News & Reports

UNESCO: Overview Report on SDG 16.10.2 Data Exercise

UNESCO: Overview Report on SDG 16.10.2 Data Exercise

UNESCO has launched an overview report on its 2019 SDG Indicator 16.10.2 data collection exercise, Highlights from the 2019 UNESCO Monitoring and Reporting of SDG Indicator 16.10.2 – Access to Information: Powering Sustainable Development with Access to Information....

The Gambia: Progress on Access to Information

The Gambia: Progress on Access to Information

The Gambia is one of a declining number of African countries that still does not have a law giving individuals a right to access information held by public authorities, or a right to information (RTI) law. However, there is some movement on this issue with the...

Launch of Reports on SDG 16.10.2

Launch of Reports on SDG 16.10.2

Civil society organisations in ten countries have produced parallel reports on the implementation of laws giving individuals a right to access to information held by public authorities (right to information or RTI laws) using the methodology for this prepared by the...