News & Reports
Afghanistan Jumps to Top Position on RTI Rating
Afghanistan has replaced Mexico at the very top of the RTI Rating, with an impressive score of 139 points out of a possible 150, or 93%. Mexico is now in second place, with 136 points, followed by Serbia with 135 and Sri Lanka with 131. Countries from the Global South...
Ghana: Analysis of Right to Information Bill
The Centre for Law and Democracy has released an Analysis of Ghana’s 2018 Right to Information Bill, which is now before parliament. The Analysis welcomes the fact that Ghana is finally moving forward to adopt this key piece of democratic legislation. At the same...
Myanmar: Analysis of Draft Right to Information Law
A new Analysis by the Centre for Law and Democracy of Myanmar's latest proposed Right to Information Law reveals a relatively robust draft but with some shortcomings. The draft law was released in late December 2017 but has not yet been placed before Parliament. When...
Significant Differences in Caribbean RTI Rating Scores
There are significant discrepancies in protection for the right to information (RTI) in two countries in the Caribbean region. The RTI Rating found that the Cayman Islands’ Freedom of Information Law scored comparatively well, with 112 points out of a possible score...
Newfoundland and Labrador Enacts Canada’s Best Access Law
Across the country, Canada’s access to information systems have been stagnating for years with laws that are decades old and hopelessly out of touch with international standards. On June 1, Newfoundland and Labrador broke away from the pack, enacting Canada’s first...
Tanzania: Analysis of Right to Information Bill
Tanzania: Analysis of Right to Information Bill The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) has prepared an analysis of Tanzania’s draft Access to Information Act, which was released by the government recently. The draft Act follows up on the Tanzanian government’s...
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