
Name of law: Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Access to Information
First adopted: 2015
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: 2017-07


Kazakhstan has one of the more variable laws worldwide, with both major strengths and glaring weaknesses. It receives a perfect score in terms of scope and its requesting procedure is reasonably comprehensive and clear. However, it scores only one point in the category of exceptions due to near complete non-compliance with international standards. Disclosure is not required for information that is classified under very flexible categories, such as "for official use only", other secrecy laws are preserved, and there is no public interest override. There is also no administrative oversight body for appeals, any system of sanction or protections, or almost any statutory promotional measures.

The law is also available in its Kazakh original here.

Local Experts: Olga Didenko, Tatyana Zinovich