Historical Data

This page contains the historical data on country RTI Rating scores. The data is provided as ‘frozen’ from the original launch of the RTI Rating on 28 September 2011 (International Right to Know Day), and annually on the anniversary of that day since then.


We note that researchers need to be aware when they analyse historical changes in the data that scores may change for a number of reasons, including the following: 

  • The score has been adjusted based on either initial errors or clarification or standardisation of scoring techniques.
  • The score has changed based on changes in the underlying legal framework for RTI, including amendments to RTI laws, court decisions clarifying interpretation of the law, constitutional amendments or the adoption of implementing regulations.
  • The score changed after new feedback from local reviewers was incorporated (in some cases it was not possible to obtain a local review in the early stages of the Rating and this remains the case for some countries; also, the RTI Rating is always open to incorporating feedback from local reviewers).

We apologize that data was not preserved from 2015.

Historical data on country RTI Rating Scores

Year 2011

Year 2011


Year 2012

Year 2012


Year 2013

Year 2013


Year 2014

Year 2014


Year 2016

Year 2016


Year 2017

Year 2017


Year 2018

Year 2018


Year 2019

Year 2019


Year 2020

Year 2020


Year 2021

Year 2021


Year 2022

Year 2022


Year 2023

Year 2023
