, de Orden y Seguridad Pública, y los órganos y servicios públicos creados para el cumplimiento de la función administrativa. La Contraloría General de la República y el Banco Central se ajustarán a las disposiciones de esta ley que expresamente ésta señale, y a las de sus respectivas leyes orgánicas que versen sobre los asuntos a que se refiere el artículo 1º precedente. También se aplicarán las disposiciones que esta ley expresamente señale a las empresas públicas creadas por ley y a las empresas del Estado y sociedades en que éste tenga participación accionaria superior al 50% o mayoría en el directorio. Los demás órganos del Estado se ajustarán a las disposiciones de sus respectivas leyes orgánicas que versen sobre los asuntos a que se refiere el artículo 1º precedente. ARTICLE 6. Los actos y documentos que han sido objeto de publicación en el Diario Oficial y aquellos que digan relación con las funciones, competencias y responsabilidades de los órganos de la Administración del Estado, deberán encontrarse a disposición permanente del público y en los sitios electrónicos del servicio respectivo, el que deberá llevar un registro actualizado en las oficinas de información y atención del público usuario de la Administración del Estado. | No mention of the legislature in Art 2. "Article the Sixth" mentions the house in terms of proactive publication requirements, but not in terms of the information requesting mechanism. |
China | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
East Timor | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 1(2) This diploma shall apply to: A) To the organs and services of the Direct Administration of the State B) To the organs and services of the Indirect Administration of the State; C) To the Municipalities; D) Public companies; E) To other entities in the exercise administrative functions or public powers. | Does not refer to courts, although these might be covered under "exercise … public powers". |
Estonia | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned |
France | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 3. Excludes legislative. | |
Ghana | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | 84 "Government" means any authority by which the executive authority of the Republic of Ghana is duly exercised, | "government" defined only as the executive |
Guinea | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | 5. Ne sont pas considérés comme documents administratifs communicables au sens de la présente loi, les actes et documents élaborés ou détenus par les assemblées parlementairés, les documents de la Cour des comptes et de la Cour Constitutionnelle, les documents d'instruction des réclamations addressées au Médiateur de la République, les documents relatifs aux affaires judiciares en cours d'instruction, les documents classifiés par l'Etat conformément à la règlementation en vigueur sur las archives. | Point lost since it is not entirely clear that all bodies that are owned or controlled by public authorities are covered. |
Iceland | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | Article 1. This Act applies to State and municipal administration. Furthermore, the Act applies to the activities of private parties insofar as they have been assigned official power to take decisions regarding individual rights or obligations. | |
Italy | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Ivory Coast | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | Not mentioned. |
Japan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | No mention of the legislature. |
Monaco | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | A2: Toute décision administrative prise par le Ministre d’État ou par toute autre autorité relevant des services exécutifs au sens de l’article 44 de la Constitution peut faire l’objet d’un recours administratif préalable. A22: Toute personne physique ou morale peut adresser à une autorité administrative mentionnée à l’article 2 une demande en vue de consulter un document administratif détenu par cette autorité et n’ayant pas donné lieu à une publication au Journal de Monaco , ni fait l’objet d’une diffusion publique par tout moyen, y compris électronique. Constitution: A44. - Le Ministre d'Etat représente le Prince. Il exerce la direction des services exécutifs. Il dispose de la force publique. Il préside, avec voix prépondérante, le Conseil de Gouvernement. | Only appears to cover the executive. |
Mozambique | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | ARTIGO 3 (Scope) The present law applies to the organs and institutions of the Country, of the direct and indirect administration, to the representations abroad, to local autarchies, as well as to the private entity which, under the law or under agreement, achieve activities of public interest, or which benefit of public resources of any origin in their activities and are in possession of public interest information. | Refers to administration, suggesting legislature not included |
Netherlands | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | Section 1.a: \"1. This Act applies to the following administrative authorities: a. Our Ministers; b. the administrative authorities of provinces, municipalities, water boards and regulatory industrial organisations; c. administrative authorities whose activities are subject to the responsibility of the authorities referred to in subsection 1 (a and b); d. such other administrative authorities as are not excluded by order in council.\" | Legislative bodies are not included under the scope. |
New Zealand | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | The act does not appear to apply to the legislature. | |
Niger | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | ||
Norway | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | Section 2, Paragraph 4 "This Act does not apply to the Storting, the Office of the Auditor General, the Storting's Ombudsman for Public Administration or other institutions of the Storting." | This Act does not apply to the Storting (Parliament), the Office of the Auditor General, the Storting's Ombudsman for Public Administration or other institutions of the Storting. |
Philippines | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | N/A | |
Tajikistan | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | YES | 0 | N/A | |
United States | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | FOIA does not apply to Congress, or the Senate according to the Administrative Procedure Act. | |
Zimbabwe | The right of access applies to the legislature, including both administrative and other information, with no bodies excluded. | Score 1 point if the law only applies to administrative documents, 2-3 points if some bodies excluded, 4 points if all legislative branch at all levels of government | 4 | NO | 0 | 2 “public entity” has the meaning given to it in the Public Finance Management Act [Chapter 22:19]; 40(2) Regulations may provide for— ... (f) persons, organisations or institutions exempted from the provisions of this Act; s. 2 of the Public Finance Management Act: “public entity” means— (a) any corporate body established by or in terms of any Act for special purposes; (b) any company in which the State has a controlling interest, whether by virtue of holding or controlling shares therein or by virtue of a right of appointment of members to the controlling body thereof or otherwise, and includes any company which is a subsidiary, as determined in accordance with section 143 of the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03], of such a body; (c) a local authority; (d) any partnership or joint venture between the State and any person and which is prescribed by the Minister for the purposes of the application of this Act to be a partnership or joint venture; and unless otherwise specified, refers to a public entity prescribed for the purposes of Part V; | Since the definition does not include constitutional bodies it is not clear that the legislature is covered. |
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