
Name of law: Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Informacion Publica
First adopted: 2006
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Honduras’ right to information law is average in terms of the global RTI ranking. A strength of the law is its wide scope, as the right applies to all three branches of government, as well as all other institutions of the state, without exception. However, the law does have significant shortcomings. Honduras' legal framework is problematic since it contains many overly broad exceptions that are not subject to a public interest override. It is also missing a trump provision and allows information to be exempted by other legislation. One notable weakness is poor recognition of the right to information, an omission which helps to explain why the law has also been poorly implemented. The weak sanctions regime, which fails to prescribe strong penalties for violating the right to information is also a statutory flaw.

The law is also available in its Spanish original here.

Local Expert: Thelma Mejia